//------------------------------// // The Box, Twilight, and the Most Touching Card // Story: Sunset and Quickheart: Friends Forever // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// I'm back from my nap! Now where was I......the box! Of course! Back to the box! Mr. Shimmer took the box over to Mrs. Shimmer, we watched her gasped before going to check it out. It was a Pygmy Dragon cub! Mr. Shimmer got it as an anniversary present for Mrs. Shimmer! "Happy Anniversary, Delilah! I hope you like it!", Mr. Shimmer grinned, handing her the cub, who licked her face. "Oh, Walter! It's wonderful! I love him! Thank you!", she beamed, kissing Mr. Shimmer, "I'll call you Timothy! Do you like that, boy?" Timothy replied by yipping and licking her face. Judging by his hyperactive yipping, I figured he was only 5 or 6 years old, looks like I'll be having to teach him the basics. Rookie, hehe. "Look at that, Quickheart! You have a friend!", Sunset smiled, as I went over to introduce myself, which, something that no one knows, is that Pygmy Dragons can communicate through telepathy. After I introduced myself, he stared blankly at me before licking my face. He was a lot younger than I had guessed. Oh dear..... "I hope you liked your present. I know it wasn't much, but I'd thought you'd like it....", Mrs. Shimmer sighed, massaging Timothy. "Oh, Delilah! That cake was the best! It was my favorite flavor: blueberry!", Mr. Shimmer grinned, kissing Mrs. Shimmer. It was then I turned around and had my ears perk up, Twilight was visiting! "Twilight! You came!", Sunset beamed as they exchanged hugs. "Of course I did! I promised to come, didn't I?", the purple unicorn smiled, patting my head, "How are you doing, Quickheart?" I responded by licking her face. "Are you ready? Dad and Mom are taking us to the fair tonight!", Sunset smiled. "Oh? My big brother is taking his marefriend there!", Twilight exclaimed, hopping up and down. "Oooooh! Shining and Cadance, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!", the girls giggled, as Mr. and Mrs. Shimmer got ready. Sunset sighed, "Sorry, boy! You'll have to stay home with Timothy. Be sure to keep an eye on him, okay?" I yapped, saluting her with my paw, making her giggle. "Now if he gives you too much trouble, Quickheart, just give him a little something to bribe him with. Like a tomato. Will you be okay?", Mrs. Shimmer asked, scratching behind our ears. I wagged my tail and nodded. "Good boy!", Mr. Shimmer smiled, "We won't be gone too long!" After they left, the first thing Timothy did was run around the house several times before laying down and barking. I knew what this meant. So I went to the fridge and tossed him a tomato, before gulping one down myself. He immediately settled down and went to sleep, curling up next to me, I had my job cut out for me. So when they got back, Mrs. Shimmer smiled, "I see you and Timothy get along perfectly well! You're like brothers!" And brothers we remain to this day..... Back to the Present........ "Quickheart!!!" Wait a minute.....that voice sounds familiar.....could it be? I turned quickly towards the door hoping it was her. No....it was Twilight, bringing a basket of tomatoes. "Hey, boy! I brought you a little treat!", she smiled. I let out a little whimper and turned away from her. "Oh, did you think I was Sun......I'm so sorry boy....", she sighed, taking me up in her lap and stroking my fur. She then started laughing, "I heard you went off on Cadance today, was she too much for you?" I yapped and nodded. "Hehe, yeah. I guess she kept asking questions, didn't she, Quickheart?", Twilight grinned, trying to cheer me up. I nodded, and licked her face. "Luna told me you haven't eaten anything in 2 weeks! Is that true?", she asked, before hearing my stomach growl really loudly, "You need to eat something! Sunset would be upset if she saw you like this. You don't want that, do you?" I hesitated, but eventually I down the whole basket of tomatoes. That made Twilight happy. "Good boy! I'll have more tomatoes brought up to you, okay?", she smiled, "I wish I could stay longer...but I need to get going, friendship conference! See you later, Quickheart!!" I whimpered, I knew I would never see my Sunset again. There was just no way possible enough to actually raise my hopes. I looked back to the photo album, it was Fall 1984, Sunset's birthday. Our whole first year together...... Fall 1984...... It was that time of year again, normally I would be getting put into storage until spring came the next year, but nope! I've been spending a whole year with Sunset! And I was glad this was only the first of many years we'd be spending together. I was very happy I wouldn't be going into storage in the old pet store. "Happy Birthday, Sunset!", Mrs. Shimmer smiled, handing her a sparkly dress, "A dress, since you'll be able to come to the gala with us this year!" "Really? Wow! Thanks, Mom!", she smiled, turning to me, "What do you think, Quickheart?" Since I had fully articulated fingers, I yipped and gave her a thumbs up. "Silly Dragon!", she laughed, rubbing my head. "And don't forget that with a dress, you need some slippers!", Mr. Shimmer grinned, handing her some crystal slippers. "Oh wow! Thank you, Dad! Now I'll be sure to find my Prince Charming!", she smiled, "What about now, Quickheart?" I simply gave her 2 thumbs up. "Oh, Quickheart! You're such a great friend! Oh! I have something for you! It's your birthday too! I'll be right back!", Sunset gasped, taking the dress and slippers to her room and bringing back a box and a card "Open it!", she smiled, handing me the box and card. I opened the card first, simply because I wanted to see what it said, it said: Dear Quickheart, Thank you for being my friend, Thank you for being my pet. I love you when you're dry, Or even when you're wet. Because you mean so much to me, Just be the best that you can be. Love, your very best friend, Sunset Shimmer. I looked at her and jumped in her arms and started licking her. That card touched my heart deeply, inside the box was a new collar, custom made with glitter like my first one, only this time, instead of a tag, there was a locket. It opened up to reveal a picture of our first winter together. Sunset hugged me tightly, smiling, "I love you, Quickheart." And if only I could talk, I would've said, "I love you too, Sunset. With all my heart....all my heart....."