//------------------------------// // Split-Section // Story: All in a Day's Job // by RiverBankNut //------------------------------// All in a Day's Job - Chapter 2 By PGb... By River Author's note: I will suprise you in this chapter, look forward to a special kind of adventure fic >:3 -River The warmth of the sun was still crawling down the streets of Ponyville, the ponies of the town just woke up recently and a massive blur of blue and grey was rushing down the main street? "That way!" shouted Derpy and pointed her free hoof towards Sweet Apple Acres. Her other hoof was holding the magical moving map. "Alright! let's go!" said Izzy and continued his sprint in the direction Derpy has pointed. Soon they had gone over the entirenty of Ponyville and into Sweet Apple Acers, getting close to their desired destination. They saw the apple family going though their usual duties. Working at a farm is never easy. Derpy waved to Applejack as they passed by her and Big Macintosh. All Applejack saw was blur passing by her. "...ey Appeja..." was all she heard. 'What in the hay was that?" she thought with a face full of wat. Eventually, after crossing Carrot Top's house, they got to a mountian, or more like a cliff. "Should be right around here!" yelled Derpy according to the map. They started scounting the area, Derpy giving directions, and Izzy searching with his hawk eyes. After a short while they found a huge gaping hole in the side of the mountain. "Alright, are you ready...uh...what's your name agian?" asked Izzy at the entrance. "Oh, I'm Ditzy, but most ponies call me Derpy, you can call me Derpy too! Becuase your my friend now! I think... Are we friends?" she asked. Izzy giggled at her uncertainty. "Yes, Derpy, we are friends" he said. Derpy giggled too, partially because of excitment, and partially because of her new-found friend. "Alright! Now let's get Vinyl out of there!" he said and glazed at the dark area in front of her, ready to go inside. They entered and the place was extremly dark, even though it was still early. The sun came from behind the cave rather than from the front of it, which caused the darkness. Izzy worked his magic and an ocean blue light lit up the cave, exposing some very intersting elements. The place was alot bigger from the inside, the mountain was almost completely hollow, stalactites came down from above and stalacmites came up from below. A cool breeze flew through and shadderd the sun's warmth from outside. The place smelled like rotten fish, and was seemingly endless. They both couldn't say a word as they explored the vast room with their eyes and their mouthes open in awe. gulp "Are you s-sure she's here?" asked Derpy, not-so sure of herself anymore. "I'd say about 75% yes" he aswered and gluped as well. "Okay, let's go, watch your step" he continued and trotted forward. Derpy kept examining every inch of the place, either with her eyes or her hooves. Izzy did much of the same. After wandering about for a few minutes they found a split-section. One way of it was heading towards the right, and the other straight forward. Derpy pulled out the map for a better sense of direction; But given that it didn't show the inside of the cave, they had to base themselves on an estimation. "Hmmmm, I think we should... split up!" claimed Derpy and ordered Izzy towards the right. "What!? no! that's a terrible idea! haven't you ever seen a horror movie in you life?" he asked with a semi-look full of doubt. "No, i haven't, those things give me th-"RAWWWWWWWWWWWWR they both flinched at the horrifying sound. "What the buck was that!?" asked Izzy with a terror-filled face. "Oh, right..." He took a glance at the map and remembered they were inside a hydra's lair, And that there's more than likely a hydra inside it. After the blood came back to his face, he shook his head and tried to take control agian. "Let's just... stick together okay?" he said. Derpy mumurmed in agreement as she lost her abillity to speak temporarily. Eventually, Derpy came to her senses and Izzy helped her up. Heading towards the straight end, they came closer to not lose track of each-other. "Aren't you even a little bit scared?" asked Derpy suddenly. "Me? Heck no! I'm the bravest stallion around! Heck, I used to be a top-notch boxer. I was even in a tournament one time, And i swept 2nd place in it. It was in radio stations all over Equestria, I even remember the names of the broadcasters, Bill and John. So, no Derpy, I'm not afraid, and honestly, even if I was, I wouldn't turn back for a second, not when Vinyl's in trouble" he replied. "Uh-oh" a dead end, "let's head back" he said and turned around. Derpy followed. They immediately noticed a glowing object, but not a sparkling object, a thing that lit up itself, but didn't lit up the room. A few silent moments passed as they were mesmeriezed by the glow. "Hey, what's that?" asked Derpy with a hush. In-front of them was a dark and ferocious looking pair of eyes, looking at them with a malicious stare. "I don't know" claimed Izzy and came closer to it. He moved his horn closer to light it up and suddenly, the pair of eyes closed. A rumbling noise was heard from across the room. Derpy gasped in a panic. 'OmigoshOmigoshOmigosh' she came closer to Izzy's side. Izzy let out a small cry and empowered his horn to light up the entire room. Hissssssss growled the creature. "Stand back Derpy!" he ordered, she showed no protest, and took a few steps back. Then, out of nowhere, the creature jumped blindly onto Izzy. "Ah! Get away from me!" he shouted as he struggeld and wrestled with the creature. To-do-do-do-to-do-do-do-to-do-DO! "Helllllllllo everypony and welcome to our main event this evening! wrestling! We are coming to you live from the ring. Today we have an old-time fighter with magic at his dispense agianst a wild snake." annouced the commentator. "Yeah this snake has no chance Bill, the Ize-miester is just too much for him. Add magic to that and you got yourself a royal defeat" said the co-host. "Remeber the age Johnny, he's been at it for a while, truely, it's an even match" replied Bill. Ding-Ding "And they're off! the snake opens head-first with a wild tackle, he wraps himself around the old-timer trying to choke his magic, but Izzy fights back! Looks like he's going to have to find a different startagy and Izzy gets free from the grip! The snake gets fended off and tossed to the ropes, he's looking for a way to jump in but Izzy starts with another move! he runs straight forward and steps on the snakes head. Now remember folks, this move has been banned all-over Equestria, but who's gonna judge this match huh? Oh no! The snake gets free and leaps agian to Izzy's neck and he bites! looks like this match is over. But wait! what's this? a newcomer approaches the stage! looks like a cross-eyed fan wants to get some action! She flys up and dives straight into the snake and it's down!" Ding-Ding "I've been Billno". "And I've been Johnathan". "And we'll see you next week for PrizeWinner!" To-do-TO! She made sure the snake was as dead as a rock and went over to Izzy. "Are you ok?" she asked. "Yes-" he coughed, "I casted a poison-proof spell on both of us just before we enterd, I'd figured we might run into some cuts that might get infected" he answerd. Derpy helped him up. "Are you sure you're okay Izzy?" she asked to make sure, "I really don't want you to get hurt" a worried look came up on her face. "Yes, now stop asking and focus!" he replied. It was obious that he had no intentions on leaving before they find his granddaughter. "Okay then" she took a deep breath and started trotting back to the split-section, followed by Izzy. 'That was just a snake, but how are we gonna take on a hydra?' she thought. They got back to the split-section; Luckily, without any random encounters. This time, they went to the right end. (well duh...) By this time, Derpy was less keen to explore, so she hasn't examined everything like before. Much of the same can be said for Izzy. Finally they found the sleeping beauty at the end of the long hallway. It had all the features Derpy and Izzy were afraid of, 4 heads, rough scaly skin, long spiked tail, and giant diemensions. "That thing is huge!" whispered Derpy. "I know! Keep quiet!" he whispered back. Derpy glanced at the map one more time and pointed towards a certian direction, being absoloutly silent. They started trotting quietly to Derpy's instructed direction. They were very close to their destin-crack ... "Uh-oh"