Sunset and Quickheart: Friends Forever

by DaiAtlas2016

Finding a Home

It's's been raining everyday since she was banished. Why was she banished? For trying to steal some stupid crown from Princess Celestia. Did she ever think of what would happen to me if something happened to her?
No. Even if I was her favorite pet, her best friend, her confident. Her Little Quickheart. In case you haven't already figured out, my name is Quickheart.
I am a Pygmy Dragon, which means I don't get very big, my full size would be equal to that of a young English Springer Spaniel. I was the pet of who I thought was the greatest pony in all of Equestria: Sunset Shimmer. I loved her dearly, and she was the same way.
Until about 2 years ago. That's right, I miss her so much, that I'm still counting the days of pain I've had since she was banished. Sure, I'm living the cozy life under the care of Princess Celestia, but she wasn't her. She wasn't Sunset.
But hey! Don't worry about me! If you people don't want to read my sob story, go read your Twilight books! (Still a better love story than Twilight!) But for those of you who actually have some compassion and love a good story, read on......

It was about 13 years ago.....I was a young dragon cub, small enough to fit in a bag. I don't recall how I ended up in a pet store, but there I was, in my own glass case. Even though I sat in the middle of the store, most ponies passed me by, uninterested. As the days grew into weeks, and weeks grew into months, I had given up hope of ever finding an owner.
Until SHE came. A little orange unicorn filly with a red and yellow mane walked into the store with her parents. Now most fillies and colts went around touching things, making their parents call them by name, which I remembered for about 7 seconds before forgetting. But for some reason, the name "Sunset Shimmer" stuck in my mind.
She walked around, looking at the various creatures, ignoring me, until she said, "Excuse me, Mister? Do you have anything.....different? Something that's not a cat, dog, or rabbit?"
"Well, honey....", said the old stallion who ran the store, as he pointed to me, "We have him."
As soon as he pointed at me, I sat on my hind legs, front paws on the case, my tongue was hanging out as I panted, I wagged my tail, and of course, I let out the most adorable bark I could. Watching other animals get adopted, I learned that the best ways to get adopted was to look and sound adorable.
Sunset walked over to me and squealed, "Awww! He's so cute! Can I have him, Mom, Dad?"
"I don't know....he looks dangerous.....", the mother said cautiously.
I was downhearted. Until the store owner winked at me, it was time. So, I started my performance by licking the glass through which I saw Sunset Shimmer, making her giggle, then I rolled around in my case, stood back up and begged.
"I can assure you, ma'am, this dragon is not dangerous, he's like a puppy!", the store owner smiled.
"Well, I don't see why not! We'll take him!", her father replied.
"Yay!", the little filly, who was now my owner exclaimed.
I can't tell you how happy I was when I got out of that glass case and into her arms. To start a good relationship between the two of us, I did what any responsible pet would do. I licked her, making her giggle.
"I'm going to call you Quickheart! Is that okay?", she asked me.
I responded by letting out a little yip and licking her.
"Okay, boy! Let's go home! But first!", Sunset laughed, pulling a collar out of her satchel and putting it on me, "I made this myself! Just for you, boy!"
I looked down at my collar, it was leather, with glitter all over it, and a little silver plated tag that read, "Quickheart". I was overjoyed. I rode in her satchel all the way home. As she set me down, I ran around her yipping and yapping, making her laugh.
"Oh, Quickheart! Silly dragon! Come here!", she smiled, as she took me up in her lap.
I settled myself down and purred as she scratched behind my ears. Then, it was Miss Sunshine herself who came over to visit Sunset.
"Happy birthday, Sunset Shimmer! I assume you're enjoying yourself?", asked the sunny side up princess.
"Yes, your highness! Look at my new pet!", she exclaimed, holding me out to her, as I let out a little bark.
Celestia looked at me closely before laughing, "A Pygmy Dragon! I used to have one when I was your age! But we had to get rid of him, because Luna was allergic....anyway, I see your guests are here!"
Sunset looked out the window and set me down on the couch and quickly ran to the door. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, only to meet a new friend. Quickheart, meet glass. Glass, meet Quickheart.
After I figured out I couldn't get through, I lied down and began to whimper. Sunset's mother came over to me,
"Awwww....I guess you are kind of cute....would you like to help me in the kitchen?"
I gave a little yip and nodded.
She laughed, patting my head, "I guess you're smarter than I thought. Come on!"
She led me to the kitchen, and set down a water bowl for me, then asked, "Do you like tomatoes, boy? We have plenty of cherry tomatoes."
She tossed me one, and I gulped it down before barking and nodding.
"Okay, boy! Let me get you a bowl full.", she smiled at my reply.
After she brought my bowl of tomatoes, she scratched under my chin, she washed her hooves and started setting the table. I was happy and content eating my tomatoes, until I felt an unbearable pain crush my tail! I yelped and hid behind Mrs. Shimmer.
"Walter! You stepped on Quickheart's tail!", Mrs. Shimmer exclaimed.
"Oh! I'm sorry, boy! Can you forgive?", Mr. Shimmer asked, patting my head while I pouted.
I was reluctant to forgive him at first, but a belly rub persuaded otherwise.
Sunset came in, which made me perk up my ears and wag my tail.
"Oh, Quickheart! I'm so sorry I forgot about you! I just got so excited that all my friends were here! Do you wanna go meet them?", she apologized, picking me up with her magic and nuzzling me.
I yapped and nodded.
"Okay, boy! Let's go!", she smiled, putting me in her satchel.
Today was the best day ever. I had found someone to hold me. Someone to hug me. Someone to love me.