Haylo: Crimson

by Zarius9998

Sadistic fun and Perverted threats.


So, what exactly did Artemis do to distract them? Well...if you remember, she said something about noticing the RPG...


I chased those idiots down the halls, quickly gaining on them. They appeared to disregard to their needy friend with the RPG, as carrying it was slowing him down and the other two ignored his calls for help. I almost felt bad for the guy...but he DID shoot a rocket at me, so...I got over it. He must have known I was close, because he suddenly stopped, yelling as he turned around, pulled out a pistol, and fired at me wildly while shouldering the RPG. I ignored every shot, letting my shield absorb the bullets while I continued to charge down at him.

I planted a hoof, cocked back a punch, grinned manically behind my visor and shouted, "Night-night!" before sending him to the ground with a severe headache. Once he was out cold, I hefted-up the RPG with a grin and slowly began to walk towards a ladder which led to the roof. I was going to make sure that there WAS no roof by the time I finished-up.

"Attention all personnel! We have a Spartan-IV within our walls! She is attempting to hunt down some of our members! If you spot her, KILL HER. Do NOT hesitate!"

"The hell!? Where did that come from? This cruddy place has a speaker system!?" I shouted in confusion, continuing to climb, with only three hooves I might add, "That's a surprise...and seriously? No deliberation? Just kill on sight?" I groaned, "And here I am, not allowed to kill anyone!"

Once I reached the roof, I threw the RPG over first, then hopped up with it...to find myself face to face with an entire army of armed humans ready to make me into Swiss cheese.

"Hey! That's the pony! Kill the bitch!"

I recognized the voice...it was the guy who led the first group I met while I was tied to a chair! I sneered, narrowing my eyes as clicks and chinks filled my ears from every direction.


The first line of men opened fire, while the back few lines waited for the first line to have to reload. I jumped and dove out of the center of fire, a few bullets clipping my shields here and there, but nothing devastating. Immediately after sliding to my hooves, I sprinted towards the army, intending to take them all out as fast as possible. Since there was no cover, I had no choice but to go in, guns'a blazing!...figuratively speaking, anyway.


The first row stepped back while the second row stepped forwards to continue the spray of lead, not giving me the chance to recover. I had to hand it to them, that was pretty smart, but not enough to take me out.

"Mark this!" I shouted, coming close enough to the first row to begin my..."counter-attack."

"Oh Crap!"

I almost laughed at the look of fear the human directly in front of me made as I jumped a foot off the ground in front of him before delivering a round-house kick to his chest. He was knocked a couple meters back, plowing through some ranks behind him while the rest of the shooters ceased fire, not wanting to cause any friendly fire.

"Hmm...looks like over fifty?" I whispered, "Against one?" I raised my head and laughed, and judging by the amount of humans that started to step back...it must have been a pretty bucking scary laugh!


I dashed immediately into the fray, sliding and knocking a man off his feet before flipping onto my hooves beside another human. In fear, he swung his rifle at me wildly, which I ducked under, sweeping his legs out and flipping him over my back. Before he hit the ground, though, I grabbed his leg and swung him in a full circle, clipping another human, before sending him flying and smashing through about four more people. This was only the beginning and I was already having SO MUCH FUN, HAHAA!

"Who's next, hm!?" I twisted my neck around, cracking a few bones while putting on an imitating act for those that were still standing.

"She's a demon! This is insane!" I heard a man shout, bringing a smile to my muzzle.

"Demon...that's...not the first time I've been called that." I started to slowly and menacingly approach the standing men, licking my lips in anticipation, "Now I suggest you all get off this roof, and out of this building before I get too excited!" All of them hesitantly looked to eachother and the ladder off the roof while I continued to approach them, "Better choose fast!"

About half of them immediately threw their rifles aside and scrambled for the ladder. A couple tripped off the edge, a few others were PUSHED off, one just up and jumped off, and, I think three, actually climbed down. The rest of the men on the roof raised their rifles again.

"You've seen how ineffective those are." I sighed, shaking my head in disapproval, "Why bother! You must realize by now that us ponies aren't as weak as you thought!"

"She's right!" a new, yet somehow assured sounding voice called-out, causing every human to look back to the ladder, "Get out of here. I'll handle her from here on."

I looked past the few humans left to find what looked like a Spartan-III stepping up from the ladder. But something was different...his armor didn't exactly fit UNSC standards...I mean, mine didn't either, but his was even more different. He had similar armor in structure to the Mk-VI, but the paint was mostly black with yellow  detail.

"Who are you? Whoa..." he had a BR shouldered on his right, a Grenade Launcher in his left hand, and two Assault Rifles attached to his back, "That's a lot'a power..."

He nodded in my direction, "Call me Washington."


"Wh...what the hell!? What is this thing!?"

Nightmare Moon...she used to be the embodiment of hatred and revenge. On that day, she would be the symbol of...well, to put it bluntly...just how badass we ponies are.

"Now...We'll be taking THOSE!" we...er...I shouted, forcing all of the humans' weapons out if their hands and disassembling them all into their individual pieces and parts using magic.


"SILENCE!!!" I hissed, flapping my wing with magic emphasizing both. Some of the humans fell over from the shockwave I must have created, "It has come to our attention that you all think we are unfit to fight alongside you in battle!" I leaned in, sneering at each individual, "And this is VERY displeasing to us...so...either EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU FOALS apologizes immediately, or..."

Now...I HATE making threats...but when you're a Princess, foreign dealings becomes a priorty, and threats plays a major role in creating treaties sometimes...

"We peel back your 'layers,'" with a flash of my horn, the clothing on every human was ripped off, "until all that is left is bones!" I looked around the room, noticing that the only response given was a blank stare back, "Understand...?" no movement...ugh, "We said...UNDERSTAND!?"

Every human jumped and started to back backing out of the door, bowing a apologizing in an awkward and hasty manner. I almost cracked up laughing, but I held my expression, hitting my lower lip until the last human left and the door closed.

"...fffBWAAAHAHAAAH!" the looks on their faces! It was just TOO priceless! I was beginning to see why Artemis took so much joy in scaring everypony constantly. I shifted back into my Royal form, wiping years out of my eyes as I calmed down, "Wow...oh wow...can't wait to tell this one." I trotted out of the door, head held high to find the Rookie looking back at the army of naked humans run away in fear...he must've just arrived, "Oh, hello."

He looked to me, then back to the army, and again at me, probably with a look of total confusion behindthat visor, "Oi, Princess...wha' the 'ell was that!?"

"Oh, nevermind it. But we'll probably be in the clear as to the Anti-pony radicals' attempts to keep us away." I giggled a bit at the memory of only a few moments ago,
"Now...we have to hope Artemis makes it out okay..." I added worriedly, looking back to the door.

"Oh...hmm..." the Rookie paused for a moment, checking his visor, I think, "'Er waypoint's righ' up th-"

Before he finished, an explosion centered on the roof erupted, throwing debris and dirt in every direction...