The Mechanics of Time

by John Rim

The beggining

Hello, my name is John Rim, however, you probably already know that, hence you read either description. I am a Pegasus with a light brown coat, a brown mane, and a British accent. My mother is a Pegasus and my "father" is one as well. We live in a far away place outside of Equestria that we called the "Far-Lands" because of its location. However, quite often there would be another pony that had a light brown coat and a dark brown mane. When he would come over he would help me tinker with clocks and and little gadgets he didn't need. I adored this pony so much, that when I was able to speak the first word I said was doctor. I was trilled that I could say that word, however my parents were more annoyed than anything. Now this is the day right before the attack, and my last day being "normal".

"Mommy, can I go outside?" I asked with my metal pony called Cyber and a little clock I was going to try to take apart and rebuild.
"Ask your father, because out here is dangerous for little three year old foals like you." My mother said while cooking dinner.
"Ok!" I said, then I went to the living room to ask my "father" if I could go outside.However, when I came in, he was talking to The Doctor about something. Then Doc noticed me and gestured for "father" to look.
"Oh, John! I'm sorry I didn't notice you! Now, what do you need?" He asked.
"I was wondering if I could go outside for a bit." I asked.
"Sure, but if you see a dragon or if it starts to get dark, come back in ok?" He said.
"Ok!" I replied.
"Ok, now go have fun." He said. then I went outside to play. I put down Cyber and the clock, I turned on Cyber and he started to trot around in circles which I had a blast with, being the age I was. then I turned towards the clock. I had been working on completely rebuilding it for a while now, but I would always get stuck and have to have Doc rebuild it. So I tried it, and I messed up. I got sad and went to Doc so that he could help, completely forgetting Cyber. So I went in the house and talked to The Doctor.
"Doctor, can you help me rebuild the clock?" I asked sadly.
"Why of course! Well look at that! you got farther than last time! great job! Also, guess where I'm going to be the rest of this week." He questioned.
"Where?" I asked.
"Here! I will be staying a whole week! That also means I can help you with your clock!" He said.
"Yay!" I exclaimed.Then I gasped, "Oh no! I left out my metal pony!"
"Oh don't worry, I'll get him for you, also, I finished the clock." He said as he left. When I was young, he was the world to me, because I felt like I was closer to him then my "father". I felt like we were related, because of how we talk the same way, we looks the same, and he is around so much. I also thought he was awesome because of all the stories I was told about him from my mom. She said that he would save entire planets and make bad ponys run in fear just by saying his name, and she would talk about their adventures through time. However, my "father" didn't want me to go on those adventures because they are dangerous. He also said that he would never go on one of those adventure, in fact, he said "I would rather kiss a cow then go on one of those adventures of yours." Then Doctor came back with Cyber.
"Yay! You got Cyber!" I said as I got Cyber.
"Wait, what did you just call it?" Doc asked.
"Cyber! I hear you talking about cyberponys that are big metal ponys, so I named him Cyber!" I said, happy that I knew what Cyberponys were.
"Very observant of you." Doc said in an odd voice. But I just smiled at being praised.
"Dinner's ready! Now get your flanks in here before I do!" Shouted my mom from the kitchen.
"Ok!" We all said.
Then we went to eat, and since it hadn't been en eventful day, there wasn't much to talk about. But I could hear some stuff from the adults. After dinner I was put to bed and my mother took out the music box The Doctor gave to her after my birth, but the next day, there would be permanent change.