Why so VG?

by dereturd

Where to Now?

MiniLadd or Craig Thompson so to speak, felt like he's in a coma. He was just having dreams or maybe thoughts on what should he play tomorrow and how should he play it out. But he mostly prefers random or funny moments he would do with Nogla or Delirious.


He sat up in an instant. He tracked the source of the sound when it was underneath him. He looked downward, what he got is a brit source of light underneath his blanket.

"Wait- No, No, NO!" He screamed. And the light engulfed him.

He was then in a classroom. And was surrounded by a bunch of other people. He looked around and inspected snd analyzed.

"Ok Craig, it's only a dream." He said to himself.

"Good morning Mr. Thompson." Someone said, he looked to be greeted by a feminine teacher. Who had red natural hair.

"He-he-hello Ms..?" He said in a questionable tone.

"Charlotte. Ms. Charlotte." She responded. "Why won't keep your head down a bit?" Charlotte requested to her pupil. Mini obeyed and puts his head down on the table.

'What the fuck is happening right now?' His thoughts said.


He perked up as all the students are leaving the room. Two students, one wearing a red flannel shirt with a white t-shirt and jeans and the other wearing a blue hoodie with jeans as well. Mini, overheard them talking.

"How do we even know where to find those bitches?" The red one asked the blue one.

"I dunno man, probably back at the forest." The blue one replied to his friend.

MiniLadd coughed.

The two looked at the source and found him coughing up so hard.

"Nevermind." The blue one said.

"Craig Thompson you son of a bitch." John said to MiniLadd, he patted his back to prevent the coughing.

"Maybe you should give him some soup." Evan suggested, as he gave $3 to John to treat Mini for some soup.

They reached the cafeteria, Evan and Craig tried to find someplace to seat while John bought soup.

Evan and Craig finally found a free seat, they took it and sat on the spot as John approaches them with a tray of soup. John grabbed a spoonful of soup and fed MiniLadd. In which Craig didn't care about just this is only a dream.

Evan left the table as he saw tons and tons of students watching what was happening outside. Evan was surprised and called out John.

"We have to definitely move." He yelled to his friend. john took notice and left Craig. Mini didn't bother to look as he continued to eat his soup.

The cafeteria was full of chit-chatters. Just talking abut some cops outside the school and at the courtyard. Everyone wasn't sure why they were here in school in the first place.

But mostly it's all about John and Evan.

"They're definitely on to us." Evan whispered to John.

"When do we leave?" John whispered back to his friend.

"We're gonna have to arrange our schedule." Evan said to his friend. They were about to leave when they pulled Craig out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, hey!" Mini yelled.

"Sorry Mini," Evan said, as Craig stopped. Was this a dream? "But we gotta go." Evan said, pulling him and to somewhere around school.

All that hour was just for preparing to escape school, gathering stupid weapons and leaving no evidence behind. Mini, now actually thought this dream was getting to the lore of GTA V. Or maybe this might relate to something.

Thoughts aside, he focused back in the current situation. The two had 3 go-karts just for all of them. They only bought this to go home, but also used for other things. They had bags attached to them as weapons.

The time passed by as they ditched school and are now chased by cops. The 3 are already declared as young minor criminals. The chase was on. Whether let the 3 escape from cops or the cops arrest the 3 youthful criminals. Evan and Craig was in front, John took advantage. He threw a home-made bomb towards the cops, but did nothing against the cop cars. They sped up and used their airsoft weapons, making vandalism against the cop cars. The police was still on easy.

"Hey Delirious." Evan said to John. "See this?" He pointed towards the incoming police. "Dunzo." Was all he said right after he blew up an egg-bomb. Evan repeated the same phrase until he changed it. He again threw an egg-bomb at the cop car and said-
"Shukaka." He said, as the egg exploded upon the car.

"Jesus fuck man.." John snorted.

"Delirious turn around." Evan said, John obeyed and screamed.

The cops was already nearing the back of the kart. Evan then decided he would take one for the team.

"Delirious.." His friend looked at him.

"I wanna have some fucking fun." Evan said, tightening the hold on his gym bag. Craig just wondered what in hell was he doing.
"Let me just say.. IT'S A TRAP!" Evan yelled. Swiftly turning his kart towards the cops chasing him and lead them away to his friends.

"VANOSS!!" John yelled.

Mini slowly opened his eyes to see a blue horse with wings with a mask was driving a vehicle. Thought he was done for.

But this wasn't a dream.

'How long 'till I wake up?' His thoughts asked. He also noticed himself as a horse wearing a suit, in which he would react wildly a short time after. 'I'll just sleep again.' He thought. Slowly drifting into sleep. After that, all he could hear was-



"Next stop, Manehattan." As something sits on Mini's legs.