Lyra's Discovery

by Thunder Brony

Returning to the Badlands

Two days later while eating breakfast Lyra said “todays the day were going to Canterlot I must admit I’m a little nervous.”

Bon-Bon asked “about what?”

Lyra said “the artifacts we found, I hope are genuine.”

Bon-Bon said “consider this why would any pony go to such great lengths to create such exotically strange artifacts? Not only that but place them in a location few ever visit in hopes that somepony might find them as a practical joke? It would stand to reason that if somepony were to perpetrate such a hoax they would place the artifacts in a more easily accessible location”

Lyra thought for a moment chuckled slightly then said with a smirk “to avert suspicion?”

Bon-Bon just arched an eyebrow.

Lyra said “you do have a point.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “don’t worry I will be there to give you support.”

Lyra smiled “I can think of nopony I would rather have by my side.”

After breakfast Lyra placed the artifacts in her saddlebags and went to the Ponyville train station and boarded the train to Canterlot. As the train began to move Lyra just stared out the window and watched as the ground began to move slowly at first then faster and faster.

Bon-Bon noticed her mare friend’s preoccupation and asked “Lyra are you feeling alright? You seem preoccupied.”

Lyra turned away from the window and smiled softly “just thinking, I wonder if what we find turns out to be true it will turn equine history completely on its head.”

Bon-Bon thought for a moment and said “that could shake up a few established beliefs not to mention you will go down in history as the pony who rewrote history.”

Lyra nodded “imagine how some would react if they found out equines were not the pinnacle of evolution and that another species lived alongside them.” Then thought for a moment “or the ponies were subservient to them.”

Bon-Bon said “do you know how silly that sounds? However, you make a valid point such a disclosure could cause a serious uproar at first but over time ponies will adapt.”

Lyra smiled “your right it’s kind of like the legend of Nightmare Moon the difference here is this is more than an evil alicorn who wanted eternal night.”

As the train pulled into the Canterlot station they disembarked and went to Canterlot University where they met Professor Anton. He was happy to see Lyra he said with a smile “Lyra it’s good to see you again.”

Lyra said “hello Anton it’s nice to be back” pointing a hoof she said “this is my friend Bon-Bon.”

Anton extended a foreleg and the 2 shook hooves Anton said “nice to meet you Bon-Bon come both of you join me for lunch at the Whitherton café. I want to hear and see what you found on your expedition.”

They went to the Whitherton café and sat down at a table moments later a unicorn stallion with a white coat a cyan mail and tail he had a tray with food on it for a cutie mark. He came up to their table and placed 3 waters on the table. He smiled then said as he levitated 3 menus from a saddle pouch. “Greetings my name is Kaldre and I will be your waiter would you like anything to drink?”

Lyra said “I’ll have an apple carrot juice.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have a strawberry shake.”

Anton said “I’ll have an apple cherry cider.”

Kaldre asked “hard or soft?”

Anton replied “soft.”

Kaldre smiled and said “I will be right back.”

As he walked away the 3 looked at their menus a short time later Kaldre returned holding 3 drinks on a tray in a white arura he said as he placed them on the table “apple carrot juice, strawberry shake, apple cherry cider soft, have you decided on your orders?”

Anton said “I’ll have an oat burger and horseshoe fries.”

Lyra said “I’ll have an Eshtier salad extra sunflower seeds.”

Bon-Bon said “I’ll have an alfalfa burger and hay fries.”

Kaldre said as he wrote them on a piece of paper “excellent choices if you need anything else let me know.”

As he left Anton said “so Lyra what did you find during your expedition in the Badlands?”

Lyra smiled opened the flap on her saddlebags and levitated the shoulder blade and the metal triangle Anton looked at it and said “this is most unusual. It looks like a shoulder blade but the triangular item I have never seen before.” He rotated the blade 90ᴼ to vertical his eyes grew wide “this is not like any pony shoulder blade I have ever seen but to be could be from another species. I will contact Professor Carment Andacard. He is a paleontologist at Hoovesintown University in Philly Delthia looking up at Lyra he asked “do you have more of these?”

She shook her head “no that was all we found.”

Anton was about to say something when Kaldre came carrying their food on a tray as he placed the items on the table. “Alfalfa burger and hay fries, oat burger and horseshoe fries and an Eshtier salad extra sunflower seeds enjoy your meal if you need anything let me know.”

As he left and they ate their food Anton asked “what else did you find during your expedition?”

Lyra said “I found drawings in a cave I took several photos.”

Anton said “oh I would love to see them after were finished eating.”

After they finished eating Lyra levitated the photos of the cave paintings Anton looked at them and said “wow these are incredible.” Looking at one closely he said “it looks like some sort of symbiosis.” Pointing to one of the depictions it looks like a young creature with 2 legs is riding one of the ponies.”

Lyra said “I believe there are more caves to explore the map I found in Sinbar Jormalia’s journal showed some caves to the west that were designated as unexplored. As far as I know no pony has explored them yet”

Anton nodded “indeed no pony has” lowering his eyes for a moment “pity, this is the discovery of a lifetime the university will gladly fund more expeditions.”

Lyra smiled “wonderful I hope we can find more.”

Anton said “I will send you a letter when the university approves another expedition” with a smile he continued “with these artifacts it should not be too hard.”

After lunch they went to the Canterlot museum and met the curator Sarbon Tormon after examining the artifacts. He said “this is amazing the museum is willing to pay will pay you 500 bits for these artifacts and significantly more if you can find a complete skeleton.”

Anton said “I have a colleague in Philly Delthia who may be able to identify what species this shoulder blade is from and possibly its age.”

Sarbon agreed and placed the shoulder blade in a box labeled fragile and the destination Hoovesintown University Department of paleontology Philly Delthia. Afterwards he said “I’ll be right back” moments later he returned with a coin purse and said “500 bits.” Lyra took the bag in her magic and placed it in her saddlebags.

Several days later Lyra was sitting at home when she heard a knock at the door she opened it and saw a grey Pegasus mare. She had a blonde mane and tail and lopsided eyes she was wearing a blue cap that read Ponyville Postal Service Lyra smiled “hi Derpy.”

Derpy smiled “hi Lyra I have a priority letter for you” as she pulled out a clip board with a document and quill from a pouch on her mailbag.

Lyra took the clipboard in a golden aura and signed the document passed it to Depry who then pulled a large vanilla envelope out of her sack and Lyra took it in her magic.

Derpy said “I would like to stay and talk but I have to finish my deliveries.”

Lyra nodded “another time” Derpy smiled and flew away to finish her deliveries Lyra closed the door and opened the envelope inside was a letter from Canterlot University and a map. The letter read Dear Lyra Heartstrings, the university has allotted funds for an expedition to the Badlands 7 days from today enclosed is a map of the western side of the Badlands. This map is derived from the original expedition maps and aerial survey missions. Lyra cheered “whoo hoo another expedition” Bon-Bon smiled.

Lyra noticing Bon-Bon did not seem to be sharing in her elation asked “are you feeling alright? Aren’t you exited to be going back to the Badlands and finding more stuff?”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “I’m happy as long as we are together.”

Lyra smiled and gently kissed Bon-Bon on the top of her head and said with a smile “just think soon we will have enough bits to open Little House of Bon’s so far were off to a good start.”

Bon-Bon smiled “that’s wonderful it’s not far into the Badlands is it?”

Lyra placed the map on a table pointed to the location on the map said “here this area near the Macintosh hills has not been explored yet” Bon-Bon looked at the map as Lyra walked over to the sofa sat down and levitated over her lyre over and began to play a soft melody.

Bon-Bon looked up from the map smiled climbed up on the sofa and laid on her back with her head on Lyra’s lap closing her eyes she relaxed after a short pause asked “when do we leave?”

Lyra said “in a week.”

Bon-Bon said “you know Pinkie will want to throw us another party” Lyra smiled and nodded.

Six days later Pinkie threw them a going away party in the town hall this time Bon-Bon made sure to not drink too much cider and have a repeat of her last embarrassment.

The next day they went to the train station and bought tickets to Dodge City after a short tile they arrived as they disembarked in the rear of the station there was a tarp covered wagon.
The pony they met last time came up to them Lyra said “hello again Topogra” smiled “hello Bon-Bon and Lyra.” Bon-Bon said “hello” Turning to “Lyra she said “the university has allocated supplies for a 12 day expedition you may leave whenever you’re ready” Lyra nodded Topogra smiled and said “Celestia’s speed.”

Lyra smiled “thank you” as she mounted the wagon hitch on her back and began the trip to the Badlands. Along the way she and Bon-Bon talked about various things mostly what they might find and took turns pulling the wagon. Soon they came to the entrance to the Badlands as they entered they turned to the west.

Soon they saw several caves in the distance Lyra said “there they are.”

They came within walking distance of the caves as the sun began to set Bon-Bon said “let’s set up camp here.”

Lyra nodded and they set up a tent and Lyra started a campfire as Bon-Bon prepared a fruit salad and canned potatoes. After they finished eating Lyra levitated out her lyre and began to play a melody Bon-Bon laid down on her stomach placing her muzzle on the ground closed her eyes. She smiled softly as Lyra plucked the lyre strings gently.

The next morning they set out for the first cave on the map as they approached the entrance Bon-Bon saw what looked like tool marks on the entrance she said “Lyra look at this.”

Lyra walked over and saw the tool marks she levitated her camera and snapped some pictures she looked at the marks and noticed they went all around the cave entrance. Bob-Bon pulled out a lantern and the entered the cave.

Bon-Bon asked “what could have made these tool marks magic”

Lyra said “unlikely a boring spell would leave the rock smooth this was dug with a tool.”

As they went inside they noticed the interior had the same tool marks and was unusually tall.

Bon-Bon asked “how tall is this tunnel?”

Lyra pulled out a measuring tape from her saddlebags and said “let’s find out.”

She levitated the tip to the ceiling with her magic and the other on the floor then did the same for the width looking at the tape she said “interesting, the ceiling is 2 meters high and the floor 121 cm wide.”

Bon-Bon asked “what does that mean?”

Lyra said “according to the ancient bipedal theory they stood 1.5 or 2 meters tall and 110.5 cm wide so 121 cm would be considered a comfortable walking space for 2 of them standing next to each other.”

Bon-Bon stopped and said “wait-wait are you saying one of those biped’s you talk about carved this cave?”

Lyra said “possibly that is what were here to find out.”

Bon-Bon said with a chuckle “I think you’ve been reading too many mythology novels your imagination is catching up with you.”

Lyra smiled “maybe but we did find that one strange bone.”

Bob-Bon said “true but it could be a dragon bone.”

Lyra smiled and said “possibly but then again that’s why we are here to vindicate or debunk the theory and put the controversy to rest one and for all. Besides if we are lucky we will find something interesting.”

Bon-Bon smiled and nodded and followed as Lyra ventured deeper into the cave.

As they descended deeper in the cavern the tunnel expanded into into a large cavern it resembled a living chamber there were clay pots strewn all about most were broken. They looked into the intact ones they were empty. As Lyra took pictures she noticed something interesting there were several clay pots strewn about they were different sizes some tall some short. They were unusual they had a stopper made of tar with an iron rod pushed through it. She levitated one of them and removed the iron rod inside was a copper cylinder. She marveled at it and placed it and a few others into her saddlebags.

Bon-Bon asked “what is that?”

Lyra said “I don’t know I hope further analysis can determine what it is how it works and possibly who made it.”

As they exited the cave Bon-Bon placed a small flag near the entrance and the proceeded to the next cave it was empty.

Before traveling to the next cave Lyra asked Bon-Bon “do you want to go to the next one or go back to camp?”

Bon-Bon said “I’m hungry let’s go back to camp.”

They returned to camp and ate lunch after they finished Bon-Bon pulled out a box of candy Lyra levitated a piece out and ate it.

She marveled at the textures and flavors “mmmm these are really good.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said with a cynical tone pointing to her cutie mark “my special talent.”

Lyra chucked lightly in amusement then nodded and said “when were done here and return home the Canterlot Museum curator should pay lots of bits for these artifacts. Hopefully it will be enough to open the candy store.” She smiled “just imagine I will be famous for these discoveries and you will be known for the best candy in Equestria.”

Bon-Bon smiled then asked “that sounds very nice but are going to be partners? If so what about you and the university?”

Lyra thought for a moment then looked down at the ground and said softly “I hadn’t thought of that.”

Bon-Bon said “we will think of something” she came close sat down and took Lyra’s hoof and said “as long as we work together we can overcome any obstacle.”

Lyra smiled and said “you’re right” leaning in she gently kissed Bon-Bon on the nose “thank you for supporting me.”

Bon-Bon smiled and said “what are mare friends for?” She smiled and nuzzled Lyra gently she nuzzled back.

A short time later Lyra found light helmets in the wagon buried under some food supplies after finding the hats they decided use them instead if lanterns. Placing them on their heads they entered the next cave as they entered the natural light began to fade. Reaching up they pressed a button on the side of their helmets and the lights came on. The beams shone in the cavern as they walked into the cave suddenly Bon-Bon cried out “umph” and fell on her face.

Lyra asked trotted over and asked “are you alright?”

Bon-Bon stood up slowly and said with a slightly embarrassed tone “I’m fine I tripped over something.”

Lyra shined a light to where Bon-Bon tripped and saw something sticking out of the dirt it was white in color. She levitated a small digging spade out of her saddlebags and began removing the dirt. As the dirt was cleared the object began to emerge as the item was removed from its dirt casing Lyra placed it on the ground. She then levitated a brush from her saddlebags and brushed the dirt off the item.

Lyra said with excitement “it a skull!”

Bon-Bon said “your joking right? That’s not like any skull I’ve ever seen before.”

Lyra said “of course not this is a skull from an extinct species most likely an ancient biped” levitating it and rotating it she said “hmmm looks like the lower jaw in missing” she dug around the area and found it nearby. She then took measurements of the skull “17 cm at the top and 12 cm at the bottom.

Bon-Bon said “I thought the stories about ancient bipeds were just myths, but if this is one of them do you know what that means?”

Lyra asked “what?”

Bon-Bon said “were going to be famous.”

Lyra said excitedly “yes we will be and we will go down in history” she placed the skull in her saddlebag as they continued to search the cave. The cave was mostly empty looking over in the corner she noticed something tucked away in a corner it was a clay jar with a lid on it. She removed the lid and inside was a papyrus scroll she unrolled it she and Bon-Bon looked at it and saw the writing on it was unlike any either of them had ever seen before. It looked like hieroglyphic symbols but spaced in such a way to indicate words or sentences. Lyra pondered over the text then took a photo of the scroll then re-rolled the scroll and placed in her saddlebag.

Bon-Bon asked “do you know what it says?”

Lyra shook her head “no it looked like ancient Equarian a language that has not been used in Equestria for over 3,500 years I hope some pony at the university can translate it.” They looked around the rest of the cave but found nothing and returned to camp.”

Back at camp they settled down and Lyra levitated her lyre and began to play a song Bon-Bon smiled and laid down in front of Lyra she seemed slightly distracted.

Lyra stopped playing looked down and said “you feeling alright? You seem distracted.

Bon-Bon rolled on her back and said “slightly, what we found today is going to overturn history as we know it.

Lyra put her lyre down and laid down next to Bon-Bon “yes it will but I believe it will be for the better.”

Bon-Bon turned her head to the side facing Lyra she rolled on her side reached up and gently caressed Lyra’s muzzle and stroked her mane then said “as I said before it does not really matter as long as we are together.”

Lyra smiled and stood over Bon-Bon s she rolled on her back Lyra lay on top of her then leaned in and kissed her on the lips gently and said “we will always be together.”

Bon-Bon smiled and kissed Lyra and she kissed back then after a few moments of kissing Lyra rolled off her mare friend. Then on her back and took Bon-Bon’s hoof as the 2 looked up at the evening sky holding hooves. As the stars began to come into view and the moon began to rise over the horizon.