//------------------------------// // Age and Confessions // Story: I'll Love You Always, My Little Flutters // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// It was then that Dashie came up to me and asked, "So....have you ever done anything cool before you became head of the Weather Team?" "Well, in my younger years, I was a dragon general in the Changeling War about 100 years ago or so.....then, after the war, I was 50, I became the Royal Babysitter, babysitting the Dragon Lord, and was babysitting his daughter, Ember before I found Flutters and moved to Ponyville.", I smiled, quite proud of my history. Applejack gasped at what I said and said, "So that makes you how old now?" "106.", I grinned, hoping to get a kicker out of this. "You're older than Granny! And no one's older than Granny! Except a couple other ponies, but you're older than them too!!", she exclaimed. "BUT....that's in pony years....in dragon years I would only be 53.", I laughed, enjoying Applejack's excitement. "But that still makes you 106 in pony years! That means poor Fluttershy will be all alone when you....ahem.....pass away!", Rarity retorted. I knew I shouldn't, but I laughed even more, "Oh, Rarity! It'll be a long, long, LONG time before I kick the bucket! Most dragons live to be a couple thousand years old, in dragon years, so I'm pretty young for my age. Although my flame isn't exactly the greatest, but I can still breathe fire!" "That's means you'll be with me forever?", Flutters asked, nudging my side. I smiled, "Sometimes I may not be RIGHT next to you all the time, but I will ALWAYS be with you in here....", pointing to where her heart would be. "I'll love you always, My Big Papa!", she beamed, hugging me tightly. "And I'll love always, My Little Flutters....", I mimicked, before smiling, "Who wants a snack? Carrots and cheese dip?" "Yay!", everyone cheered, following me to the kitchen. As we ate, listening to the pounding rain, Rarity asked, "So....have you found a special somepony yet?" "A what now?", I asked, very confused. "A special somepony, you know, like a mare you want to spend all eternity with! Like a marefriend! Or someone you have a crush on!", Rarity smiled, waiting for an answer. "Well...I...,um......", I said, having trouble finding an answer that wouldn't upset Dashie..... "Oh, Come On! I know you like my mom! She knows too!", Dashie laughed, slapping my back. "She does?", I asked, surprised at what she had said. "Oh yeah! She talks about how cute you look when you're thinking, or how dashing you look when you take charge! If I didn't know any better, I'd say she likes you.", Dashie smiled. Really? Are you pulling my leg?", I asked again, unsure about the statement she made. "Don't believe me? Ask her when she comes to pick me up!", Dashie grinned, enjoying my shock. Nick and Octavia came in the door. "AJ? Rarity? It's time for you two to go home!", Nick smiled, being charged by a flying hug from his little sister. "Here I am, Nick. Did you kiss her?", Applejack replied, squeezing him tightly. Octavia laughed, "We're just friends, Applejack. Just friends." "Ohh.....okay! Cmon, Rarity! Let's take you home!", Applejack said thoughtfully before calling Rarity and leaving with Nick and Octavia. After they left, it was just me, Flutters, and Dashie. Of course, it wasn't long before Strato showed up to get Dashie. "Hey, Rainbow! I'm back!", she smiled, hugging Dashie. I decided now was the time to ask her, "Strato......do you like me?" She grinned, "Of course I do, Corkscrew! You're a good friend!" I would've stopped there, but Dashie egged me on, "I mean.....do you like me....as more than a friend..." Strato smiled widely, "I thought you'd never ask...of course I do. I've really wanted to start a relationship with you for a long time, Corky. I assume you want us to stay for dinner?" "Ummm....yes! Of course! Come in!", I stuttered, escorting her in, "We're having lasagna (Vegetarian)! Is that okay?" "Mmmm....that sounds good! I hope we're not too much trouble.", Strato replied, walking next to me. "Of course not! Flutters, can you get two more plates, please?", I smiled. "Yes, Papa.", she replied, happy to help. We ate the lasagna, talking about different things, mainly about the Summer Sun Festival next week. "So are you going to the festival next week?", Strato asked, her hoof on my paw. "Of course! I'll be getting a special award from Celestia herself, for perfect weather scheduling for 5 years! And, I've also arranged for you to get an award as well, for being my right hand pony.", I answered, kissing her cheek. "Oh, Corky......you didn't have to do that.....I don't do that much....", she said, blushing. "Strato.....you're a big part of the Weather Team! Not to mention, you work very hard. In fact, this next month here, you'll be getting a month vacation, with vacation pay.", I smiled, running my paw through her rainbow mane. "Oh, Corky!!!", she exclaimed, pulling me into a kiss, while Dashie and Flutters giggled. "This is the start of a beautiful relationship....", I grinned, kissing her forehead. "I know it is....since it's not work day tomorrow, wanna go on a picnic with me and Rainbow tomorrow, My Special Somedragon?", she smiled before asking. "We would love it, wouldn't we, Flutters?", I replied. "Yes, Papa! That would be fun!", Flutters smiled, hugging me. "We'll see you tomorrow, then, My Sweet Scheduler....", Strato grinned, kissing me one final time before they left. As I was tucking in Flutters, she asked, "Is Miss Strato going to be my mama?" I replied, "Maybe. It depends...." "And then Dashie will be my sister?", she asked, very excited. "We'll see, Flutters....we'll see....good night, Flutters.", I smiled, kissing her forehead. "Good night, Papa. I love you!", she responded, kissing my nose. "I love you too, I always will, My Little Flutters.", I answered, turning off the lights and getting in my bed. Today, I had found my special somepony. And I was going to do my best to keep her happy.