My Little Love Poems: Romance Is Magic

by Bell

Confusion (Rainbow Dash/Applejack)

I know I'm awesome; I know that's a fact—
Ask anypony, they'll tell you the same—
But when she comes, I don't know how to act,
I forget everything, even my name.
It feels like I'm flying, but then I fall,
And as I plummet, I can't catch my breath;
When I see her, nothing makes sense at all:
I can't pull up as I fall to my death.
Then I open my eyes, and I'm not dead,
I'm just staring with my heart beating fast.
I try to wake up, try to clear my head,
But the trance she puts me in seems to last.
It's confusing, the way she makes me act—
I can't see straight when I'm near Applejack.