Lyra's Discovery

by Thunder Brony

An amazing discovery

The next day they packed up their equipment and began to make their way out of the Badlands when they reached Dodge City it was evening. After they sent messages to both Ponyvile and Canterlot University they booked a hotel room for the night.

As they settled into their room Lyra said “you know when we reach Ponyville Pinkie will want to throw a party for us.”

Bon-Bon chuckled “of course when does Pinkie not throw a party?”

Lyra smiled “good point.”

Looking towards the bathroom Lyra asked “mind if I bathe first?”

Bon-Bon said “no, go ahead.”

As Lyra went into the bathroom Bon-Bon looked out the window as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon and the reddish orange sky faded away and darkness fell over the land. Soon after the moon began to rise bathing the land in a soft white glow and the stars came into view.

She smiled softly and watched as they began to twinkle she thought Luna always does a nice job with the night sky its always so beautiful.

The bathroom door opened and Lyra came out with a towel in her mane when she saw Bon-Bon staring out the window at the sky came up and sat down beside her. She looked over and said “the night sky is beautiful isn’t it?”

Bob-Bon turned and said “yes it is it’s hard to believe ponies so long ago never saw the beauty of a star lite sky” looking towards the bathroom she said “I guess it’s my turn.”

Lyra nodded as Bon-Bon went into the bathroom Lyra hopped on the bed removed her towel and laid down a short time later Bon-Bon came out with a towel in her mane.

She looked to the bed and asked pawing a hoof on the floor “Lyra, is it ok if I sleep next to you tonight?”

Lyra smiled and nodded and Bon-Bon removed her towel and got onto the bed with her and the two cuddled as they fell asleep in each other’s embrace.

The next day they boarded a train to Ponyville a short time later they arrived and were greeted by the same the same blonde maned grey pegasus from before again with a Welcome Home Lyra and Bon-Bon sign around her neck.

Lyra and Bon-Bon smiled waved and said “hi Derpy.”

Bon-Bon said with a slight chuckle “are you the welcoming committee?

Derpy said “oh no I have a letter that was to be given to you as soon as you arrived” she reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a letter Lyra took it in her magic.

As the pegasus mail mare rose into the air she said “see you soon and flew away.”.

Lyra looked at the letter said with a smile “it says come to the town hall.”

They went to the town hall and opened the doors as they entered lights came on and party horns sounded confetti flew everywhere as all the ponies shouted in unison “SURPRISE!”

Both Lyra and Bon-Bon jumped in surprise and entered and saw it was another welcome home party.

There were decorations everywhere as well as food and refreshments they mingled and ate some of the food talking about some of the things they found during their expedition. Things like the caves showing signs of previous habitation. But making sure not to say too much about some of the more unusual things they found. As the party drew to a close they decided to go home and unpack their stuff.

When they arrived home and met Blossom Sprout who was watching their house while they were away.

She smiled and said “welcome home ladies.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll be right back” as she went to another room.

Lyra said “thank you for house sitting while we were away.”

Blossom said “it was my pleasure.”

Bon-Bon came back with a small bag in her mouth “here is a little something for your house sitting services.”

Blossom Sprout said “oh thank you, did you find anything interesting on your expedition?”

Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at each other then at Blossom and nodded unison.

Blossom said with excitement “oh? What did you find?”

Lyra asked “have you heard of the ancient biped theory?”

Blossom blinked then looked at Lyra and said “I have but they are only a legend as a filly my grandmare told me stories about bipedal hunters. She called them hop-ons no, hyn-hums no, oh hu-mans a race of creatures that would roam the land and enslave ponies. They used them to do the work they found too tedious sometimes they would even” she cringed “eat ponies.” Her eyes grew wide in surprise “wait the legends aren’t true are they?”

Lyra said “you don’t believe that do you?”

Blossom replied “no, I outgrew those old mares’ tales long ago but over time I learned those old mares were pretty smart.”

Lyra thanked Blossom for watching their house while they were away as Blossom left Lyra took her camera into a dark room to develop the pictures. She had a feeling that making multiple copies would be a good idea. A short time later as the pictures hung to dry she emerged from the dark room her nostrils caught the aroma of cooking and it smelled good.

She went into the kitchen and saw Bon-Bon cooking some alfalfa burgers and horseshoe fires. She smiled came up behind her and whispered in her ear in a sultry tone “I want mine with extra Bon.”

Bon-Bon turned smiled and said “you’re a bad mare you know that right?”

Lyra nodded the said with a wicked smile and a coy tone “who me? I’m not bad I just play that way.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “m-m-m just the way I like it.”

As Lyra sat down Bon-Bon brought over a plate of alfalfa burger and horseshoe fires and placed it in front of Lyra then brought over her own. Lyra’s horn glowed as the refrigeration box opened and 2 echo colas levitated out. She placing them on the table and removed the tops and took a sip from her bottle.

After they finished lunch Lyra said “I need to go into town and get some plaster, clay and other supplies.”

Bon-Bon said “you aren’t going to try and make another life size mold of yourself again are you?”

Lyra chuckled “no I want to make a cast of that skull we found and those clay pots also there is something familiar about those glyphs on that scroll. It looks like Equarian if it is I believe it can be translated. ” Her eyes lit up “do you know what this could mean if it is Equarian?”

Bon-Bon said “something big?”

Lyra said “not just big but gigantic, come lets go into town and get the supplies but until this is confirmed I don’t want to get any hopes up. I hope Twilight has some books on translating Equarian.”

Bon-Bon nodded as they went into town and procured the supplies they needed then returned home Bon-Bon watched as Lyra used the supplies and magic to make a mold and cast the skull and jaw bone she found. She also made a small pot like the small one found in the cave she rolled up a sheet of copper into a tube. Then pushed the iron rod through a cork a n wrapped the copper cylinder around the cork and placed the 3 items into the clay pot.

Bon-Bon asked “do you know what you’re doing?”

Lyra said “not really but I saw something like this once as she connected some wires to the device and a bulb but nothing happened.

Not sure what it was of if anything she did was wrong she said “let’s go to the Golden Oaks library maybe Twilight has a book on translating the scroll and maybe help us figure out what this thing is or does. Bon-Bon placed the scroll in her saddlebags as Lyra levitated the clay pot into her saddlebags before leaving Lyra wrote a letter and sealed it in an envelope..

Then the two left for the library Lyra said “I need to drop this letter off at the Ponyville post office.”

After dropping the letter off they went to the Golden Oaks Library Lyra knocked on the door and Spike answered the door “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon what can I do for you?”

Lyra said “hi Spike is Twilight home? We need a book.”

Spike nodded “she’s in the basement conducting an experiment, something about food preservation I’ll get her.”

He invited them in and disappeared around a corner moments later he came back with Twilight behind him. She looked at the couple and said “hi Lyra hi Bon-Bon what can I help you with?”

Lyra said “were looking for a book and we found an artifact I made a replica of it but I’m not sure what it is or does.”

Twilight asked “do you have the replicated artifact?”

Lyra said “yes” as she levitated it from her saddlebags “it’s a pot with an iron rod and copper cylinder but I have no idea what it is or does.”

Twilight looked at it and said “something about this seems familiar” looking at the copper and iron and the clay pot she said “I wonder, Spike could you bring me a glass of orange juice.”

Spike was slightly confused “just one?”

Twilight said “yes it’s for a science experiment.”

As Spike left for the kitchen Twilight placed wires on the iron rod and the copper cylinder and connected them to a small bulb Lyra said “I tried that and nothing happened.”

Twilight asked “what did you use for a electrolyte?”

Lyra said “oh I hadn’t considered that.”

Twilight said “I saw something like this once before when I was a philly somepony made something similar only they used magic as an electrolyte. If I’m right this device does not need magic to operate the pony that did the display used magic. ” She smiled “it made for a nice display but was less than scientific.”

Spike returned with the juice Twilight took the glass in her magic and poured the contents into the small clay pot and placed the stopper in the jar. They all watched in amazement as the bulb began to glow dimly at first then brightened slightly.

Slightly astonished Twilight said “I was right” she blinked “wait this is based off of an artifact? Where did you find it?”

Lyra said “in a cave in the Badlands along with scrolls written in what might be Equarian that’s why we’re here to borrow a book on translating it.”

Twilight said “no pony has spoken it in over 3,200 years it’s pretty much a dead language.” Her eyes lit up “wait you found genuine Equarian texts?”

Lyra replied “yes and I want to make sure they are authentic.”

Twilight said “I would love to help you do you have the scroll?”

Bon-Bon said “it’s in my saddlebags.”

Twilight said “I can use a translation spell on the scroll I promise they will not be harmed in any way.”

Bon-Bon pulled the scroll from her saddlebags.

Twilight said “Spike pull the language translations spell book row 3 section 6.”

Spike pulled the book from the shelf Twilight took it in her magic and found the page on Equarian and said “Spike I’m going to translate the text on this scroll. I need you to write down what I say.”

Spike had scroll and quill in claw “ready.”

They watched as Twilights horn glowed and she began reading the scroll as Spike wrote down what she said “my name is Columar Harnark and I am the last of my species. I write this in the hopes that it will be found and viewed by future eyes. It has been 152 suns since the great fireball came and stole the sun. Ever since that fateful day then the skies has been darkened to a perpetual dusk. Food supplies have been exhausted and no food can be grown all that seems to grow are small wild shrubs and some grasses. Rifts are beginning to form amongst the races each blaming the other for the disaster that befell us. The history of my race and the cataclysm are located in the power pyramid located to the southeast of this location. I hope it was not damaged by the great fireball I do not know what it was. What I do know is first it appeared then the ground shook violently then a super fire wind followed. Afterwards I emerged from the cave to find everything for as far as I could see was laid waste then the sun slowly faded away. To whoever reads this I ask this of you remember us always. Do not let the legacy of my species fall into obscurity.”

Lyra, Bon-Bon, Twilight and Spike all looked at each other in amazement and none of them said anything for several minutes.

Twilight broke the silence “I don’t understand what species is the author of the scroll talking about and what races?”

Lyra lowered her head slightly and asked “are you familiar with the ancient biped theory?”

Twilight said “I’ve heard of it but I thought it was an old ponies tale.”

Bon-Bon said “some of those old ponies were pretty smart besides isn’t that what they said about Nightmare Moon?”

Twilight said “you have a point.”

Lyra said “based on what I can determine so far is the bipeds were called ho-hums no, har-carns no, oh hu-mans. Also based on some cave paintings it seemed they lived alongside the pony races.”

Twilight said “if this is true do you know what this means?”

Lyra nodded “this is the discovery of a lifetime.”

Twilight said “if this is a message from those legendary hu-mans it could turn Equestrian history on its head if this can be proven true you’ll be famous.

Lyra said “were taking our findings to Canterlot in a few days for verification and maybe we can find out more in the meantime were looking for a building for Bon-Bon.”

Twilight asked “building for what?”

Bon-Bon said “I want to open up a candy store called Little House of Bon’s.”

Twilight said “that’s wonderful” she said with a slight chuckle “just don’t let Pinkie eat you out of business.”

Bon-Bon asked “what do you mean?”

Twilight said “when her sister came by for a visit she made 90 kg of rock candy we all ate some of it the rest are in jars at Sugar Cube Corner.” Chuckling she said “she didn’t eat any sweets for a week after that.”

As they left the library they thanked Twilight for her help. As they went looking buying a place for the candy store.”

Twilight stood in the door and said “let me know if you find anything else.”

Lyra stopped turned and said “stop by our house tomorrow I want to show you something” then with a smirk said “I promise it will blow your mind.”

Twilight nodded as the couple went into town they soon came across a building that was once a pie shop. They went inside and saw it had all kinds of machines they were all covered with sheets. After removing them they saw stoves, ovens and mixers Bon-Bon smiled in delight “this is perfect.”

Soon they were approached by a well-dressed unicorn stallion with a turquoise coat a blue mane lite green eyes and a house with a $ over it cutie mark. He smiled and said “good afternoon ladies my name is Carmar Hondrdar are you interested in buying this building?”

Bon-Bon said “possibly, how much are you asking for it?”

Carmar said “well, do you wish to rent finance or buy?”

Bon-Bon said “I would like to see all three options.”

Carmar smiled “of course” and levitated 3 sheets of paper and placed them in front of Bon-Bon both she and Lyra looked at the papers. The buying option was 25,000 bits, financing was 121 bits at 7% interest for 48 moons with a 750 bit down payment. The rental option seemed to be the most reasonable 110 bits per month and a 400 bit deposit.

Bon-Bon said “I have to consult my business plans to find out which one of these options is most financially feasible can we meet back in a week?”

Carmar smiled and nodded “of course I will see you in a week.”

The 2 shook hooves and they left and went home Bon-Bon took out her abacus and began working on balancing the 3 methods of payment against projected income.

At the same time Lyra opened the 2 molded castings of the skull and lower jawbone the pieces separated the castings and made 2 more just in case.

Soon Bon-Bon came to a conclusion that renting seemed to be the least expensive option but she wondered if financing was a better option. The cost was slightly more she thought about it from a long term perspective. Turning to Lyra she asked “what do you think would be the best payment option?”

Lyra said “I think over the long term to finance or buy is the better option. If you buy then after 100 moons you can sell the business and retire if you wish or sell it to another pony. But if you finance the interest may make it more expensive long term

Bon-Bon said “I considered that option” and after moving the abacas “if I go with that it comes to 28,983 bits and we only have 500 bits so far. I could go with the rental option I have enough for a down payment and the first month’s rent. It should be enough to open the store but still need a sign and staff. On the plus side whatever the University pays for these artifacts can go towards startup capital.”

Lyra said “yes I hope it’s a lot.”

Bon-Bon smiled “yes this is great I’ve been dreaming of my own candy store since before I received my cutie mark.”

Lyra said “fresh made candies daily who can resist that?”

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded then asked “does this mean we’re going to be partners?”

Lyra said “I would like to do that but I could not give up my career as an archeologist but I do want to help you start our own business.”

Bon-Bon smiled and gently nuzzled Lyra and said softly “thank you this means so much to me” Lyra nuzzled back “I’m happy to help.”

Lyra said “maybe you should hold off on this until you have more bits you have enough for the building but what about a staff and a sign and supplies?”

Bon-Bon said “I considered that I thought I would obtain the building first then hire a staff and procure the supplies.”

Lyra nodded “I see where you’re going obtain the building then the rest of what you need, whatever we receive for these artifacts can be put towards the store. ”

Bon-Bon nodded “yes.”

Lyra smiled “very clever.”

Bon-Bon smiled softly.

The next day Twilight stopped by and knocked on the door Bon-Bon opened the door and smiled “hi Twilight come in.”

Lyra came into the room “oh hi Twilight as promised I have something that will blow yourmind ready?”

Twilight nodded as Lyra removed a cloth from an item on a pedestal Twilight looked at it here eyes grew wide in surprise “sweet Celestia’s golden rays the legends are true?!”

Lyra said “since you helped us translate the scroll it seemed only fair you should be the first to see this.”

Twilight said “I’m honored to be the first oh wow this will turn history on its head your right my mind is blown.”

Two days later they packed the skull, scrolls, photos and clay pot and the replica into their saddlebags and traveled to Ponyville train station and boarded a train for Canterlot. When they arrived and met Anton and the museum curator Sarbon Tormon.”

Anton said “Lyra good to see you again I got your letter you said you discovered something that could turn history on its head.”

Lyra said “yes I have 4 things to show you we found these artifacts in one of the caves” as she levitated the photos them from her saddlebags. “I took these at the cave entrance look at the markings.”

Anton said “they look like tool marks.”

Lyra nodded “yes unicorns that use boarding spells leave smooth surfaces in the rock also the height is too tall for a pony they’re 2 meters high and 121 cm wide.”

Anton said “that is very strange.”

Lyra said “next we have this” as she levitated the clay pot and replica from her saddlebags.

Anton looked at the pot and asked “what is that?”

Lyra said “we found this in the same cave, I created a replica and added juice to it and connect wires from the rod and cylinder to a bulb and it glowed.”

Anton asked “what kind of juice?”

Lyra said “we used orange but I think any will do.”

Anton poured lemon juice into the replica and placed the cap on top and connected wires to a bulb it began to glow softly he said “fascinating.”

Lyra said “and now for this as she levitated the scroll passing it to Sorbon.

Sarbon unfurled the scroll eyes growing wide “sweet Celestia this is Equarian!”

Bon-Bon asked “can you read it?”

Sarbon said “I think so it’s been awhile.”

He read the scroll and it was exactly what Twilight said then looked up “pyramid of power?”

The 3 just shrugged Anton said “the only thing to the southwest of the Badlands is the forbidden jungle it is a region that is largely unexplored. They say there are monsters there that can put the ones in the Everfree forest to shame.”

Bon-Bon asked “what kind of monsters?”

Anton said “like I said worse than everfree you think a lupus major or mantacore is bad? Try a Sarachnoid or a Korpoterite.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ve never heard of them.”

Anton said “I’m not surprised few ponies have, they are creatures of legend the Korpoterite is a giant bat like creature that lives in the trees and feeds on mammalian blood. It secretes a venom from its saliva that is absorbed by the skin of its prey they are temporarily paralyzed . Once immobilized it feeds on the creature’s blood.”

Bon-Bon’s face scrunched in disgust “ewww.”

Anton continued “the Saracnoid is an 8 legged creature with large front pincers a tall vertical midsection a pear shaped head and 6 eyes. It spins webs similar to a spider and ensnares its prey then injects venom into them then uses its pincers to help encase its meal. They also use them for defense.”

Lyra asked “how do you know so much about them?”

Anton said “I have a colleague who specializes in the study of exotic creatures she’s traveled to the Forbidden Jungle a few times and she’s a pegasus. This gives her an advantage when it comes to eluding some of the monsters.”

Sarbon said “well I know where not to spending my next vacation.”

They all chuckled Sarbon said “once age is confirmed on these artifacts I will put them on display and you’ll be famous.”

Lyra smiled.

Anton said “also once age is confirmed this discovery will be published in all the newspapers soon all of Equestria will know about this and they will flock in droves to your museum Sarbon.”

Sarbon nodded “it will be good for business turning to Lyra he said “as always if you find anything else let me know.”

Lyra nodded “and now for the last artifact I saved the best for last I’m sure you will find this one most interesting.” As she levitated the skull from her saddlebags both Anton and Sarbon’s eyes grew wide in surprise.

Sorbon said in a somewhat shocked tone “is that what I think it is?

Lyra nodded with a smile.

Anton said in an equally stunned tone “sweet Luna’s moon baths the legends are true?!”

Sarbon said “I’ll be right back” and left the room.

Moments later he returned with a small bag “I’ll give you 4,500 bits for those artifacts?”

Lyra nodded “deal.”

Anton said “as before I would like to send the artifacts to Hoovesintown University to be dated but I can tell by looking at them they are very old.”

Sorbon said “if you find more artifacts like these we will pay you handsomely.”

Lyra nodded “I’ll do my best.”