A Collection Of Geodesic One-Shots

by GeodesicDragon

[1P SoL UKoE] Flashfic Entry: Cleaning Up Winter

Snow melted.

Birds gathered.

Dens cleaned.

Ice thawed.

Crops planted.

Yep, it was just another Winter Wrap-Up in Ponyville. I tell you, these ponies sure know how to turn a tedious activity into something fun. And not using magic – like they do in Canterlot – only serves to make it all the more interesting, as it forces you to actually talk to the ponies around you.

Canterlot ponies could never imagine talking to anypony while they cleaned up winter. To us, the whole concept of talking for anything other than business purposes is an alien one. But when I moved to Ponyville, my perception of the world changed.

Then, for the first time in my life, I discovered the art of conversation — and conversation, as every pony knows, is the first step on the road to friendship.

Needless to say, I made lots of friends that first year.