It's becoming harder and harder for me, a human wondering what lies between this world and the other. I sometimes fine myself walking a forest and know she is there watching, waiting, seeing what I might do. The Sun Mother I call her though most call her Celestia or Princess, they came when our would upturned its self, disasters one after another ending with fire and ash.. Those who didn't die right away died later due to hunger or being murdered by someone else. But she came, she and her sister the night mother Luna though I already know these being they were a sight to see, to behold when that rip, portal, gash in space, what ever you wished to call it opened and she came through it to save us. Some thought this was the end, other seen it as her being true to her word, she came to help us her and the others of her world who took pity on us. But as I said, Ive met them before, though it be a dream or was it reality, I am unsure but I remember it clearly even now.
I had gone outside for a walk which I rarely do at all, it was very cloudy one of those gloomy days were one should be inside and keeping warm. I had looked up since something colorful had captured my eyes and noticed a few blocks away what looked to me a white horse with wings,a horn, and very bright wavy hair with colors that looked like something you seen in the sky in the arctic. Not to far behind was a smaller looking horse or maybe a pony who was a strange shade of purple and it too had a horn and wings. At first I though I maybe just be seeing things or was this some sort of strange walking dream I was having? It mattered not as she looked toward me with those eyes as if begging me to follow her before she ran do the paved road she was on. I was compelled to follow, those eyes, something in those eyes made me wish to follow her but as I came to the intersection and looked to where she had gone nothing was there other then a long road leading in to what looked to be a forest, not that there were many of those here in the small rural dirt town I live in.
I started down the road after while house were far behind me i was walking down a loan paved road to nowhere it seemed, as I started up the hill i noticed the unending paved road changed to dirt. It seemed to go stop at the edge of a very dark forest, I took a few steps before a cloud of blackness stopped me and transformed in to a large horse or pony, it had sharp teeth, black other then the moon on her flanks, her hair looked like a star field from head to tail, her laugh must of frightened me just as much as her sudden appearance because I miss stepped and took a rough tumble down a dirt hill before hitting my head. I remember darkness for a moment but woke to a soft feeling, my head lay on something softer then silk, but warm as a sunny spring day. As i looked everything was white for a moment but as i looked up i could see that colorful hair again then then those eyes, eyes that held so much kindness for me. I couldn't understand how but i knew who she was and who the other pony who had scared me, the black one was full of anger but i seen her past and felt her sadness all at once just by a glance of her figure.
I felt terrible sadness in my sun mothers chest it hurt very much knowing she must banish her sister but i couldn't let it happened and stood between her and my night mother Luna who though all her hate was confused what i would save her. But my words came out, something not expected by either sun mother or night mother Luna. I spoke," Luna I understand your very angry at your sister for getting all the love from your subject for not loving your night, but have you not thought why they sleep during your night? Your night is like a warm blanket even during the coldest winter that keeps us safe and knowing your watching for those that use its covers to frighten us or hurt us. You are loved even though many do no look at your stars often, I love my night mother and I feel protected." It was clear she did not expect this answer nor see it before because of her jealousy. Many tears came forward from not only her, but here sister and myself. I felt a soft hug from both before the world suddenly dropped away and I found myself in my bed. Remembering this, i look up at the darkened sky, I couldn't help but wonder if she seen me would she know who I am or had she forgotten me?
Many people were selected to go back with her and the others but there were so many left who couldn't, this mad many people angry at the sun goddess, some even wanted to hurt her, I did not want this. I remember hearing gun fire and seeing people shooting one another saying that Celestia was just lying to us to make us think she wanted to help to only vanish right as everyone lined up to leave, It was wrong but who could blame them? I found my self walking up to her, she seemed to have a look on her face as to wondering who I might be, but I had once called her sun mother and helped her keep her sister from insanity so how could she forget? She hadn't it was only a worry, i was greeted with a hug, it was tight, warm, and something that felt like only a mother could give. I gave her a smile in returned and thanked her for coming to save us, as she made her reply i noticed a red dot on her chest, I knew what that was, as I turn i seen a man with a rifle pointed at her, he called her a lair, said she no more cared about a human life then the next person did at this point, she tried to reason with him, make him see truth to her words. He would have none of it and fired, for me it was all in slow motion, i watch as his finger slowly pressed the trigger I tried to push her away as I faced the man, I turned seeing a bright flash from the muzzle and a look of shock on his face as he seen what he had done.
Pain, pain, a pain tore through me, something I never thought was possible, it was like my chest was on fire and being punched all at once. I look down to where i felt the pain but see only my own blood. For a moment everything seemed to go quite and I feel the world rushing up toward me as i fall backwards but the stop never came instead I feel myself being held in something I could only describe as warmth, as I lay there I feel something wet on my cheek first drops, then something soft and warm, I try to look up, it was hard everything was getting dark but I could still see those eyes but now they held sadness. Why? I did not understand, did she truly feel sad for me? It felt nice that someone would cry for you because it showed they cared, I felt a soft touch from the feathers of her wing, it was like the touch a mother would give her child, and all I could get out before everything went back was, " Mama I love you.." As everything went black I could hear a wailing cry but I wasn't sure where it came from..