The Siren's Remorse

by TheronSniper

Ch. 10 Authority Above All

(I'm very grateful to the amount of views this has garnered, if anyone has more critique to offer I'm open to commentary. I must admit this is rushed to some extent, but I do try to avoid the common mistakes made by rushed work.)

Ch. 10 Authority Above All

While Twilight Sparkle’s biographical moment had been entertaining, it placed her at the lowest rank of the threat totem pole Adagio used throughout her life to any they associated with. She still was not one for trusting the clever human no matter how much Sonata and possibly Aria were lulled into acceptance. An overwhelming need to distract herself from getting to ornery over the subject shoved the train of thought away for another time.

Something they would all enjoy, "Twilight darling I'm so glad you could see it in you to inform us of what such a brave and intelligent person you are. I feel like we can tolerate you a bit more than I first anticipated, and to earn that from a siren like us is a miraculous feat for any pony, griffon, or minotaur to speak of examples. So to celebrate, how about we test the powers of two greater gemstones and see what we have at our fingertips shall we?" Dazzle smiled as she pushed her empty plate away and sipped the remaining liquid black gold down to the last drop.

"Food is good and all, but some real negative energy would hit the spot. I'm game." Aria sneered as their server arrived to check on the table.

"How was everything?" Berry scanned the table of four with a smile and pep.

"Fantastic, send the bill as my friends and I have a schedule to keep." Adagio kept her eyes on Twilight as she spoke, she hungered as much as Aria for the energies which empowered their element.

A quick bow and the employee was off, letting the little human once again alone with the trio and their devious leader. Obliviously thinking bouncy orange curled girl had been stricken with a giddy moment at the coming test, little did she know there was another reason. They never actively selected who they entranced as they sang, now with the middle man available Adagio would find out if they could pick and chose whoever they willed. Even if Sparkle fell into their thrall, there would be no difference to her and besides it all the human was no more a guinea pig to her.

Sonata noticed the gaze her leader displayed, and the smile was of no joy to anyone but the owner. Knowing the siren for so long, even she could detect when there was a grander scheme at work and yet she couldn't figure it out. Something that involved Twilight in a way which would definitely not be in her best interest with the way Adagio handled things.

"Your bill, I assume your all together right?" the waitress asked kindly and broke Sonata's fragile train of thought.

"Yes, here... keep the rest for yourself." Dazzle reached for the wallet Twilight had been in the process of opening and paid the restaurant without care nor the reaction of their human compatriot.

The rather savage way it had happened left the girl stunned for a moment before the wallet had been returned to her. At first she wanted to say something and react, but she found her tongue to be tamed by the once friendly smile and welcoming eyes of the golden siren still full of mirth. Instead of provoking a problem, she withheld a retort and simply lost her once good mood for a cautious state of mind. Leaving the brunch cafe, she kept to herself behind the three as she tried to analyze what just occurred, the odd behavior categorized and set for Yellow to know later.

The group took a long silent walk to the nearest park which catered to musicians and performances the town's many organizations put together and hosted during summer times. Admittedly, Adagio herself had let the idea of feeding again sink in during the trek and the festering idea made her just as insatiable as Aria. If not to quell the inner hunger, she couldn't dismiss the necessary test of the new foreign stones to prod for any mistakes that could be made. Wondering how it would affect their voices ever since that history lesson opened their eyes of the real sirens that once lived eons ago. The buzzing nag of contamination warranted the experiment, never before had a siren ever taken anothers in the entire history of their being. Though there was never anything against it, it had never been spoken of and that made Adagio worry far more than she desired to feed.

As they approached the concrete theater emblazoned with the Apple Family's logo, Adagio lifted her hand for the group to halt. They were at a far corner of the park close to an intersection, here they'd be able to gather listeners with ease being close to a busy area. Green grass painted the land around and behind them, with rocky sand walking paths giving access for visitors to traverse. The sounds of traffic were minimal with the vastness of the performance stage, if they sang here there would be nothing to spoil them. A few tall trees swayed and ruffled in the mild wind that began to die down, even nature gave way to the sirens desire in sheer coincidence.

Adagio turned around to the rest of the group, “We have so much to learn about our new keys to our freedom, so make note of anything that seems off when we go on stage.”

A sinister yet soft grin crept along the corners of her mouth as Aria shrugged, “Sure, besides I’d like to know the limits of mine anyways.”

“Hey! Why does she get the other one and I get nada?!” Sonata huffed as her grasping hand was swatted away a couple times attempting to touch the twin pigtailed girl's pendant.

With a heavy sigh of frustration, “Look, we may not get another chance at this and I need someone like Aria to safeguard it. No offense Sonata, but this is just too sensitive to take chances. You'll get yours in time that I can promise you” Adagio waved a lazy hand with her back to them as she leapt onto the stage to survey the audio design.

Dusk relented in trying to get the gem when she heard the explanation, allowing Aria to ruffle her hair and leave her standing miffed beyond words. Sure she could forget a few things and misunderstand situations at times, but was she so disqualified to be trusted with her own gemstone?

‘I’m not that bad? Am I?’ she pouted fixing her hair.

Twilight had watched from the sidelines and noted the group dynamics that were exhibited. It appeared counterproductive and possibly erroneous in the long term, but if that scene between them and those C.H. students had anything to say of them the other day. It was that words, even bitter ones were merely in jest, and it was their very nature to fed on negative energy that made such language normal. Though she had to agree with Adagio in the responsibility factor, Dusk had just been too free spirited to be rightfully given the second gemstone strategically speaking. Even she would have hesitated, with resources low and rare could they afford setbacks?

Sparkle jogged up to the perturbed girl and initiated her way of raising spirits, by lightly punching the arm playfully, “When he sees you guys prove yourselves trustworthy, you’ll get yours too! And think of it as this, that last one is a hard earned trophy that you’ll prove to them you deserve it.” She told her with a wide smile hoping her actions would be taken in kind.

Though the sometimes clueless woman held her breath for a moment, unsure of what to think of the praise. She relented with a light giggle as the idea set in and bolstered her spirits. Rubbing her left arm nervously at the idea of earning the last pendant gem, it was a flattering notion to think she'd be even far more considered than even the group leader. Someone saw potential in her, not just a butt of jokes or to be brushed off as nothing.

“Your like, such a mood lifter… thanks Twilight.” She kept the genuine joy readable upon her face as they too mounted onto the concrete platform.

“I saw what happened with those students yesterday before we met. I’m sure it’s safe to say they are joking when it seems like they’re not. Though you probably didn’t need me to say that.” Sparkle adjusted her glasses before the two kept talking while the others studied the structure for how their spell would fan out.

Wincing slightly, Dusk put her face rather close to her new friend and whispered, “I know, but it’s just how they see me. I’m just as good of a singer as both of them are, I just take things literal sometimes… Doesn’t mean I can’t fend for myself.”

Sonata started to look down again,affected by her own words which even the scientist couldn’t figure out how to help out with. They were already too close to talk much more of the subject for fear of the other girls overhearing. Begrudgingly, she had to leave the Siren to her own musings as the girls studied the area in detail.

The concrete amphitheater sat silently unused for what looked to have been months, bits of trash had accumulated in the corners and edges of the gray structure. It bore the age it had been created, erected a century ago as the gift to the farm sporting stains and cracks from pedestrians eating or scratched by skateboarding upon it. Twilight decided to go into a brief history of the building, how by sheer off chance that a few companies were looking for organically raised orchards for their products and Equestria happened to be in an economic slump. The legendary apples and their zap apple mutations brokered the deal which not only gave the Apple family its foundation of financial security, but with it came the processing plant the town desperately needed for jobs. Employment set in stone for locals thanks in part to the mayor, the product of the businesses drew fans and slowly over the recent years came craft breweries who set up shop in town. Horses had once dominated the tourism sector, but the Apple family added to the charm. With more and more fans of the juicy tasty apples gathering as fast as the asian hot sauce had, the town saw more businesses investing in the commercial district and from there came the town they lived in today. By the simple existence of a fruit tended with love and natural care by farmers whose family had the crafty man known as Filthy Rich to make it all possible.

Commemorated in the honor which brought new life to a dwindling home, old murals painted the history in semi abstract shapely images. Aria had of course gagged at the notion of such success and prosperity, as well as the idea of the negative energy that once stewed before the time frame of the story which they missed out on. Adagio ignored much of the story in favor of checkout out the acoustic resonance of the theaters design. Sonata though had her own way of feeling sympathy, and then the thought left her focus as she noticed the few bird nests that sat at the top of the roof where chicks peeped and called to their parents.

The stage beckoned as each footstep echoed into the concave interior. It was not the most attractive place to perform that was sure. The functionality would suit their needs regardless and there were enough people out for them to get a moderate crowd. For a few minutes, the Sirens practiced warming up their throats and harmonized as one going through each pitch and octave. Adagio kept her eyes open to the other two for flaws in voices, the degree of perfection was her specialty. Twilight kept to herself as she looked over her notes concerning the magical items she'd written on a notepad. Sitting on the edge of the dais and kicking her legs, she had to bite her tongue till they appeared ready to listen to anyone. A deep breath and her notes primed for instructional review, she stood up.

“Okay, although I’ve modified the spells to not do you any harm. We need to balance the net energy between both gemstones before you use them.” She stopped the Dazzlings before they took up stance and begun their routine.

“What do you mean balancing them? Something else we should know?” Adagio asked as she put a hand on her pelvis as the other two flanked her with questioning eyes.

“We need to bleed and equalize the power for both stones to function. If we don’t, you’ll have feedback that would amplify the effects of your charms if I read correctly, of course that data was meant for a completely different spell it was the only one similar. Your audience might be permanently tamed to your will or go into an everlasting aggressive state.” She said with a rather light tone considering the issue at hand.

“Feedback? I thought you said these were safe?” Aria demanded with a slam of her nice shoes that banged with an echo.

“We don’t want to hurt anyone! We just want to sing!” Sonata looked at Twilight with near panic in her eyes as the thought of experiencing their run for their lives after the band competition.

“You have exactly one minute to straighten out this misunderstanding Ms. Sparkle… and I dare say you best watch your next few words.” Dazzle spoke with an eerie tone as she crossed her arms over her purple blouse.

While Twilight had been put into a metaphorical corner, she mentally berated herself for not wording that explanation better. Having forgotten for a moment of what the sirens endured, she should have been far more careful with what she had to explain. The act had to be done before any singing, that Yellow pointed out to cement the second gems modification and the new runes Twilight had inscribed or covered.

“A... as I said… these are siren stones from my world, and though I altered the spell matrix for you to be safe using them. They are still powerful artifacts nonetheless and as they are now their disproportionate contents will have an energy wash if you use as is in theory. From what I read, Aria's stone will seek to draw from Adagio's as the nearest source of negative energy, and likely the equestrian spell alteration will conflict with its very nature. We're only so lucky that the spells are close enough to be compatible, but that's not to say they are one and the same. Both rubies will essentially conflict with each other as one acts as a magnet while the other draws from the atmosphere if I'm' assuming that's how you feed. A tug of war if you will, so you can see what I mean by affecting your audience, it’s a simple thing to avoid! Honest!” she did her best to not feel afraid even as the singers stares were menacing enough to interrogate any criminal.

For a moment the two head strong girls considered the explaination, and soon Adagio just rolled her eyes, “Next time, bring everything up so we don’t have any surprises like that again. Just do your thing so we can sing alright? So much for the good mood I was in.”

“Had us worried there brainiac. What she said, don’t do... that... again!” Aria glared as she punctuated the last words before losing interest all together.

What had nearly brought the shy bookworm to her knees at the sudden turn of face from her first closest acquaintances could have scarred her. Yet it was Sonata who saved the group from a breakdown of trust as she knelt down by Twilight and cleared away the few drops of tears from her eyes.

“We were just surprised is all. I mean we don’t want to be hated or ruin peoples brains? We just want to be adored again, that's all any siren wants out of life. For realzies! Okay?” the blue girl in purple and violet clothing lightly punched Twilight to jar her from her state.

The reality of nearly shattering their dreams by the dangers that could occur from mishap was humbling. Through Sonata’s nature she found it in her heart to forgive as the others had, and it would be a chance Twilight wouldn't throw away again. It was her mistake that she not only forgotten to mention the recalibration they had to do the night before, getting the same kind of treatment from her fellow Crystal Prep peers was not on her to do list if she could help it. Such a drive seemed to hold Cadance's advice about what friends were like that she should be making now, the genuine care and respect one felt even if it was one sided.

The procedure for the process had been painless and quick, but it required all three of the girls to perform a sustained low pitch cord to activate the special part of the matrix to do the job. Not only did they draw attention which led to an awaiting group of listeners and onlookers. Their task was done under the guise of an innocent band looking to put themselves out there and thus most of their attendance were enjoying lunch or some form of food for the entertainment to come.

Only the Siren’s could see the faint wisp of green haze gently pour from their first pendant and into the new one. Starting with a few scales, they stayed on a sustained Aah until Aria gave the visual queue that her gem could be sensed as halfway full. The warmth and weight were easy for her to feel as natural as water upon skin, it felt like nothing else in this human world to have a half filled gem again. As if she had been starving for the longest time in her life and having been presented with a buffet of delicious sustenance which had been voraciously consumed. Something in her being felt content and happy, like a natural high only the body could create.

With the safeguards set and the park aware of the starting show, the vocalists turned their attention to the waiting ears as they started to sing their hearts out again. Their enchanted voices were uplifted with the additional stone as the strength of the spell doubled in its intensity, the fifty people who innocently enjoyed the Dazzlings were soon siphoned of their negative energy and more once they started going at each others necks.

Like clockwork, Adagio watched the common scene unfold and thanked the gardening layout which had walls of bamboo obscure faraway observers from seeing the chaos. Though a surprising development in the ongoing performance, the will of the sirens permeated into their viewers who became only as violent as they wanted them to be. It drew the marvel from them at the control they were able to harness, and for Adagio the test proved her own expectations as well as Sparkle stood off to the side unaffected. They now had far more control over human beings than before, a skill she could only hope transferred when they returned home.

When their act reached the end, the throng of men and women stilled their actions and soon dispersed as they had done in the past. Only this time, without the muttering and recanting of their future actions, the hosts simply had no memory at all of insulting and shoving their fellow citizen. Adagio could only relish the plans she had cooking to really satisfy that itch at that forsaken school. If only they had such power back then, they could have easily sent the throng of students to disable the Rainbooms equipment and subdue the contenders. Leaving only the act of sucking out the Equestrian magic in them till they were as human as human could be and maybe drain them of their will to be happy.

With the park cleared out, the four gathered together as the vocalists shivered at the sensation of success and a hearty meal. A physical reaction Twilight noted down for research as it seemed infectious to her as well, their giddiness putting what occurred not long ago to the back of her mind as they shared in the moment.

‘Test trial check, desired outcome achieved, and on a side note the raw magic of the siren species can have a short area of affect. Further experiementation needed to see if this is a valid theory or just personal experience exaggerated by the victorious result. End note.’ Twilight wrote down before closing the little spiral pad.

“I want to congratulate you all on a wonderful show, everything worked as it should have. Your target prey is dispersing with no side effects other than lack of memory, splendid. No harm done and we’re right on time for the meeting!” Sparkle nearly squealed with her notepad held close to her bosom from the data she acquired.

“Yes, quite… that was a rather delicious meal if I do say so myself.” Adagio grinned as she was adjusting her hair.

“So many couples out there that begged to be fighting against each other! Just as succulent as a juicy steak. Can we sing or can we sing.” Aria hummed in delight.

“I don’t know, tacos till have the top spot on my list.” Dusk looked to the others shrugging her shoulders when their looks earned no agreement.

“Uhhh, the moment is lost, thank you so much.” Adagio sighed before shaking her head while walking off the stage, “Well I guess that does leave us to take the next stepping stone to being our good old selves once again. Lead the way Twilight.”

Aria took the moment look down upon her compatriot, mumbling something about smothering her with a pillow at night. Sonata had not heard the comment and simply huffed back at the purple siren with indignation. Twilight meanwhile gave the address to Dazzle and followed in step out of the park with the others close by. They would travel from the center of the town, through the steadily lively commercial district, and into gradually less populated. Walking onwards with mirth and excitement at meeting their benefactor for the first time, the route on their phone's gps map led themselves down a particularly lonely stretch of residential homes to the northeast area. Some estates were even more rich and pricey than the others they’d seen before. These however were mostly vacant, likely vacation homes by the looks of the careful gardening and landscaping of the miniature mansions.

Maid services or nursery vehicles filled the neighborhood with its sole source of human life. Simple men and women who worked small wage jobs to make hedges prim and proper, expansive front lawns well manicured, and dust the homes in their timeless reverie. Something Adagio hated with all her might back in Equis, which was why when she sung her best it was always to make sure the privileged were drained the most. They made the masses less tasty in their pursuit of wealth because of their meddling, although they were more plentiful of a meal by themselves. Being in a position of power and sums of bits that couldn’t be spent fast enough often created perfect negative emotional energy that had its own spiciness.

They reached their destination as the phones alerted to once they came across a rather simple two story home. The cottage looking getaway possessed a noble’s touch which immediately threw the girls into assumptions of who owned it. Though far away from being like the gaudy homes around this plot of land, there were too many calling cards that could mean they were likely being used for selfish reasons. The four passed through the black iron gate held firm by columns of elaborate brick work, it opened as if just for them such as the laser activated convenience store sliding doors. The grassy front lawn expansive in its acreage had been recently tended to, but lacked the statues and social structures for type who hosted parties. Instead, as they neared the front entrance down the long driveway, they eyed the succulent in season fruit trees that peppered the land and provided the shade. To Adagio, this was a peculiar quirk for a noble even for the one she envisioned. Birds migrating through had taken roost in the branches and pecked away at the soft fleshy goods hanging by small stems, occasionally a pecked piece would drop softly on the ground. Their chirping offered a serene setting that lacked only a gentle stream to make the area have the Equestrian appeal.

As the foliage gave way to the front side of the mansion, the girls took in the design and cleanliness of the location of the meeting. A stark white brick and mortar exterior with terracotta shingled roof stood proud and majestic in its quaint appeal. They watched Sparkle proceed ahead before them to knock the door with the brass dragon head on the heavy wooden double door. The dull rumbling echoed inside the spacious innards within. Red brick as fresh as the morning dew contrasted with the white walls below her loafers, a few potted plants blooming an array of flowers flanked the entrance in gold containers. The look of such a place almost seemed more of a fortress or castle now that Adagio analyzed with more scrutiny as she stepped up to the left of the human girl.

“Guys, he’s not going to bite. He’s eager to talk to you three, so try not to look so cautious? Last time I was here he took everything into account and showed me a few texts he had on Equestria.” Twilight asked as they neared slowly behind her.

Before Aria could say anything concerning the mystery person, the door's mechanisms unlocked with a servant in black and white standing before them with a droll uncaring face. He appeared to be the typical butler of old age who simply looked at them and stepped aside to allow entrance as if he'd been briefed as to who they were to expect around the hour. Blaze simply crossed her arms in front of her and gave an ugly stare at the human servant, she hated stoic people as they felt like they had nothing to give. No ques to identify them as prone to negative emotions or just simply dead inside which made any energy from them to be sour.

After Twilight gestured inside, the four walked in slowly and looked about them, green wallpaper with vertical vanilla stripes lined the hallway they were in. A lone table with a statue of a human head sat greeting them as decoration, pictures and paintings of unknown subject matters spotted the two pathways to take to which the butler blocked off the left wing. With his cue, the girls let Sparkle guide them away down the right corridor where the echoing of faint singing that sounded very familiar to a choir and classical instruments. With their senses split between anxiousness and curiosity, they nervously proceeded into the unknown as the music went on with their foot steps on the soft carpeted floor.

Surprisingly enough, Adagio took stock of the interior which was the most basic in decorative accents. Shelves and glass cases displayed trinkets of precious metals of strange origins under lights that lit their way to where ever Twilight took them. Aria had to smack Sonata’s curious hands every so often from the mystical looking objects as they slowly became weapons of natives and those the ponies use to wield. Some were studded with precious metals or gems, a few fossils made their way into the girls attention from shells to teeth that looked to be longer than any of their hands fully extended. Though they were evidence that the owners were long since dead, it brought back bad memories of predators from home. The sirens were happy to have the last steps of the trek to be flooded with age old portraits of human nobles in their flamboyant garbs painted in oils on hand carved wooden frames. None of which the three cared for and to their credit simply ignored them after the first two works of art.

Twilight proceeded to lead them into a vast open room to the left, the only door that was open and unlocked that Sonata incidentally made clear of in her first few attempts before being pinched by Aria into ceasing. The soft glow of welcoming ceiling lights poured into the hallway they casually entered from. Adagio had to nod to the other girls to be ready for anything, this was still a real live possible trap by the Rainbooms for all they knew.

The giant of a room they entered appeared to be some kind of study filled with as many book shelves as possible that could have passed the room along as an actual library. Their eyes drew onto the many rows of books and manuscripts that flanked them and populated the upper level. To the right and a few feet away a spiral staircase granted access to the upper parts, but it was clear as day they were not going to need it as the music they had heard eminated on the other corner of the five rows of book shelves. Green carpeting on top of dark mahogany wood planks trailed the eyes to a large office desk in the middle of the area as they continued to proceed. It appeared to be in use with paperwork of some kind scattered under a banker’s lamp and a cup of fresh hot liquid still awaiting use. Behind hit, a fire place crackled softly with an occasional pop every twenty or so seconds, a few chairs were organized before the desk as if the room was often used for meetings.

A strange sense of brain tingling swept through Adagio’s head that threatened to cause dizziness that had the power of a slow slap to the face. The atmosphere had a strange effect on her alone, while Aria and Sonata seemed none the wiser and eyed every single detail in the room in fascination as well as looking for their foes who might be hiding. As she diverted her gaze to the far left, a tall figure stood waving his hands to a audio system that played the stalliongrad type of music they were hearing before. The language seemed similar to the likes of Stalliongrad ponies, those industrious hardy equines who were notoriously hard to feed off of for some reason with their sense of pride and family bonds with one another. Yet Adagio had to hand it to them, they knew how to keep a good singing tradition among their pony kind. It took the entire song to finish before his arms fell to his side softly, the last note came from the lead vocalist whose voice faded to applause from what seemed like a dated recording. If male sirens could sing, they’d probably sound just like those humans with skill and talent of their counterparts, only with a much deeper pitch.

Twilight coughed into her hand to announce their arrival as the electronic device had been turned off by the person, their subject of interest for the last few weeks then finally turned around to face them. A large brown coat draped over his body, covering the black vest, stripped collared shirt and indigo tie that the man wore with grace and modesty. Nobles were easy to gauge their tolerance by the way they adorned themselves, the more down to earth type were just a par above commoners. The simple pair of slacks made this one out to be the kind of noble Adagio could bare to stand well enough to not do something regrettable.

Though as his face came into the light, the identity of the human was shocking, they simply gawked at him while Sonata simply waved in excitement as if she were friends with him. Rushing to him and generously shook his hand which he took no offense to nor gave a look of scorn, and easily listened to her plethora of topics she wanted to spout if not for Aria pulling her away looking at him astonished. Caught in their stupor, the man simply bowed and rose with a simple demeanor as he prepared to introduce himself. Allowing Twilight to walk up to him and greeted him like he was an old professor of her classes at school.

“I’m happy to say your requirements were met with flying colors, we have everything set into place to continue. I hope we met your expectations?” Sparkle asked as she procured her mini notepad and handed it to him.

The well dressed man simply took the spiral paper pad and padded Twilight on the head every gently before looking to the Sirens, "Remember me I see? That night is still as fresh in my mind as if it were hours ago.”

That custard yellow skinned human with crimson hair chuckled a bit as the jaws of Aria and Adagio remained slack, “The names Yellow Tail, and I see we have much to discuss. Please, make yourselves at home and I’ll have some refreshments brought to us.”

Their patron supply stretched his arms outwards in gesture to his notion.