//------------------------------// // Crazy Train // Story: The Seal // by Shadow Kick //------------------------------// Snips and Snails ran frantically after the Siren’s helicopter. “They’re getting… away!” called Snails between breaths. “We have to... get one of those... magic cards!” “I… know,” said Snips out of breath. “Just a little… more,” said Snails. The two then jumped and managed to grab the rope ladder. “Help! Mommy! I’m falling!” cried Snips. “Oh great,” said Adagio. The helicopter then disappeared. When the girls got back inside, Spike rushed over to them. “Hey! So, what happened with those evil girls? Hey, where’s Twi?” “Right here,” said a downcast Rainbow as she and Applejack brought her body in. Spike gasped. “What happened?!” “I lost,” said Twilight. She then told the whole story about who she played the Seal of Orichalcos and Sci-Twi took her place. “I’ll call an ambulance,” said Fluttershy. “This whole thing is my fault,” said Twilight. “I’m the one who unleashed the magic that sent Twi away.” “You knew that card was evil and you still played it?!” asked Spike. “If you really were a good Princess, you wouldn’t have done something like that to poor Twi!!! This just isn’t fair! How could you?! I want my friend back! It should have been you! Not her!” “Hold on, Spike, it’s not her fault,” said Fluttershy. “Oh, Fluttershy!” Spike started whimpering. “I want Twilight back! My Twilight!” “It is my fault, Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “What’s done is done,” said Sunset. “I let everyone down,” said Twilight. “Especially her. Twi warned me not to use the seal, but I got desperate, and my rage took control. She paid for my mistake!” “You’ve got to snap of out of this!” said Rainbow. “She’s gone and it’s my fault,” said Twilight. “Get a grip, girl!!” yelled Rainbow. She then picked up Twilight by the collar and shook her a little. “If we’re going to rescue our friend, we gotta move ahead, not look back! Now pull yourself together! Tomorrow, we will get to the train station and get this Dartz guy!” “I’ll bite him, I’ll claw him!” said Spike. “I’ll pee on him!” “Sorry, Spike,” said Fluttershy. “They don’t allow dogs on the train.” Spike growled in frustration. “Don’t worry,” said Rainbow. “I’m sure the Crusaders will look after him for us.” A few seconds later, the ambulance and took Sci-Twi to a hospital. The helicopter carrying Aria, Adagio, and the two boys flew over downtown. “Hey, check it out,” said Snips. “That must be their secret headquarters.” “Doesn’t look like must of a secret base to me,” said Snails. The helicopter landed on a pad atop a tall building and the girls led the boys in. “Wow, are you girls rich?” asked Snails. “Oh course they are! I think…” said Snips. After a while of walking, they came to the main room. “You’re about to meet our master,” said Adagio. “Try not to say anything too stupid.” “Yeah, he doesn’t have as much patience as we do,” said Aria. The boys gulped in fear. “Mission accomplished, master,” said Adagio as she entered the room. Aria and the boys followed. “We’re gonna be super villains,” said Snips quietly. “I finally got the soul of the Princess,” said Adagio. “Princess?” asked Snips. “What Princess?” asked Snails. “Is she pretty?” “Actually, you failed again,” said Dartz. “Yeah, ya missed her,” said Sonata with a taco in her mouth. “What?” asked Adagio. Dartz flipped on a screen on the back wall showing the interior of his temple. He then zoomed in on the engravings of the captured souls on the wall, and centered on Twi’s picture. “Twi?” asked Snails. “That nerdy Crystal Prep girl?” asked Snips. “You captured the wrong soul!” said Dartz. “Instead of the Princess, you brought me a little school girl!” “I don’t believe it!” said Adagio. “I’m sure I was dueling the Princess, so the Orichalcos should have gotten her!” “Well somehow, she got away,” said Dartz. “That little bitch,” said Adagio. “There’s no one to blame but yourself,” said Dartz. “I can fix this,” promised Adagio as she kneeled to Dartz. “Hey, let’s kneel too,” said Snips “Why?” asked Snails. “Just do it!” whispered Snips. The two rushed over and kneeled in front of Dartz. “We’d like to help, sir,” said Snips. “Yeah, what he said,” said Snails. “Who are these two?” asked Dartz. “They’re just a couple of wannabe duelists who followed us,” said Adagio. “I doubt they even know how to play the game.” “That’s not true!” said Snips. “We’ve beaten three people!” said Snails. “Or maybe two?” “Shut up, Snails!” said Snips. “We want to become better.” “Twilight and her friends have been stealing all the glory for years,” said Snails. “They showed us up in the last tournament,” said Snails. “Now everybody thinks we’re weak.” “We want nothing more than revenge,” said Snips. “So please, Mr. Dartz sir, share your secrets with us and we’ll help you get what you want!” “It won’t be easy,” said Dartz. “The Princess and her friends wield the power of the Legendary Dragons. How do you plan on defeating a force like that?” “That’s why we need your help, sir,” said Snails. “We need the Seal of Orichalcos!” said Snips. “Before I share my power with you,” said Dartz. “I have to make sure you’re worthy.” “Give us a chance to prove it!” begged Snips. “We’re good at tests!” said Snails. “You failed your last math test,” said Snips. “Shut up!” replied Snails. “Silence!” yelled Dartz. “Sorry,” said the boys. “I’ll give you one chance,” said Dartz. He then handed them two cards. “These are for you.” “What?” asked Snips. “Why are they blank?” “Are they broken?” asked Snails. “No,” said Dartz. He then held up two green gems. They began to float and glow bright green. “What’s this?” asked Snips. “Your test,” answered Dartz. “These crystals from the Orichalcos stone will activate your cards, all you have to do is grasp them.” “That’s all?” asked Snails. “However,” said Dartz. “If these stones don’t think you’re worthy of their power, your souls will be offered to the Great Leviathan.” The boys cringed in fear. “I wanna go home,” said Snails. “Told ya they were weak,” said Adagio. “Oh yeah?” asked Snips. “Let’s do this!” said the boys in unison. They reached for the stones, but blue light streamed out of the stones and blew a wave of power at the boys. “I can’t reach it!” yelled Snips. “Of course not,” said Sonata. “These twerps aren’t worthy,” said Aria. The boys pushed forward and eventually grabbed the stones. “Whoa, they actually did it,” said Adagio. The Seal of Orichalcos formed on the boy’s cards. “We did it,” said Snips. “Now we can play the seal,” said Snails. Dartz smiled. “Congratulations, and welcome to our family.” The Dazzlings led the boys a room full of cards. “Alright brats, time to build your new decks,” said Adagio. “We’ve purchased a copy of every Duel Monster’s card ever produced, so have a party.” “We’ve hit the jackpot!” said Snails. “We can have anything we want, right?” asked Snips. “Just not the Egyptian God cards,” said Sonata. “What?” asked Snips. “Whatta mean no God cards?” “Look! If these aren’t good enough, then use your own pathetic decks!” said Aria. “No thanks, these are perfect,” said Snips. “Now we’ll be the Kings of Games!” said Snails. Dartz then walked into the room. “Choose wisely, you have a difficult task ahead.” He said. “Deliver to me the soul of the Princess and her friend, Sunset Shimmer. Use the power of the Orichalcos correctly and victory will be yours.” “Yes, sir,” said the two boys. The next day, the girls arrived at the train station. “Sorry girls, but Pinkie and I won’t be joining you,” said Rarity. “What? Why?” asked Fluttershy. “We didn’t have enough money for train tickets,” said Rarity. “We only have enough for the plane ride.” “But don’t worry,” said Pinkie. “We’ll just drive there.” “Are you sure?” asked Sunset. “Of course,” said Rarity. “We’ll just be a tad bit late,” said Rarity. “It’ll cost me quite a bit of gas,” said Pinkie. “But we’ll meet you there.” The loading bell rang. “Good luck,” said Rainbow. “All aboard!” said Applejack. Once on the train, Rainbow and AJ hit the dining car, while Fluttershy went to the sleeping car to take a nap. Twilight just sat and watched the scenery. Sunset sat across from Twilight and was adding some new cards to her deck. “These dragon cards will go great with Hermos,” said Sunset. Later, all the girls sat together and talked, except Twilight. “She hasn’t said a word all day,” thought Fluttershy. “Hey, Twilight?” asked Rainbow. “You wanna listen to Countess Coloratura on my iPhone?” Twilight didn’t respond. “Hey Twilight?” asked AJ. “Would you like to try one of Granny Smith's famous apple spice muffins?” Twilight didn’t even look up. “She must really miss the other Twilight,” thought Fluttershy. “They bonded the second they met each other. They have so much in common and now she’s gone. I know how she feels, I miss her too; she was so nice.” “Come on, cheer up,” said Fluttershy. “I promise we’ll get Twi back.” Once again, Twilight didn’t utter a word. “It might make ya feel better if ya talk about it,” said AJ. “We’ll all right here for ya.” Twilight closed her eyes and sighed. “Sorry girls,” said Twilight. She then got up and walked to the next car. “I guess she wants to be alone,” said Rainbow. “That’s the problem,” said Sunset. “She’s feels crushed. But as soon as we find Dartz, this will all be over.” “I can’t wait,” said Fluttershy. Twilight stood in the middle of the train cars. “How could I have been so shellfish? I actually gave in to the darkness inside me. And now, an innocent life has been locked away, because of me!” (Sometime Later) “Twilight’s been gone a while,” said Fluttershy. “She’s not the only one,” said Rainbow. “Wasn’t the train just jam-packed with people a minute ago?” “Huh?” asked AJ. The girls looked around, every seat was empty. “Okay, I’m completely freaked out,” said Fluttershy. Back in his building, Dartz was watching the girls through a monitor. “A vacant train is the least of your problems,” said Dartz. “I’m just getting warmed up.” Back on the train, the girls checked the other cars behind their car. “All the cars are empty,” said AJ. “It’s a complete ghost town,” said Rainbow. “Ghost?” asked Pinkie. Twilight then walked back in. “Twilight!” called Sunset. “Something’s wrong here!” “What?” asked Twilight. “All the other passengers are completely gone!” said Sunset. “I bet those Dazzlings are behind this,” said Fluttershy. “Then what are we waiting for?” asked AJ. “Let’s get ‘em!” “Right!” said Twilight. “Rainbow, you, Sunset, and Applejack check the back off the train. Fluttershy and I will check the front.” “Right, let’s go!” said Rainbow. The girls split up and began searching. Suddenly, one half of the train cars broke off from the rest. Twilight and Fluttershy were stuck on the front half, while Rainbow and her group were stuck on the other. “Twilight!” Rainbow reached for Twilight. “Rainbow!” called Twilight. But the two failed to reach each other. Suddenly the back of the train cars slowed to a stop. The girls hopped off the train. “Great, now what do we do?” asked Sunset. The girls then heard a chuckle from behind. Snails then jumped off the train and walked over to the girls. “Snails?” asked Sunset. “What are you doing here?” “I have a score to settle with you, Shimmer,” said Snails. “Remember, you used me when we first met, and then you showed me up at the tournament.” “Snails, this is not the time,” said Sunset. “Oh, it’s the perfect time,” insisted Snails. “For revenge.” Back on the other half of the train, Fluttershy tried calling the conductor on the intercom, but no one was there. Twilight then headed for the engine car. “Twilight!” called Fluttershy. “What are you doing?!” “I’ve read enough about trains to know how to stop them!” replied Twilight. “I’ll see if there’s an emergency hatch on the roof of the engine!” “Be careful,” said Fluttershy. As Twilight climbed a ladder to the roof, she found Snips there waiting for her. “Snips! Are you behind this?!” asked Twilight. “Snips? What do you want?” asked Fluttershy. “I want a rematch with you, Sparkle!” said Snips. “Are you nuts?!!” asked Fluttershy. “All I’m asking for is a friendly duel,” said Snips. “Snips! Who put you up to this?!” asked Twilight. “No one,” said Snips. “I just wanted to test out my new power.” Snips then pulled an Orichalcos stone out of his pocket. Back at the other half of the train, Snails revealed his magic stone to the girls. “I knew it!” said Rainbow. “He’s working for the Dazzlings!” Back on front part of the train, Twilight was trying to talk Snips out of dueling. “Snips, you’ve been brainwashed!” yelled Fluttershy. “Wake up!” said Twilight. “The Dazzlings are just using you!” “It wouldn’t be the first time someone used me,” said Snips. “Besides who cares? As long as I’m the best!” “You’re wrong,” said Twilight. “Just duel me!” ordered Snips. “Wait!” Fluttershy then climbed up. “Don’t you know that you’ll lose your soul if you go through with this?” “Of course!” said Snips. “That’s why I’m here. To seal you away, so you can be with your twin, Princess!” “Where is she?!!!” yelled Twilight. “The only way to find out is to duel me,” said Snips. “Now let’s get started or you’ll never see your friend again!” “Fine! Let’s duel!” said Twilight. “Back at the back half of the train, Snails was activating his new duel disk. “I’m going to enjoy this,” said Snails. “So you separated the train cars!” said Sunset. “Actually, it was Snips,” said Snails. “He’s dealing with your friends, while I take care of you three.” “Snips?” asked Applejack. “He’s in on this too?” “Snails,” said Sunset in a threating tone. “You picked the wrong side.” “We’ll just see about that,” said Snails. “I’ve got more magic and power than you could ever dream of.” “Look, Snails,” said Sunset. “Not only can I beat you, but you’re also outnumbered.” Applejack and Rainbow cracked their knuckles. “Oh yeah?” asked Snails. “Maybe you’ll change your tone when I play this card! Look familiar?” “The Seal of Orichalcos!” said Rainbow. “Drop the card, Snails!” warned Sunset. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with. That card is pure evil!” “Not so tough now, are ya?” asked Snails as he played the card. The Seal formed around him and Sunset, throwing Rainbow and AJ outside its boundary. Snail's eyes grew red and the Seal appeared in his forehead. “Now this is power!” “You guys okay?!” asked Sunset. “Yeah, we’re fine,” said Applejack. “Be careful, he just raised the steaks, big time!” said Rainbow. “Let’s get on with this,” said Snails. “I won’t duel,” said Sunset. “You don’t have a choice!” said Snails. “Unless you duel me, you’ll never get back to your friends!” “He’s right,” thought Sunset. “Fine! You got yourself a duel!” Sunset: LP 4000 Snails: LP 4000 Turn 1: Snails “Since I played the Seal, I’ll go first,” said Snails. “I play Cost Down, by discarding one card, like my Bolt Escargot, I can down grade the levels of all in my hand by two stars. Now I can summon another Bolt Escargot in attack mode. Then I’ll play Monster Reborn to bring back the Escargot that I discarded. Now my snails get 500 more ATK points! (Bolt Escargot: 1400 – 1900 x2) I play one card face down and end my turn.” Turn 2: Sunset “Alright Snails,” said Sunset. “Just remember, you asked for it. I summon Axe Dragonute in attack mode. If I attack, my dragon goes to defense mode, so I better play it safe. I place one card face down and end my turn.” Turn 3: Snails “My turn,” said Snails. “I play Pot of Greed, so I draw two cards. Yes! Now I summon Psychic Snail in attack mode, and thanks to the Seal, he’s gets stronger. (Psychic Snail: 1900 – 2400) Next I play Riryoku, which cuts your dragon’s ATK power in half and adds that amount to my snail. (Psychic Snail: 2400 – 3400). Psychic Snail, attack her little dragon!” “Dang,” said Sunset. Sunset: LP 1600 Snails: LP 4000 “Now I’ll finish you off with my Escargots!” yelled Snails. “Attack!” “I activate Scapegoat!” said Sunset. “Rats!” said Snails. “Okay, I’ll attack two tokens! I end my turn.” Turn 4: Sunset “My turn,” said Sunset. “I summon Stardust Xiaolong in defense mode. Next I’ll place two cards face down and end my turn.” Turn 5 Snails “Okay, my turn,” said Snips. “Now, my two Bolt Escargots! Destroy her dragon!” “I activate Magic Cylinder!” interrupted Sunset. “This card sends your attack right back at your life points.” “I activate my counter trap,” said Snails. “Wiretap, this card negates your trap and shuffles it back into your deck.” “What?” asked Sunset. “Now, my first Escargot will attack your Xiaolong,” said Snails. “And my second will destroy it! Next I’ll attack another one of your tokens with my Psychic Snail. I place one card face down and end my turn.” (Psychic Snail: 3400 – 2400) Turn 6: Sunset “My turn,” said Sunset. “I summon Hand of Nephthys, then I’ll sacrifice her and my last token to special summon Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys from my deck in attack mode! Then I’ll enhance his power with my Metalmorph card. First, my Phoenix gains 300 ATK points. (Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys: 2400 – 2700) Then, whenever it attacks your monsters, it gains half of the target’s ATK power. Sacred Phoenix, attack his Psychic Snail!” (Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys: 2700 – 3900) “No!” cried Snails. Sunset: LP 1600 Snails: LP 2500 “I place one card face down and end my turn,” said Sunset. (Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys: 3900 – 2700) “Nice going Sunset!” called Applejack. “Way to go!” Said Rainbow. Turn 7: Snails “My turn,” said Snails. “I activate my face down card, Reckless Greed. As long as I skip my next two draw phases, I can draw two cards right now! I activate Chthonian Alliance, this card gives my Escargot 800 extra ATK for each monster on the field with the same name. Since I have two my Bolt Escargot gains 1600 ATK points. (Bolt Escargot: 1900 – 3500) Now, I activate “Temple of the Kings, this lets me activate one trap card on the same I set it face down. I’ll set this card, then I’ll attack your Phoenix!” “Thanks,” said Sunset. Sunset: LP 800 Snails: LP 2500 “Huh?” asked Snails. “Now I can activate I activate Liberty At Last!” said Sunset. “This card can only be activated when one of my monsters is destroyed, now I can return two of your monsters back to your deck.” “I don’t think so,” said Snails. “I activate Dark Bribe, this card negates your trap and lets you draw one card.” “Are you kidding me?!” asked Sunset. But she relaxed when she saw her drawn card. “Now, I’ll attack you directly and seal your faith with my last Escargot!” said Snails. “I don’t think so,” said Sunset. “I’ll special summon the card you let me draw, Gagaga Gardna in defense mode!” “What?! Dang it!!” called Snails. “I end my turn.” “Answer me this,” said Sunset. “Why did you join the Orichalcos? Those people are pure evil and they’ll turn on you. Why would you risk your life for them?” “First of all,” said Snails. “They gave me the power to beat you. Second, after you let me and Snips go, we had no life. We were known for being the henchmen of you. Everyone was scared of us, it wasn’t the best reputation, but at least it was something. After the battle of the bands, everyone ignored us, we had no fans, and hardly any friends.” “That’s why you’re gonna lose,” said Sunset. “You’re fighting for all the wrong reasons. Instead of dwelling on the past, you should be trying to build a better, more positive reputation for the future.” “Whatever, I don’t care anymore!” said Snails. Turn 8: Sunset “Very well then,” said Sunset as she drew her card. “You leave me no choice. I activate Cards of the Red Stone, by discarding Red Eyes Black Flare Dragon from my hand I can draw two more cards, and then I can send another level seven Red Eyes dragon to the graveyard from my deck. Now I summon The Black Stone of Legend. By tributing it, I can special summon Red Eyes Retro Dragon from my deck. Then I’ll activate The Claw of Hermos!” “Oh no! Not that!” cried Snails. “I combine my Retro Dragon and Hermos to form Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword!” said Sunset. “Now I’ll equip it to my Gardna. Now he gain 500 ATK points from every dragon on the field and in our graveyards. I have six, so my Gardna gains 3000 points, plus another 1000 because of the sword itself.” (Gagaga Gardna: 1500 – 5500) “5500 ATK points?!!!” asked Snails “If I attack, the Orichalcos gets his soul,” thought Sunset. “But if I don’t, I’ll never save Twi. I have to do this.” “No, no!” cried Snails. “I give up! I’ll be a good boy!” “Too late for that,” said Sunset. “But don’t worry, after we get Twi back, we’ll get you too. Gagaga Gardna, attack his weaker Bolt Escargot!” “Noooooooooo!!!!!!!” cried Snails. Sunset: LP 800 Snails: LP 0 The Seal of Orichalcos shrank around Snails, and his soul was sucked out into a vortex in the sky, leaving his body empty. “That was hard to watch,” said Applejack. “I know, but it had to be done,” said Rainbow. “Get back, Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “I don’t want you in harm’s way.” Fluttershy took a few steps back. Twilight: LP 4000 Snips: LP 4000 Turn 1: Snips “I’ll go first,” said Snips. “And I’ll play the Seal of Orichalcos!” “Snips, don’t be a fool!” said Twilight. “What’s wrong?” asked Snips. “You played this card before, and you ended up sacrificing your twin, didn’t ya?” Twilight growled in anger. “Now it’s my turn,” said Snips. He placed the card into his new Duel Disk, and the Seal formed, knocking Fluttershy off the engine. Fluttershy!!” cried Twilight in horror. Fluttershy landed on the roof of the car behind and managed to grab hold of the seam of the roof. “Are you alright?!!!” cried Twilight. “Yes!!” cried Fluttershy. “Thank Celestia,” said Twilight. She then turned back to Snips who was laughing as his eyes grew red and the Seal appeared on his forehead. Back on the island, Dartz was kneeling before the altar of his temple. “Looks like the battles are underway,” said Dartz. “Yes, master,” said Adagio as she walked up behind him. “If all goes well, the soul of the Princess will soon be yours. But whatever the outcome, we get two souls.” Dartz chuckled. Back on the running train, Snips was about to start the first turn. “Since I played the Seal, I’ll go first,” said Snips. “I summon KA-2 Des Scissors in attack mode, and thanks to the seal, it gets even stronger. (KA-2 Des Scissors: 1000 – 1500) I play the Shard of Greed, now during each of my draw phases, I can place a Greed Counter on this card. When it has two, I can send it to the grave and draw two cards. I place two cards face down and end my turn.” Turn 2: Twilight “Alright, my move,” said Twilight. “I summon Charioteer of Prophecy in attack mode, now I’ll attack your piece of junk!” “What about his face down cards?” thought Fluttershy. “Twilight, wait!” “I activate Sakuretsu Armor to destroy your Charioteer!” said Snips. “Oh no!” said Twilight. “You’re only half the duelist I remember,” said Snips. “Maybe the other Twilight would have been a better challenge.” “SHUT UP!!!!” yelled Twilight. Turn 3: Snips “Make me! It’s my move,” said Snips. “First, I get one greed counter, then I’ll have my Des Scissors attack you directly!” “Ah!” cried Twilight. Twilight: LP 2500 Snips: LP 4000 “I end my turn with a face down card,” said Snips. Turn 4: Twilight “My move,” said Twilight. “I summon Strength of Prophecy in attack mode, then I’ll activate Spellbook of Power to give my monster 1000 extra points this turn. (Strength of Prophecy: 1500 – 2500) Also, my monster’s effect allows me to take a Spellbook spell card in my graveyard and shuffle in into my deck. Then a Spellcaster will gain 500 ATK points, like my Strength of Prophecy. (Strength of Prophecy: 2500 – 3000) Now, attack!” “I activate DNA Transplant, and Elemental Absorber!” cried Snips. “Oh no,” said Twilight. “That’s right,” said Snips. “With my Absorber, I can remove a monster in my hand from play and stop that type of monster from attacking, and thanks to DNA Transplant, all the monsters on the field will become Dark monsters. So I remove another KA-2 Des Scissors from my hand, to stop all your attacks, permanently.” “Darn!” said Twilight. “Now my monster loses its power boost. (Strength of Prophecy: 3000 – 2000) Turn 5: Snips “My move,” said Snips. “Now, I’ll send my Shard of Greed to the grave and draw two cards. Now I play Polymerization to fuse the Fluffal Bear and Edge Imp Sabres in my hand to form Frightfur Bear in attack mode! (Frightfur Bear: 2200 – 2700) Frightfur Bear, attack her Spellcaster!” “Shoot,” said Twilight. Twilight: LP 1800 Snips: LP 4000 “Now my monster’s effect activates,” said Snips. “Every time it destroys a monster in battle, I can equip that my card to my monster and it gains 1000! (Frightfur Bear: 2700 – 3700) Now my Des Scissors will attack you directly!” “Ah!” cried Twilight. Twilight: LP 300 Snips: LP 4000 “I end my turn,” said Snips. Turn 6: Twilight “My turn,” said Twilight. “I summon Amores of Prophecy in defense mode and place a card face down. I end my turn.” Turn 7: Snips “My turn,” said Snips. “I summon Brave Scizzar in attack mode. (Brave Scizzar: 1300 – 1800) Now, I’ll attack you’re your Amores of Prophecy with my Frightfur Bear!” “I activate Dimensional Prison!” interrupted Twilight. “Now your bear is removed from play!” “Darn, her monster’s Def is too strong,” thought Snips. “Next turn you won’t get off so easily!” Turn 8: Twilight “Whatever, my draw,” said Twilight. “I activate, The Eye of Timaeus!” “What?!!! Oh Noooooooooo!!!” cried Snips. “It’s time to end this duel,” said Twilight. “Now I’ll combine my dragon with my Amores of Prophecy to form…..” Suddenly, Timaeus stopped the fusion process and vanished from the field. “What? What’s going on?!” Snips shrieked with glee. “It seems that the dark magic of the Orichalcos is still within you,” said Snips. “In your last duel, you turned your back on Timaeus, and now he’s returning the favor.” “Don’t listen him!!” cried Fluttershy. “Snips is right, I did turn my back on Timaeus,” thought Twilight. “I end my turn.” Turn 9: Snips “My turn,” said Snips. “Your monster’s DEF may be strong, but I can still beat you with this, Wave Motion Cannon! During each of my turns, a counter is added to this card, then during my turn, I can send the cannon to the graveyard and you lose 1000 life points for each counter.” “Oh no!!” gasped Twilight. “Yep, next turn, I win!” said Snips. “I end my turn.” Turn 10: Twilight “My turn,” said Twilight. “I activate Raigeki which destroys all your monsters!” “What?!” asked Snips. “Now I summon Temperance of Prophecy,” continued Twilight. “Then I’ll activate Spellbook of Secrets, which lets me add another Spellbook to my hand. I choose Spellbook of Eternity. Now I can activate my Temperance’s effect. I sacrifice him to bring out, High Priestess of Prophecy in attack mode! Now, I’ll activate my Priestess’s effect,” said Twilight. “I can remove a Spellbook in my graveyard from play to destroy a card on the field. I choose your Elemental Absorber!” “Oh no!!!” cried Snips. “Now I switch my Amores of Prophecy to attack mode,” said Twilight. “Attack him directly my monsters!” “Ah!!” cried Snips. Twilight: LP 300 Snips: LP 900 “Not bad, but not good enough,” said Snips. “Face it! With the power of the Orichalcos, I’m invincible!” “Believe what you want,” said Twilight. “You know?” asked Snips. “I actually do feel sorry for ya, so I’ll do you a little favor.” “A favor?” asked Twilight. “Yes,” said Snips. “You know how when we lose, our souls are trapped in cards?” Snips pulled a card out of his pocket. “Well, I have Twi’s card right here.” “What?!” asked Twilight. “Then, hand it over!” “First, give me big anime eyes,” said Snips. “Then say pretty please with sugar lumps and fruit loops on top.” Twilight ignored Snips and began to walk toward him. “What? No fruit loops?” asked Snips. “Okay, then say goodbye to your twin!” Snips tore the card in two. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” cried Twilight. She felt like she had lost her own soul. “YOU MONSTER!!!” “Relax, Princess,” said Snips. “Look, it’s just a token card. It was all a joke!” “That’s not funny!!” called Fluttershy. “YOU. WILL. PAY!!!” Twilight swore. “You’ll pay dearly!!” Snips gulped. “I activate Berserker Soul!” called Twilight. “What’s that do?” asked Snips. “First, I select a monster with 1500 ATK points or less that has already attacked you, like my Amores of Prophecy,” said Twilight. “Then I discard my entire hand. Now I continue to draw from my deck until I get a spell or trap card, every time I draw a monster card, I send it to the graveyard and inflict 500 points of damage to you.” “Oh boy,” said Snips. Twilight drew. “My first card is Wheel of Prophecy, so that’s 500 less points for you!” “No!!” cried Snips. Twilight: LP 300 Snips: LP 400 “My next draw is, Prophecy Destroyer!” yelled Twilight. “Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!” cried Snips again. Twilight: LP 300 Snips: LP 0 “Another monster,” said Twilight. “My Reaper of Prophecy!” Snips screamed in pain. “Now I’ve drawn World of Prophecy!” yelled Twilight. Snips screamed again. “This just isn’t your day,” said Twilight. “Emperor of Prophecy!” Snips screamed like a girl. “Another monster!” said Twilight. “My Spellbook Magician of Prophecy!” Snips began to shed tears. “I draw again!” called Twilight. “Justice of Prophecy!” Snips screamed in absolute agony. “Please, Twilight, no more!!!” cried Fluttershy. She ran over to Twilight and hugged her. “Let me go!” ordered Twilight. “You already won,” said Fluttershy. “Please, just stop. I just can’t take this anymore!” Twilight regained her senses and calmed down. “Sorry, Fluttershy,” said Twilight as she hugged her friend. Back on the island, two more victims appeared on Dartz's wall of souls, Snips and Snails. “So many souls, so little time,” said Dartz. Suddenly, the train sped out of control, derailed and fell down a hill. Back on the island, Dartz saw everything on his monitor. “No!” said Dartz. “I need the Princess alive!” At the top of the hill, an old buff man in robes looked down at the train wreck.