//------------------------------// // Colt - 4 // Story: Why Can't They... // by Mocha Star //------------------------------// The sun has lowered behind the horizon and now the satellite is overhead. It is waxing gibbous and just above the horizon at 59 degrees azimuth. I like the sky. I am in a cart! I am with Auntie and Unkie. We are going somewhere and I am tied to the inside of the cart so I do not go to the fluffy heads far down there. I will taste them someday and they will be good. There are other ponies flying and we are going the same way. A big house without a roof? That's silly. I want to go over there. Over there, Unkie! Look! Ugh, why can't you speak my words more times?! I won't yell, because you might go back and I will see it and know about it. There is a lot of carts! Chariots. Wagons. Bronze, gold, vines and roots! So many styles and colors. If I wasn't tied I would touch each of them. Do they taste as pretty as they are? "Yes, Cork Screw. Carts and chariots are over there; just like yours! We are going to a flight show and it'll be the best moment of your life." "Bright Skies, don't encourage him. He probably doesn't even understand what's happening." "Thunder, the doctor said we have to encourage him. He's still barely a colt, he can still learn." "Yes, at the pace of a melting iceberg in the winter." I do understand, Unkie. I just don't talk so good or move so good, yet. I have been watching the sky and the stars and if they can appear to move based on the planet's position in space, then I can move on my own, too. It is loud here. A lot is happening. I can watch it all. There is a pony with a clothes on. A lot of ponies have clothes on. And are flying a lot. Cotton candy. I hear a whistle. It is loud. Where is it? A horn. I am a little scared. Ponies are everywhere. More than I have ever seen before. I will hold onto Auntie's neck tighter. Balloons. Laughing little ponies. Screams. I will close my eyes. It is noisy. It hurts and is scary to see everything. Smoke. I... Laughter. So much. Bells. "Cork Screw? Are you alright?" Unkie asks me. I open my eyes to look at him and shake my head. That means 'no'. I don't understand. Chomping food. Giggling. Loud noises between ponies. It's... Too much. Happening. A horn close by. I do not like this place. Clouds being hit. Lightning and thunder. Colors. Ponies are so many colors, it's too much. Yellow. I don't like this place. Green. "Ouch, Cork Screw, you're, hurting me. Not so tight." Blue. Crunch. I want to go home. "Cork Screw, it's alright," Auntie says as Unkie pats my back. We're alone now. A room with doors and toilets. I see... Auntie and Unkie. And a blue pony on Auntie. I don't like that blue pony. Get of my Auntie. Auntie is mine. I tell and the blue pony tells me. I yell at Blue pony to go off Auntie and I hug Auntie tighter. The blue pony hugs Auntie tighter. I will not look at the blue pony and blue pony will go away. "My Auntie. My Unkie." "Aww, he's so cute," a new pony says after a flush sound. The new pony is many colors in the pony's mane. Wow, all the colors. I want to touch the rainbow. New pony is blue and smiles nice. New pony is like my carts and make me feel happy. The new pony lets touch colors mane while Auntie and Unkie talk to Blue Colors Mane. That is the name for the blue pony now. "Pay, carts," I make noise like their words. "He wants to play carts with you, it's his favorite game to play. I'm sorry if he's pulling your mane too much, let go, Cork Screw." "Nah, it's cool. No other pony has a mane like mine. Hey, what'd'ya think about meeting the coolest mare in Equestria in the bathroom?" I don't know what she's talking about but her mane is as soft as a cloud and messy as my bed. I like her a lot. I will climb to her. "Heehee, he really likes my mane. Hey, sport, wanna go for a fly?" "Oh, I don't think that's a good idea. He's, special," Unkie said. "It's all good. I'm special too; the most special pony in the world! C'mon, champ. I'll take you for a quick trip around the Cloudaseum, your mom and dad can wait here, right?" Mom and dad?! Where? I don't see them. "Oh, we're not his parents. We're his-" "Auntie, Unkie; mumn? Day?" "Oh, I think I'm getting it now," Blue Colors Mane said, "I'll have to go extra fast to show him what it's like when he gets his wings working." I am flying very fast with Blue Colors Mane. It is not scary with Blue Colors Mane and I am not tied so I can move. Over there, go that way. Blue Colors Mane understands my words. I am happy. What is over there? What's that? Popcorn. What? Ponies, so many. I don't- Smoke smells. "You're tensing up, squirt. Let's loosen your nerves. Hang on." "Eeeeee!" I am laughing so much! We are making circles like my cart's wheels make when I throw them for fun. Blue Colors Mane is my favorite pony ever. "More. Agin, Agin!" "That's the spirit! Let's do a double cork screw with a barrel roll, finished by a star burts and dashing trot." Whatever Blue Colors Mane said it sounds like fu- "Eeeeee! Ah-hahahahaha! Blue Colars Mane!" Her laugh is nice, like Auntie and Unkie, both. I feel. "Free." "Yeah, that's why I love to fly. I feel so cooped up like a caged animal when I can't fly, this is where the world can't hold me back," Blue Colors Mane said as she glode, "it's the one place where I can be free of everything. When you learn to fly you'll know what I mean. But, I've gotta get ya back to your family. The show starts soon and I'm not gonna miss this one. Soarin and Fleetfoot are going to race. I've got my bits on Fleetfoot." I want to see what Blue Colors Mane sees, but I, it's too much. I want to go home. "Home. Scury," I point way down below us at the, everything happening. Blue Colors Mane is very smart and thinks a lot. She understands my words. "Yeah, I get ya. Hey, I'll drop off my info with your family, if you're ever near Ponyville, look me up, huh?" "Food, nom-num." "Dinner time? Hey, how 'bout I buy you some cotton candy? Sounds like you'll miss the show, but you should have something to remember it by." Blue Colors Mane bought me a cloud and Unkie said it was alright to eat. It was super awesome and no whisp burps, or farts. I also got this cool wagon to play with. It is blue! Just like Blue Colors Mane. It is my favorite cart. I am glad to go home, now my friends have a new friend, and so do I.