An Apple's Sin

by Fluffynizer101

Chapter 1: Call Upon the Purple One

Have you ever perhaps read the story cupcakes? Back in 2012, a fan fiction horror story was created off of MLP:FiM, or to be specific, an episode called party of one. Cupcakes was about the pink pony Pinkie Pie who turned out to be a mass murder who made her victims into cupcakes. So, what would happen if a similar story took place but with a different pony? Well, we are about to watch the outcome of this unfold.

Chapter 1: Call Upon the Purple One
Twilight Sparkle awoke to the sound of clanking dishes. That, as usual, was her assistant and pet dragon, Spike. But, he was more like a little brother. He often awoke early so he could do some chores or prepare her breakfast when she had to leave the house early, which she hasn’t done in a very, very long time. A small amount of light peeked through her curtains, which she uses to block the outside world. If only I could escape this world.

She sat up and opened up the drapes to see what type of day awaited her. A little voice in her head pleaded for sunlight, but as expected, it was once again cloudy. This was the average day for Ponyville nowadays, gloomy and dark. No pony has dared to step to outside their front door (including Twilight) ever since. Twilight eventually got up, brushed her mane, and headed down the stairs. She smiled at Spike who was beginning to make breakfast.

"Morning, Twilight!" said Spike. "Good Morning, Spike. You seem rather perky this morning" Twilight observed as she took a seat at the table.
. "Well, I figured it's best to be optimistic now. Anyways, How did you sleep?" asked Spike. "Oh, no better than usual" replied Twilight.

Twilight frowned at the table recalling the recent events. Lately, she hadn't been sleeping due of them, and it was starting to get worse.
Spike placed a plate in front of Twilight. Eggs and Toast. Nothing, in others minds, extremely special, but it looked delicious to Twilight, who has barely ate in the past few months.

"Thanks, Spike" Twilight replied while smiling, with dark bags underneath her eyes. "Your Welcome, Twilight, hope you enjoy!" Spike said enthusiastically. Twilight smiled back softly and turned to her plate. Once she turned and began eating, a frown spread across Spike's face. He had been worrying about Twilight for a long time. Twilight was a mother or older sister to him, so he was very protective of her.

Don't worry Twilight, I'll protect you. thought Spike. He may be small, but he was determined to keep that promise.

"So, uh, Twilight," Spike slowly started. "Yes, Spike?" she replied.
"I was thinking. Remember earlier when I said that we should be more optimistic about things?" Spike asked. "Yes, you said you thought it was time for a change, a different path..." Twilight replied curiously.
"Well, what if we move back to Canterlot?" asked Spike. Twilight suddenly dropped her fork onto the table. "What?" she said surprised. "Think about it, Twilight. You could still be Celestia's student there and I'm sure she'd understand. The library where we lived was pretty nice, and you can even rekindle your friendship with Lyra and the others!" Spike exclaimed.

"Spike, I can't just leave! My friends would be heartbroken if I just left them behind. They’d never forgive me!" Twilight said. "We can always keep in touch through letters! We can send them packages and write to them about your life in Canterlot. They’d understand why you left Ponyville" Spike said convincingly. "Spike...." Twilight started.

Spike gave a long sigh. "There is a different reason why I want us to move back to Canterlot. You haven't been doing very well lately and we both know why." Twilight looked down at her plate. "I'm worried about your emotional state and your safety. It's not safe for you here and I can't let you stay in this ghost town any longer. I want you to be happy again and read you books for hours and hours and tell me all about them before I went to sleep and constantly research multiple subjects like you used to" Spike explained.

Twilight thought deeply for a second. Those were simpler times then. Happier times. "I'll think about it, Spike" Twilight said. After, they both stayed quiet for a long time.

Twilight soon finished eating and began to get up to clean off her plate. The moment she stood up, Spike burped out a letter. She eagerly waited for him to read it.
Spike cleared his throat and read:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
I would like you to come to Canterlot immediately. I have things I would like to discuss with you.
Princess Celestia.

"Well Princess, you don't have to be so detailed." Spike stated sarcastically. "It must be urgent. Spike, help me pack my bag Spike. " said Twilight.
"Twilight, Wait a second" said Spike. Twilight stopped and turned to stare at Spike. "Maybe you shouldn't go. I mean, I understand that she wants only you and all but with you recent emotional standpoint, I don't think you should do this. If I can't go with you, I can't let you go at all" said Spike.

Twilight smiled sympathetically at Spike. "I'll be okay Spike, it can't be too long. I would be surprised if this took for than 24 hours." Twilight said. "But...what if you get hurt" he whispered. Twilight lifted his head with her hoof and said "Hey, I'll be okay. Don't worry, I will send you a letter if anything goes wrong."

Spike wasn't really pleased with this, but he knew he couldn't convince her any more than that. Spike sighed. "Okay then, Twilight."

Twilight gave Spike a long, reassuring hug and then left to the train station. She then boarded the train that would take her to Canterlot and stared out the window the entire way.

After a long, mysterious train ride, Twilight arrived in Canterlot.

Walking through these streets make me feel Ah, the memories me and Spike have here.

She looked around and felt at home as she watched three fillies playfully argue on who won their most recent race.

Maybe Spike was right...

Twilight soon arrived to the castle. She walked down the long hallway as she examined the stained glass mirrors which depicted all the challenges she and her friends had faced for the past few years. If only they could defeat this challenge with the elements.

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight called out. "Twilight, I do apologize for the short notice, but thank you for going out of your way to come here" said Princess Celestia. "Oh, it was no problem really" replied Twilight, but she knew that walking through the front door of her Oak Tree Library was the most terrifying thing she's done in long time.

"I brought you here to discuss the current situation with Ponyville'" Princess Celestia stated.

Twilight shuddered. During the past few months, ponies have been going missing. No pony even has a clue who the culprit (or culprits) are, but everypony has been shut inside their house and nopony has come out. Ponyville even clouded over with no sun ever since. The whole situation gave Twilight severe anxiety, she's had nightmares every night about it and feared that she would be next.

"Yes...." Twilight uttered.”What about it?” Twilight questioned.
What could she possibly want to say about? Has she found a solution?
Celestia was quiet for a long moment, as if she wanted to word what she was about to say correctly. "I would like you to investigate Ponyville and find the culprit of this mystery" Celestia finally stated.

Twilight tried to hold her thoughts back but couldn't. Why me? Why. Why. "WHAT?!? ME?!!?" she yelled. “How could you possibly ask me? Don’t you understand the situation and what could happen if…” Twilight started, but couldn’t even finish the sentence.

Celestia lifted Twilight’s head so their eyes would meet. "I understand your fear in this but I know you. You’re brave and selfless. I know that you can do this Twilight. Help me please bring this murderer to justice." begged Celestia.

Twilight knew this was her biggest fear. The reason she had nightmares every night. She could barely take care of herself anymore.
"Well?" Celestia asked.
"I'll do it" she uttered.