Star Wars III: The New Empire

by New Fossil Studios

Chapter 3: Hoth Base

*Starkiller Base*

A pony with metallic wings, a mettalic horn, a black body of metal, and a gas-mask-like mask of black, she looks out a massive window into space and towards a planet. A black, male unicorn with a red horn, metal armor, a red cape, and a green iris with purple mist walks up to her.

"Darth Star, is the weapon ready?"

"Yes, Sombra, it is."

Star's voice was intimidating, she constantly breathed through the mouth.

"Are you sure we can destroy Alderaan as quickly as you say it will?"

"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

The base was like a smooth moon cut in half, and with a large cannon in the middle. The cannon started absorbing energy from a nearby sun, it fired directly towards Alderaan and the whole planet blew completely up.

Ember Pegasus

Rarity and Rainbow Dash were taking a moment in hyperspace to take a drink, when Rarity suddenly cringed and dropped her glass.

"Something wrong, Rarity?"

"I feel a great disturbance in magic, almost as if billions of lives shrieked their final moments."

A calm light began beeping,

"Looks like we're almost out of hyperspace, Rarity."

The ship was then in the atmosphere of a snow planet. Once they landed, they stepped out of the ship wearing snow gear. They then ended up in a base in the snow, they were greeted at the entrance by a Radion.

"Ah! About time you came back, Rainbow Dash!"

"Hello, Rallo. This is Rarity, a former Jedi who recently agreed to join the Rebellion."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rarity."

"No need to be so formal."

"Well, either way, I welcome you to our Hoth base."

"Any other bases?"

"All the remaining five bases are on Alderaan, but don't worry, the Empire will never find us there."