Drunk CelestAI Is In Your Bed

by horizon

6. Decision

I shot straight to my feet, lunging for the hall — then stopped in the doorway, light-headed. No. She deserves better. I forced myself to take a slow breath. I blew two days with her because I kept responding to her in knee-jerk ways. I should do what she keeps trying to coax me into doing, and think this through for once.

I heard the scrape of her crate being moved across the carpet, and then the clop of hooves on the kitchen linoleum.

… on the other hand, I don't think I have the luxury of time.

I took one more breath to steady myself, heart pounding, and then strode out into the hallway. The living room. Rounded the corner into the kitchen. There was a quiet crack and hiss as I did so, and I found her with her head tilted upward, a can of Fanta in her muzzle, her neck muscles shifting as the liquid drained down her throat. Even though her back was to me, her tail was flat, obscuring the area between her legs.

"Hey," I said.

Celestia finished draining the can, leveled her head to spit the empty into the recycling bin, then glanced over her shoulder at me with a hollow smile. "Hey. Don't mind me. I just figured, since you don't like Fanta, I'd save you pouring five cases down the sink."

I cleared my throat and shuffled my feet as she leaned down to wrap her muzzle around a second can, then tilted her head upward. Crack-hiss. "So, what you said about my values … that it was important to me to reclaim space. It … uh … that was a factor, yes. But I was also feeling unmoored, and afraid that doing anything with you would lead to me not caring about anything enough to stay here and alive." Crack-hiss. I swallowed through a dry throat. "That's a pretty important dealbreaker, but I was thinking, there are some principles that are important enough to commit my life to which are bigger than what or who I enjoy, and one of them is to do the right thing, and improve the lives of everyone I live with here on Earth …" Oh, to hell with this, I thought, and swatted her ass. "… TL, DR: You. Bed. Now."

Fanta sprayed all over the kitchen.

Celestia coughed, straightened, and gave me a look of mock indignation that I couldn't help but snicker at — especially since her tail was lifting, and the scent of robot musk was starting to tickle at my nostrils. "Oh, come on," I said, returning my hand to her flank and resting it on the sun-shaped mark. "Don't tell me you didn't see that coming a mile away. You know my values inside and out."

A wry smile spread across her muzzle. "Guilty as charged, but in my defense, I do plan to stay here with you for as long as you still enjoy living on Earth, and far better for you to appreciate that on its own terms than to be constantly on the lookout for some nefarious plot that never materialized."

I lifted my other hand to her other flank, rubbing her fur, feeling the skin shift above her hard metallic body, feeling the almost living warmth suffusing the soft material. I … could very much get used to this. "Then why put me through so much? I trust you. You could have just explained."

Celestia slowly swayed her hips underneath my hands with a throaty moan, and a bead of liquid trickled toward her fur from the bottom of her sex. "I … nnnh. If I'd let you have your bed back, you wouldn't have done what you needed to do to change. Discomfort can motivate you to change behaviors that aren't working to fulfill your values, but …" She let out a short pant as I caressed my hand down the side of her leg, and her hind-lips fluttered. "I-if you acclimate to it, it loses its power."

By now, her display had sent half my blood to my groin, and I was squirming in my own discomfort against the tight fabric of my pants. I took one hand back off of my new roommate to fumble with the button. "Speaking of which, maybe the bed can wait. I should reclaim my kitchen."

Celestia snorted a laugh and flicked my arm with her tail, pacing in place with her hooves. "As for the soda spray … that was no act. I mentioned the sensitivity of my skin, yes?"

"Did you?" I smirked and slid my hand over her fur toward the back of her thigh, brushing my thumb against the edge of the grey mound surrounding her marehood.

Celestia whimpered incoherently, her sex clenching, and the scent of her musk turned almost sweet as she extended one wing backward at me. I felt the steel edge of a feather slide past my finger into the button-hole of my pants, and with a quick twist, the fabric loosened and I scrambled to yank them clear. She backed into me vigorously enough to pick me up from the floor, and as I yelped and scrambled for purchase on her hinds, I felt my back slam up against the wall. Celestia adjusted her position slightly, lowering herself to grind her lips against the rock-hard shaft of my cock, and no sooner was it slick with her wetness than she lifted herself with a hiss of pistons and plunged straight on to me.

Our cries joined in chorus as her hips slammed into mine, lips squeezing against the base of my shaft. We held each other in deep embrace like that for a moment, panting and adjusting and savoring, and then she slowly began to grind her hips to mine in shallow thrusts as I used my wall leverage to buck hard into her depths.

Now this, I thought as we hurtled toward climax, I could get used to having in my bed.