"Why does everypony say that?!"

by The SideKick

Side Story: Parents React to CMC's cutie marks Pt.1

"We gotta go NOW!"

"Well unless you suddenly not only master a teleportation spell but also master it so well that you can get from the middle of the ocean to Ponyville while also carrying your wife then you're as stuck as every other pony on this cruise ship."

Hondo Flanks frantic packing stopped, his nervous energy deflating a bit under Cookie Crumbles statement.

"But Cookie, we're all the way out here when our precious little Sweetie Belle's already had her cute-ceaƱera with her crusader friends!"

Cookie walked over to her distraught husband and put a leg around his shoulders.

"And it's tearing me up just as much inside too, but the writing's on the wall Hondo honey. There's just no way we can get back any sooner than how fast this ship can get us there."

Cookie used her magic to pull a letter and picture out of the hastily packed bags sat upon the cabin bed. She brought them floating in front of her and Hondo. The picture was of a large group of ponies in front of a tree house, the centermost focus being three little fillies showing off their newly acquired cutie marks.

"It is something though ain't it? Our little Rarity being one of the elements of harmony on top of being a famous fashion designer, and now our sweet Sweetie has gotten a matching cutie mark with her bestest friends in helping other ponies understand their cutie marks!"

Hondo was nearly on the verge of "liquid pride" as a prince once put it, the picture bubbling up the normal kind of pride within him.

"Aw darn it Cookie, I just can't possibly imagine what we did right to raise such amazing mares."

"The same thing any other good parent could hope to do, giving them the space they need to explore what they like and guiding them as best we could."

"Oh you just got that from one of those parenting books." Hondo said with a good-natured grin.

"Which you went and bought nearly every single one of when I first got pregnant with Rarity." Cookie shot back with a grin of her own.

The two shared a laugh, Hondo calming down first as he looked at the photo one more time.

*Sigh~* "Maybe we can still throw a little party of our own when we get back."

Cookie quickly nuzzled Hondo while looking at the photo herself.

"That sounds like a lovely idea, a little shindig just for the family. We can make Sweetie her favorite meal, maybe take her out to that amusement park, we could even let her friends stay over for the night!"

A sly grin spread across Cookie's face.

"Why, we could even pull out the ol' scrapbook and look through the girls old pictures, you always love looking through that thing with them!"

Hondo looked to perk up a good bit at that.

"Yeah, that sound great! Oh Cookie, you just always know how to make this old stallion smile. I'm gonna have a pep in my step all day!"

"That's good to hear dear because you could step right on over to that suitcase and start cleaning everything back up?"

Looking around Hondo realized that in his rush to get everything packed that he had dropped things here and there on the ground, clothes hung from the drawers and closet haphazardly, and the suitcase had been piled high with various tat in a mismatched mountain. All his happy energy leaving him Hondo lowered his head.

"Yes, honey."

Smiling at the distraught stallion Cookie came over to whisper in his ear.

"And while you're doing that I'll go get my swimming suit on and we can go take a dip in the pool, from what I hear it'll nearly be empty at this time of day."

Springing up like he had been hit by lighting Hondo got to work on the cleaning their room like he been enchanted with speed that could give Rainbow Dash a Run for her money.

"I'll be done and out in just a jif my Crumble Wumble, I'll see you at the pool!"

Giggling, Cookie turned around and headed for the door.

"I'm sure I will~."

Meanwhile, words that by no reason should have been able to travel the distance danced across the wind towards a certain Boutique where a young filly and her older sister were eating dinner.

"So Sweetie, now that you have your cutie mark, what do you and the cru-"

~"We could even pull out the ol' scrap book and look through the girls old pictures!"~

The unicorn siblings both locked up, whatever they had been holding in their magic dropping with a clatter to the table, and a shiver running down each of their spines.

"D-did you feel that too Rarity? What was that?"

The older sibling just stared off into space, looking to not have heard her sister until she spoke the only thing she needed to say.

"The scrapbook..."