//------------------------------// // Moving // Story: I'll Love You Always, My Little Flutters // by DaiAtlas2016 //------------------------------// Hello, before we begin our story, let me introduce myself. I am Corkscrew. Why do they call me Corkscrew? Because my horns are so curly. That's right, 2, not 1 horn, so you obviously know I'm not an unicorn. So what am I? I'm a dragon. A small dragon for my size, true, only about as big as an alicorn. I have two bright yellow "corkscrew" horns on my head, which complement my bright yellow underbelly. The rest of my scales are dark blue, and I have gold cat eyes. This is the story of how I raised an Element of Harmony, and possibly one of the cutest ponies in Equestria. "But dragons can't raise ponies! They're savages!", if that's what you're thinking right now, you can put this book back on the shelf and leave! As for you ponies who have compassion for a father who does his best like I do, you can keep on reading. Prepare yourself for the story of how I came to raise the Element of Kindness... It was another dreary day in the Dragonlands, I was babysitting the Dragon Lord's daughter, Princess Ember. She wasn't as bratty as most other dragon cubs were. She had her moments, but most of the time she was a well behaved cutie. We were by the river one day, I was watching her play in the water. I try to keep away from the water. Because I'm twice as old as Ember's father (He was 50 at the time if that tells you anything.), and my flame was getting weaker. One drop, and it goes out for good. I wouldn't die, no, I just like breathing fire. Anyway, I was thinking about random things, when Ember brought me a basket she found in the water. "Hey, Corkscrew! Look at this!", she shouted, which immediately triggered an infant's cry from the basket. I took the basket and looked inside: lo and behold, a yellow baby pegasus with a pink mane and tail. A tag on the basket simply said, "Fluttershy". I took the young filly in my wings and held her close, immediately calming her. "What are you going to do with it, Corkscrew?", Ember asked. "I'm going to keep her, of course! As long as you've known me, Ember, have you ever seen me be heartless and cruel?", I smiled. "No, I guess not. Well, it's time! Father should be done with his royal business! We're going to play chess this afternoon!", Ember beamed. "Oh, are you?", I grinned, carrying the baby with my wings in front of me. When we got to the castle, the Dragon Lord was waiting for us. "I trust you had a pleasant time with Corkscrew?", he asked. "I sure did!", she smiled, hugging her father. I started to walk away, but then he noticed the small object in my wings. "What's that you have there, Corkscrew?", he questioned. "Oh, that's just a baby pony I found in the river that he's going to keep and...oh...", Ember blurted excitedly, before realizing what she'd done. The Dragon Lord sighed, "Corkscrew...I know you have a hard time finding a mate, and I know you want children. But the child cannot stay here. Some of these dragons will literally eat her up. You have two choices, you can take her back to the nearby village, or if you really want to keep her, move to the nearby village and raise her. But I'm warning you. Most ponies don't take well to dragons, and it's no different for you. No matter how nice you are." As I thought this through, I looked down at the baby. The way she was staring at me, it's like she was saying, "I need you!" I just couldn't leave her all alone, I found her, it's my duty to raise her. "Your highness, I request permission to leave the Dragonlands.", I said, deciding I made the right choice. "What?! You can't leave! What about me? Don't you like me?", Ember cried, grabbing my forelegs. I ran my paw across her head smiled, "Of course I like you, Ember. I just really don't want to leave this little filly all by herself. She needs me to take care of her. But don't worry, I'll know we'll see each other again one day. For now, be a good girl for your father, because I know you're not a brat like these other dragon cubs." "Okay, Corkscrew. I will. I promise.", she promised, tears streaming from her eyes. After our goodbyes, I packed what few possessions I had, consisting of a few gems, a crystal lamp, and a satchel to carry these objects in. Now, unlike most dragons, I had a pouch on my chest, which always struck me as useless. That was until now, when I carried "My Little Flutters" in it. Yes, not even a day, and I've already gave her a nickname. So what? After several hours walking through the Everfree Forest, we had reached our destination: the small town of Ponyville. As I walked through town, I noticed ponies looking at the child, and then at me whispering, "The poor dear...that savage beast can't mean well." It wasn't until a white unicorn stallion came up and asked me what I was doing, that I found help. "Hello, Mr. Dragon! What seems to be the trouble? I'm Magnum!", he smiled. "I was looking for a place to move into, so I could raise my daughter around ponies. I really didn't want her raised around dragons. My name is Corkscrew.", I replied, happy to have found help. "Oh really? Betty! Come and meet Corkscrew! He says he's looking for a place for him and his daughter to settle down!", Magnum shouted, waving to his wife, a pink unicorn, who was holding their child, a white unicorn filly, whose purple mane was curlier than my horns ever would be. "Well, I'll be darned! A dragon here in Ponyville! And let me see the little dear! What's her name?", Betty exclaimed. I bent over so she could see Fluttershy sleeping in my pouch as I smiled, "Her name is Fluttershy." "Well, if you're looking for a place to stay, I think I know just the place! There's a little cottage, just outside of town, it needs a little work, but other than that, it's really nice. And remember, if you ever need someone to watch Fluttershy, we live in that house next to town hall! I'm sure her and Rarity will have a blast if we have play dates.", Betty grinned. "Ok, I'll remember.", I replied. So after talking to the mayor, we went to what was now our home, the little cottage outside of Ponyville, we both were tired, so we went to bed early.