Sky Blossom

by SnoringDragonProductions


Sky Blossom sat down gently on a patch of flowers. They were a wide range of colors and smelled sweet. Careful not to uproot the flower, she caressed a small blue one. It didn't have many flowers next to it. Sighing, she released the lonely flower and gazed at the sky. Clouds floated by quickly, as if they didn't want to be around her for long. But she didn't mind. She was used to things leaving.
"The day sure is nice." Sky Blossom whispered to the tiny flower.
Without warning a dash of blue passed by her eyes. It disappeared into a nearby bush. Curious, Sky Blossom wandered over to the foliage and moved the leaves aside. It was a small butterfly that seemed to be caught in the web of branches. Gently, she placed her finger on the butterfly, careful not to touch the wing, and tried to free it.
"Perfect..." The butterfly cackled as it flew away.
"What?" Sky Blossom whispered as a flashing light surrounded her. She felt weightless for a moment before landing on soft, green grass. Rubbing her head and moaning, she looked around. It didn't look like the park. It was more vibrant and colorful as if it was not real.
"Hi! Welcome to Equestria!" A loud voice yelled out.
"Equestria?" Sky Blossom mumbled.
"Yeah! Equestria! You fell from the sky! Are you ok?" The voice asked. It sounded like it was jumping.
"I think so..." She tried to stand but soon fell on her face. Groaning she rubbed her head with her hooves. Hooves?
"Equestria..." Sky Blossom whispered as she frantically examined her body. "Equestria... EquestriAHHHHH!!!!"
"Woo hoo! EQUESTRIA!" The voice screamed along with her.
Sky Blossom was now a...