Black Winter


Chapter 8

Black Winter Chapter 8

Ember dreamed about his life and how he had enjoyed his life with his wife and daughter. They were playing together at a park in Manehattan. Lilla Rose was playing tag with himself and Lila Licht. There lives were ended to sooner than they should have. As the dream went on the trio laughed and enjoyed life. Then the dream blurred into a white room with many book shelves all around the edge of the room. As Ember looked around the room, he noticed that there were very old tomes and books mixed in with many new books and scrolls.

“Where-” Ember started to say, before he was flung into the wall in front of him.
‘I Have a feeling that this is going to start happen a lot…’ Ember thought sadly before he was pulled from the wall by a marone glow and slammed into the opposite wall before he saw his attacker.

“Oh It’s You…” Ember said lamely.

“HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU THREATEN MY CHILDREN LIKE THAT” Screamed Faust. Ember rolled his eyes and broke her magical grip on him.

“Please, your highness if anything I broke a promise to you. Don't you remember? Last time I was here I promised that I would kill them if they brought them up again, but I didn't.” Ember said in exasperation. Faust glared at the stallion, seething in anger.

“If you do kill them then you will die.” Faust growled at him.

“No I wouldn’t, If you did then the world would fall to the demons, But since most fear me, most do not dare try to escape from tartarus.” Ember said with a sly grin as he looked in Queen Faust’s eyes. He could see the hate and anger in them.

“But then again I wouldn’t know what you would do, I can only know what I would do.” Ember said as he backed down. Ember then looked to his left and sighed before looking back at Faust.

“Look, I’m sorry that I threatened to kill them and I am sorry that I threatened them, but I couldn’t hold in the anger any more and it was my fault, so I am sorry.” Ember said humbly. Faust looked at him taken aback the change that the conversation had changed was startling to her.

‘How could he be so easy to give his anger up when he was in a full blown rage just seconds ago?! He used to be able to do this for hours...’ Faust thought as she stumbled back in shock. Faust stared at Ember Spirit Shield in puzzlement before she spoke.
“Ember Spirit Shield what is wrong? Have you finally conceded to be beaten?” Faust asked in a concerned tone. Ember looked away hiding his face from her view.

“Faust… I don’t know what to do,” Ember said as he slumped to the floor. “I don’t know how to act around her anymore she is just like Lilla Rose, She is different at the same time as well. I want to love her but what if She dies what if She’s attacked again by them. What if I lose her to?!” Ember said as he broke down into tears. Faust moved over to him and pulled his shaking form under her wing in a comforting manner.

“Ember I know what you have been through I know that you have fought for many years by your self with no one to be there beside you. I know. I guess that all you can do is try and make sure that none of that happens again.” Faust said as she rubbed his back.

“I know but I’m scared. You know what happened. What about when she finds out about the element of sacrifices’ power-”Ember started again before he was cut off again by Faust.

“Shh Shh Shh, It’ll be fine Trust me. It’ll all work out in the end.” Faust said in a soft motherly voice. Slowly stroking his back. After a few minutes when Ember calmed down, she spoke to him again.

“So how many swords do you have now? I wasn’t able to count them all last time I saw them…” Faust said as she poked Ember on the nose. Ember snorted and broke the contact.

“ Close to Seventy three thousand.” Ember replied, Faust looked at him in shock.

“Seventy Three Thousand?! Why still so many?” Faust asked, stunned.

“I used to have more but You know that the dragons made them before I was stuck in that time lock spell. I haven't gotten to use them as much sense then, you know not being able to find their dam base.” Ember quipped back.

“But then how are you so strong you have way more that just the twenty seven percent of you total power???” Faust gasped as she figured it out. “You were charging your magic for that thousand years weren't you?”

“Yes I was going to go to the dragons before I got trapped.” Ember grumbled. But I just want to sleep If that is okay, I haven’t gotten to get a full night sleep for about a week, I have been having nightmares ever since I re-entered Equestria. So Can you please send me back to sleep…” Ember pleaded. Faust giggled and nodded before lighting her horn.
“Yes but I will talk to you again soon.” Faust said as she cast her spell sending him back to the world of dreams.


As Ember returned to his dream he looked around the earlier dream had been dispersed and so he settled down to have a dreamless sleep. That was before he was tackled from behind by something that was giggling. This startled him and caused him to wake up.

Ember’s Eyes flew open. He stared at the roof above him and pondered who could have breached his dreams other than Faust.

‘If some creature managed to get into my dreams so easily, then I need to guard my mind better or they could be consumed by the darkness and memories, effectively killing their brain, and then the body itself!’ Ember thought worriedly as he rose from the bed and headed for the window. When he moved the curtains aside with his magic, he was temporarily blinded by the rush of sunlight that entered the room. Ember squinted and looking away from the window, until the he could see without dots of light flickering across his vision, then he looked back out into the morning of a new day. After a few minutes Ember used his magic to open his phantom window and walked inside, after a few minutes of rummaging inside, where many crashes and clatter were heard, the phantom window grew and Ember walked back out lifting a grand piano and piano bench with his magic and put them in the corner by the window, facing the door had opened while he was inside.

Skywishes walked down the stairs and then started down the hall in the direction of the guest bedroom, the carpet muffling her hoofsteps. As she neared the door she heard muffled crashes from inside. Worry blossoming in her heart her she opened the door to see if Ember was alright. Skywishes looked into the room and found nothing...except an purple portal that was widening. She started to back up, worried that something bad might happen. Then Ember walked out of the portal, horn glowing, as he lugged a Grand Piano out of the portal. Skywishes jaw dropped ‘How is that even possible?!’ Skywishes thought as she stared at the piano now present in the room. She was brought back to reality as Ember set down the instrument.

As Ember set down the giant instrument and dispelled the phantom window. He looked at the piano, he hadn't seen it in the light for some years, but was still as elegant as the day he bought it. He smiled and sat down on the Peltogyne wood piano bench before he spread his wings and hooves before beginning to play.

When he finished he relaxed and sighed in content.
Then he heard a slight gasp behind him.

Sky wishes was frozen. She couldn’t move, the elegance and the smoothness that the song had held… Skywishes shuddered and gasped slightly as she started to breath again, feeling very flustered. Skywishes stared at the stallion as he stiffened and turned towards her.

“I’mSorryForBotheringYou,I’llJustGo.” Skywishes blurted, blushing furiously, before she ran into the hall and away from the room.

Ember Stared at the pegasus shaped dust cloud, wondering why she had been so flustered. All he had done is play the piano. How had he upset her? Ember looked at the open door. After a minute and a half he shook his head dismissing the worry from his mind. Ember rose from the bench, and walked over to his bed. Ember grasped his cloak and sword in his magic before securing them to his body. He glanced at the mirr to make sure that his wings were concealed, before leaving the room.

Ember walked down the hallway, as he walked he looked at the walls, noticing some pictures and the elegantly painted cyan vines on the dark violet walls. Ember walked up to a picture hanging on the wall and studied it closely. There was a group of five in the picture, Skywishes was in the center, the left and above her was another older bat pony mare with a dark blue coat and purple mane and tail, below her was a young pegasus filly with a yellow coat and orange mane and tail. In the upper right there was a large older unicorn stallion. He had a green coat with a black man and tail with a neon orange stripe through it. Below him was a teenage unicorn stallion with a cheerful smile. He had a silver coat that was hard to look at for long, as well as a white mane and tail with a red strict running through his mane.

Ember Stared at the photo of the family, feeble ring how his own had been torn apart by by ultimately each other before Zerdach finished the job. Ember shook his head, dismissing the memories.

“I will protect them, I must.” Ember mumbled resolutely as he continued to walk down the hallway. Ember continued to walk down the hall until he reached the kitchen door. As Ember entered the kitchen noticed that Skywishes just sat down with a cup of coffee in her hooves. Ember looked closely, and noticed that her face was slightly ruffled and wet with water. Ember realized what she did, then an idea hit him. He smiled, before he executed his plan.
“Guten morgen, Himmelwünsche, Ich sehe, dass jemand war heute Morgen aufgeregt. Wie geht's heute?” (Good morning, Skywishes, I see that somebody was excited this morning. How are you today?) Ember said as he walked to the kitchen table. Skywishes jumped, and looked around wildly before noticing Ember and started stuttering.

“Wh-What, what did you say?!” Skywishes squeaked. Ember chuckled before repeating.

“Good morning, Skywishes, How are you today?”

“O-Oh, ahem, I am doing good how are you?”

“I am great thanks for asking. Also, do you have any plans for today?” Ember asked politely, as he sat down across from her.

“Nothing really, except going grocery shopping. That reminds me is there anything that you need while I am out?” Skywishes asked, before taking another drink of coffee. Ember thought hard before he responded.

“, nothing I can think of, However do you mind if I go with you to get a layout of the town?” Ember asked kindly. Skywishes blinked at him before she nodded.

“Sure, but why are you asking me?” Skywishes asked.

“I thought I should ask you sense, in a way, you are sort of a guardian for me, also it’s polite to ask you.” Ember explained, causing Skywishes to blush slightly at the comment of being a guardian. The blush quickly faded away as she looked at him with a hint of curiosity.

“My previous statement still stands.” Skywishes said with a twinkle in her eye. “Hmmmmm…” Skywishes thought silently as she watched Ember.

“Ok well thanks and ‘Hmmmmm’ what?” Ember asked confused. Skywishes just shook her head and smiled and drank the rest of her coffee.

Ember looked at her with a quirked eyebrow, before giving up. He waited for her to finish her coffee before she stood up and took care of her dishes. Ember stood up as well and walked with her to the front door, and opened it with his magic, allowing her to walk through first and shut the door behind him.

“Let me just lock the door and then we'll be off!” Skywishes exclaimed with enthusiasm, before locking the door. Ember looked around and noticed that Skywishes house was built on the outskirts of town near whitetail woods, and the Everfree forest. Ember smiled at the location around him enjoying the solitude but also the proximity to the town a little way to the west.

“Alright, ready to go?” Skywishes asked as she spread her wings next to him, as she prepared to take off. Ember nodded, and followed Skywishes as she took off. The pair speed towards the still sleepy ponyville. After barely a minute of flight they started their descent. Skywishes touched down gently in front of the store, the snow crunching lightly beneath her hooves. The Scratched Cello. Ember pulled his hood up over his head as the entered the music store where some quiet music was playing.

A white unicorn mare with an electric blue mane and tail, greeted us at the door.

“Hey how's it going Skywishes? And who’s this with you?” the white unicorn said as she looked at Ember.

“Hey Vinyl, I am doing good. How is it going with you and Octavia?” Skywishes asked with a sly grin.

“We been doing really good and things have been going really smooth with us.” Vinal said as she looked away from Ember to talk to Skywishes. Ember looked at Vinal, something was off about her and it wasn't anything to do with her character, but what was… She was wearing sunglasses inside!

“Hey is this a new song of yours Vinyl?” Skywishes asked in wonder. Snapping Ember out of his thoughts.

“Actually it’s me and Octavia’s song, in our first album called ‘The Tipping Point’ Isn't it amazing!” Vinal said enthusiastically as she started bobbing her head. Ember listened to the music, she was right it truly was amazing.

“Where is the album at?” Ember asked quietly, startling Vinyl. Vinyl turned her head around and stared at the cloaked stallion. He had been so quiet it was eerie and slightly scarey.

“Um by the front counter, would you like me to show you?” Vinal asked cautiously.

“Please, if that wouldn't be too much trouble.” Ember replied kindly. Vinyl lead Ember and Skywishes to where the new album was.

“So...what's your name?” Vinyl asked

“It's Ember, Ember Spirit Shield, but you can call me Ember if you want.” Ember replied as he turned back to Vinyl and removed his hood. Vinyl gasped slightly, before shaking herself and holding her hoof out to shake his own just as the the song ended.

“Hello Ember, the names Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch.” Vinyl said as they shook hooves.

“A pleasure to meet you Vinyl. I apologize if I scared you earlier, It was not my intention to do so.” Ember replied with apologetic grin.

“Nah it's okay dude. Hey Skywishes so what brought you by here anyway?” Vinyl asked as she looked back at Skywishes.

“ I just wanted to say hi and catch up and to let you know that I am gonna be staying a while hopefully.” Skywishes said.

“Cool,” said before looking back at Ember “I hope we can get together soon and hang.” Vinal said while wiggling her eyebrows. Causing Skywishes to blush.

“So do you have a system to play this on?” Vinyl asked. Ember stopped and thought for a second before responding.

“Well none I guess... which would you recommend?” Ember said casually, causing Vinyl's jaw to drop. She shook herself before asking short rapid questions.

“One; What type of music do you like?”

“Instrumental music, classical, inspirational, relaxing, happy, sad, some stuff to kick ass too and some electrical.”

“Two; Do you move around a lot?”


“Three; Do you care if other can hear your music as well?”

“I would like you share it with others, but I would also like to enjoy it by myself.”

“Four; do you care if you go def?”

“What kind of question is that, of course I do!”

“Okay I think that the device for you is a U-PON 13, A hoof held music player, with some noise canceling, volume restricting, headphones with a MO built in.” Vinyl concluded. Ember Looked at Vinyl curiously.

“MO, what’s an MO?” Ember asked.

“Manual Override, so if you want you can listen to your music at full volume.” Vinyl explained.

“Oh, ok that makes sense,” Ember said as Vinyl used her magic to gather the items that she mentioned. “Also do you have any music that would be perfect for a fight as well as any of the previous genres I mentioned before.” Ember asked. Vinyl looked at him, taken aback at what he said, before bringing a good number of albums over from the shelves and stands around the store.

“Yeah I do but why would you want music to fight to, and are there an any songs that you couldn't fight to for that matter?” Vinyl asked concerned evident in her voice.

“I dislike rap,” Fourteen albums floated back to their previous places. “And to answer your other question fights just seem to…hunt for me.” Ember said with a small smile that seemed sad.

“Well...okay then, If that's all you want do you want me to ring this up for you? Or is there something else I can help you with?” Vinyl asked politely. Ember looked at the collection of goods before turning to a standard record player as well.

“Just one of those.” Ember said pointing. Vinyl smiled and engulfed the player in her magic and brought it up to the counter along with the other items, as the trio walked over as well. Vinyl soon calculated the price of the headphones, record player, U-PON 13, and the seventy-six albums.

“Do you want the music to be loaded on your new U-PON or do you want to do that yourself?” Vinyl asked politely.

“Please, if you could.” Ember replied. Vinyl nodded.

“Ok and your total today is...One thousand, four hundred, thirty bits.” Vinal said a little shocked at the price. Skywishes jaw dropped.

‘One thousand, four hundred, thirty BITS! Jeez. Does he even have that much?!’ Skywishes thought in shock. Ember just nodded and lit his horn and grabbed a small bit bag from under his cloak.

“One thousand, four hundred, thirty bits, correct?” Ember said as he began extracting fourteen hundred bit pieces, and three ten bit pieces, before returning the bit bag to his cloak.

“There you go, One thousand, four hundred, thirty bits. Do you have an estimated time frame for when you will be done with loading the music?” Ember asked, snapping Vinyl out of her trance.

“Huh, oh uh, Well based on the amount of music, I would guess by... Four Thirty, maybe.” Vinyl concluded.

“Ok then I will see you then.” Ember replied happily. The trio said their good-byes before Skywishes and Ember left to continue their shopping.


Skywishes stirred at Ember as he prepared to take flight. Ember noticed her searching expression.

“What’s Up, Is something wrong Skywishes?” Ember asked worriedly. Skywishes snapped her head back looking around slightly, before shaking her head.

“No there is nothing wrong, I was Just… Forget it. Ready to go?” Skywishes asked with a small grin. Ember looked at her before shrugging it off.

“Sure, let’s go.” Ember agreed before the pair took to the cold skies once again.


The Next store that Skywishes stopped at was ‘Silver's metal smithing and forging’. Ember landed next to Skywishes and began to walk forward, but was stopped by Skywishes outstretched hoof. Ember Looked back at Skywishes to see a concerned look on her face.

“Hold on, Silver is a bit weird and doesn’t really like strangers in cloaks, It might be best if you stay out here.” Skywishes said in a worried tone. Ember looked at her before nodding.
“Do you want me to go pick something up for you while I wait?” Ember asked, not wanting to feel useless. Skywishes eyes lit up, screaming ‘yes’.

“Yes! That’s a great Idea, here Is the list of food we need, You can find it in the Market.” Skywishes said as she gave the list to Ember and pointing of in the direction of the market. Ember nodded once more before Skywishes turned away. As Skywishes trotted to the front of the store, Ember became suspicious.

‘She seemed a little to happy about me offering to go somewhere else...’ Ember thought. Quickly casting a spell Ember followed her inside while Ember walked over to a bench in front of the store and waited patiently for his double to return. The Ember inside a was in every aspect the same as the one outside, however he didn’t have the necklace that Ember cared so much about, being the only difference. The Ember that walked in the store coated itself in a light bending spell that concealed his form by pulling the light around himself, projecting the images of his surroundings around him. It wasn’t a perfect spell, Creatures could still see a shimmering outline like an image behind a glass of water, and anything he interacted with but it worked none the less. Ember silently walked around Skywishes and observed his surroundings.

“SKYWISHES!” a voice called, Ember wiped his head around and saw a Silver stallion float to the ground, carrying a large anvil in a golden nimbus of magic.
Embers eyes widened as he saw the wings and horn on the stallion.

‘He’s an alicorn!’ Ember mentally Screamed in surprise.

“Hey Silver, How is it going?” Skywishes said as she hugged the stallion, before the pair broke apart.

“It’s so good to see you Sis!” Silver said in excitement.

‘Sis?!... It’s her brother! How did I notice?! He looks exactly like the stallion in the picture!’ Ember concluded as he recalled the picture in Skywishes house slightly surprised at his own stupidity.

“To answer your question I am doing well and before you ask, nopony knows about me being an alicorn.” Silver said in an exasperated, yet playful tone. “But forget about that, What can I do for you?” Silver asked with a happy smile.

“Well I need more of those throwing knives you make, I lost some of mine.” Skywishes said sheepishly. Silver burst out laughing.

“That’s my sister, always losing her stuff.” Silver chortled. Skywishes opened her mouth, before closing it. “Sure I can do that for you, sis, follow me.” Silver said as he trotted into the back of the shop. Skywishes looked around quickly before following, the Ember inside decided to leave.

‘I’ve invaded their privacy too much already.’ Ember thought guiltily, as he dissolved into smoke before seeping through the door and back to his body. Ember ender his magic as he felt his body become whole once again. Sighing, he rose to his hooves and looked in the direction that Skywishes had indicated.
“Well Guess I better go get this done.” Ember said as he started trotting down the snow covered road.

After a short ten minutes, Ember arrived in the market. He looked at the list.

“Alright, So I need: A stalk of celery, thirty apples, A bundle of thyme, and Bread from Sugarcube Corner.” Ember recited. Then looked around and spotted a large red earth pony stallion with a red stocking hat on his head, selling apples. “Apples first then.” Ember chuckled lightly, as he headed over to the stall.

“Hello, Could I have Thirty apples please?” Ember asked the red stallion. The stallion nodded before grabbing a small covered crate and set it on counter of the stall. The stallion pulled the cover back to reveal large juicy apples, and covered them again.

“That’ll be forty-five bits, Friend.” The Red stallion said in a deep voice. Ember nodded with a pleasant smile, before pulling out his bit bag with his magic. As Ember pulled the money from the bag, he decided to strike up a conversation.

“So,H How has business been for you today?” Ember asked kindly.

“Business has been good, but it has been tough on me, pulling double shifts while my sister is in Canterlot on business.” the stallion sighed, before continuing. “I'm Big Macintosh, but some just call me Big Mac.” Big Mac said introducing himself while holding his hoof out. Ember took the hoof in his own, and shook.

“Name's Ember, Ember Spirit Shield. Maybe we could get together and do something sometime?” Ember offered.

“Maybe, would be nice to have a break from the work.” Big Mac said with a kind smile. Ember set ten, ten piece bits, before encasing the crate of apples in his magic.

“Well thanks for the apples and the company, keep the change and Happy Hearths Warming.” Ember said as he walked away, Leaving a grateful Big Mac behind.

“Alright apples: check. Next up: Celery.” Ember recited as he walked among the stalls. He put the apples in his phantom window, before continuing on his journey. Ember looked around the market before spotting a snow covered stall selling celery. Ember walked up to the unicorn stallion running the stall.

“Hello, Could I have A stalk of celery please?” Ember asked politely. The stallion just snorted and grabbed one in his magic and set it down on the stalls counterpart.

“Twenty bits.” he growled. Ember blinked in surprise.

“Twenty Bits?! That's not really fair, may I ask you for a fair price, say fifteen?” Ember asked kindly. The unicorn sighed.

“I wish I could, but I can't afford to sell for less than twenty. The taxes on celery were raised by the bloody nobles again and I am struggling to pay them. I'm sorry for being so gruff earlier, but I'm just worried that I’ll go under.” the unicorn explained.

“ Ah, I understand, well I'm sorry to hear that. Yes I’ll pay. By the way what's your name? And for that matter, do you know which noble is responsible for this?” Ember said as he reached for the bit bag in his cloak.

“Well I be Celery Stalk, and the noble, I believe he be Prince Blueblood.” Celery Stalk said. Ember frowned at that, before forcing a smile and started to extract the money from his bit bag once again.

“Hmm, well I guess that is no surprise at all, but I'll talk with the princesses when I get a chance, too bad I didn't know this yesterday. I just came from canterlot.” Ember explained as he deposited a twenty piece bit on the counter and taking the celery and slipping it under his cloak, where it entered a small phantom window and was placed on top of the apple crate. “Also here.” Ember said as he dropped two, hundred piece bits on the counter. Celery stared, fumbling for words.

“I hope this helps until I can fix the problem.” Ember said with a determined smile. Before he locked away leaving Celery Stalk flabbergasted.

“ Alright apples: check. Celery: check. Now I need the herbs. Where are the herbs?” Ember said looking around the market place. Seeing no stall selling herbs around him, he started to walk looking for a stall that sold herbs. Ember walked around the market place for fifteen minutes, he finally found a stall selling herbs. Ember approached the stall with relief.

“Finally. I thought I would never find one!” Ember exclaimed happily.

“Find one of what, I'm not sure, but maybe I have the cure.” said a voice behind the stall, startling Ember. Ember looked around the stall for the pony that had spoken, but only found nothing.

“Weird, I could have sworn-” Ember said in confusion.

“Amusing it is, to see one looking around, before looking behind.” the voice again. Ember stood still, he knew that voice. Ember looking behind himself and found a zebra.

“Ahh, I see the flesh of a zebra, but the mind of a leader, with a heart of gold.” Ember said smiling widely. “Hello Zecora, it's been a long time.” Ember finished while turning around to face Zecora. Zecora beamed and embraced Ember before breaking off.

“To see you again fills me with glee, but why you are here, Is a mystery to me.” Zecora said raising a eyebrow at Ember. Ember sighed.
“I travel the same path as before, but now I just worry more.” Ember answered cryptically.

“I do not claim to see, but you have my sympathy.” Zecora said with a small smile. “But you have come to me for another reason, so let me see what it is so the problem is fixed, with out much confusion.” Zecora said as she walked around to her stall.

“Ah Yes, I need a bundle of thyme.” Ember said with a sly grin.

“A bundle of thyme or a bundle of time.” Zecora said jokingly, as she retrieved the requested herb from her supplies. Once she found it she set it on the counter and looked at Ember with a knowing look. “Is there anything else that I can do for you, or do you need me somewhere else?” Zecora said with a sly lusty grin.

“Thank you but no. Perhaps another time, For now I must complete my list.” Ember said rolling his eyes with a grin as well. The two smiled wider, before bursting into laughter.

“You win this time, my friend, but next time you shall lose.” Zecora said smiling widely. “All I need from you is twenty-two bits.” Ember nodded and placed the requested amount on the table, before taking the bundle of thyme, and putting it in the phantom window and on top of the apple crate as well.

“You know what, those two bits there look lonely, they might need three friends.” Ember said as he tossed three more bits on the counter.

“Ember you are too kind, will I see you in time?” Zecora asked.

“In time.” Ember confirmed before Turning away and heading to Sugarcube Corner.

As Ember approached Sugarcube Corner it started to snow, looking around he saw Skywishes. She was waiting, looking nervously around. Ember galloped to her and slid up next to her, startling her slightly.

“Skywishes, what's wrong, and don't lie to me.” Ember said, staring into her eyes in worry.

“I-I’m fine, when I was leaving Silver’s there were ponies in black suits, and they attacked me, one of them hit me on the head. The next thing I know, they were all laying there with lances in their backs and blood was everywhere. I went back in Silver’s and looked everywhere. But I couldn't find him any where!” Skywishes explained frantically. Ember nodded.

“I understand, I will go and find him you go inside Sugarcube Corner and get the bread, and wait there until I return. I already got everything else on the list. I’ll cast a spell on you if you need me. Just say my name in reverse and I'll be there, literally, in a second.” Ember said as he cast the spell.

“Shield Spirit Ember, got it.” Skywishes said, nodding.

“I will find him, I promise. When I find him, I'll take him to your house, then I will come and get you.” Ember said softly.

“Ember you need to know that-”Skywishes started.

“I know, don't worry, his secret is safe.” Ember said, cutting her off. “Now go inside, please.” Ember pleaded. Skywishes just nodded to nervice to question how, and went inside Sugarcube Corner. Ember then teleported to Silver's shop.