Against the Shadows

by DazzleMLP84

Tears and Not So Sweet Dreams

Later that night across town in a fancy hotel, a twelve year old girl walked in the doors. She had a similar skin tone to Adagio, her hair had a mixture of lighter orange and darker orange colors in a side ponytail, and she had light magenta eyes. She had on a dark magenta hoodie over a bubblegum pink shirt with a hot pink heart on it. She also had light gray shorts over light pink leggings and a pair of silver short UGG boots. She also was wearing diamond earrings and was carrying around a pink leather purse. She slowly walked up to the front desk and rang the service bell. Sunny Flare in hotel uniform slowly walked up to the girl.

“Can I help you?” Sunny Flare asked the girl.

“Yes. Can I please have room?”

“Um. Are your parents coming?”

“No! My parents and I were separated. What makes things worse is that someone after me, so even if I could find them, I won’t be safe.” The girl said starting have tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, little one. But, I can not give people free rooms to people without money. That rule has already been broken twice.”

“First off, don’t call me little one. My name is Allegro Flare. And second off I have money.”

“Say your name again.”

“Allegro Flare?”

“That name sounds so similar to Flame Charge and Adagio Dazzle. Do you know them?”

Allegro looked down and back up again. “No!”

“Okay? So how much money do you have?”

“Oh, nothing besides one thousand dollars. But, of course if you don’t want my money just because I’m young I’ll just go to the hotel across the street. I think they would love to have my money.” Allegro said as she started to walk away.

“Wait!” Sunny Flare shouted while stopping her.


“You can stay here for a week if you pay that right now.”

“Okay. I also have more on my debit card anyways.”

“You have more?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Okay, here is your room key. Do you want me to lead you up to your room?” Sunny Flare explained as she traded the money for the room key.”

“No, I’m good. Thank you.” Allegro replied as she happily skipped toward the elevator. She punched the nine button as the elevator rose from the ground level. She look down at the room number, it was 912. Then it suddenly stopped and the doors opened up. She continued to walk in the hall until she found room 912. She used the key to open the door and she walk into a suite room with a mini fridge and microwave one corner the white room. Allegro just rushed to the bed and started cry. Tears continuously fell down her cheeks and on the bed.

“Why is this happening to me? I really want this to be over so I go home to my mom and dad! I know they miss me, I’m their only child. Their perfect little angel. I want to go home, but I know I can’t. I’m in danger there. ”

She heard a small crash. She looked around for second. She grabbed a wand with a clear top with pink sparkle dust and bead like things in it, while the handle was bubblegum pink. The top started glow pink as she held it tighter.

“Hello, is anyone there? I’m not afraid to use this, so unless you want to fight leave me alone.”

Everything was silent and was empty besides the pink purse on the bed.

“It was probably just a squirrel.”

Quickly, Allegro went to go get a towel from the bathroom. When she came back to the bed she continued her crying, which got heavier and heavier until she eventually cried herself to sleep.


At Adagio's house, she was fast asleep on her couch in her room with her cat, Amethyst sleeping floor close to her.

She dreamed she was on top of a hill with a tree keeping the shade. Everything was calm and peaceful until, it suddenly got dark outside until there was barely any light. Allegro ran up to in fear of a shadow following behind the child. She went up to Adagio held her tightly like she was a teddy bear.

“You have to help me! Someone is after me! I need help!” Allegro pleaded.

“I want to help! What is your name?”

“I don’t have enough time to explain that. They will be here soon.”

“Who? Who is after you?”

“You know one of them. The older one.”

“I can’t help you if you can’t tell me anything.”

“Please, don’t let them get me please. Protect me like you and dad have promised.”

“Your dad? Me?”

Allegro started to sink her shadow as she started to sink faster and faster like it was quick sand.

“Please help me before it’s too late!”

Adagio tried to reach to her, but Allegro was quickly engulfed by the shadow. Leaving nothing behind.

“How can I help you if I don’t know your name?”

Adagio suddenly woke up after that panting. She hadn’t reacted that much to an nightmare since the Moonlight dance. She checked the time on the clock, 1:30 am.

“Who was that little girl? Who was after her? Why did she said that I promised something to her?” Adagio said out loud, waking up Amethyst.

“Oh, sorry. Amethyst. I didn’t mean to wake you up. I’m just trying to figure out my dream, you can back to sleep."

Amethyst returned to her nap spot and went back to sleep.

"Is Ruby after her? No, she can’t be! Ruby is in jail, unless.”

Adagio sprinted over to her laptop, took it to her bed and checked the city jail status of the prisoners. And sure enough Ruby was still there under extreme supervision.

“Ruby can’t be possibly after her, can she? Maybe it was just another nightmare just scare to me to death. That girl is not real and she is just a figment of my imagination. Isn’t she?”

Adagio’s eyes started to get drowsy as she started to fall asleep again. Setting her laptop on her nightstand.

“I’m just going to have to talk to Twilight and Sunset about this tomorrow. They could help me figure out what this all means.” She told herself as she grew drowsy and fell asleep again on her bed.