All Devouring Black Hole Dark Archon

by Morphile

Omake 2: Why Cutie Marks Aren't Always a Good Thing.

This is it. This is the last sort of magic I can find. I'll get arrested, maybe even executed, for this, but it's the last chance I have at getting my Cutie Mark in magic. Pulling out I See Dead People: A beginner's guide to speaking with the dead one last time to make sure I have the spell right, I try to cast it.

-15 minutes of apparently futile spell casting later-

N-no... Please, I can't fail this. Now the only thing that I have left to try is... Well, it's a good thing I'm in a cemetery. Pulling out Kelt'Hazad's Guide to Necromancy, I start to cast the spell I chose to start with, Army of the Dead, Adaptive Version, because of it's low magic needs. The spell uses the amount of magic you put in and makes as many undead as it can, with no minimum amount of magic. It'll raise one as well as one thousand, the only difference being power put in. Great idea for a spell, both for beginners and for masters. If only it did better things... Well, time to give it everything I've got...

-3 minutes of channeling as much mana as she can into the spell later-

Th-that's a lot of mana... Is that all I can do or-Gah! What's happening!? Where's this coming from?! H-how am I doing this!? Is this all me...

-8 hours of knocked-out-by-mana-depletion later-

Why am I in a hole in the ground? Wh-why are there bones around me?! A-are those royal guards!? I-i-is tha-at Celestia... I need to get away NAO!

-1 hour of running, with books, later-

Okay, I'm home. I should be safe and-why-is-my-Cutie-Mark-a-glowing-skull!?! Is my talent really Necromancy!? Am I doomed to be a crazy killer?! I-I don't want this to be my talent... I should just kill myself now...

-30 minutes of looking for suicide tools and location later-

Well, this should work... Hanging myself out of a closed window. It's better than I deserve. Jumping, I almost immediately start to black out. "Twily!? Oh goddess, TWILY!"

-The next day, due to being late, blacking out, and then being asleep normally-

Why am I still alive? Why did Shiny save me? Why... I'll try again. And over and over until it works.