Another Chance

by EldinKaiser

Ch 1 (Broken and Rekindled Bonds)

As I stood there, the feeling of my pendant around my neck now gone. I remember the day those bitches shattered it. She claimed that she was just doing me a favour, but deep down inside, she knew that she was destroying everything that made me.

Now Adagio and Aria are arguing constantly, we are starving, and it seems like nothing can come close to actually filling us. Even down to the food that the humans have. It has been several months since we've actually ate.

The only thing that comes close to food is love, but ever since everyone in this world knows of us, they don't come near us. We are dying quickly and it feels like we are just wasting away.

"You know what! You are absolutely worthless and I want nothing to do with you!" Adagio screamed out at Aria.

"Excuse me?! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this situation. You didn't even ask me or Sonata if we agreed." Aria screamed back.

Only thing I could do was sit in the corner away from the constant yelling. "Sonata what do you think?" Aria asked me, their gaze meeting mine.

I froze up, my head lowered. Nothing more than a squeak coming from my mouth. "Worthless, the both of you." Adagio snapped.

I felt actual pain hearing her call me and Aria worthless. I didn't do anything to her. I was just simply following orders. "N-no, I'm not worthless." I said, finally speaking out.

"You're the one whose worthless, Adagio! Aria is right, if it wasn't for you wanting to come here, we wouldn't be in this predicament! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be starving! Honestly, I think we would be better off without you!" I snapped, storming up to her.

"Get out of my face Sonata!" She growled at me.

"Or what? What is the almighty Adagio going to do? You are no stronger than me and Aria so why do we even listen to you? You're the pathetic one!" I screamed out, though was quickly silenced with the feeling of her hand striking my face.

Have you ever had a slow motion moment in your life, where everything just slows down and after, only thing you feel is nothing but regret? I lunged at Adagio, my fist clenching my fist as tight as I possibly can and hit her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground. I stood over her, my body trembling with anger, though shortly after finally came to my senses.

I looked down at Adagio who was knocked out on the ground then over at Aria, who was now standing there in shock at what just happened.

"Run" Is the only thing my body was telling me. I took off out of our small apartment and just kept running for hours and hours. By the time I finally stopped it was night time, my body sore from running.

I finally collapsed, tears flowing freely from my eyes. "Hey, are you alright?" Called out a soft warm voice from behind me. I turned around to see a pink skinned, green and yellow haired girl standing behind me.

She was wearing a Crystal Prep Academy uniform, a pair of headphones resting on her shoulders. "I'm fine!" I said, snapping at her, trying to mask my emotions.

She stood there for a moment, looking me over. "Well, do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked me. I wanted nothing more than just to break down and let out all of my emotions, but she is someone I don't know. She'll probably just call the police on me and have me hauled away.

I didn't say anything hoping that she'd take the hint and leave me alone. Though, I heard her take a step beside of me and sit down. She reached out towards me, though only to have my reaction to cower away like a dog who has been beaten on.

"P-please, leave me alone." I begged.

"You look like you've been hurt, please let me help you"

"GET AWAY!" I yelled out, shuffling away from her. She looked at me, not really phased by my outburst. As if she's dealt with this type of behaviour ever day.

I looked into her eyes, those beautiful golden eyes. I froze up, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly. "You look like you're running a fever." She said, gently placing her hand on my forehead.

"Well, you feel warm, but it feels like a mild fever so no worry on that. And you've been crying as well." She said, placing her hands on my cheeks to make our faces meet.

Finally, I regained myself, shaking my head. "I-I'm fine, really, just have a lot on my mind." I said, curling up in a ball, my knees in my chest. I heard the sound of clothing moving around, then felt warmth wrap around my body.

"Here, take my jacket, it's cold out and don't want you end up getting sick." She said in a warm tone.

I glanced up at her as she began to stand up. "W-Wait." I called out, still not wanting to be alone.

She paused and smiled softly. "Yeah?" She asked, our eyes meeting once more. "I-I don't actually have a place to stay." I said, completely embarrassed at that fact. "May I stay with you for a night?" I asked softly.

She smiled and nodded softly. "Yeah, of course! I live about a mile away from here, but of course." She said happily.

I gave a sigh of relief and began t stood up, my legs wobbly from running. She quickly wrapped her arm around me to help me stand. "Is everything alright?" She asked me again.

I nodded softly, doing my best to put a smile on my face. She smiled at me and began to lead me towards her house. "By the way, my name is Lemon Zest." She said as we walked.

"M-My name is Sonata Dusk." I said, my voice still shaky from crying.

About thirty minutes later, we arrived at her small apartment which had her clothes stranded throughout the house, a small couch and a tv in her living room, a tiny kitchen. "I'm sorry to say, I don't have a big couch for you to crash on, but you're more than welcome to have my bed." She said with a smile.

I looked at her and shook my head. "I couldn't do that to you, despite how nice you've been." I said, doing my best to not lock eyes with her.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, now go and sit down, I'm going to start cooking. Taco's sound good?" She asked me. I knew my eyes lit up instantly, and I couldn't hide it, no matter how hard I tried.

She laughed at my reaction, causing me to blush. "Tacos it is!" She said, walking into the kitchen. I full smile came across my face as I finally sat down, though I felt something that I haven't felt in a while.

I felt like I was getting a meal from my pendant, but at the same time, this felt different. It felt pure. I wasn't too sure in what it was. I finally sat down and turned the tv on to a loud hard rock based channel, the tv on max.

I jumped out of my sit and I could have swore I ended up hissing at the tv. She glanced back over at me and laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to have it too loud. Usually, when I relax and chill, I have my tv up full blast." She said, rushing over and turning the TV down.

She glanced over at me, pausing. "A-are your eyes red?" She asked me, a hint of fear in her voice. I paused and looked away and wiped my eyes. "Probably from where I've been crying so much." I said, doing my best to make up an excuse.

She walked up to me, placing her hands on my cheeks to make me face her once more, my eyes back to normal, other than its red puffiness. She nodded and used her thumb to wipe a tear away from the corner of my eye that I didn't know was there.

I felt my cheeks light up once more, our eyes meeting again. What's with her eyes. Each and every time I look at them, they just put me in a state of bliss. I feel like I don't have a worry in the world. "What caused you to cry earlier?" She asked me, snapping me out of my blissful state.

I lowered my head to avoid her gaze. "I...I don't want to say." I said, sitting back down on the couch, bringing my knees to my chest. "Boy troubles?" She asked me. I glanced back up at her and nodded softly, thinking that it was the best excuse that she'd probably buy.

"I understand. That's why I'm a lesbian. Women are less likely to hurt you, plus I've only ever been fully satisfied by a woman." She said, laughing softly.

I rose a brow and laughed softly. "Maybe something I ought to start looking into then." I said without even thinking. She looked at me with a sly grin. "Oh really now?" She said.

I froze up, blushing deeply. "P-Please ignore what I just said." I said, hiding my face in my hands. She laughed and went back over to the kitchen. The smell of tacos quickly filling the air.

A few minutes passed as I laid down on the couch, resting my head on the armrest and began to doze in and out, the sound of the tv being the only thing I can hear.

When I woke up, I felt something warm and soft under my head, a hand brushing along my hair. I rolled over and looked up to see her idly watching tv. "Mmm, what time is it?" I asked, slowly sitting up.

"Not much time has passed. About thirty minutes. The food is done by the way." She said with a warm smile. She removed her hand from the top of my head with it being entangled with my hair. A deep yawn came from me as I sat up and stretched. I turned around to see that she was already up and brought our plates over to the couch and sat down beside of me. I looked down, my mouth drooling slightly as I began to eat.

We finally got done eating, my stomach completely filled. "You act like you haven't eaten in a while." She said, turning towards me, resting her arm behind me at the top of the couch. "Well, I actually haven't in a while. Haven't actually had the money to do so." I said, looking down, completely embarrassed at the fact.

"Well that's not good. No wonder you're so skinny. No offence." She said bashfully. "It's alright. It's very rare that I get to eat, so I've just grown used to it." I said, my voice growing softer by the second.

A few seconds passed with the both of just sitting there silently, the tv being the only source of sound. "Well," She said, finally breaking the silence. "you're in my care now and I promise not to let you go hungry!" She said with a warm smile, wrapping her arms around me and pulled me close to her.

I looked at her and nodded gently, a wave of relief and tranquillity filling my body. "Thank you." I said, blushing once more, resting my head on her chest. She glanced down at me, placing her hand on my back and began to rub, lulling me back to sleep.

Though before I had the chance to pass out, we heard a knock on the door. She stood up and began to head towards the door with me accidentally giving a slight audible whine. She looked down at me and laughed softly.

"It's ok, I'm just going to check to see who's here." She said, walking back towards the door.

When she opened it up, there stood Aria and Adagio, Adagio with her eye blackened. I felt every ounce of bliss just pour out of my body as I darted back towards the end of the apartment with me now hiding in Lemon's bedroom.

"Hey, get out of my house!" I heard Lemon yell out.

"Where's our friend, Sonata? I have some unfinished business with her." Adagio said, putting a lot of emphasis on 'friend'.

"I'm only saying this once more, get out of my house!" Lemon demanded.

"Or what? What is some little stoner girl going to do?" Adagio asked. I looked out the door, with Adagio stepping towards Lemon, Lemon backing up towards the wall.

"G-Get out of here." She demanded once more.

"Not without our 'friend' Sonata." Adagio said, grinning deviously.

I stormed out, a deep growl coming from me. "I'm right here." I growled out, my vision narrowing on her. Adagio looked at me, her left eye swollen up, slightly shocked at my appearance, though her usual smirk came across her face.

"There you are. Over what happened earlier, could I talk to you outside?" She said.

"Now, come along, we have some unfinished business to settle." She said. I looked at her and laughed slightly.

"Yes we do." I said, walking calmly towards her and began to head out the door and out into the parking lot.

Aria stood behind Adagio, sorrow on her face. Adagio though, stood there a sinister grin on her face. "What do you want with me?" I asked her in a cold tone.

"Well, my dear Sonata, you hurt me earlier and gave me a black eye, so as they say, an eye for an eye." She said right before she darted at me.

I stood there and didn't fight back, though prevented her from hurting me, until finally she brought her elbow up with it connecting to my right eye. I flinched and looked down at her with a cold, dead stare as she backed up.

"Serves you right, bitch." She said turning to leave.

"You know what? You two were my family here and only thing you've done, Adagio, was hurt me from the second we arrived here!" I said, my voice shaking.

"I may not be the brightest person here, but at least I know, if it came down to it. I can be alone. I can do whatever I want and I don't need two lackeys to do my dirty work." I exclaimed.

"You are nothing without me, Sonata, and the same goes for Aria. Neither of you are worth anything without me!" She snapped at me.

"Oh really?! When it comes down to it, we don't see you being the first to jump. You always hide behind us! You always run in the face of danger! You're a coward, Adagio!" I yelled out.

She turned to face me once more, her eyes glowing a fiery red. "How dare you call me a coward! In our world, I was the one who took all the damage! I was the one who had to fight off the enemy!" She growled out at me.

"If you want to leave, then fine! We don't need or want you around anyways! You've been nothing more than a disappointment and a failure. So fine! Leave!" She snapped at me.

"Well then, if that's it, then I guess I'm dead to you." I said, a smile on my face. "Since that's the case, I'm done with you as well. And as for you Aria, you're better off without her." I said, walking passed the two.

She looked at me, growling and darted towards me, by the time she reached me, a wave of power bolted from my body, sending her back. "I'm only going to say this once Adagio, leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want to be near you! I want you to be as far away from me as you can be!" I snapped at her.

I turned towards Aria who was standing behind me in shock. "As for you, I'm not mad at you. If you chose to stay here with me or go with that bitch is entirely up to you." I said before walking past her to head back up to Lemon's apartment.

As I opened the door, I saw Lemon standing there with a gun pointed at me. "What in the world are you?"

"Where did you get a gun?!"

"Answer me first!" She demanded. A sigh of defeat exited my lips as I looked down.

"I am not of this world. I used to be evil, but I'm not now. I don't think I could be anymore. I don't want to be." I said, looking down.

"That doesn't answer my question Sonata." She said, pulling the hammer of the gun back.

"I'm a siren... I, or used to, feed off grief and pain. Though I can't anymore, my pendant was shattered which caused me to lose that power and actually starve. I've been forced to starve for several months now." I said, waiting for the worse.

"B-But you're not evil anymore, right?" She asked me, caution in her voice.

"No I'm not. The girl I just beat up used to be my leader, but after so much abuse, I got tired of it and knocked her out earlier today. She came back and returned the favour, or tried to. But I'll leave seeing as how you're scared of me as well" I said with pain in my voice, turning to leave.

"I thought you said you don't have anywhere to go to?" She asked me.

"I don't. When me and Adagio got into the argument, she kept calling me useless and stupid, I-I just couldn't handle it anymore and I attacked her. Because of her, I believed all of that...and still do." I said, looking down away from Lemon's gaze.

I heard the gun being placed down on the counter and rushed up to me, gently placing her hands on my cheek to examine my eye. "I-I don't want you to leave, Sonata. It's just after seeing you do that, it kind of put me in shock." She said, reaching up to touch where Adagio struck me.

She dragged me into her bathroom and sat me down on the toilet. "A-are you mad at me?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Mad? No. Scared and worried? Yes." I looked up at her and tilted my head.

"Why is that?" I asked as she went towards the medicine cabinet, pulling out a few supplies.

"Well, I'm scared mainly because I've never seen anything like what I just saw. Worried, because what if you go back to your ways?" She asked.

I shook my head and smiled softly. "You have nothing to worry about on that. I'm done with that way of life."

She looked up at me and rose a brow then chuckled softly. "Sorry for the third degree. I just don't want to end up on the news with it headlining "Body of Crystal Prep student found in apartment!" She said sarcastically.

I smirked softly and nodded. "Believe me on this, if it was to happen, you would be the one person that I wouldn't hurt." I said, her face instantly lighting up. She pulled her gaze away from mine to look at my eye to see that it was starting to bruise up.

"Well, it's going to be tender, but if we get something cold on it, it won't swell up. At most, you'll have some bruising." She said, rushing into the kitchen to come back with a small ice pack. "Here, place this on your eye." She said, handing it to me.

I smiled and placed it over my eye and stood up. She then gave a small sigh of relief and smiled. "Come on, you wanna go back into the living room and watch some tv?" She asked as I nodded softly.

As we came out of the bathroom, Aria was standing at the doorway, guilt covering her face. "What are you still doing here?" Lemon asked, glaring at Aria. I gently reached out and grabbed her hand, she looked back at me as I shook my head.

"No, it's ok. She's about the only one I trust from my life before." I said, stepping in front of Lemon and walked towards Aria.

"L-Listen, you were right. Adagio is a bitch and does nothing but talks to us like dogs. I'm tired of it Sonata." She said, looking down at the ground.

"Well, what do you plan on doing?" I asked her.

She shrugged softly. "I was talking to one guy a few months back, but Adagio told me to leave him alone, I may try to talk to him, see if he'd let me crash with him for a while, or at least until I can get back on my feet." She stated.

"Actually, there are a few apartments here that are vacant and the rent is pretty cheap here." Lemon said, walking up behind me.

Aria nodded softly. "I may look into that then." She said with a faint smile.

"Well, I guess I'm gonna head on out and drag Adagio back home. You two have a good night." She said as she turned to leave.

Though paused, seeing a heavily panting Twilight Sparkle with Sunset following shortly behind. "W-Wait! We've been searching for you all for the past few days." She said.

She began to dig through her purse. "What do you want with us, little miss princess?" Aria snapped at her.

"L-Listen, after the battle of the bands and we broke your pendants. I did some research and read that if the pendants are broken, you all will basically wither away. I didn't want that to happen." She said, pulling out two pendants, the jewel being a diamond that was neatly held up with a silver, silky cloth.

Aria snatched them from her and examined them closely. "Well, it's just a jewel. So what?" She snapped.

"Not really, it allows you to live your lives as humans. It also allows you to regain your singing voices, but doesn't allow you to control people. And it allows you to stay in contact with one another, no matter how far away you are from each other." She said with a faint smile.

I looked at her and smiled softly. "T-Thank you Twilight." I said, grabbing one of the pendants from Aria and placing it on.

"Just trying to help out any way that I can." She said bashfully.

"Well if it wasn't for you and your friends we wouldn't have this problem to begin with." Aria said, glaring at Twilight.

Sunset quickly stepping in front of her with me darting in front of Aria to calm her down. "Be thankful, Aria! We're all turning over a new leaf, especially since Adagio isn't running our lives anymore." I pleaded, knowing that Sunset was glaring at the both of us.

She sighed and rolled her eyes and nodded. "Fine." She groaned out. I turned to face Twilight and Sunset, Twilight extremely confused at what I just said.

"What happened to Adagio?" She asked.

"Well, I basically put her in her place to put it shortly." I said with a soft smile. Twilight nodded softly and looked back to see Adagio slowly trying to get up.

"Should we trust her with one of these?" She asked Sunset.

"I really don't know. She may try to change the magical properties of the pendants." Sunset stated.

"Well, if you'd like I can hold on to it and see what happens. If she's still mean and evil then I won't give it to her." Aria said, trying to come up with a solution.

Twilight looked at her, slightly confused on what to do. "Eh, on second thought I'll hold on to it and have Sunset figure out whether or not she deserves it back." She said.

"Twi, it's getting late, we probably need to head home." Sunset said. "Ok, Sunny, hopefully Spike won't try to keep you off of the bed this time so we can actually get some sleep." Twilight replied.

I don't know what happened, but I just felt extremely giddy. "Oh my gosh! Are you two a couple now?!" I blurted out with the both of them blushing deeply.

"Yup! We've been together for almost a year now." Sunset said, wrapping an arm around Twilight.

"Well congrats to you both!" I said with a smile.

"How about you two?" Twilight asked. "Have either of you found anyone special?" I blushed deeply and looked back to see Lemon in the doorway, curious on what's going on.

"N-Not yet, though I have high hopes." I said, blushing even more.

"What about you Aria?"

"Eh, I met a guy a while back, but not to sure what's gonna happen there." She said.

"Oh, well, alright then. I guess we're going to head on out. You two have a good night." Twilight said as her and Sunset turned to leave.

"Sonata, before I leave, I just want you to know that I am sorry for everything. I understand that you may wanna take some time away from me, but I am sorry." Aria said to me as she walked down the steps and into the parking lot.

I smiled softly and shut the door. "So, you have a lot of friends." Lemon said with a smile.

"I guess so. I haven't really thought about it to be honest. I just kind of go where ever I want and that's about it." She looked at me and nodded softly, though her eyes quickly darted towards the ground.

I walked over to her and sat down, resting my head back in her lap and looked up at her. "Though I'll stay here if you'd like." Her eyes lit up slightly as she nodded.

"So how about we get back to trying to watch something?" She asked, smirking softly as I nodded in agreement.

A few hours passed with me waking up with her laying behind me, her arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I felt my face light up as I snuggled up against her, finally feeling content with myself, though felt her start too stir as soon as I got comfortable again. "Mmm, what time is it?" She asked, her eyes still shut.

I reached over to the coffee table to grab her phone to check what time it was, though felt a thick envelope instead. "What's this?" I asked myself as I sat up.

"Dear Lemon." It read on the top of it. She slowly began to sit up as well, looking at what I was referring to. "What's what?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I think this is for you." I said, handing her the envelope.

She rose a brow and opened it, her jaw automatically hitting the floor. "What is it?!" I asked as she reached in to it to pull out multiple big bills from the envelope, a note falling out shortly after.

"Ok, this is getting weirder by the second." She stated as she reached down and grabbed the note and opened it up.

"Dear Lemon, I know I haven't seen you or your mom ever since you were little, but I have my reasons on doing so. I wish to come talk to you about everything that happened in the past and to hopefully clear a lot of things up. I've missed you so much and feel horrible about what happened and hope that you forgive me. I will be swinging by in a couple of days to talk to you. If you don't want to talk, I understand, but just hear me out on what I have to say. Sincerly, your father." She read out loud, her tone filled with a mix of confusion, joy, and anger.

I darted up and walked over to the door and opened it, to hear a motorcycle quickly pull off down the road, when I turned around there was a piece of paper hanging up on the wall. "Also, learn to shut the door next time." I grabbed the paper and sighed, turning to walk back in. I entered to see Lemon sitting on the couch, counting out the amount. "H-He gave me five thousand dollars." She said in complete shock.

I rushed up beside of her and sat down. "Wait, how much?!" She handed me the cash. I began to count it out and sure enough, there was five thousand dollars. "Why would he give you so much all at once?"

"Wait, there's something else in the bottom of it." She said, shaking out a small note.

"By the way, while you two were asleep, I made myself at home. Saw the stack of bills laying on the counter. Counted it out. Lemon owes a hefty amount. Bad Lemon! Also looked around the apartment and saw that the furniture was mostly old and torn... But anyways, the bills will be paid for in full and you will have nothing to worry about! And I'll have brand new furniture brought in tomorrow. Also please clean up." Lemon read out.

She looked at me and sat back on the couch. "He knows how to spoil someone." She laughed out softly.

"What does he do for a living?" I asked, extremely confused at what's going on.

"Well, when he left. He was a Sergeant in the army and was getting ready to do another tour, as well as getting ready to be promoted to an officer." She said, trying to rack her brain for any information.

She looked at me and smiled softly. "Well, regardless of everything given to us, I'm not going to go on a spending spree and blow everything in one day." She said with a smile.

"Even if you was, I think he'd be back with more money, but you're right, we need to try to save this for as long as possible." She nodded softly and gave a sigh of relief and sat back.

"This means that I can still afford to go to Crystal Prep." She then froze up and looked at her phone. "Crap! It's almost three in the morning, I need to get to bed." She cried out as she got up and darted towards her room.

I followed her to see her in nothing but her bra and panties, my face automatically lighting up. "U-Um, do you by chance have anything that I can sleep in?" I asked, trying to look away from her.

"I might, but I can make any promises." She said, digging through her clothes that's been cast through her bedroom. Finally, she pulled from one pile of clothes a pair of shorts and an extremely large tank top.

I went into the bathroom and quickly changed to only see that my boobs were almost hanging out of the tank top. I sighed and walked back into the room to see her room in its entirety. Only thing in it was a tv no bigger than a picture frame and a mattress that's been placed on the floor with her trying to make herself comfortable on the bed. I shyly walk in and sit down on the mattress and lay down beside of her.

"I can still sleep on the couch if you'd like." I said, blushing deeply.

"No, it's ok. Besides, it'd be nice to have a cuddle buddy." She said, winking playfully at me, my face reaching a whole new shade of red. She reached up and turned off a small lamp above our heads and pulled the blankets over us.

"Sweet dreams Sonata." She said, laying on her back with an arm under my head. I looked and smiled and rested my head on her chest.

"Sweet dreams Lemon." I said as she wrapped her arm around me, pulling her close to me.