A Place Called Home

by FoxUnderFire

Act 1-2

When I woke up I found myself in a barn. I tried to stand, but I found out my legs were tied together in an unpleasant way. Namely I fell face first into the dirt. I also knew that my hands were tied then, because all but the dumbest people in the universe don't tie up someones hands if they tied up their feet. I thought about my predicament for a few minutes before I gave a sigh and shifted into a more comfortable position. Whatever they were going to do to me, it wasn't going to be pleasant. I rubbed my wrists together, testing my bindings.

Rope. Really strong rope. And whoever tied the knots knew what they were doing.

I let out a silent groan and looked out the window on the other side of the barn. It was pretty dark, but I couldn't see the moon so I didn't know an exact time. I felt pretty bad that my bag was confiscated along with Zandacor. Given my circumstances I did the only thing I could, I rolled over and went to sleep.

I wasn't comfortable but I had survived in a cave for a year or five. If anything, the hay was I laying on was particularly pleasant. When I woke up the next morning, my shoulders were cramped from having my hands being held behind my back for so long. Like I said uncomfortable but not unbearable.

I looked back out the window and saw that the sun was rising. If I was in a barn then this is a farm or mill of sorts. Whoever owned this place would rise with the sun. And I was sure that they would come and see me. After all, not many peo- ponies tie people up and then forget about them.

Except for the time that one guy tied you up and forgot you in a cavern.

Oh yeah, that sucked.

I was sitting there for about an hour before the door opened and the yellow pegasus entered. Now that my brain wasn't dull and shadowed I saw that she had a pink mane and HUGE blue eyes. She had what appeared to be a muffin in her mouth. She walked up to me and dropped the muffin in front of me. The whole time she was doing this my thoughts raced as I tried to find a way to escape.

When she gets close attack her! Force her to let us go!

But... I can't...


No! We would seem like monsters! She looks so innocent! And I can deal with being tied up for a little while.

We are not monsters... we just want freedom.

Yeah, I know.

The whole time during this little conflict took place she just seemed to study me. I felt slightly uncomfortable. I waited for a while thinking if this was some sort of psychological torture. Finally I broke the silence that seemed to last an eternity.


She flinched at the sound of my voice and backed up a few feet. She looked like she was trying to hide behind her hair.

"H-hello." She seemed shy and there was something familiar about her eyes... so familiar. Yet strange as if there was a filter of grey over my memories.

"I'm really sorry for making you faint." And I really was, which was strange and new for me.

"O-oh... that's OK... I get scared easily." I guess she doesn't remember that I held a knife to her throat and thought about killing her.

This conversation was getting awkward. I guess a murderous psycho and a shy pony really don't have much for conversation material. I looked down to the muffin in front of me.

"Was this for me?" She nodded.

"Thank you." She nodded.




"So how come no one else came?" I questioned.

She looked down at the ground and mumbled something.

"Excuse me?"

"They didn't..."

"Pardon me, my hearing isn't that great. Say again?" Damn that was one helluva bald faced lie.

"They didn't think that you deserved anything after yesterday..." She seemed scared, like her words would cause her physical harm.

"I'm sorry." Why was she sorry?


"Oh, I don't know... sorry." Again why was she sorry?

"Don't worry about it, so why did you think I deserve anything?" This pony seemed so fragile, so... kind. The word was awkward and sounded rusty. Yeah, I hadn't used it in a while.

"O-oh, um, well I don't think anything should go without a meal. And I know that you were just scared because you couldn't see well." What the hell? That was almost exactly what I felt yesterday.

"Oh, well thanks miss..."

"My name is Fluttershy."


"Well thanks for the muffin Miss Fluttershy."

She smiled and nodded. After a while she moved towards the door and left.

I was alone... again. And I forgot to ask her to untie me so I could eat the muffin.


After awhile my stomach started to growl.

Screw dignity I'm hungry.

I leaned forward and fell on my stomach slowly I caterpillar crawled forward until I was right next to it. Then I took a bite.

Oh lawd!

That muffin was undoubtedly the best thing I had eaten. I had enjoyed it until I got to the paper wrapping at the bottom half. That paper wrapping was the bane of my existence. I glared at it angrily as it kept me from my tasty treat. I decided it was worth it as I ate the rest, paper and all.

I rolled over and looked around the barn again.

I was alone.

Oh, well I guess I should just wait.

For something.

For anything.