//------------------------------// // 2. Suspects // Story: Case 109 // by Platinum Noir //------------------------------// I passed security and entered the interrogation room. Steel Force had told me we have four solid suspects. He said they're rating them as 'highly probable' that one of them did it. I had not bothered to look at the ‘case files’ or ‘suspect files’ due to the limited information. After all, it was only hours since I laid eyes on Pinkie… I feuded with myself on the inside, I just know it's going to be someone I know, it was a reality I wasn't prepared to face. "You can do it." Spike quietly prodded. Deep breathes, you can do this. Just don't think about your heart rate, blood pressure, or anything; medical. "All right let me see suspect one." I said to the guard as I sat in the observing room. The air felt stale and cold as I sat; not welcoming to say the least. At the corner of my eye I saw Spike drop is jaw when he thumbed through the suspect files, and his eyes narrowed. The heavy door opened and Fluttershy walked in. I did a double take as I saw the yellow figure standing there behind the desk. Her huge eyes were filled with tears as she stood there whimpering. "What is she doing here!? She's eh-uh!" I stuttered as I cringed and slowly fell out of my chair. Fluttershy begs to Celestia for forgiveness if she's standing in the way of a fly! She doesn't have a single cell in her body that even thinks about murder. My heart rate sped up to large percentiles as I hoisted myself up. My face trembled as we stared at each-other. I forced myself to pretend to look at something below me as I stared at the floor. "Second one please." Spike said doing likewise. A blue annoyed figure struggled in. "Rainbow Dash!" What is she doing here?! My lungs felt heavy and my breathing was now forced. "Is this a mistake? Because this is a mistake!" I said re-assuring myself. I now noticed I was out my chair and was pacing as I hyperventilated and sweated. "Twilight your eyes are getting huge and your mane is sticking up. Should I get the doctor?" Spike asked seriously. "No, this is a mistake; this is A MISTAKE!" I said loudly. My brain raced for answers. It was Chief Brasshoof’s fault, he set me up to fail, and he knew I'd crack if somepony like Pinkie got involved! And my friends!? He had to have known about this; easily. "Maybe it's a test. YEAH A TEST! RIGHT!?" I said staring and clutching at the other guard on my side of the glass. He began to sweat bullets and shy away from me. "Please sit down." Spike said muffled through his arms over his head in embarrassment. "Sure, okay, yeahhh I'm good." I said reassuringly to myself as my hoof involuntarily stroked my mane over and over. The pills…I thought. "No, you're not." As he pointed to the window with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and now Rarity stood there whom looked as scared as I was. Rarity's mane was ruffled as she wore an annoyed face with a frightened expression. Her composure was pure hopelessness and sorrow. All three had misery written on their faces as they tried to compensate over what had just happened. "Watch the mane!" She remarked, as the dark green earth pony shoved her in the little room. "Egh-Uh." I stuttered in anguish. "OH SWEET CELESTIA!" I said as I panted and paced. Three of my friends are suspects; I will have to interrogate them and question them and crack them like an egg in the end! They were going to not only see, but feel how I interrogate ponies; like criminals! The future was laid out and it was grim! Get a grip Twilight, you're thinking like a mad-pony. I slowly realized my thoughts were turning into dialogue as Spike gave me an incoherent look. My mind had given up on finding an answer and was now ready to burst. "Twi-" Spike tried. "DON'T EVEN SPEAK SPIKE! All I need now is alcohol or a pinch to wake me up from this horrible nightmare!" I screamed. Based on my luck today, I think I can figure out who the final suspect pony is. I turned slowly, only to see the orange figure standing confused and wary. "APPLEJACK!? No, no…" My mane had stopped standing up straight, my heart had ceased pounding on my chest, and my blood had halted rushing at the speed of sound. I felt lighter than air, almost like I was drifting through air. I was lighter than a cloud. I began to think about laughter and begun to giggle. "heheheHEHAAAHAHAHHAHA." I laughed loudly as Spike held the chair tightly and looked at me with the look of death. The guard who was originally in the corner was now cowering under the desk and looking at me with the look of 'the last time I'll see the light of day.' The room suddenly changed color and my eyes swirled. "Twilight!" Spike's voice was carried off into the wind as I saw darkness. "Her pulse is returning." Spike's voice trailed off quickly. "Is that okay?" He asked, though I barely heard it because of a muffle-effect it strangely had. "It's there, but it's still slow." A familiar voice mumbled. "Twi, are you there?" Spike asked softly. I struggled, I couldn't speak. My vocal box was; dysfunctional almost, and my lips ceased to move. "Try again." The doctor said putting an ear against my chest. Nothing; I tried but there was pain that I couldn't overpower. "Yes, she's awake." He said. "I think I know what this is, Twilight experienced a Vasovagal Response from a stressor. This is an uncommon form of fainting but I've dealt with similar cases. She may sweat and seem pale for the next few hours but tomorrow she should be fine." He said, clearly not knowing the context; or the ‘stressor.’ "So she just, passed out?" Spike asked. "Yes, it's normal for victims to be like this for a few minutes, if it takes more I'll get a Holter monitor." He remarked. I forced a smile to myself. As one minute seemed like hours I finally felt myself turning onto my side and putting my hoof onto the ground and pulling myself up. Spike offered help but Dr. Tenderhoof gestured him away. I finally opened my eyes and saw we were outside the station. The sun pierced my eyes and forced me to squint them almost shut again. Spike, Dr. Tenderhoof, and the guard from earlier stood in front of me with a confused but hopeful expression. The green grass of Canterlot helped sooth my pain. I swayed back and forth a little and eventually stood tall. "Twilight! Ah you took a horrid fall back in there. I always thought if you fainted I'd laugh, but, that wasn't funny at all…" He grinned from ear-to-ear, as he thought about what he just said. “Coarse Iron here dragged you out and got the doc.” Spike said gesturing to the guard as he blushed and blinked at me. “Well…uh thanks.” I said with a slight slur as I grazed his face in an attempt to pat him on the back. He blushed some more and stepped closer to Spike. "Look so it's 3:30 now, I suggest you rest for the remainder of the day, okay?” Tenderhoof said. "Okay, thanks Doctor.” "No problem. Anytime." He said sarcastically. Spike and I stared at each other for a minute; we listened to sound of Canterlot bustling around at such a hour. In silence we walked to each other’s homes; which were right next to each other. The rich green leaves on the trees aligning the road as we walked next to them would sometimes brush against my mane. Each time the pollen would flow off the leaf and get lost into the breeze. It felt odd to be going home this early, especially on a case. Spike eventually spoke up and claimed he wanted me over for a drink. I accepted in hopes he would finally open that new bottle of Armand de Brignac Rose Champagne I got him for his birthday. After some time of walking along we arrived at his large blue house. He opened the door to reveal a contemporary area with spacious rooms and elegant decor. It was very clear Rarity had helped out; a lot. Spike would never admit to such a foolish idea, but it was more than true. "Have a drink Twilight." He said, breaking my thoughts; he pushed over a glass that was filled with a Bellini-like mixture. It tasted that way as well, which broke my hopes of salvation. "Are you okay? Feeling normal?" He asked quietly. "Yeah, I think the doctor was over-exaggerating when he said I-" "No, I mean about this case." He said in a mono-tone voice. I began to drink some of my Bellini as Spike prepared another comment. "Twilight, you have to tell me you’re going to be alright with this." Spike yelled. His eyes were large and serious. "Spike, I don't want you to worry." "If I get answer maybe I won't." I paused for a moment, my mind was spinning. I honestly could not get myself together; why couldn't I handle this? That damn Chief Brasshoof set me up. What does he want? To watch the stress and wrath eat me alive as I wilt away? He was an evil, despicable, corrupt, and sex-addicted pony; but it goes another level to watch somepony solve their own friend’s murder case. "Twilight could-" "SILENCE!" I screamed as I felt my blood pressure rise. He interrupted my thoughts so plainly. He recoiled, angered. "I, AM, THINKING!" I screamed. "Let's calm-" "Just shut up Spike! Stop caring about me! I don't need you to care about me! What I do need you to do is do your damn job! Oh and I can handle this!" I spat at him as I kicked his door open and stormed across-the-way to my house. "But what did-"His voice was cut off by the door slamming from my magic. “MAYBE I should ask you if you’re okay!” I screamed at his shut door; undenounced if he could hear me. I stormed into my dark house and shut the door hard, it was soon about to be night now meaning I couldn't see much. I turned on the lights and ran to the liquor cabinet. I ripped open the nearest bottle with my magic and chugged hard. The warm sensation of rum awaited me as I felt the bottle getting lighter. The liquid spilled everywhere onto my body and to the floor. I fell back on to the wall crying. I tasted tears in my mouth as I ripped something else open from the cabinet. I heard my sobbing as I gulped down more rum. I felt my heart drop to my stomach as another bottle fell to the ground and shattered. My crying intensified as I thought about everypony. Pinkie Pie is dead, all my friends are rotting in a jail cell, and one of them heinously murdered them. You love them all, and you care for them so much. You helped Dash with flying lessons, you did some labor for Applejack, you consoled Rarity after that jackass Maxa Millions dumper her, and you helped Fluttershy wake up the animals during Winter Wrap Up. Was that all worthless now? I dashed to the cabinet and grabbed two bottles of whatever and attempted to drink both at the same time. Alcohol spilled all over the floor as my vision was blurred in combination of alcohol and tears. I cried as I grabbed yet-another bottle and glugged the substance as quick as I could. My mouth and throat were completely numb at this point, I could no longer distinguish what I was drinking; but I didn’t care. This time I felt an unexpected blow to my body and fell to the floor. My vision blurred horribly as my body felt like pure goo. I sat there sobbing loudly as I saw the bottle rolling on the floor; and then total darkness.