The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 14: Humans, Sirens, Prank Wars and other Annoyances

The prince of storms Chapter 14: Humans, Sirens, Prank Wars and other annoyances.

Canterlot – Royal Castle - Throne Room -

Twilight was standing to attention in wait and watching as the Princess made sure no-one was listening before sighing and motioning the purple Unicorn to follow her.

"What's happening, your Highness?" Twilight asked worried.

"I may need your help for an important mission, one regarding an ancient evil." Celestia answered sighing as both stopped walking to look outside a near window to the gardens under the castle.

"Discord again?" Twilight asked.

"Not this time...he has found...a way to occupy himself, shall we say."

Konoha – bath house – in the meantime -

"So this is how you take notes for your books?" the untransformed Discord asked whispering.

"Yep, Jiraiya-style! Now shut-up and keep writing." Ino answered while snapping more pictures of the boys and girls bathing in there with the camera he gave her.

"Yes, Boss!" the Draconequus answered nodding as he returned to write on a pad what she told him.

Back to Canterlot -

"What's this mission about, Princess? Will it need the Elements?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but I am afraid that sending all of you in there will leave Equestria defenceless, so I am forced to ask you this...can you take this risk alone?" Celestia answered with a worried expression.

"Everything for you, your Highness!" the mare answered immediately.

"Thank you, my faithful student. I recently discovered that the screening spell I had been using for the past thousand years to check on the Siren Sisters has faltered and even my back-up plan has been derailed as I have recently lost any contact with Sunset Shimmer." the Sun Alicorn said looking in an undetermined point in front of her.

"Sirens? Sunset Shimmer?"

"Three sirens named Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze originally roamed Equestria spreading disharmony among ponies with their siren's songs. They fed on ponies' negative energies to make their voices and magic more powerful with the intention of conquering Equestria. After a long battle Starswirl the Bearded managed to banish them to another world...he theorized that in there they would have been unable to cause harm since in that place Magic does not exist...but apparently that was not enough." Celestia answered looking down.

"And Sunset Shimmer? Who was she?"

"Sunset was a former student of mine who began her studies not long before you did. However, when she didn't get what she desired as quickly as she wanted, she turned cruel and dishonest, eventually abandoning her studies to pursue her own path." the Sun Alicorn answered.

"And how did she end with the Dazzlings?" the purple Unicorn asked gasping in shock.

"Some time ago she managed to sneak inside the Castle and in my personal library, at the time I was still working on the ritual to return my nephew into being a pony when she entered the section I was in with several books hovering behind her, she was trying to steal those in the hope to get the 'results' she wanted."

"And then you banished her in that same world with the Sirens?" Twilight asked sadly.

"No, we fought a little and when I managed to pin her down we finally talked like we should have had when she ran away; it took us the whole night and the following day, but in the end I managed to have her understand how wrong her actions were, it was then that she saw the mirror I used to keep the Sirens under close watch and proposed herself as a back-up plan, she would have kept them under close watch and weekly send me reports about their movements...but I fear that the Magic behind her reaching them 'reactivated' the Magic of the Sirens enough for them to somehow recover their powers. They must have removed my tracking on them, soon after Sunset Shimmer's reports too went silent with he very last one detailing how the three were getting close at discovering her, yesterday I finally received a new one, short and to the point." Celestia answered sighing.

"She asked for help?" the mare unicorn asked.

"Yes, she said the Sirens could discover her any moment and that she had to stop writing because they were tracking the magic she used to send me her reports, she asked for the help of the Elements because the three sisters were recovering their powers at an always faster rate." the Sun Alicorn said with an horrified expression.

"Then how can I do this alone?" Twilight said worried.

"You are the Element of Magic and your talent is great, I know you will be able to do this; find friends in there and Sunset Shimmer and use the Power of Friendship to stop whatever plan the Sirens are enacting, we risk having them take over that world and then trying to conquer Equestria as well if we don't act fast," the Princess answered.

"What should I know about them?" Twilight asked.

"Come, I'll share with you what I know about them and what Starswirl himself knows," the Sun Alicorn answered trotting rapidly away towards the Castle Library.

Neither of the two saw Luna move out of her hiding spot in the throne room's shadows and create a small bat-like creature out of the same shadows with a flare of her horn.

"Go call Maelstrom and tell him to meet me in my room, I have a mission for him." the Moon Alicorn ordered and gaining an obedient nod from the small creature before it flew rapidly away.

One Hour Later later - Luna's Room -

Both Alicorn Princess and Prince were standing in front of the small table in the corner of the Moon Alicorn's bedroom that had been covered in books of various sizes the mare had copied without her sister noticing.

"Miss Sparkle has just now passed through the mirror towards the world the Sirens have been banished to, as soon as Celestia is distracted I want you to go through it yourself, you already know what to do." she said as soon as a new bat entered the room to rejoin her shadow.

"So you want me to follow Twilight in that world without being seen, you sure it will be necessary?" the Prince asked curious.

"Yes, some time ago I would have trusted the Magic of the Elements blindly, but my sojourn on the Moon gave me time to think about their weakness as part of my plan to escape." the Moon Alicorn answered.

"But you..."

"Nightmare Moon is a part of me, my son; I came to accept it and moved on when I finally defeated the Darkness inside me. As I said, in my phase as Nightmare Moon I spent those thousand years clinically analysing the Elements and discovered their Biggest Flaw: they run on the Power of Friendship."

"What do you mean, mom?"

"I mean that while powerful, the Elements of Harmony are in fact 'Too Pure' in a sense, the littlest nick in the Friendship between its owners and the power diminish, considerably."

"Quite the weakness,"

"Exactly, and Miss Twilight will be in a different world without her friends backing up the power of her own Element, and it takes time to form a bond of friendship powerful enough to survive minor issues. Worse of all, those sirens, the Dazzlings, feed on negative energy, bringing it out around themselves everywhere they go."

"Aah! So you fear that should Twilight find those three too soon she won't be able to have enough 'Friendship' to power the Element in her so to use it to over-power and defeat them?"

"Yes, pretty much that is the biggest concern I have. And here is where you come up in MY plan."


"As I said, I believe the Elements of Harmony to be powerful, but limited. Fate though presented us with another kind of Magic that does not need Friendship to work, but is in fact self-sustaining, thanks to your time spent in Konoha."


"Yes. Human Magic that can be used for War, for Healing, to bring Peace or Despair all at the same time. A power that depends solely on the singular individual instead of what is happening around him or her...I am talking about your ninja training AND your personal 'unconventional' way of resolving things."

"So I am Plan B?"

"Pretty much, I want you to stick close to Miss Twilight and observe from afar, if you see the Elements fail or take too long, intervene without leaving traces, if you are discovered just pretend to be one of the locals, you grew-up as an human once, blending-in is what you can easily do. Just pretend to not know Twilight Sparkle and everything will be okay...and do not fraternize with the human females in there, who knows what kind of hussies will you find."

"Mom..." he said groaning.

"Just saying, there are plenty of well-behaved mares here in Equestria without having you flirt with some girl in Miss Trixie for example."

"I'll pretend that I had never heard the last part."

"Shush! Now go! I will distract my sister with some inane issues so to distract her, go and be sure those three won't ever return here. Use every mean you deem necessary." the Moon Alicorn ordered.

"YOSH! As you wish, Mother-sama!" the Shinobi Alicorn answered in mock seriousness and striking a military pose.

"Hihihi! Just go, you silly foal!" Luna answered giggling while gently shoving him towards the door.

"While we are away, I just hope your precious Dash and the others won't make a mess with Trixie," Kurama muttered sighing.

"I trust the girls, I know there won't be troubles," Maelstrom answered smiling.

"...If you are sure." the Nine-tailed Fox muttered uncertain.

Meanwhile – With Dash and AJ – Apple Family apple acres -

"AJ?" Dash asked as she walked closer to her friend.

"Eeyup?" she answered turning to look at her.

"Can we talk? Alone?" the Pegasus asked eyeing the barn not far away from where they were.

"Okay! What is it?" the farm mare asked curious.

"Is about that Trixie..."

"Oh, what happened? She tried som'thin'?" AJ asked with narrowed eyes once both entered the barn sure to be alone.

"Not yet, but is only a matter of time." Dash answered with a conspiratorial whisper.

"What do ya mean?"

"Luna is teaching her, like she was the Princess' 'Version' of Twilight, and I fear she is pushing Trixie closer to Maelstrom. I can't win if that mean mare has the backing of his mother!" the Cyan mare said between clenched teeth.

"Dash, tha Prince loves ya, and us others, even with Luna poking aroun' he won't leave us." AJ answered nudging her friend with an encouraging smile.

"I am not afraid of him leaving me...or you..." she added at the farm mare light glare at the omission.

"But I fear she may try to at least force us to let Trixie join the group so to at least have a mare SHE likes with her son,"

"Aren't ya exaggeratin' now?" AJ said chuckling.

"...But what if I am right?"


"So?" Dash asked again.

"Ah don't like it, Ah still have to forgive that mare for tyin' me up." AJ muttered with narrowed eyes.

"Now you see what is my problem? Fluttershy would be too darn nice to push Trixie away and Twilight is away for Celestia only knows how long (literally)...this leaves only me, you and Pinkie to stop Trixie from forcing herself in our little group." the Pegasus said in determination.

"We could try askin' Rarity for help, she too don't like the mare."

"I tried, but she is still sore for the whole thing about her mane, she suggested to keep her out of this so to not snap at Trixie again."

"Ah see...What do ya have in mind?" AJ asked nodding.

"What about a prank war?" a third voice asked amused.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEP!" both Dash and AJ shrieked in shock while looking wildly around.

"The great and powerful Trixie knew that following you after watching you talk with the Fashion-obsessed mare would have been a good idea, she was right. As always." Trixie answered as she appeared near the other two in a theatrical cloud of blue smoke, she had kept wearing her stage cloak sans the hat ever since Luna had took her in as her Apprentice.

"What do ya want this time? We were havin' a private conversation." the farm mare hissed.

"As I said, I am offering a way to resolve this, a Prank War. The Great Trixie against you two and the Party Maniac, if you win the Powerful Trixie will step aside and never again bother you; but if I win, then YOU ALL will step aside and leave him with me alone." Trixie offered with a smug smile.

"WHAT?!" Dash yelled with wide eyes and furious voice.

"What 'bout Fluttershy? Why she is not in the challenge?" AJ asked with narrowed eyes.

"She was gentle enough to accept Trixie in the group already," the Unicorn answered with a smug smile.

"...What have ya done to her?" the farm mare asked with narrowed eyes.

"We just talked, I am also 'The Great and Very Convincing Trixie' other than good at Magic." the other answered innocently.

Earlier that day – Fluttershy's bedroom -

"No please! Please don't tell him! I'll do everything you want!" Fluttershy pleaded shaking her head wildly in despair.

"It has such a lovely pendant: 'Property of Prince Maelstrom'...Does he know you wish him to use this on you? To force you to wear it and parade you around as his property?" Trixie asked while using her magic to levitate the thick choker collar in front of Shy's face with a knowing smirk.

"N-N-No..." the shy mare muttered while looking down in complete shame.

"Help Trixie win a place in this small herd of yours...and I will convince him to play along with you." the Unicorn said walking closer to her.

"P-P-Play along? J-J-Join?" Fluttershy muttered weakly.

"I know he won't part from you others, for some strange reason Trixie can't understand since she finds you all just so boringly 'plain', but I am sure he too will fall for the Great Charm of Trixie if given the occasion." she answered before a second object floated in front of the Pegasus' face.

"Do a good job convincing those other mares and I will talk him into using this too." she whispered in her ear as the riding crop gently poked her flank.

"Uhuuuu!" reaching levels of shame never heard of before Shy could only whimper in answer.

"...And this as well." Trixie added with a feral, victorious smile as a leash too joined the other objects.

THUD! The only thing the shy mare had left to do was then faint with every drop of blood in her body rushing to her cheeks to further strengthen her blushing.

"Trixie will take that as a yes, I will let you know once I will have dealt with the others." the Unicorn said as she walked away leaving the unconscious mare steam in the knowledge that her dirty secret had now been revealed.

Back with Trixie, AJ and Dash – present time -

"So? Are you two afraid of challenging the Great Trixie?

"NO!" Dash roared in fury as she moved at an inch of the Unicorn's face.

"No what? To the challenge? To the price to pay for your (clear) defeat? Or about you fearing the Great Trixie?" the magician mare asked teasingly.

"ALL OF THE ABOVE!" the cyan Pegasus answered howling.

"Tha best we can offer is accept ya joinin' us..."


"Trixie accepts the terms of the challenge," Trixie immediately answered with smugly smile.


"Oh...Ah fell for that." the farm mare admitted ashamed.

"So we have a challenge, if (and when) Trixie will win the Prank War she will be free to try and join the herd with NOPONY of you interfering." Trixie said victorious.

"That's it! I won't let you win this, NEVER!" Dash said glaring at the mare.

"Then do your best. THE PRANK WAR STARTS NOW!" Trixie said as she jumped out the window of the barn.

"Let's chase that mare, Dash!" AJ said immediately as she went for the door.


"KYAAAAAAAH!" the farm mare shrieked as a bucket of neon-yellow paint fell on her head as soon as she opened the door painting her body completely.

"That's why she used the window." Dash hissed in contempt.

"That's the first point for Trixie, the first to reach 10 pranks wins...This means that I only have to prank you others nine times to win!" Trixie said triumphant from few feet away.

"" What Dash was about to say died in her throat as a pie fell from the sky to nail Trixie on her cheek launching the mare to the ground covered in cherry-flavoured frosting.

"What the!?" Trixie shrieked before noticing the slip of paper glued to her nose thanks to the frosting.

"What's this!? 'Pinkie Pie was here!'...HOW?!"

On the opposite side of Ponyville -

"Three degrees south-south-east after the pie!" Pinkie said adjusting her military helmet and loading a giant water balloon in her infamous pink cannon.

Her 'Party Cannon' had been modified though: longer barrel, wider mouth, more fire power and all-around re-porpoising to launch "Long Range" pranks; this version aptly renamed 'Prank-y Cannon' by Pinkie just for this reason.

"PRANK IN THE HOLE!" the mare yelled pulling the cord with her mouth and shooting the water balloon towards the Apple family acres.


"KYAAAAAAH!" a far-away scream faintly reached Pinkie's ears making her smirk.

"That's two. Everything is fair in Love and Prank War. Even intercontinental pie launching!" the pink mare said nodding in satisfaction.

"What will you do now eh?!" Pinkie asked aloud smirking.

Fiiiiiiiiiiii! A loud whistle filled the air as several shadows appeared around the mare's one as per Trixie's answer.

"Oh!" Pinkie muttered with wide eyes as several dozen apples went raining on her like an hail of grenades making her go pale-faced.

"TAKE COVER!" the mare yelled running away as the rain of magically-propelled apples dished-out destruction everywhere making several ponies standing too close suffer apple-related injuries in a chorus of Wilhelm Screams all around her accompanying the sounds of things getting broken by the endless stream of projectiles.

Meanwhile - Human World – Outside Canterlot High School - with Maelstrom -

The blond stallion, now a blond human looking like his old 'Naruto-self' in his human form, stumbled a little in his steps as a tickling sensation in the back of his brain caught his attention.

"I can sense it...I am missing a massive Prank War." Maelstrom said a with far-away look in his eyes.

"Focus on the Mission, that girl needs an excuse to near the human versions of her friends to know them better and join forces against those Sirens, otherwise we'll have to step-in ourselves." Kurama answered uncaring.

"There is the battle of the bands those Dazzlings talked the Principal into organizing with even a Prize in Money and a group of Talent Scouts being present to find new artists, Twilight and Sunset are already trying to talk the others into joining their Band using those excuses," the shinobi answered shrugging.

"Oh!...I didn't notice that..." the Biju answered sheepishly.

"You were sleeping, of course you didn't notice," the Prince answered chuckling.

"Fuck off!"

"Very mature, Fur-ball!" the blond said smirking amused.

Back to Ponyville – the next day -

"Prank War Journal, day of Pranks 2..." Dash muttered while scribbling down on her diary while keeping her surroundings in check.

"The plan about taking pictures of Trixie sleeping while looking like a mess and plastering them all around town has been a success, the mean mare couldn't walk a step without being pointed at by snickering ponies. She returned the favour by somehow writing a fanfiction in a few hours about me and AJ in a romantic way and spread copies of it all around town." she then wrote with a grimace.

The only fun part of the whole thing for her had been when Bloom had found it and asked her sister if she was really like that with the rainbow-maned Pegasus, only to have Scootaloo join the discussion and tell AJ that she wasn't awesome enough to be with Dash and causing both fillies to start arguing about it.

"Pinkie's plan about making cider rain on Trixie to get her sticky so to cover her in feathers has worked wonderfully, the problem was her countering it by spelling those same feathers to follow us around to tickle us without stop, it took nine hours for the spell to drop. Now my throat is sore from all that laughing." Dash finished writing as she saw said show-mare walk closer to where she was hidden.

"You can't hide forever! Trixie will have her revenge!" Trixie growled as she tried once again to take away the huge blob of bubblegum stuck in her mane.

"You asked for a Prank War. I just answered." the rainbow-maned Pegasus said while lying on a near cloud while glaring at her.

"Then it's only fair for me to try to answer in kind..." the mare muttered darkly as her horn lighted up.

"EEEEEP!" the cyan Pegasus shrieked as the cloud she was standing on came to life to swallow and chew her several times before spitting her down to the ground in an heap and falling feathers.

"You liked, little hayseed?" Trixie asked smugly.

"GRAAAAAH!" Dash roared pouncing on the Unicorn and grabbing only a plume of blueish smoke.

"THAT'S IT! I'LL MAKE YA BEG FOR MERCY!" she growled flying up in the sky once again to look for the mare.

Not too far away – with AJ and Pinkie -

"Do ya see her?" the farm mare asked while scanning the area.

"Nope! But I am ready to catch her!" the pink pony answered while adjusting the hunter's hat on her head and the strange apparatus strapped to her back.

"What's that thing?"

"My portable 'Pinkie-pult'! It shots everything I load in the basket like a catapult; I made it myself, do you like?" the mare answered giggling.

"As long as it works..." AJ answered shrugging.

It was in that moment that a near tree bent down to grab AJ and 'dip her' in pot of tar it somehow had hidden in its branches and then release her.

"AGK! What's this!?" the mare yelled with an high-pitched voice.

"The first part of my attack, and this is the rest!" Trixie answered as her horn turned the leaves of the same plant into feathers she then dropped on the farm mare.

"PFEH! Catch her!" spitting-out the feathers stuck in her mouth AJ jumped forward trying to catch the hidden unicorn in one of the bushes only managing to had leaves to her body-paint.

"PINKIE-PULT! FIRE!" Pinkie yelled in answer.


"...Fire?" she said again to no results until she noticed the lack of weight on her back and looked down.

"Oh..." the pink mare muttered in surprise at seeing herself standing inside the basket of her portable catapult with Trixie holding the trigger with her Magic.

"Trixie-pult!" the Unicorn said with a feral smirk.


"No, the right word is Fire!" the other answered pulling the trigger.

Twomp! "KYYYYYAAAAAAAAAH!" the pink pony shrieked as she flew all the way back to Ponyville town-square and in a similar pit of tar and feathers.

"Always plan ahead, that's why Trixie's show are always so well appreciated! I prepare everything in advance!" the Show-mare said puffing-out her chest.

"INCOMING!" Dash screamed as she went in a nose-dive to drop several balloons filled with paint on Trixie's head making her shriek in surprise.

"...Of course you realize this means WAR!" the mare, now dropping purple paint in waves, growled with fiery rage burning in her eyes.

"I hope Twilight will be back soon, I fear Ponyville won't survive long if those four are left alone unchecked." Spike muttered worried as he and Rarity barely managed to enter the unicorn's boutique unscathed to barricade themselves in.

"Me too." Rarity answered as the screams of rage of the four mares kept echoing inside as always more vicious pranks went dished-out without pause.

Canterlot High School – Human World – Several days later -

In the backstage of the battle of the Bands held in the school there was fervent movement as every student taking part prepared, revised or just went into panic about their performance as their names went slowly called to exhibit; the only calm ones were three girls that had joined the High School just in time to take part to the event, thing that those three themselves had convinced the Principal and everyone else to organize actually.

Although not even Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk (just like everybody else) seemed to notice another shadow definitely not belonging to a student lurking around keeping everything under control with its lively eyes.

"Remember girls, we want to save the Good Stuff for when our full power has been restored." Adagio said smirking while toying with the red gem on the front of her dress.

"Hu-uh!" Sonata hummed nodding with an happy smile.

"Dazzlings! Dazzlings, it's your turn now!"

"Let's go!" Aria prompted making her sisters take position on the stage with her.

As the curtains opened the three girls walked forward and towards the audience with confident steps and charming smiles on their faces, focusing all their essence on their voices as they started to sing.



"You didn't know that you fell!"



"Now that you are under our Spell!" Adagio sang smirking smugly.

Meanwhile – Backstage -

The same shadow that was looming above the audio system behind the scenes gained a devious smirk as its hand crept oh-so-voluntarily slow towards the controls as its owner giggled in a very childish way as soon as its hand grabbed one of the dials.

"Listen to the sound of my VOIIIICE!" Adagio kept signing until her voice gained several octaves until it reached Chipmunk-Levels of shrillness making her stop dead in her singing.

"WHAT?!" the girl shrieked looking at the microphone.

"Don't worry, dear. We will check the microphone for glitches so you'll be able to sing again from the beginning." Principal Celestia said with a gentle smile while discreetly shoving her elbow in Vice-Principal Luna's side to stop her barely-restrained snorts of amusement.

"THANK YOU!" Adagio said grateful and wincing when her voice now dropped to a low baritone that made the whole stage tremble.

"Someone played with the thing! It's all okay now!" the janitor said giving a thumbs-up to the girls on stage.

"Good...Ready, girls?" Adagio said taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, let's get this over with!" Aria answered with an huff.

With the mysterious figure -

"Hoo! That was a good start, but I think the music needs a certain something that will definitely help them give the thing a very powerful 'Impact'!" the figure said preparing a recorded track chosen just for the occasion.

"As soon as you talked about Battle of Bands, TV, popularity and Negative Energy I got what you three were planning so I prepared this, can't let the Dazzlings going around creating havoc now, do we?"

"Who are you?" Twilight asked curious making the figure snap around to look at her.

"Oh, me? Got curious and sneaked inside to listen to some good music. You too are one of the contestants?" Maelstrom answered with an innocent smile.

"I am, but I feel like I have already met you before though..." the girl answered getting defensive.

"Hoy, hoy! I am not going to eat ya! Don't worry, I am a good guy."

"But you were trafficking with the are the one that had Adagio get that voice!" Human!Twilight said shocked.

"...Eh! Guilty. Can't let them rack-up too much popularity, of all people those three are the very last that should get 'adored' in any way." Maelstrom answered chuckling.

"I-I don't like when they sing either. It makes me feel uncomfortable." the girl admitted, trying to sound as believable as possible while keeping her eyes on his every move.

"Huhuhu! You wouldn't be the only one, missy! That's why I took countermeasures." the blond shinobi said laughing.

"What have you done to their song?" she asked with narrowed eyes, she had recognized his face immediately, but she wasn't sure if this world's version of him was as good as the one she knew in Equestria.

"Never heard of the 'Brown Note'?"he answered grinning.

"! didn't!" Twilight gasped shocked.

"What's that?" Fluttershy asked confused as she and the others joined the girl.

"The brown note is a hypothetical infrasonic frequency that would in theory cause humans to lose control of their bowels due to resonance; attempts to demonstrate the existence of a "brown note" using sound waves transmitted through air have failed up until now though." Twilight answered nervous.

"High power sound waves below 20 Hz are felt in the body, not heard by the ears...and if I am the one using it, the Brown Note is definitely going to work, took to a friend of mine just two days to create a working version for me to use in my pranks and it has never failed me when I was a kid. Now I suggest you others to find an alibi before people sees you back here with me." Maelstrom answered chuckling.

"RUN! We have to stay away from the amplifiers!" Twilight yelled in horror as she pushed her friends away.

"Good girl! And now, the great finale for the Dazzlings is due in!" the young man said walking away and counting down until the timed stereo with the special note came to life adding it's near-silent extra to the song coming out from the amplifiers right behind Adagio and the other two, making Twilight's dog whine and the windows rattle by themselves as an added result.

"KYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Soon followed by the Dazzlings' scream of horror that DID make the windows explode thanks to the volume their voices reached.

"Aaah! THIS is music to my ears of Prankster!"

"WHO DID THIS?!" Sonata shrieked as the three girls ran away in shame from the laughs of everybody present.

"Whoever did this will pay!" Adagio growled in answer.

"Ufufufufu! Do you think Princess Celestia will like to hear about you three trying to take over the Human world? I think not." Maelstrom said amused making the Dazzlings' heads snap upward to look at him.

"You-you-you-YOU DID THAT?!" Aria stuttered in blind rage.

"I had the three of you shit yourselves in front of everybody in school AND the cameras of the local TV so to destroy your image of perfection and stop you from gaining too much power over the school? Yes, yes I did. I didn't want to wait for the Magic of Friendship to wake-up and risk putting my friends in danger." he answered as he stood with his back pressed against the wall with his knees bent and the plant of his feet solidly glued to the wall. At several feet from the floor.

"You are...Who are you? How can you do that?" Adagio asked with narrowed eyes.

"I am a shinobi, a ninja. Sent here by my mother Princess Luna to check on you so I basically became your second shadow as soon as I arrived, and once heard you talk about using this Battle of the Bands to absorb Negative Energy AND take over this world, well, I had to intervene." he answered.

"Your mother? Princess Luna is...You are Maelstrom Knight!?" Sonata said with wide eyes.

"Do I know you?" the Humanized Alicorn Prince asked curious.

" don't remember?" Aria said in shock before melting into an hurtful expression.

"I know for certain it was that guy...Starswirlie or send you here, nothing else." he answered shrugging.

"Before that! You-you don't don't remember what happened before we were banished!? You don't remember your meeting us?" Adagio asked growling.

"Nope! Got my memories as a pony erased and recovered only part of them thanks to my mother and aunt once I returned from being transformed into an human myself." The Prince answered uninterested.

"Luna...LUNA! LUNA DID IT ON PURPOSE TOGETHER WITH CELESTIA! They stopped you from remembering!" Adagio roared furious.

"Well, I would love to stay and listen how many Sins you think my mother and aunt are culprit of towards you, but I have a girlfriend to meet and spend time with." Maelstrom answered getting up to 'stand' horizontally on the wall to stretch his legs.

"GIRLFRIEND?!" Aria screeched in answer.

"Yep! In truth...Huhuhu! I got myself in quite the situation, I have a group of mares passing me around as their shared propriety. Don't ask how it happened, I don't get it myself!" the blond answered amused.

"Group? Passed around?" Sonata repeated shocked.

"Yep! The Elements of Harmony...minus Generosity. One is even aunt Celestia's own student." he replied as he moved behind them in the blink of an eye while looking closer at the three red gems in his hand he removed from their clothes before pocketing them.

"NO! NONONONONONO! You can't have forgotten us! You can't have no memories of me!" Adagio said grabbing his shoulders and showing him her wide scared eyes.

"Ehm...Please let me go?" the Prince asked disturbed.

"I kind of don't like that look in her eyes." Kurama said worried while stepping back a little himself even if still in the Seal.

"It's me! ME! ADAGIO!" the girl said shaking him.


"He doesn't remember! NOTHING!" Aria said with a whimper.

"I-I-I'll be going, but nice song all the same. Even if that brainwashing thing kind of ruined it for me. You have great voices!" the blond said as he slowly walked away with a gentle smile on his face.

"We are not crazy, we really know each other!" Sonata said immediately.

"Sure, sure...I'll be back in Canterlot in the meantime, okay?" the Prince said moving to sprint away.

"WAIT!" Adagio yelled immediately.

"What?" he asked stopping.

"We met when you were a colt, Pegasus, very reddish rust-red fur and blond mane so 'spiky' to seem like being a mass of needles. You enjoyed playing Tag and hiding in the lavender bushes of the Royal Gardens and following the guards around trying to mimic their marching, a couple even jokingly taught you how to do it." Aria answered.

"Your father was Fierce Storm, a Captain; he often brought you to watch the cadets' drill even if it was something your...mother...hated because she thought it was dangerous." Sonata added with her tone getting momentarily bitter when talking about the Alicorn Princess.

"You liked to listen to us singing, without our Magic behind it, not that at the time we knew how to channel Magic through our voice as we were barely one or two years older than you..." Adagio said looking at him in the eyes.

"Exact match, somehow they are telling the truth. Apparently you DO know each other; but in the memories we got from Celestia and Luna there is still no mentioning of them for some reason." Kurama said from the Seal with a confused expression.

"Then why I have no memories of you three? Why wouldn't Celestia or Luna tell me I already knew you?" the Prince asked.

"I bet you know we tried to take over Equestria." Aria answered sneering.


"We may have...tried to...'take you with us' when Starswirl was about to banish us..." Adagio admitted with a nervous smile.


"At the time we had grew-up quite 'Possessive' of you." Aria added sheepishly.

"Possessive? In a Yandere way?" Maelstrom repeated with wide eyes.

"Yes. We were violently possessive like a Yandere." Sonata answered.


"...What? I like anime." the girl replied shrugging at the others' surprised looks.

"Whatever. Listen, I will ask Luna the truth and then take this decision about believing you by myself without bias; but I must say that trying to take over the world is not making you win any points since I usually fight against those people." The Prince answered.

"But even if you believe us there is no way that you will try talk them into making us return to Equestria, right?" Aria asked sighing.

"I am sorry. Your power is too dangerous and you just tried to take over this place with it, I just...I just can't." he answered shaking his head with a sad expression.

"It's okay...It's okay." Adagio answered as the three walked away in silence.

"We'll just...leave, I guess." Aria added waving him off with a blank expression.

"Bye." Sonata said sighing while waving at him.

"You did the right thing denying them a way to return, they did too many bad things to be forgiven that easily...maybe one day you can try talk with them again and see if things changed." Kurama offered.

"Maybe one day." the Prince answered sighing before disappearing in a shunshin.

Outside the school -

It was after watching the three Dazzlings leave the school in shame accompanied by the laughs of everyone that Twilight decided to go back to Equestria herself.

"I'll keep things under control, if they try something again I will let you know immediately." Sunset Shimmer said.

"We got lucky, whoever that guy was he involuntarily stopped them...We would have got troubles facing them without the Magic of Friendship." Twilight answered sighing.

"Especially with us arguing," Sunset added.


"It was not only your fault, Twi, we all had a part in the whole mess." Human Dash said grabbing her shoulder and flashing a reassuring smile.

"We learned our lesson, dear. So be sure to come back sooner so we will be able to show you what to do around town to have fun with some friends," Human Rarity added.

"Yup! There are lots of fun things we can do together!" Human Pinkie said grinning with Human AJ and Shy nodding behind her.

"See? It's all okay! Now go back and become a Princess yourself so I'll be able to brag about knowing one personally." Sunset Shimmer said hugging the transformed Unicorn.

"You think I will be able?" Twilight asked.

"Someone like you? You have it written all over your face! Princess Twilight...You have to admit it has a nice ring to it!" Sunset said smirking.

"Maybe one day." Twilight answered waving goodbye at her new friends before leaving the school ground.

Few Minutes later – streets of the Human world -

Several minutes of walking later she stepped in a deserted alley and moved her hands to her hips while tapping her foot on the floor with an annoyed expression.

"...Come out! I am waiting for an explanation, Maelstrom." Twilight said huffing.


"I know you are the Alicorn Prince and not the version of this world, I saw you walking on the wall while talking with the Siren Sisters."

"...Sorry." the Prince muttered sheepishly as he walked out of the shadows near her.

"Why you are here?" Twilight asked with narrowed eyes.

"Luna-kaasan wanted to have a 'Plan B' against the Dazzlings in case the Elements failed to activate before it was too late." the Alicorn Shinobi answered looking down.

"So you are here on her orders?"

"Just like you were on Celestia's..." he answered in discomfort.

Sigh! "I am not angry at you, but at Princess Luna for not trusting me." Twilight answered moving closer to him.

"She doesn't trust the Elements, she respects your mind and achievements, but she recognize the limits to the Elements' Power for their requiring Friendship to work properly."

"Uhm...What now?" the girl asked curious.

"Weeell...I had clear instructions to not be discovered by you, but I still have a great deal of money of my 'Mission Funds' and a cute girl I know with no-one else around to interrupt us right in front of me. We could go on a date, is it feasible?" he proposed with a small smile.

"A date?" Twilight asked surprised.

"I know you others made a schedule about this; yesterday I was with AJ and tomorrow I'll have a date with Fluttershy...Today was supposed to be 'Your Turn' so to speak. So it thought..."

"You sure? We are supposed to return to Equestria as soon as our respective Mission was over." the girl answered uncertain.

"We have done with the Dazzlings, you can always justify this with you being curious about this world and I with keeping you safe from least you'll have 'The Full Human Experience' with someone you know. Only if you want of course." he answered with a nervous smile.

"It sounds...intriguing." she answered with a soft laugh while latching to his arm with both of hers like she had seen other human couples do.

"So? Show me around, I want the full experience." she then asked kissing his cheek.

"With pleasure," Maelstrom answered smirking widely as both walked towards the nearest park.

"I wonder though...Will the girls be okay? What if Dash and Trixie starts arguing?" she muttered.

"Come on, Twi! You and Kurama should have some faith! What's the worst thing that would happen if we are not around?" he asked back laughing.

The next day – Ponyville – Dash and Gilda's Apartment -

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY GOT ARRESTED?!" both Twilight and Maelstrom yelled as one.

"STOP SCREAMING!" Gilda yelled back while covering her ears in agony.

"Tell. Me. What. Happened. NOW!" Twilight asked again with narrowed eyes.

"Like hay I know! I was in Cloudsdale the whole week and when I got back half Ponyville was in ruins with pies splattered everywhere, unconscious ponies with apple-shaped bruises littering the streets moaning in agony and three whole squads of soldiers trying to keep AJ, Dash and that Trixie mare apart! It was that up-tight Unicorn friend of yours Rarity to tell me some details, apparently it all started with a Prank War that then turned violent; when I jumped-in to help the guards I saw Dash bite-down on Trixie's horn and the girl doing the same to one of D's wings before they got separated. Now the three of them are under arrest in one of the guards barracks while the pink party-maniac has been carted to the Hospital."

"Pinkie's in the hospital? Why?" Maelstrom asked worried.

"She pretended to 'Clean-up' everything by eating the wasted pies and got an indigestion, nothing serious." the griffin answered waving his concerns off.

"For the love of Harmony! Does this mean that I can't leave them alone not even for a couple of days?! How did they manage before we met?!" the purple Unicorn screamed in anger.

Sigh! "Do you want me to bail them out?" the Alicorn Shinobi asked sighing in defeat.

"Can you? They will pay you back once finished repairing and cleaning-up everything, as a punishment." Twilight answered shaking her head.

"...You DO know that it won't work, right?" he answered groaning.

"I know, but I still believe in miracles." she said in defeat.

"Come, I'll take you there so you will be able to pay their release and then chew their heads off," Gilda added as she walked towards the door.

"Told you, I knew this would have happened!" Kurama said smirking.

"Shut up, Furball!" Maelstrom answered growling.

"What?" Twilight asked.

"Kurama is being a smart-flank saying that he knew this would have happened."

"Can he hear me?" the Unicorn asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." he answered.

"SHUT UP, FURBALL!" the mare growled in anger.

"Eh! A match made in Heaven." the Biju said greatly amused.

"Bastard." the Alicorn shinobi muttered in dismay.

Guard's Barracks – Prison cell -

The three mares were sitting at the two opposite sides of the small cage, AJ and Dash huddling together and randomly throwing glances at Trixie as if to check she was not trying something while the Unicorn was lost in her own thoughts and so ignoring the two.

"Way to go. This would have been my ticket to join and try to win him over...and I bucked-it." Trixie thought sighing sadly.

"My darn competitive streak had to kick-in and ruin my chance...'The Great and Powerful Trixie'...I need to remember that I can do that only on the stage, not in Real Life too..."

She actually jumped when she saw the guards move to open the door to glare at the three.

"Come out, girls! Your friend paid the fee, feel lucky he had enough money to bail your sorry flanks out, but do not try all that again or no money and Royal Blood will help ya. Now leave my cage!" the Unicorn Captain growled.

"You have a lot to explain." Twilight hissed as she and Maelstrom walked inside the cell.

"SHE STARTED IT!" Dash and AJ yelled while pointing at Trixie expecting her to do the same.

"I did. I went overboard because I hate to lose." the mare answered meekly and surprising the others.

Sigh! "Are you at least sorry?" the Prince asked.

"I am. I just wanted a chance with you and blew it." Trixie answered looking down.

"Why?" AJ asked.

"He is gentle. He defended me from you others when you over-reacted at my 'Show-mare Side', thanks to him and his mother I finally have a teacher to learn Magic from and somepony to compare notes with that likes when I help him if he doesn't get something. He even showed me around Canterlot!...I may have treated it as a date to be honest, I hope you don't mind." she answered.

"No offence taken." the Alicorn answered smiling gently.

"You too are angry with us?" Dash asked sad.

"Yep! But mostly because I was not invited to the Prank War." he answered moving closer to nuzzle her and ignoring Twilight's huffing in disapproval.

"Let's go home," the purple Unicorn said sighing in defeat.

"They overdid, missy. But I think they learned the lesson." the Unicorn Captain answered making her roll her eyes.

"But I can't reign them if he acts like that." she replied walking away with a new huff.

"You coming, Trixie?" Maelstrom asked.

"M-Me too?!"


"Then wait for me!" she answered running to walk next to him.

"Too close!" Dash hissed.

"Stuff it, feather-brain!" the Unicorn answered with narrowed eyes.

"Trixie-mean!" Dash answered sticking-out her tongue.


"Overgrown Filly!"

"Can we leave 'em in there, sugarcube?" AJ asked with a whisper.

"Don't tempt me, AJ..." the Prince answered groaning.

The Rivalry between Dash and Trixie was not over apparently, the Prince and the other girls could only pray that things will soon reach a solution soon before a new War between the two erupted.

Omake 1 -'Twilight Sparkle and the Complete Human Experience' -

Sugarcube Corner - the day after Twilight's return from her mission -

In a corner of the small local the Element Bearers were calmly sitting at an isolated table, five of the mares present looking intently at Twilight with various degrees of displeasure, annoyance or in Dash' case outright anger making the purple Unicorn shrink a little in her seat in discomfort.

"So you went into another world of humans...alone...with Maelstrom." Dash asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, he had been asked to stay hidden and help me only if needed, but in the end we kind of...used it as an excuse to have a date once everything was done...he wanted me to have the 'full experience' of being human..." Twilight answered looking down and failing to hide her blushing fit.

"And?" Pinkie asked curious.

"It was...interesting...very interesting."

Canterlot High - in the meantime -

"DASH! Take a look at this! It's Twilight!" Human Pinkie said shocked.

"Eh?! WAIT! Why are you looking at an adult site on your phone?" human Dash asked in confusion.

"This is not important! LOOK!"

"That's...That's Twilight and that blond guy from the Battle of the Bands. I don't see where is the problem, He looks nice though, lucky girl." Dash said bitterly.

"Keep looking."

It was then that Twilight squealed as the blond tackled her in an isolated alley forcing the one recording to drop his filming of his friends to instead follow both.

"Come on! Not here!" Twilight said giggling as the other kept kissing and suckling on her neck.

"You wanted the full experience, right? You told me so!" Maelstrom said grinning as his hand moved under her shirt.

"Aha!" the girl moaned while her hand darted inside his pants.

"NO WAY!" Human Dash said gasping and somehow finding the scene irritating.

"O-O-OH...I-It feels different!" Twilight moaned as her hand kept clearly going up and down inside his pants.

"This is only the beginning." he answered lifting her shirt to directly attack her breast with his mouth.

"What are ya watching?" Human AJ asked curious.

"NOTHING!" Human Pinkie said smiling nervously and covering the scowling Dash with her body.

"Are ya sure? Ya seem-"

"OH, GOOODNESSS! YEEEEES!" in that moment Twilight's moans blared from the phone in tandem with Dash' furious growl.

The rainbow-haired girl had clearly moved the video forward and now it was showing the blond teen lifting Twilight up in the air to slam her back against the wall and move her legs to lie them on his shoulders so to freely "Power-Pound" her to oblivion while proudly wearing her panties on his head like a bandanna.

"T-That's Twilight?!" AJ yelled in disbelief.

"AHA! AHA! AHA! F-ck me! F-ck me hard, Master!" the girl in the video bellowed in lust as her partner gained even more speed while wildly kissing her with their tongues sloppily licking each other.

"I don't know where she has found him..." Human Dash hissed as the phone broke in half in her hands with how hard she clenched it.

"HEY! That was new!" Human Pinkie yelled.

"But for some reason the idea of her doing that with him makes me mad! She and I will have a LOOONG talk next time she comes here." the girl said darkly.

"DASHIE! I wanted to finish the series! That was only the first of fifteen!" the pink-haired girl said whining while cradling her broken phone to her chest.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THE VIDEO WAS JUST 1 out of 15!?" Dash shrieked at the top of her lungs.

"Well, it's a series...'Lovers in the alley'...'Lovers in the Park'...'Lovers at the swimming pool'...'Lovers on the swing' and so on; I wanted to see what else they were about to do!"

"Lovers on the swing?" AJ asked confused.

"He 'pushes her' forward through pelvic thrusts and then she comes back slamming on his..." Pinkie started answering before an inhuman growl eclipsed her words.

"AAAAAARGH!" unable to hear anymore Dash simply ran away covering her hears.

"Should I tell her that there is also a 'Season 2' where they get really kinky?"

"No Pinkie, you better not to." AJ answered blushing.

Back in Ponyville -

"You had Sex with him while looking like an human?!" Dash shrieked in both fury and disbelief.

"It was a strange way of losing my virginity...but it felt so alien...SO HOT!" Twilight answered with her voice slowly dropping until it got to a low husky tone accompanied by violent shivers of delight.

"TWILIGHT!" Dash bellowed giving chase to her friend.


"COME BACK HERE! COME HERE AND FACE ME! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" the Pegasus mare yelled and soon both disappeared from view with every pony of Ponyville following their mad run with confused expressions on their faces.

Omake 2 – Nightmare Moon tortures Princess Luna -

Canterlot Castle – Celestia's bedroom -

Celestia was helplessly looking as her dear sister devoured one after another boxes of ice-cream with an expression on her face that was a mixture of anxiety, horror, and disbelief (and with a dash of shame added to it for good measure).

"Can you tell me what's happening, sister? It has been a while since you last came here looking for help while devouring every form of sugar in the Castle, please tell me what is tormenting you, maybe I can help!" the Sun Alicorn asked pleadingly.

"I am worried, Sister! There is this clawed beast tearing down my soul and eating my mind and heart and I don't know how to stop it!" Luna said in despair while throwing away the empty box of ice-cream in front of her before summoning a new one and tear it open with a bite.

"You are worried? About what?" Celestia asked moving closer to cover her sister's back with her wing as a form of hug.

"Everything started with my son deciding to learn how to control his Nightmare Form so to use it whenever he wants in battle or in case of emergency." Luna answered sighing between spoonfuls of chocolate.

"That in itself is not a good news, but you don't seem preoccupied for that, then what does it have to do with you?"

"That is not the problem...Not only that to be honest. It's mostly about me and Nightmare Moon actually."

"It is? Then what is worrying you? Nightmare Moon is once again trying to return?" Celestia asked shocked.

"Not that, ever since I faced her at those Falls of Truth she had been quiet, but now I can feel her stir awake whenever I feel Maelstrom's Nightmare Aura flare because of his training in that." the Moon Princess answered looking in a far-away point outside the window.

"She stirs awake? You don't mean..." Celestia gasped with wide eyes.

"Nightmare Moon is still trying to force herself on him! It's disgusting! I can't watch my son train and then start wondering how his sweat would taste while licking it off his chest or if I can make his training more 'Interesting'! It's wrong and dirty!" Luna said shuddering.

"!" a new voice said slowly from the door.

"MAELSTROM! THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Luna said horrified at seeing her green-faced son slowly backing away with an horrified expression.

"I'll be...I'll be showering if you need me...please don't need me!" the Alicorn Prince pleaded with a new shudder shaking his body before literally running away.

"Oh, God...Oh, God! Oh,God! He heard me say those things! And Now Nightmare Moon is insisting in having me joining him under the shower!" Luna said with an horrified whine.


"WHY DOES HE HAVE TO HAVE EARS THAT SENSIBLE!?" The Moon Princess shrieked in answer to her son's horrified scream.

"Sister, please help me! I need...sister?" the Alicorn of the night pleaded turning towards her sister only to see empty space where she should have been.

"Oh, no! She didn't!" she growled with narrowed eyes at seeing the door still open and the end of Celestia's tail disappear around the corner as she tried to stealthy leave the room.

"CELESTIA!" Luna bellowed launching herself into a mad run to chase and stop her 'Beloved' sister.

If only Nightmare Moon could stop trying to pass it as the Moon Alicorn protecting "HER STALLION" from the dirty clutches of her rival...That would be even better.