(DA) The Princesses' Diaries

by Davids Archivist

(DA1:I) - The First Night (Celestia)*

The First Night (Celestia)

After the week’s events in court, I was hoping for an uneventful weekend. That destiny was not mine to enjoy. All being said, I do have a renewed sense of vigor for what lies ahead.

A mystical event has lead a traveler from another world to our doorsteps, one of a form nopony has seen before.

This creature, a ‘human’ by his own words, is intelligent, friendly and unusually knowledgeable. He goes by the name of David Marshall, and though his spoken word matches with our own, he is otherwise illiterate in Equis.

Perhaps illiterate is not quite accurate, for he admits that there are both similarities and differences between our written tongues. I hope to investigate it at a later point, if possible.

That, however, is not the only curiosity he holds! The most interesting facet besides his lingual skills is, despite being foreign, he may possess a vast knowledge of many events and ponies here in Equestria, including myself, my sister, and Twilight and her friends! He claims that this knowledge was passed to him in the form of fictional or mythical stories, supposedly created by his own people. I find this somewhat difficult to fathom but cannot wait to hear more.

Waiting is sometimes the most difficult part in life. At the point when it seemed Sir David was about to embark on yet another fantastical story, the stress of the night’s events finally caught up with him, and he asked to retire.

As we prepared to adjourn, I informed him of his current predicament, being one of confinement until he was properly examined. He immediately understood the concept of the proposed quarantine and accepted his position, then showed concern for Luna and myself, as to him we seemed to be exposed without protection. I assured him that we took appropriate precautions, and hearing that, he correctly assumed that our ‘first contact’ protocols had been developed by Twilight. I must say that his responses amazed me, showing both an impressive intellect and compassion towards others. I look forward to having some time to discuss more with him later; though, again that will have to wait. Before leaving him, I finished out the checklist of his needs, then both Luna and I bid him goodnight and left him to rest.

Tonight, while I file reports with the guard and set security policies in place, Luna will be taking watch over Sir David, even though she has a short court schedule to attend to. I must say, I was quite surprised; though she was quite alarmed at the initial encounter, she showed great care while we spoke to him. At one point, he was quite distraught, doubting his own mind and even I did not know how best to calm his fears. My dear sister, though, replied to his plight immediately. She pressed her body to his to let him feel her warmth, and as he looked into her eyes, it calmed him immediately. Such boldness is not in my character, though sometimes I wish I was capable of it. For now, though, I will leave his care this night in her capable hooves.