Just an Old Ponytale...

by EternalShadow54

Chapter 14

Just an Old Ponytale...
Chapter 14-

"I... I failed..."

A day has passed since the death of Big Mac and his team, and the rest of the surviving group knew who was responsible for the destruction of their wonderful town, amazing friends, and close family. Tensions grew between Twilight and the rest of the ponies, names coughed from under their breaths and insults whispered from behind her back. The only two that was true was Pinkie Pie and Apple Bloom, taking up for her and getting in heated arguments time and time again to defend their lavender friend. The day passed slowly, supplies running low as everypony agreed to ration what was left, settleing on a apple a day each.

The barriers were holding good, a board falling here and there, but nothing too concerning or hard to fix. The guilty unicorn lay in her corner of the room, thinking upon blank thoughts. A nudge of her side caught her attention, destracting her from the dangers of daydreaming in a bad situation. Apple Bloom gave a grim glare as Twilight sat up and looked at her, raising a brow of wonder to the unnerving face the filly produced.

"Apple Bloom, what's wrong? What do you need?" the purple mare asked, curiostiy bugging at her brain.

"I'm... not sure how to tell you... but..." She paused, looking at the floor and closing her eyes like she was searching for the right words to say. "But... the rest of the group have decided... to kick you out..." Twilight stood up, full attention upon the small filly that was basically telling her to leave the safety of the farm and face the mob that awaited outside.

"The rest of the group?" Twilight asked with uncertainty.

"Well..." Apple Bloom started hesitantly. "Pinkie Pie and me were against the idea the whole time, but everypony else has voted to send you away and-" Pinkie jumped in the conversation, more frantic than usual as she interrupted the two.

"Guys, come quick! We have a situation!" They both scrunched their faces, confused by her sudden appearence. Following the pink pony, a loud shriek was heard by the lavender mare, thoughts now in complete disarray. The group approached a small window at the end of the hallway, Pinkie throwing it open and pointing to the ravenous mob below them, breaking and chipping away at their defenses with newfound strength. "For every board we put back up, three fall back down in place. At this rate, we might be overtaken within about an hour. Twilight, what do we do?"

"Why are you asking me? How am I supposed to know how to stop them?" Twilight asked, sounding a bit ticked.

"Because you're the only pony who has read and studied everything about about those meanie monsters out there, and nopony is as smart or organized like you Twilight. You have to help us." Pinkie was on the ground groveling, staring at Twilight with those wide, puppy eyes of hers. "Pleaaaaaaaasee..." Twilight put a hoof to her chin, giving much consideration to the requeat her friend had just asked.

"So, now let me get this straight, you want me, the pony who caused all of this, to put myself in harms way, risking everypony's chance of finding a cure, to help the very ponies who were going to send me away, destroying their chance of survival in the first place?" Pinkie might not have been as smart as Twilight, but she knew sarcasm when she heard it.

"What are you trying to say Twilight? That you're just going to leave these innocent souls to die just because they were a bit angry with you?"

"Maybe if they wasn't trying to send me to my grave, I would be a bit more compasionate!" Twilight retorted, raising voice at her pink friend and getting in Pinkie's face.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't-"

"STOP!" Apple Bloom interrupted, pushing back the two mares who were at each others throats. "This silly arguing ain't gonna get us nowhere!" The two both looked to the ground.

"I'm sorry Pinkie, I wasn't thinking clearly."

"Yea... me either. Sorry." They both exchanged their apologies, forgiving the other as they continued to apologize, leading to the strangest set of confessions for the most irrelavent of things. "And I'm sorry for the time I-" Pinkie started.

"Sweet Celestia, we don't have time for this! Twilight, are you gonna help or not!?" Apple Bloom screamed, stopping the nonsense before it carried on any further. Twilight shook her head, coming back around to her senses.

"Oh yes... that. Give me a second." Twilight paced back and forth through the hall, thinking really hard about what she was to do. "Hmmm... Apple Bloom, how far is your barn from here?"

"The barn is about a hundred hooves or so. Why?" Twilight glanced back out the window, witnessing the "infected" below slowly breaking the barrier of the farmhouse.

"Go gather everypony at the back. Tell them to grab the nearest weapon they can find." Pinkie Pie was about to open her mouth, to ask the silly question of 'What are we going to do?' Twilight heard her lips part, inhaling a breath to ask. She cut her friends breath short. "Don't... question me."

Pinkie held her tounge, nodding her head as she ran with Apple Bloom to gather everypony that would be willing to listen to her, listen to her plan to fight their way to the barn. "We could have a better defensive post their. Besides, I'm sure that the Apple family had a escape plan for things... well, not exactly like this, but similar situations never-the-less." she said to herself, going over her plan in her mind as the small filly raced into the room, breathing heavily.

"Some ponies are refusing to go!" Apple Bloom said through her heaves. "What should we do?"

"There's no time. Everypony that's going with us ready?" Apple Bloom finally caught her breath.

"Yep. They're waiting for you at the back door."

"Alright. You have a weapon?" Twilight asked Apple Bloom, seeing the defenseless filly with empty hooves.

"N... no. I couldn't find one." Twilight turned to her side, peering into the bedroom to her left. She dashed into the room, breaking two ends off the post of the bed. Apple Bloom gripped the staff sized object in her hooves, suddenly fear stricken as Twilight was leaving the room. The lavender mare stopped, noticing the filly wasn't following, and ran back into the room where Apple Bloom stood, frozen.

"Come on Apple Bloom, we don't have time for this!" Apple Bloom jumped when a loud crash was heard from downstairs.

"What was that!?"

"I don't know Apple Bloom, but we have to go. NOW!" The filly finally snapped from her trance and followed Twilight down the stairway to the back, avoiding the front door at all cost. A loud scream pierced their ears as they dashed through the hall, reaching the back door, looking at the small group before them. "Only Derpy and Colgate decided to join us? What about the others?" Another yell hung in the air.

"That..." Colgate answered, holding a floor lamp pole to her side. "So what's the plan?" A low grumble came from behind them as the mob slowly flooded the house. Twilight looked at the terrorized group, their bodies shaking with fear as the listened for her orders.

"On the count of three, break down the back door and fight your way to the barn."

"What!? Are you crazy?" Derpy questioned, kitchen knife in her hoof.

"One..." Twilight started.

"Twilight, there must be another way!" Pinkie asked, an old BB gun on her back.

"Two..." she continued.

"But-" Colgate started.

"Three!" Apple Bloom screamed, bashing through the door as the mob behind started to enter the room and leaving the rest in confusion as they followed...