//------------------------------// // Season of Sadness and a Pinprick of Joy // Story: I'll Love You Always, My Little Flutters // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// It had been 4 years since I had married Strato, Dashie really liked the idea of me being her dad, and loved the idea of Flutters becoming her sister even more. They had moved in with me and Flutters after we were wed, since I couldn't walk on clouds, and their house was made of clouds. Flutters had now become an official member of Nick's band, "Luck's Bounty", under the nickname "Beast", because she was like a wild beast on the drums! They all had funny little nicknames: Nick was titled "Bravey", Octavia was "Tavi", Lyra as "Ly", and Bon Bon was donned "Bonny". The Apples had another daughter, who they named "Applebloom" about 2 years ago. It was while my wife, Strato was away in Canterlot, due to being pregnant and I was at home with the girls that Granny Smith came over and delivered some devastating news. Apparently, Nick had seen some Changelings on the dark side of the orchard, and Adam and Abigail went to deal with them instead of asking someone for help. "And then, they....they....got murdered.....", Granny sighed, tears streaming from her eyes, "And to make things worse.....Nick ran off in the middle of the night afterwards.....we don't know where he went.....or if he's coming back......" I was shocked, "Oh my....I figured Applejack would've told them about my experience with Changelings......I'm so sorry....." "It's not your fault, and she did tell them....they just didn't want to trouble you.....", Granny sighed again, patting my back. After Granny left, I decided to make some apple pies and some strudels to take over there and comfort them. Dashie and Flutters loved it. "Dad....do you think Nick will ever come back?", Dashie asked. "I don't know......we can only hope......", I sighed, rubbing her forehead. There was a knock on the door, so I went to answer it, Celestia stood at the door with a newborn orange pegasus filly with a purple mane in her arms. "Corkscrew......I'm afraid that.......Strato.....passed away, right after she gave birth to your daughter...I'm sorry...", she sighed sadly, handing me the filly. "Mom.....de....dead?", Rainbow stuttered, tears forming in her eyes. "Mama....no! It can't be true! It can't be true!", Flutters cried, throwing herself at Celestia's hooves. Celestia picked her up and hugged her tightly, "I'm afraid so, Fluttershy....but at least you still have.....do you have a name for her?",,she asked, turning to me. I thought for a minute before answering, "Scootoloo. Scootoloo is her name." "Very well then....I trust that you will take very good care of your daughters.", Celestia smiled, putting Flutters down and leaving. The funeral was heartbreaking, seeing Flutters and Dashie cry their hearts out. Of course, they got over it a bit after I told them I was getting ready to send them to flying school. They were both 10, so it was time for them to learn to fly. "Papa, promise you'll take good care of Angel while I'm gone, okay?", Flutters smiled, kissing my nose after she finished packing. "I promise, My Little Flutters. Have fun!", I smiled, hugging her. Dashie had now finished packing, "Oh, Dad! This is gonna be so awesome!! I'm going to learn to fly like a Wonderbolt!!" "Yeah, you two going to make Mom and me proud!", I smiled, tears streaming from my eyes. Goo Goo!", Scootoloo cooed from her high chair. "Papa....it'll only be a couple of months. We'll be home before you know it!", Flutters said, hugging me tightly along with Dashie. A hot air balloon came and took them to Cloudsdale. Applejack and Rarity came to see them off. "How long are they gonna be gone?", Applejack asked. "3 months, then Flutters will come back. Dashie wanted to continue to the Advanced Training, so she'll be gone a couple more months.", I replied, taking Scootoloo and cleaning her. It was going to be a LONG 5 months.....with just me and Scootoloo. Octavia came over, all sad and depressed. "What's wrong, Octavia?", I asked, burping Scootoloo. Octavia sighed, tears streaming from her eyes, "I miss Nick, Corkscrew.....I just hope he's okay. Was it me that drove him away?" "Octavia, No!", I exclaimed, "It's not your fault! What would you have done to drive him away?" "I...*sniff*.....I suggested to him that we become something more than just friends....and he got all uncomfortable.", she sniffed, sobbing. "Octavia.....", I smiled, pulling her into a hug with one paw and holding Scootoloo with the other one, "He would've gotten comfortable after a while, it wasn't you.....it was because he felt it was his fault that his parents died. He got depressed and felt he needed to leave....there there....it's okay." "Really? You think so?", she sobbed looking at me with her tear-filled purple eyes. I kissed her forehead and smiled, "I know so....Nick loves you as a friend....but eventually he would warm up to you as more than a friend." "Can I hold Scootoloo?", she asked, smiling at the baby. "Sure, be careful....", I beamed, gently handing her Scootoloo. Scootoloo cooed and giggled at Octavia as she blew raspberries at her. Maybe not so long after all. I'd have plenty of help with Scootoloo.....