Spectre Squad: Ghosts of the Past

by NPP6

The Thief - Dodge Lighthoof

Celestia watched the colt in the hospital bed through a window. “Is he ready to be moved?”
The doctor nodded. “Yes, he’s recovering well… But Princess… are you sure moving him is a good idea? From what the guards have said, he’s quite an adept criminal. Aren’t you risking his escaping moving him before his trial?”
The alicorn smiled. “His trial has already taken place. Once per year I am allowed to supersede the courts and rule directly on a single case. Dodge Lighthoof has been tried and sentenced. Once he recovers from his injuries, he will be working off his debt to Equestria by protecting it.”
The doctor raised an eyebrow. “Protecting it? How? From what?”
“For our young friend alone, I am invoking a law that has been in force but unused for centuries. He has been drafted doctor, into the Equestrian Guard.” Celestia turned to face the young stallion fully. “As for your final question…
“Offhoof I can think of eight major threats to Equestria that have struck in the past five years. I’m sure if I took time to think I could come up with even more. And most of the time we can stop them, usually by having Princess Twilight and her friends take care of it.
“And then a month ago…”
“The Blood’s Eye Event.” The doctor whispered.
“Yes. Equestria hung by a thread that night. Honestly it hung by that thread for weeks. The only reason we’re standing here today is because a thirteen year old filly was brave and strong enough to carry our entire nation on her shoulders. Nopony knows how close we came to losing everything. They never can.”
“Of course Princess. We can’t risk anything killing hope if we find ourselves in a situation like that again.”
“Especially after we only just got him back.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Forget I said that. The point is, that for half a decade I have entrusted this nation’s protection exclusively to a group of a half dozen mares. Last month, that almost cost us. I can’t let that happen again.”
“But Princess… Something like the Element Bearers… Those kinds of legends only happen once in a generation.”
“This was not always the case… There was a time, long ago, when Equestria was overflowing with heroes. Firebrand Rose, Rebel Young, Gypsy Switch, Robin Red, General Mouse, Clockwork, Ironwing, The Freedom Lancers, The Shadow Rangers, The Travelers… Hundreds upon hundreds within a few short decades.”
“…What happened?”
“Nightmare Moon. After my sister fell to Darkness… my advisors and protectors decided it would be better if I were the only power in the land. I was aware of their plans, but only in part. In my grief, I fear I allowed myself to be deceived and used. It took me centuries to help Equestria recover from that, and by the time I did…”
“We were completely dependent upon you for protection.”
“To my eternal shame. My little ponies had lost the ability to take care of themselves, to stand on their own hooves. That is why I need Mr. Lighthoof here. He has shown resourcefulness, independence, and potential that have all but vanished from this land. I need his help if I am to bring back the united heroism that let Equestria lead the charge to free the world from the Draconequi.”
“But can a young thief truly help Equestria?”
Celestia finally smiled, her signature enigmatic one at that. “You might be surprised doctor.” Her smile fell. “But yes, I think he can change the world if he so wishes. So could any pony in Equestria really, if they only decided to.”
“Still, that’s a lot of responsibility for not much qualification.”
“Doctor, you do realize that the Elements of Harmony that will be in the history books are a librarian, farmer, veterinarian, baker, seamstress, and weatherpony, correct?” As the stallion tried to find an answer, the mare sighed. “I have laid a great deal upon you tonight, and for that I apologize. As such, I give you a gift that has helped many before you. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will remember of what I have told you only that which you wish to.”
The doctor was wrapped in a spell, asleep before he could react. Celestia teleported him to his desk, where a nurse would find him in the morning. The world would know that he fell asleep working the night before, and accordingly forget with promptness. Those who knew him however would say that there was something different about his eyes from that point forward…


NAME: Dodge Lighthoof
AGE: 16
PARENTS: Ward of the Crown
One month at Manehatten General for severe injuries. Prior Medical History unknown. Bypassed with Royal Authorization.

–Princess Celestia

ADRESS: Canterlot Palace
EMERGENCY CONTACTS: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Captain Black Diamond of the Shadow Rangers
COAT COLOR: Turquoise
MANE: Blue and Black
TAIL: Same
EYES: Silver
CUTIE MARK: A dagger inside a spade
SPECIAL TALENT: Misdirection