//------------------------------// // Harmony is dead // Story: Cursed Book // by Sillyponyme //------------------------------// Luna watched as Rainbow Dash and the others walked or flew away. She turned toward the throne room and let out a sigh. Luna was just about to open the door when somepony tapped her shoulder. Luna turned around and found Fluttershy behind her. "Fluttershy, hello." "Princess Luna, may I talk to my friend alone. I think she could use a little cheering up." Luna smiled, nodded, and opened the door up for Fluttershy. "Thank you Princess." Fluttershy walked into the throne room and found Twilight sitting on the ground, head aimed downward to avoid eye contact. Fluttershy crept toward her friend cautiously not wishing to startle her. "Um, Twilight." "Go away Fluttershy, the elements are broken, so just leave." Twilight continued to stare at the ground not wishing to look at her former friend. "I, I know that, that you are sad r-right now but." Fluttershy said somewhat nervously. The last thing she wanted to do is upset her friend anymore then she already was. Twilight growled angrily and flipped around staring Fluttershy in her eyes. "I said go away Fluttershy, our friendship is over. Everything is gone, I let everypony die. Don't you get it, our lives are over!" Twilight screamed angrily causing Fluttershy to shy away. "Just get out of here; I don't want to see anypony, especially you Fluttershy. I don't need the kindness crap and I don't need friends. I did just fine before them and I'll do just fine now. From here on in I'm a loner." Fluttershy backed away, tears formed in her eyes. "I want nothing to do with the elements anymore and I don't want anything to do with any of you, now get out." Fluttershy ran off crying her eyes out. Twilight just watched as she ran and frowned. "Goodbye my friend, never again will anypony die because of me." Twilight turned back around and let some tears slip down her cheeks. "They'll be better off without me. I did the right thing, no matter what anypony says." Just then the doors to the room opened up which just made Twilight sigh. "I said go away Fluttershy." Twilight didn't bother to turn around and see who it was. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing?" Luna said from the doorway. After seeing Fluttershy run off crying, she had to see what was going on. Luna waited but received no response. "I will assume that you did not hear me and so I will ask again, what are you doing?" Twilight turned around angrily, her horn glowing brightly. "I'm making sure that nopony has to be hurt because of me. I won't be responsible for killing hundreds of ponies or more. They all hate me now anyway so why bother with anything." Luna let out a sigh and made her way over to Twilight. "You are a Princess, so you made a mistake, big deal. You admit that you messed up and continue to do your best." Luna went to put a hoof on Twilights shoulder but she pushed it away. "I know that what happened in ponyville was devastating to you and your reputation but look at me as an example. I was Nightmare Moon but I came back from it, you can make things right again." "Are you crazy, this can't be fixed, it's over for us all? There is no saving anypony and I can't make anything right. I'm the one that made the mistake; you on the other hoof were possessed. I won't let anypony get hurt because of me." Twilight snorted at Luna. "You're needed Twilight, there is still hope." "What part of no hope do you not understand? Soon we'll all die and I won't be apart of getting everypony killed." Twilight stood up and pushed her face up to Luna's. "You're a princess and as such, it's your duty to help whether you think there is hope or not. Your subjects need hope in something." Luna shot back calm and collected. "Screw being a Princess and screw you your highness, I won't lie to everypony and tell them that we'll find a way out when there is no way out. It's your own fault that we are in this, if you had just taken care of the book when it was first discovered, we wouldn't be in this mess." Twilight pushed Luna away from herself. "If you don't help, you're practically killing them yourself. You're no better then Sombra." Luna knew she had hit a nerve. "I'm nothing like him, how dare you compare me to him." Twilight leaped up into the air and tackled Luna. The two wrestled for some time before Luna separated herself from Twilight. The two Alicorns beaten and cut up, bruises would definitely form by morning if not sooner. "You stay away from me." "If you won't help, then I'll have to take care of everything myself." Luna limped away but turned to say one last thing. "You're no Princess Twilight; I promise you that my sister would be ashamed of you." "Don't you dare speak of her-" Twilight didn't get to finish as Luna shut the doors behind her. "Screw you Luna, screw everypony!" Twilight began sobbing. "Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked seeing the yellow Pegasus flying toward her about a foot off the ground. "Twilight doesn't care about anypony any more. She yelled at me and said that she doesn't want anything to do with us. Did I do something?" Fluttershy asked. "You're probably the only one not to do something and I hate to say it but we've split up. The elements are dead Fluttershy, so just move on with your life the best you can." Rainbow turned from her friend and began flying away. "B-but I, I thought that" Fluttershy then broke down crying. "Stupid undead things; if I have to be on my own then fine." Fluttershy cried a little more and then wiped away her tears. She had closed her eyes for a second and then opened them quickly and heard a voice behind her. She turned toward the voice. "What do you want?" Fluttershy asked in a harsh tone of voice. "Fluttershy?" Luna asked but didn't receive a response. "I suppose that the elements of harmony truly are dead." "You got that right, you should mind your own business anyways." Fluttershy, who had still been wearing her necklace, ripped it off and threw it onto the ground. "Who needs anypony, it's survival of the fittest." Fluttershy flew off. "Very well." Luna knew what she had to do now, take out the book. She only has one problem, she can still feel the books power over her. It would take all her strength just to find the book. Twilight did have one point; she should have taken care of the book instead of assuming. "I have to find the book." Luna took off into the sky to go find the book.