//------------------------------// // Missing artifacts // Story: Lyra's Discovery // by Thunder Brony //------------------------------// Several days later news of the discovery was published in the Ponyville and Canterlot papers the headlines read Local Archeologist Makes Amazing Discovery! With a picture of Lyra and an article about what she found it mentioned the non-magical clay pot. Below the headline it said Coming Soon to Canterlot Museum. Lyra read the article and smiled and said “hooray I’m famous” she showed the article to Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon smiled “congratulations.” Later that day Lyra was sitting on the couch Bon-Bon was laying on her back her head on Lyra’s lap. Looking upwards her front legs at her side as Lyra gently rubbed her hoof over her mare friend’s chest and stomach. Bon-Bon moaned gently closed her eyes and a smiled softly Lyra smiled gently when a knock came on the door. Bon-Bon groaned in annoyance and said with a hint of sarcasm and a light chuckle “maybe if we ignore them they will go away.” Lyra said “it could be important.” Bon-Bon sighed as she rolled off Lyra’s lap “it better be I was very comfortable.” Lyra smiled “don’t worry I’ll make it up to you later.” Bon-Bon said with a smirk “I’m going to hold you to that.” Lyra smiled as she went to the door and opened it there stood Derpy the mailmare with a smile “hi Lyra I have priority letter for you” pulling out a clip board. Lyra took the clipboard in her magic signed the document. Then traded it for the letter as Derpy flew away to finish her deliveries. Bon-Bon came to the door and saw Lyra with a letter and asked “another letter from Canterlot University?” Lyra looked at it and said “it’s from Anton” as she opened it read Dear Lyra, Dating results from the artifacts have come back from Hoovesintown University the skull and clay pot has been the skull has been scanned by teams in the paleontology department. They have been verified as authentic and we are awaiting dating results. However, on their way back to Canterlot something strange happened I want to discuss the details with you. I am sending this letter in advance so by the time you read it I will be in Ponyville. Meet me in the park at 2:30pm on Friday and I will tell you everything Sincerely, Anton. Bon-Bon saw the confused look on Lyra’s face and and asked “what’s going on?” Lyra said “I’m not sure Anton wants to meet me in Ponyville park tomorrow afternoon I want you to come along as a witness.” The next day they went to the park and saw Anton sitting on one of the benches with a strange expression on his face. Both Lyra and Bon-Bon came up sat down in front of Anton Lyra asked “Anton is everything alright?” Anton looked up with a depressed look and sighed “something strange has happened last week the artifacts disappeared.” His eyes took on a worried expression “the train containing the artifacts that was bound for Canterlot was robbed” he shook his head slowly “the strange thing was only the artifacts were stolen. Those artifacts were to be placed on display in the Canterlot museum the day after arriving” he sighed “the crime is being investigated as we speak.” Bon-Bon asked “what would anypony want with ancient artifacts that have no monetary value to anypony other than a museum curator?” Anton said “I don’t know I’m sure one of them was a unicorn because witnesses described a shimmering figure pass by them that sounds like a cloaking spell.” Lyra said “all is not lost I made a cast of the skull before bringing it to Canterlot I wasn’t sure why but I had a feeling doing so was important.” Anton’s eyes lit up “yes there maybe hope after all but that still does not account for why the artifacts were stolen.” Lyra said “I will speak to Twilight Sparkle she’s close to Princess Celestia maybe she can assign a team to help investigate.” Anton smiled “I hope so.” Later that day Lyra and Bon-Bon went to visit the Ponyville library after knocking on the door Spike answered. Lyra said "hi Spike is Twilight home?” Spike smiled nodded and invited them in. Twilight was coming down the stairs saw them and said “hi ladies what can I do for you?” Lyra said “we have a favor to ask.” Twilight gave an invitation to sit down both Lyra and Bon-Bon smiled and sat down and told her what Anton told them. Twilight asked “that’s interesting but what does this have to do with me?” Lyra said “you are the only pony in Ponyville who’s close to the princess we were wondering if you could you request an audience with her on our behalf regarding this issue. Twilight said “I see, I will send a letter but I can’t promise any results” turning to Spike she said “Spike prepare a letter” Spike retrieved a parchment and quill “ready.” Twilight dictated “Dear princess Celestia, a resident of Ponyville Lyra Heartstrings would like to request an audience with you. A situation has arisen regarding the history of Equestria sincerely, Twilight Sparkle.” Spike rolled the parchment up and blew flames onto it they watched as the smoke traveled to its destination a short time later Spike coughed out a scroll. He unfurled it and said “Dear Twilight, I will grant an audience with Lyra. Have her meet me in Canterlot Castle at her earliest convenience Sincerely, Princess Celestia.” Twilight asked “are you going to tell the princess about the hu-mans?” Lyra said “I don’t know I was going to see if she would aid us in the search for who stole the artifacts, why do you think she won’t believe humans existed? Twilight said “I don’t know I didn’t believe it until you showed me that skull but as long as she’s been around I’m sure she may have seen one.” Lyra thanked Twilight as they left the library and went to their house and Lyra placed a casted skull into her saddlebags, then traveled to the Ponyville train station and bought a ticket for Canterlot. As they rode on the train Bon-Bon laid her head on Lyra’s lap turning her body over so she was on her back looking up at her mare friend she said “I’m so nervous I’ve never talked to the princess directly this is so exciting.” Lyra gently stroked Bon-Bon’s torso gently sliding her hoof up and down Bon-Bon closed her eyes smiled contently. Lyra moved down and gently kissed Bon-Bon on the top of the head “neither have I but I hear she’s very nice.” Bon-Bon smiled and said softly with a slight chuckle “how about we forgo the trip to Canterlot and just stay here on this train. Then we could do this for the rest of the day.” Bon-Bon sat up and smiled and kissed Lyra on the lips. She kissed back after the kiss ended Lyra smiled and stroked Bon-Bon’s mane looking into her eyes she said softly “that is very tempting.” When they arrived in Canterlot Castle they made their way to the throne room there were 2 thrones one white the other deep blue. On the back of the white was a picture of the sun and on the blue was the moon they resembled both Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks. Celestia was was in thre room talking to a few ponies. When she finished talking to them and they left she turned to them and smiled “greetings Lyra and Bon-Bon it’s good to see you.”. Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed and Lyra said “thank you for seeing us your majesty,” Celestia smiled and said “of course my little ponies what can I do for you?” Lyra said “this is going to take some time is there a place we can sit?” Celestia nodded and lead them to a room with several cushions the 3 sat down and Lyra told Celestia about the situation and what happened. Lyra said “we found this on an expedition this is a casting of what we found” she opened the flap on her saddlebags and levitated the skull. Celestia looked at the casting her eyes grew wide and she said “so the legends are true after all.” Bon-Bon asked “you know of them.” Celestia nodded “not directly I like you have heard the legends.” Lyra asked in a confused voice “wait you weren’t there?” Celestia shook her head and said “no I am only 4,500 years old and Luna is 3,200 when I was young I heard the legends and I was always open to the possibility. But Luna never believed in them” she smiled softly “the last human died over 5,000 years ago. Both Lyra and Bon-Bon had confused expressions Lyra said in unison “you’re mortal?” Celestia smiled “yes, contrary to popular belief alicorns are not immortal we just have very long life spans” she smiled softly “well by pony standards anyway. That is why we pass ourselves on to other ponies that are chosen to succeed us she sighed “there was a time when this was not so” Lyra asked “what do you mean?” Celestia lowered her head slightly “there was a time when alicorns were more abundant and we reproduced the same way as ponies do. But let’s just say humans were not the only casualties of the great cataclysm.” Bon-Bon asked “what happened?” Celestia said “the story passed down from my father was alicorns once inhabited a place called Ianantica which was located in what is now Equestria. They did not rule over the land they served more as mediators for disputes. Ponies would either come to Ianantica or an alicorn diplomat would be sent to a region to meet with the disputing parties. Then the cataclysm occurred and Ianantica was destroyed the skies went dark all the time. Sadly without the alicorn mediators rifts began to form among the pony races.” Lyra felt a sense of familiarity thought that sounds just like what the last human said. Turning her attention back to Celestia as she continued “Luna and I are the last natural alicorns we were born after the great cataclysm. I heard when the skies were dark it lasted for 28 moons world temperatures dropped by 5.5ᴼ C. Ponies survived by eating hay, and various grasses but the humans could not eat those foods nor could they grow any crops.” She sighed “pestilence killed many, others starved to death. I heard rouge groups hunting ponies and” she cringed “eating ponies.” Both Lyra and Bon-Bon cringed in revulsion. Celestia sighed “sadly my parents were too old to procreate and we never saw any other alicorns our DNA is slightly different from other ponies. So we are unable to pass our genes down by conventional means so they created and taught me a spell. One that could allow” as she pointed to herself “us to pass our DNA to a chosen pony, one who is worthy to be our successor.” Lyra asked “how long do you live?” Celestia said “on average about 6,200 years I heard stories about the humans from my parents they lived among them and some of them were their best friends.” She smiled softly “they always had such fond memories of them. What I can’t understand is why anypony is trying to keep this information from being known.” Her horn glowed as she levitated a map over to where they were sitting “this map has been passed down to me from my grandstalion.” As she unfurled it Lyra and Bon-Bon looked in amazement it looked similar to a modern map only slightly different. There were settlements all over and roads leading a location south of the Badlands. It was a grassland with a few trees and to the south and east of the road was a stepped pyramid. Lyra asked “do you have a modern map?” Celestia nodded and levitated a map over and unfurled it they looked at it and compared it to the old map. Bon-Bon said “that pyramid looks like it’s in what is now the forbidden jungle.” Celestia said “yes I traveled to the pyramid in that region once 3,000 years ago it was a grassland at that time and what was inside the pyramid was interesting.” Bon-Bon asked “what did you find?” Celestia said “an abundance of corridors and in the center were 2 giant crystals and writing in glyphs it was a language I could not read.” Lyra said “probably Equarian” Celestia said with a slightly embraced look “I never learned and since nopony has spoken it in over 5,000 years learning it seemed unnecessary.” Bon-Bon asked “I wonder why they call it the forbidden jungle.” Celestia said “much like the Everfree forest it is inhabited by monsters only the forbidden jungle monsters can put the ones in Everfree to shame.” They looked at the old map again and compared it to the modern map and saw something interesting the location where the Horseshoe Sea was a city it was round. A river flowed around the city forming a C shape Lyra asked “is that Ianantica?” Celestia nodded. Lyra said “come with us your knowledge of the jungle and pyramid will be invaluable.” Celestia smiled softly “I can’t I have duties here but perhaps Twilight could join you on your expedition I will ask her and provide transportation.” Lyra said “we also were hoping you could assist in the investigation of who is responsible for the disappearing artifacts.” Celestia thought for a moment then said with a smile “I believe I can spare a few investigators.” Lyra and Bon-Bon bowed their heads Lyra said “thank you princess we hope to find a resolution.” Celestia nodded “as do I it is not right to suppress history, ponies will adapt to the revelation of there being species that are only legendary.” After leaving the palace they went to Canterlot University where they met Anton’s assistant who said “Anton is out on a business ventures.” Lyra asked “do you know when he will be back?” The assistant replied “he didn’t say try coming back tomorrow.” Lyra snorted slightly but said nothing she just turned and left and boarded the next train to Ponyville. On the train to Ponyville Lyra lay on her back next to Bon-Bon as she gently stroked Lyra’s head who looked up with sad eyes “all that time and work lost.” Bon-Bon said “no not completely lost we did get Celestia to help us out.” Lyra rolled over on her stomach “yes but at the risk of sounding self-centered my reputation is ruined nopony in the field of archeology is going to take me seriously.” Laying her head down she said softy “I’m ruined.” Bon-Bon gently stroked Lyra’s back and gently kissed her on the head “we will find out who did this and why.” Lyra looked up and saw Bon-Bon looking at her with a warm soft smile Lyra smiled softly she rolled over on her stomach as Bon-Bon rubbed her hoof over Lyra’s chest and stomach gently. Lyra closed her eyes and moaned softly. After returning to Ponyville they went home on the door was a letter Lyra took it in her magic and opened the letter it read Dear Lyra, meet me in Ponyville park today same place as last time I will be there until sunset Sincerely, Anton. Turning to Bon-Bon she said “Anton wants to meet me in the park wanna come? I could use a witness to what he says.” Bon-Bon nodded “sounds like fun.” They traveled to Ponyville Park and on a bench sat Anton he saw them and smiled. They walked over to where he was and sat down Lyra said “we were looking for you at the university but obviously you were not there.” Anton chuckled and shook his head “a few days ago I went to Hoovesintown University in Philly Delthia and talked to Professor Carment Andacard regarding the shoulder blade you found. I got back here yesterday I went to your house but you were not home.” Lyra said “we were in Canterlot looking for you. Anton said “I will be returning there tomorrow Lyra asked “what did Professor Carment say?” Anton said “he said he has never seen anything like it, it’s not a pony shoulder nor is it from any known species.” Lyra said “that’s great this adds weight to the theory and Celestia has agreed to help find who stole the artifacts.” Anton smiled “that’s good news I just hope we can find out who stole the artifacts and retrieve them.” Lyra said “maybe we can put the casting of the skull I made on display and rub the offender’s muzzles in it. Or even put pictures of it in the papers and offer a reward that should help us find them.” Anton said “that’s a good idea do you have the casting?” Lyra said “it’s at our house.” The trio walked to Lyra’s house Anton and Bon-Bon waited outside as Lyra went in and moments later returned with the casting in a golden aura. She gave the skull cast to Anton he gently placed it in his saddlebags and said “I will take this to the Canterlot museum and put it on display to spite the thieves. Then run the story in the Foal free press, Ponyville tribune, Canterlot morning star and evening news.” As Anton left Bon-Bon asked Lyra “do you still have the mold?” Lyra nodded “yes I can make more if need be also we should speak with Twilight.” They went to Twilight’s house and asked if she could send a letter to Celestia apprising her of the plan to put a replica on display. Then use the press to flush out the ones responsible for stealing the artifacts. Twilight agreed and sent a letter to Celestia apprising her of their plans she said the princess told me about your visit and the dirigible and I would be happy to help. Lyra asked “who else can we bring along?” Bon-Bon said in a joking tone “don’t forget about me.” Lyra nuzzled her cheek and said “I want you by my side always.” Bon-Bon smiled and nuzzled back. Twilight smiled and said “we should keep it to a minimum until we can determine what or if there is any danger.” Lyra nodded “good point.” Just then Spike coughed up a rolled up scroll with the royal seal on it. Twilight said “a letter from the princess?” She took the scrolls in her magic and opened the scroll read part of it then said in a slightly embraced tone “oh it’s to you Lyra.” Lyra smiled and took the first scroll in her magic and read it said "Dear Lyra Heartstrings, I have information on the theft of the artifacts. I recently received a letter from a group calling itself the society for the preservation of historical accuracy. They claim such information about the past will cause civilization to collapse, mass panic and total anarchy." Lyra looked up from the scroll “that’s it mass panic is the reason for hijacking a train and stealing priceless artifacts?” Twilight said “it seems fear of change is the motivation it’s an unfounded fear but ponies will adapt to such revelations. Lyra nodded “Celestia shares that same philosophy.” Just then a knock cane at the door Spike went to answer as he opened it and saw the mailmare standing there “hi Derpy.” Derpy smiled “hi Spike hers your mail” handing him several letters then noticing Lyra and Bon-Bon she said “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon” the 2 mares waved and said in unison “hi Derpy.” The mailmare smiled and said “Lyra I have a letter here for you too.” Lyra smiled as Derpy reached into her mailbag and took out a letter Lyra took it in her magic as Derpy smiled and continued her deliveries. Lyra opened the letter it was from Professor Carment Andacard at Hoovesintown University in Philly Delthia it read Dear Lyra Heartstrings, I am sending this letter at the request of my colleague Professor Anton Sheldon. The skull and clay pot we received has stirred up quite a debate amongst the scientific community. They have been dated to between 5,025-5,547 BCL. Also the shoulder blade is not from any known species currently living in Equestria. I sent the artifacts to Canterlot museum if you find any other artifacts let either Professor Anton or me know. Sincerely, Professor Carment Andacard. PS. We performed a DNA test on the skull and have determined it does not match any known species. Lyra lowered the letter and sat on her haunches looking up to the confused expressions of the others they all looked at each other and none of them said anything for several seconds. Bon-Bon said “come dearie don’t keep us in the dark.” The voice snapper Lyra out of her daze she looked around and told them what the letter said the other 2 just sat there with astonished expressions.