//------------------------------// // Pranks at Work // Story: I'll Love You Always, My Little Flutters // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// It was morning, Flutters and I got out of our beds, and had some cereal. "Are you going to work today?", she asked after breakfast, petting Angel as I put my plaid dress shirt on, along with my rainy day bow tie. "Yes, honey.", I smiled, kissing her forehead, "But....you and Angel will be coming with me today! It's 'Bring Your Child to Work' Day! What do you think of that?" "I think it's great! What do you do there?", she beamed, putting her hooves around my neck. "I am the head of the Weather Team, I schedule the weather every week depending on what Celestia decides would be good for the week, say two thunderstorms, and sunny days the rest of the week, I have to decide when the thunderstorms should start and when they should end. I also brief the Weather Team on the how strong the storms should be. Let's go!", I smiled, beckoning her to follow me. When we got to town hall, we were greeted by several pegasai. "Hey, Boss! What do have going on today?", smiled a orange pegasus with a rainbow mane, accompanied by a little cyan pegasus who also had a rainbow mane. "Well, Strato Dash, we have 3 rainstorms this week, and I think one of them should happen today in about 20 minutes, can you and your team handle that?", I replied, examining the little filly with her. "We sure can! Can you watch Dashie while I work on it? Rainbow....be good for Mr. Corkscrew, okay?" "Sure thing, Mom!", the filly grinned, hoofbumping her. "And remember, don't tell Mrs. Skies what we're going to do....it needs to be a surprise!", Strato whispered, before taking off with several other pegasus. I smiled at Rainbow, "Dashie....are you and your mother....." "We sure are, Mr. Corkscrew! Now we wait for Mrs. Skies!", Dashie grinned an evil grin. We had a jukebox in the town hall, it cost 1 bit for 3 plays, and every week, when Mrs. Skies, the mayor's secretary, came to work, Strato would pay 7 bits to play Tom Jones's "What's New Pussycat", 21 TIMES and drive her and everyone else crazy! It was hilarious, so much, that I donated 4 bits to this noble cause every week! "Here, Dashie! Are you ready? Here's 4 bits from me! Let her rip!", I laughed, giving the 4 coins and watching her punch in 21 "What's New Pussycats", I noticed she was being clever and stuck in 1 Tom Jones's "It's Not Unusual" after 7 "What's New Pussycats". She came back over and I hoofbumped her, "Smooth Move, Dashie! Was that your idea?" "It sure was! I decided this day needed to be about 20% cooler!", she laughed. "Papa...what's going on....", Flutters said bashfully. "It's just a little prank we pull every week, nothing serious, Flutters...oh look! Here she comes!", I said reassuring her before I saw Mrs. Skies sit at her desk. The song had already played once when she sat down. "This is going to be one of them days.....", she mumbled to herself. After 5 times, all of Town Hall was groaning and moaning. But as the 7th play faded, Dashie and I whispered to Strato as she came back, "Wait For It......" Tom Jones's "It's Not Unusual" started playing, and everyone in the room cheered and started dancing! Even Mrs. Skies was so ecstatic that she jumped onto her desk and started dancing on it. But as the song faded, and everyone went back to their seats, we were all trying to hold in our giggling, "What's New Pussycat" started up again.....and Town Hall broke down into tears. Mrs. Skies started to cry, while the pony next to her slammed his head on his desk. One mare shouted, "Nooooooooooo!" A stallion turned his desk over and started stomping his hooves. We cracked up, Flutters was giggling a little bit, while Strato, Dashie, and I were laughing uncontrollably on the floor. And the best part was, after that, I got a letter from Celestia saying, Thank You, Corkscrew and Strato! I now have a prank to play on Blueblood, thanks for the inspiration! Love, Celestia I showed Strato the letter and she laughed, "I guess we have our work cut out for us!" "We sure do!", I grinned. After work, Strato said, "Hey, Boss, can you watch Dashie again, I have practice today, I should get going, see you later, Dashie!" "See ya, Mom! Show them who's the best flier in the Wonderbolts!", Dashie exclaimed, hoofbumping her before she left. "Well, Dashie!", I smiled, "Flutters's friends are coming over for a play date, wanna join them?" "Sure, Mr. Corkscrew!", she grinned, before turning to Flutters, "I'm Rainbow Dash! What's your name?" Flutters said shyly, "I'm Fluttershy......it's nice to meet you." We got home and found Rarity and Applejack, waiting inside with Nick and Octavia. "Oh! There you are, Mr. Corkscrew! We were wondering when you'd be back!", Octavia smiled, as Dashie and Flutters ran off to play with Applejack and Rarity. "Are you two dating or something? I've been seeing you guys together a lot lately...", I asked, curious. "No! We're just friends! Best friends! Anyway, they won't be too much for you?", Nick denied before asking me a question. "Oh no! They'll be perfectly fine! You two go have fun now!", I replied, poking fun at the two. "We will!", Octavia smiled, hugging me before they left. Octavia and I had grown to be very good friends, ever since we met on the way to the Apple Family Reunion 5 years ago. She came over everyday, teaching me to play chess, while I taught how to improve her music. "Papa?", Flutters came over asking, "Dashie says she's going to flight school when she's 10, am I going?" I had never thought of that before, but I'd knew she'd have to, her being a pegasus and all. "I think so, but we won't have to worry about that for a while, so don't let it bother you.", I smiled at her, kissing her forehead as she left to play with her friends. Life was treating me fairly so far.