Star Knight and the Nine-Tailed Fox

by Rakoon1

The Power of Seeing

A few years passed and the young prince became a young colt. Despite being still young, Star showed great interest and potential in magic as his mother, in addition to also have interest in the Royal Guard that his father had.

In general, the life of this colt was pretty quiet and happy. His life, which was limited to the castle, seemed to be quite satisfactory. In addition to having at his disposal a comfortable life with a lot to learn, either through books as through his parents and the Generals, he also had the love of his family that, over the years, has been growing.

When he was five, Twilight gave birth to a pair of twin unicorn fillies. The older had a naples yellow coat, an amber mane with sunglow and maize streaks and eyes that were equal to those of Blue and Star. Her name was Sunlight Blaze, although they called her Sunny. The younger had her father’s coat, her mother's mane, but with moderate purple streaks, and eyes. Her name was Midnight Shine. They admired their older brother immensely and he, despite sometimes found them a pair of little brats, he loved them and took care of them.

In addition to his sisters, Star also had a new cousin. His uncle Shining Armor and his aunt Cadance had had a second child with approximately the same age as the twins called Topaz Blade. He was a unicorn that had a golden coat, a dark phthalo blue mane and his eyes were just like his father’s.

However, although Star felt happy, there was something that always bothered him. Whenever he and his family get out of the castle to visit the Light Kingdom, he could see the light ponies congratulating him and his family eagerly. However, he could feel the enthusiasm that was directed to him was somehow forced. Whenever they passed by these ponies, he could feel their distant and cold looks headed to him. In addition, Star could feel that they didn't like him very much. There was a mixture of fear and revulsion that he couldn't understand its origin. Of course this had an explanation that he ignored.

Somehow, the news about the fact that their beloved princess’ older son had become the Jinchūriki of Nine-Tails had spread and soon everypony knew about that. They knew that, in the past, Heartbeat, the former Jinchuriki of Nine-Tails, had failed in her mission to contain him and they feared that the same could happen with Star Knight.

Getting to know this, Twilight addressed to her citizens, saying there was nothing to fear, since Nine-Tails was completely sealed, even more than when he was within Heartbeat. To ensure that his son grew up without knowing of the terrifying truth, Twilight has decreed that they could never talk openly about this subject. And so it was. The light ponies never again mentioned the subject of Nine-Tails and Star grew up without knowing what was inside of him, although he always felt that the ponies of his own kingdom didn't like him very much.

But that was the least, as something much bigger watched the little alicorn in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to attack. This was the Lord of Chaos. Although he put aside for now the fact that Nine-Tails was within the Light Kingdom, just out of his reach, to concentrate on preparations for the capture of all the other Tailed Beasts of tail and the resurrection of Ten-Tails, the Lord of Chaos did not fail to be aware of everything that was happening.

He then got in touch with one of his followers who were helping him in his new master plan: Pandora.

"My Lord" she said, making a bow after encountering the image of her master.

"Hello, Pandora" the Lord of Chaos greeted, sitting on his throne, while talking with Pandora through one of his mirrors. "Tell me, did you do what I tell you to do during these years?"

"Yes, master" she replied. "How could I not? I gathered dark magic enough to serve you."

"Very well" the Lord of Chaos said. "Now, before going to do your special mission, you're going to use your dark magic for help Chrysalis in her mission."

Saying this, he noticed that Pandora had been quite uncomfortable.

"There is something wrong?" he asked.

"With all due respect, my lord, but I don't like the idea of having to work with a parasite like Chyrsalis" Pandora said. "It's revolting."

That made the Lord of Chaos to give a little laugh.

"What's so funny?" she asked, confused.

"I just find it amusing that villains hate each other more than heroes do" the Lord of Chaos replied. "I mean, the relationship between heroes is very good, between heroes and villains has some spark, but, when it's between villains and villains, it is, in most cases, like a time bomb. Of course between you and Rothbart things are different."

"Rothbart is tolerable" Pandora said. "After all, we've been working together for centuries. But with Chrysalis things are different."

"You know, Pandora, I don't care about your personal problems with Chrysalis" the Lord of Chaos said. "She has something you need to be successful in your mission and you have a quality that can help her get what she wants. So I suggest you come together for once and make sure your missions are successful!"

She shivered when he heard the Lord of Chaos starting to increase his tone voice and said:

"Yes, my lord."

And her image disappeared. The Lord of Chaos then said, looking at his nails:

"Works every time."

Pandora addressed to the Desolate Zone and entered in the Changelings’ nest. She was disgusted to see Changelings taking care of the combs where the young Changelings were developing. Then, she saw Chrysalis sitting on her throne and the Changeling Queen said, seeing Pandora arriving:

"Pandora, my dear, welcome to my humble home."

"Spare me the reverence, Chrysalis" Pandora said. "Let's finish this once and for all so that I can leave this depressing place."

Chrysalis left her throne to fly and landed in front of Pandora saying:

"Be careful with your words, my dear. After all, this is my home."

"So the sooner we finish with this matter, the better for both of us."

"It's all up to you, my dear" Chrysalis said. "After all, it was agreed that it was me who would be favored first in our partnership."

Pandora then accessed to her dark magic and, using astral projection, she projected her spirit, with her eyes becoming white from the spell. She traveled through the Desolate Zone and then through Equestria until she reached Canterlot. Once in Canterlot, she went to the Castle where she sought in all divisions until she found what she wanted: an old chest that was locked safely in the vault, guarded by two guards. She returned to her body and then said to Chrysalis:

"I found what you wanted. And I have to say, Chrysalis, those things are an abomination, even being what they are."

Chrysalis didn't like Pandora’s comment and just asked:

"Where are them?"

"In Canterlot castle" she replied. "Inside the vault and guarded by elite guards."

"Typical of Celestia" Chrysalis said. "She keeps everything in her castle."

"Now, if you don't mind, Chrysalis, I want the thing why I'm here" said Pandora, extending her hoof.

Chrysalis smiled and then lift her hoof, apporting to it a jar where there was a purple substance inside.

"Here it is" she said. "My royal jelly, a substance that allows my larvae to acquire shapeshifting powers. Of course for you, just put on your body and, if you combine it with your dark magic, you will be able to hide your presence and even penetrate in the Light Kingdom, since as you were once a follower of the Lord of Order and still have some light inside of you."

Wasting no time, Pandora took the royal jelly with her magic and Chrysalis said:

"You could say, at least, thank you."

"You didn't do me any favors, Chrysalis. This is just a transaction of favors and our master's idea” Pandora said. "Now that I have your royal jelly in my possession, I can finally reclaim what's mine."

"Without wishing to criticize your mission, Pandora, but you don't think you're risking too much?" Chrysalis said. "After all, you're about to enter the kingdom which is prohibited for villains and is full of light and joy and protected by Princess Twilight and her Generals of Order, just to get a box that is well kept in the dungeon of the castle."

Pandora just looked coldly to Chrysalis and responded darkly:

"It's not just a box. It’s my box!"

And, having said that, she showed for brief seconds her hideous face and then Pandora left the Changelings’ nest.

"She takes things very personally" Chrysalis commented, turning to her soldiers. "Listen to me, my children, it's time for a small squadron to be prepared. We have to go to Canterlot, where three of your siblings are eager to return home."

Pandora teleported herself to the limits of the Light Kingdom and then applied the royal jelly on her body, using then her dark magic. When she found herself, she had become a Royal Guard of the Light Kingdom with a luminous coat.

"Perfect" Pandora said, with a different voice. "With this disguise, nopony will recognize me and, thanks to this light layer, I will be able to enter in the Light Kingdom and neither Heartbeat will be able to recognize me."

And, having said this, she got in the boundaries of the Light Kingdom, moving to where no villain was allowed.

In the library of the Light Castle, Twilight was tutoring her eight-years-old son. Since Star began to control his magic, Twilight realized that she and Blue Sword should help him to control his magic. For now, they wanted to be responsible for him and make sure that Nine-Tails didn't try to do anything.

At that time, Twilight was teaching his son a few topics on the History of Magic, speaking more specifically of the greatest conjurer who ever lived in Equestria and that was the great idol of the princess of the Light Kingdom: Star Swirld the Bearded.

"Wow!" Star exclaimed, fascinated, while he saw the book he and his mother were reading. "I can't believe that Star Swirld created all those spells, mommy."

"But you can believe, Star" Twilight said. "Star Swirld was arguably the most powerful conjurer of Equestria. He managed to create several types of magic. With this, he managed to earn the respect of all ponies."

Hearing his mother saying that, Star couldn't help but remember the cold looks that the ponies launched at him whenever they saw him. He said, sighing:

"I'd like to have ponies respecting me as they respected Star Swirld."

"What are you talking about, son?" Twilight asked. "I'm sure all the ponies respect you. Mainly me, your father, your little sisters..."

"Yes, but you are my family" Star replied. "I'm talking about the others. It seems that they don't like me very much. I'd like to be as powerful as Star Swirld to make them all taking me seriously."

Twilight had her heart tight seeing Star so distressed. It seemed that he had already realized the way everypony secretly looked him, rejecting him for the simple fact of being a Jinchūriki. By what Twilight heard from her Generals, Jinchurikis used to be marginalized simply because they contain within them Tailed Beasts. The alicorn princess and her husband did everything to make sure that Star grew up as happy as possible, but it seemed that he was very depressed because he thought everyone hated him. However, they knew that, to counter any attempt of Nine-Tails to use his son’s darkness to escape, she had to make Star grew up full of love.

"Star, my dear, I want you to hear me very well" Twilight said. "You don't need power to be able to make everypony respect you."

"But Star Swirld was powerful and everypony respected him" Star said. "And you, mommy, you're also powerful and everypony respect you."

"Power is not everything" Twilight said. "If you don't use it properly or if you use it for the wrong purpose, it becomes a poison for the wearer. Many ponies allowed themselves to be seduced by power and were corrupted. But you know what? Ponies don't respect me just because I’m powerful. They respect me because I respect them and because they know they can trust me. They know I use my power to protect them, to ensure that their life is not in danger. Do you understand?"

Star mused in his mother’s words. She was right. He has seen Twilight and saw how she treated her subjects with love and respect, giving them comforting words and ensuring their safety. But it wasn't just her. His father, Blue Sword, guarantee the security of the kingdom in conjunction with Golden Paladin, in addition to ensure that the Diamond Heart would remain stable so that the kingdom did not sink. All this meant that all the ponies respected them immensely. If he wanted the same respect, he had to deserve just like them.

"But how do I do it if I have no special gift?" Star asked.

"Star, all you need is kindness, compassion, courage…" Twilight said. "These qualities are more powerful than any gift. Furthermore, all ponies have a gift that has its own importance. I'm sure you will find it."

There was a break where Star thought what their mother had just said. Twilight then closed the book and, using her magic to put it in its place, she said, rising up:

"Now, if you don't mind, I have to go see how are your sisters. After that, I have to do everything that still needs to be done, if we want to go visit your uncle, aunt and cousins in the Crystal Empire."

She gave a kiss on Star’s forehead and told him:

"Why don't you go find your father? I think he must have returned from his trip to the Diamond Domain."

"Yes, mommy" Star Knight said.

Using his wings to take a short flight to the door, he went out. After he left, Twilight said:

"You can leave your hideout, Purple Smoke."

And purple smoke appeared, approaching Twilight and then Purple Smoke appeared, making a bow to her.

"I see you got pretty skilled in the ability to sense our presence, Your Highness" Purple Smoke said.

"I still have difficulty sensing the presence of Golden Paladin and Heartbeat, but this is something that eventually I will dominate" Twilight said. "I assume you were watching Star."

"After all, princess, he's a Jinchuriki" Purple Smoke said. "And not just a Jinchuriki. He is the Jinchuriki of Nnine-Tailes. We have to be very careful."

There was a pause and then Twilight asked:

"Purple Smoke, can I ask you a question? And I want you to answer me as General of Talent."

"Of course, princess" he replied.

“Star Knight wants to know what his gift is" Twilight said. "Do you think that his attempts to discover this gift can bring some consequences on the seal. After all, before he was a Jinchuriki, he is an alicorn and alicorns often have very powerful magic."

"You don’t have to worry about that, Your Highness" Purple Smoke said. "The seal Golden Paladin used on the little prince takes into account his power and adapts to it. Furthermore, the gift of his son is more intuitive than a physical power. It's similar with Heartbeat’s empathy and that's why he's so compatible with Nine-Tails. No other living alicorn has this kind of capability."

"That's why the Lord of Order chose Star to be Jinchūriki" Twilight concluded.

"Precisely" Purple Smoke said.

"And what this gift is, Purple Smoke?" Twilight asked.

The General of Talent just made a slight smile and said:

"Why not wait and see? Maybe you’ll be more fascinated if you see it for the first time in person."

That only aroused Twilight’s curiosity on what her son’s gift was.

Star Knight advanced through the corridors until he got close to the foyer, where he knew the secret passage that led to the Diamond Domain was. He then met with Blue Sword.

"Daddy!" he called, running to his father.

Blue Sword extended his forelegs to catch him and, in doing so, he raised him in the air for a few seconds before hugging him and putting him down:

"How's my champion?"

"I'm fine, daddy" Star replied. "I just had a class with mommy."

"I see" Blue said. "And did you learn something."

"A lot!" exclaimed Star. "Mommy knows a lot."

"Yes, she knows” Blue said. "Mommy is pretty smart."

"Daddy, can you give me a lesson on how to be a royal guard?" Star asked.

"Let me think about that" Blue said, making a fake pensive air, before drafting a broad smile. "Of course! How could I refuse a lesson to my best student."

He misaligned his son’s mane who responded, while arranging his mane:

"I'm your only student, daddy."

"Of course you are" Blue said. "Daddy was just kidding. What if we went to the gardens?"

"Yes!" Star exclaimed.

Father and son prepared to go to the gardens, when Pandora, in disguise, went through them, heading to the dungeons, following the power that emanated from her box and she could feel. When passing by Blue and Star, Pandora, to keep a low profile, made them bow before proceeding.

When Star Knight put his eyes on Pandora, he was petrified in horror, when he was able to see behind her cover, getting to see her face. But that was not all. He could feel an immense darkness behind the light layer that Pandora was using to go unnoticed. That darkness was what scared Star Knight. The fear that gripped him was such that he was completely petrified. Blue, noticing his son’s scared air, asked:

"Star, what's going on, my son. Are you all right?"

But Star Knight didn't say anything, simply staying with the same air.

"Star, say something" Blue said.

But seeing that his son didn't say anything, Blue carried his horn with magic and call Twilight and the other Generals. It wasn't long before they arrive.

"Star!" Twilight exclaimed, reaching the edge of Star Knight and hugging him. "What's going on?"

"He doesn't say anything" Blue said. "It just stayed like so suddenly."

"Let us take care of it, Your Highnesses" Golden Paladin said to Twilight and Blue, turning then to Heartbeat. "Do what you know best."

Heartbeat nodded and then she turned to Star and put her hoof on his shoulder. When she did this, the young prince awoke from his shock, panting a lot. Seeing his parents by his side, he exclaimed, hugging them:

"Mommy! Daddy! "

"It's all right, my dear" Twilight comforted, while she and Blue returned the hug. "It's all right."

After the hug, Blue asked Star:

"But what happened, Star? You were right, but from one moment to the next, you became pretty scared."

"It was horrible, daddy" Star said, with tears in his eyes. "Her face was horrible."

"Who are you talking about?" Blue asked, remembering then the guard who went through them. "Son, that was one of our guards and he is not a she."

"But I saw it!" Star exclaimed. "The face was horrible and I felt a chill, as if I had been swallowed by the darkness. Mommy, I don't want to be swallowed by the darkness!"

And he embraced her strongly and Twilight hugged him back, saying:

"Don't worry, my dear. It's not going to happen."

Blue turned to the other Generals and asked:

"What do you think happened?"

"Honestly, I don't know what to say" Golden Paladin said.

“Golden, Prince Star Knight is a young alicorn with his magic in development "Mirror Coat said. "Maybe this is a manifestation of his special gift."

"But he's so young" Melody said. "Do you think it's possible?"

"Of course it is" Purple Smoke said. "Normally, the gifts of the alicorns manifest by the time they get their Cutie Marks."

"You said that the gift of my son was a power similar to Heartbeat’s empathy" Twilight said, while continuing to comfort Star Knight. "Do you think he saw something...?"

"It's possible" Purple Smoke said.

"No, it's not" Golden Paladin said. "Anything dark can’t enter the Light Kingdom without permission and, even if something entered, it would be detected."

"Not if protected" Mirror Coat said. "Don't forget that those who have served our master and have come to worship the Lord of Chaos still have a faint light in them."

"Do you mean that villains who have betrayed us to join the Lord of Chaos can use that light to infiltrate here?" Leaf Mane asked.

"If all this is true, then we must find this intruder" Golden Paladin said.

"I can handle that" Heartbeat said. "My empathy may not work now, but if I know who is invading us, I can do a more thorough search."

She then turned to Star Knight who turned to her.

"Star, I need to know what you saw" she said. "If you let me, I can see. Don't worry, you're not going to be afraid. I'll not let that to happen."

Using her empathy to convey a sense of security to Star, Heartbeat made the young prince allow and then she put her hoof on his forehead and tried to see what he saw. It was then that the image Pandora’s horrible face arose in her mind. Seeing her, she broke the connection.

"Pandora" she said. "It’s Pandora. She's here."

That information left Twilight and Blue a little restless.

"Did she came..." Twilight started, thinking she should be there for Star.

"I don't think so" Golden said. "She was very close to him and did nothing. She wants something else from here."

"But what else could she want?" Blue asked.

There was a silence and then Melody exclaimed:

"The box! She wants her box!"

Realizing that Melody was right, the Generals began to quickly go to the dungeons, including Blue. Twilight wanted to go too, but first she turned to Star and told him:

"Stay here, my son. Don't come after us, okay?"

And, having said that, she also began to go to the dungeons.

Pandora, still undercover, came down to the dungeons and followed the corridor to the cell where her box was. Her excitement grew in every moment she neared her box. Breaking the spells that protected it, Pandora entered the cell and approached the box.

"Finally, my box..."

"Pandora!" a voice exclaimed.

Pandora turned and faced with Twilight and the seven Generals who were outside the cell. It was Golden who had spoken and he continued:

"Step away from the box."

Pandora smiled and said:

"It seems I was discovered. Very well."

And, having said that, she undid the spell and returned to her true form.

"You managed to penetrate into our defenses and trick Heartbeat’s emphatic sense" Mirror Coat said. “I have to say, it was not bad at all."

"Thank you" Pandora thanked cynically. "It is clear that this would not have been possible without Chrysalis. Despite the Changelings are disgusting creatures, their Queen served me well."

"Royal jelly" Mirror Coat realized. "Now it makes sense."

"You had so much trouble to pick up your box in vain, Pandora" Golden Paladin said. "We're not going to let you get it back."

"I want to see you try" Pandora said.

Heartbeat tried to use her speed, but, anticipating this, Pandora launched a shock wave that made the General of Affection be thrown back.

"No way, Heartbeat" she said, turning to the others. "And that goes for each and every one of you."

She used the same shock wave, doing it with quickness, hitting Twilight and the other Generals before they could do anything. Taking advantage of this, Pandora moved into her box and, after unlocking it, she was able to open it. Darkness left and involved Pandora, before being absorbed by her.

"What sweet sensation!" she exclaimed. "Finally I recovered my old power."

Golden Paladin and Blue Sword rose up quickly and tried to attack, but she was quick and, using his magic, she picked up Twilight and placed her in the line of fire of the two Generals.

"No way, my dears" she said. "If you want to reach me, you will have to go through the princess as well."

"Don't worry about me" Twilight told them.

However, they couldn't hurt Twilight, even if it meant reaching Pandora. She looked like she had everything in control. It was then that...

"Mommy!" a voice exclaimed.

Star Knight arrived and saw Twilight hostage of Pandora.

"Star!" Twilight exclaimed. "What are you doing here?!"

"Star, back up!" Blue said. "Hurry!"

But Star Knight just started advancing, with his eyes on Pandora. He could see her dark, deep darkness, but, after that, he could see a bright and pure light. The essence that Pandora used to have before being corrupted.

Seeing his son coming up increasingly, Blue said:

"What are you doing, Star?! I said..."

He tried to get close to his son, but Heartbeat prevented him from advancing.

"What are you doing, Heartbeat?! I have to get my son."

"No, Blue, she's not going to hurt him" Heartbeat said. "Besides... I think we're about to witness something amazing."

Blue Sword looked to the other Generals and saw that they were of the same opinion that Heartbeat. With no other choice, he observed.

Pandora, watching Star Knight, said:

"Well, look who he is. I was planning to go after you when you were older, but as you're here."

"Don't you miss it?" he asked.

Hearing that question, Pandora asked:

"Miss what?"

"The light, the one you suppressed to have this darkness that you have in your heart" Star replied.

Hearing his words, Pandora felt as if they reached directly in her core.

"What are you doing?" she asked, without her smile. "How do you know that?"

"I can see it" Star said. "Your light. She continues to shine, despite being completely surrounded by darkness. It seems it’s looking for a way to be free."

Star’s words continued to affect Pandora who eventually freed Twilight.

"Stop it" she said, stepping back, while Star approached, and getting to see a strange distant light in Star’s eyes. "Stop looking at me like that!"

But Star continued to approach, with her retreating. It was then that she had no where to retreat and saw Star getting closer to her.

"No!" she exclaimed. "Stay away!"

Everyone was standing around, while they saw the young prince arriving at the edge of Pandora and closing his hoof of her face. He then touched her forehead and Pandora then was invaded by memories. They were memories from her past before being corrupted. She could see how happy she was, how much she enjoyed playing with her sister and the pride she felt when she was chosen by the Lord of Order himself to protect the box that contained the darkness of the Lord of Chaos.

Rediscovering her old self made Pandora realize how much she missed those moments. But the darkness inside of her started acting, trying to regain control over her, returning to cover up those memories. However, Pandora didn't want that. She didn't want to forget. That desire made her light shone stronger. It became so strong that scattered the darkness and her body acquired the same luminous coat that the light ponies had. Darkness got out of Pandora and went back inside the box that was locked again.

After this, Star felt very tired and fell to the ground. Twilight went to him and held him, saying:

"It's okay, Star, mommy's here."

Then a light came from Star’s flank. Twilight looked and noticed a Cutie Mark. It was a flaming torch which had balance dishes in balance.

"I can't believe..." Twilight said, with tears of pride appearing in her eyes. "Star... go his Cutie Mark."

That surprised Blue who asked:

"But how?"

"His talent is to make others find their true selves" Purple Smoke said. "I believe he did the same thing with Princess Twilight when she was dominated by Heartbeat’s light when she fought against Scale. Now, she did the same with Pandora."

"Yes, he saved me..." Pandora said, turning to everypony, smiling, with a sweet and kind look, not the evil and cold one that she had before. "Thanks to him... I'm back to my older self."

Star woke up and saw his mother.

"Mommy, what happened?"

"What happened, my dear, is that you just did something amazing" Twilight said.

She motioned to his flank and Star saw his brand new Cutie Mark.

"My Cutie Mark!" he exclaimed. "I got my Cutie Mark, mommy!"

"I know, my dear" Twilight said, embracing Star. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Star Knight" Pandora thanked, making Star turn to her. "Thanks to you, I could go back to my older self."

Star Knight returned her smile and replied:

"You're welcome."

It was then that Pandora's body began to fade.

"What's happening?" Star asked.

"The Lord of Chaos’ darkness was what allowed her to live during all these centuries" Golden Paladin said. "Now that it's gone…"

Realizing what Golden meant, Star said:

"No, it can't be. Not now that she was..."

"It's okay" Pandora said, smiling. "You don't have to worry about, little prince. I've never felt so free and at peace. Since I can feel that again, nothing else matters. Just do me a favor. Never stop being who you are, because that's what makes you special."

Star had tears in his eyes, while listening Pandora’s words, and beckoned her. Then she disappeared. After this, Star embraced his mother who returned the hug. Blue approached and hugged his wife and son. Although that moment was of great happiness for Star getting his Cutie Mark, he could not feel happy because Pandora disappeared after finding her light.

The Lord of Chaos was sitting on his throne when he felt something he realized immediately.

"Pandora, what disappointment" he said. "But it doesn't matter. I may have lost a follower, but I won three more. "

And, with a laugh, he turned to the mirror, seeing the image of Chrysalis’ nest. She was sitting on his throne when a pair of Changelings brought her a chest they landed in front of her. She got up and, smiling, opened it and saw three Changeling eggs. They were the mutated eggs that had been stolen from her decades ago.

"Hello, my dears" she said to the eggs. "Mommy missed you."

She turned to the workers who were nearby and told them:

"Begin their developing process immediately."

And so they did. While she watched, Chrysalis smiled, trying to imagine Celestia’s face when she got to know that the eggs had come back to her.

In Canterlot, Celestia, in the throne room, received the news about the theft.

"What do you mean they are gone?!" she asked. "How did that happen?!"

"I don't know, Your Highness" the royal guard said, nervous. "It seems that some Changelings managed to infiltrate and, somehow, managed to steal the chest with the eggs."

"No, it can't be" said Celestia. "Those eggs were the reason Changelings almost invaded Equestria decades ago. We lost a great soldier to get those eggs."

She leaned back in her throne and said:

"It seems now we have another big problem between our hooves."