Cursed Book

by Sillyponyme

Chaos at the Library

Rainbow and Pinkie had finished getting all the ponies around town and started heading back toward the library. At this point, Rainbow couldn’t fly from the heavy water on her wings and no matter what she tried, she couldn't seem to destroy the clouds or even so much as move them. That just served irritated her and she would have continued to be in that mood until she saw Pinkie stop moving. "Pinkie, what's up, why did you stop moving?" Rainbow walked over to Pinkie and stared at her eyes and then followed them to see what Pinkie is looking at. In front of them walking toward the library were at least fifty walker ponies. "Pinkie, what are you thinking?"

"We can't go back to the library Rainbow Dash, it's time to retreat and come up with a plan." Pinkie said in an all too serious tone that worried Rainbow almost as much as the walker ponies. Pinkie had never been one to be so serious, sure she had moments but they hadn't been anything like this. Pinkie turned and walked away but turned her head toward Rainbow. "We can't do anything for them now."

"You can't be serious Pinkie; those are our friends in the library." Rainbow pointed toward the library but Pinkie shook her head. "What do you mean no, we have to do something." Rainbow saw nothing in Pinkies eyes and it scared her. Her eyes were cold and hard. Her mane deflated and became straight. "Pinkie, how can you not care about them at all, if anything that would be me not you? Look we have to go-" Before Rainbow Dash could finish her sentence, Pinkie pushed her up against a wall and held her by the throat.

"We don't do anything Rainbow; we can't help them if we don't help ourselves first. I have an idea but it will cause some pain among our friends but it's necessary. Do you trust me?" Rainbow nodded though she couldn't be sure but she wasn't going to tell Pinkie that. "Let's go."
Twilight and the others had gone back into the main room of the library. All Twilight could think of was how fast everything had gone so wrong. Many of her subjects died, one of Rick's group died and now they have walker ponies at their front door. Applejack was angry with Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were still gone. Zecora was dead and Twilight had two prisoners not from Equestria. That's not to mention her sister Cadance is gone. She couldn't think anymore, she had to do something to take her mind off things. Twilight walked over Daryl and put a hoof on his shoulder. "You want to talk about your brother?"

Daryl turned around and shook his head but then let out a sigh. "He was a jerk but he was still my brother. He always had my back, even those times when he was a jerk. He always pushed me whether I was in pain or, whatever. I'm not going to cry over him, especially in public. What's done is done; we can't change that no matter what." Daryl turned away and let a tear slip down his cheek.

Twilight let out a sigh and then smiled a little. "Don't hold the tears back Daryl, go upstairs and let it out in private." Twilight turned around leaving Daryl to think before he stood up and headed upstairs. Twilight looked around and everypony was in a panic which continued to grow. Some ponies saying that they should leave and others saying to stay, some even said to fight. Despite being a princess, Twilight couldn't do this on her own and with the six of them either separated or ticked off, it didn't make things any easier. "Everypony, calm down and relax. While I'm here those things will not get through!" Twilight tried but she wasn’t sure herself.

"Says you, remember what happened at Canterlot. The Changeling Queen managed to get in, who's to say that won't happen here? We stay here and we'll die for sure." A Stallion yelled out angrily.

"That was a different situation, these things don't have minds, they attack and feed. That is all they know how to do." Twilight tried to continue but got cut off by a mare.

"What happens when we run out of food, what then, we can't stay here forever princess." Everypony was so noisy that they didn't here the alarm go off and then Celestia and Luna walked into the room.

"Enough, this arguing will not help anypony. Princess Twilight, please continue." Celestia stood back and let Twilight go on.

"Thank you princess. My friends and I will formulate a plan to get everypony out of here and someplace with a few months of rations. Please do not panic, we won't be here forever but while we are, I'll stay and make sure that none get through." Everypony calmed down but didn't relax, their nerves jumbled around too much.

"Twilight, I must talk to you." Twilight looked up at her former mentor and nodded. Celestia led Twilight away but Twilight saw a saddened look on Luna's face as they walked by. Celestia led Twilight outside, stepped up to the barrier, stopped right before it and turned around. "Twilight, I must go, nopony is safe with me here." Celestia raised her wing into the air revealing a large bit mark. "I have a high fever, I hid it well inside but now it isn't necessary." Celestia fell to the ground exhausted. "you must kill me Princess. I know what Andrea did to Scootaloo wasn't right but she wasn’t wrong. Either you or, somepony must kill me. I don't have the strength to" Celestia's eyes closed and her breathing stopped.

Twilight stepped away from Celestia afraid and shocked. "No, no no no. Princess Celestia, please wake up." Celestia's hoof moved a bit but then relaxed. "You'll be fine, fevers, they go away. I can, I can do something." Celestia's wings moved slightly. "That's right, you can fight it. Stand up and let's get you better." Twilight slowly moved closer hoping that her former mentor would stand up alive but feared that it would be just the opposite. Celestia's wings fluttered again as she began rising into the air and then started to groan. Twilight jumped back at hearing the noise. It wasn't a normal groan but more of a gurgle, like the ones the walker ponies made. Celestia then opened her eyes wide revealing blood red orbs, her coat a bit darker as well. Celestia flew slowly and clumsily toward Twilight. Twilight couldn't do anything but stand there frozen.

Luna knew what had happened to her sister and she wasn't sure that she could end her sisters' life but what ever was happening would force her to. She could hear the two talking and decided that she would go get some water if for any reason than to help her nerves. Everything happened so fast. First her niece and then her sister, who would be next? The spread of the virus, it was so fast, Celestia’s temperature shot up like a daisy reaching for the sun after a cold rainy day. They had only left for a second to send off a letter to Twilight's brother when Celestia got bitten. It had only been thirty minutes and now she would soon die.

Luna pulled out a cup with her magic and filled it with water which came out slightly bloody. Luna dropped the cup which shattered in the sink. "The water is contaminated, but how?" Just then she heard Rarity scream and then seconds later the front door slammed shut. Luna ran out of the kitchen to find out what had happened but she already knew. Her sister changed into a walker pony. "It happened didn't it?" Luna came out and asked as the banging on the door could be heard.

Twilight just stood there shaking terrified but tried to speak. "She just and then her eyes, blood red. I couldn't move, she died and then came after me; I couldn't move." Twilight being so scared forgot about her shield around the library. It weakened and shattered from the pressure. Everypony in the building saw this and became bitter toward Twilight.

"What are you doing, why would you let them in?" An angry Stallion asked.

"You said that they wouldn't make it in with you here, you said that we would all be safe!" A mare yelled but Twilight just stood frozen. "You've betrayed us all." Now Twilight struggled to breathe seeing her world crash down around her. Soon cracking of wood could be heard and hooves could be seen coming through the walls.

Luna saw Twilights condition and knew it wasn't good and so she took over. "Unicorns, gather around and use your magic to the best of your ability. Knock off the heads, that will kill them. Earth ponies and Pegasus, do the same with your hooves but don't get bit." Soon the door broke down and the walker ponies flooded the room. Every pony in the building with the exception of Luna struggled to fight them off and one by one more got bit despite the reinforcements from Rick's group. Soon the back wall gave in and in rushed more of the undead.
Just then the sound of Pinkie's party cannon could be heard going off. Soon a way out was made as Pinkie continued to fire her cannon off knocking the heads off of many of the undead.

Spike wanted to help but wasn't sure how. "Twilight, they need your help." Screams from all around him could be heard as more and more ponies died. "Twilight!"

Shining Armor had been on a train heading into Ponyville. The trip had been normal with the exception of his wife. Cadance wasn't there with him, no, she died at the hooves of the undead. Once Shining arrived in Ponyville, fires had started and continued to burn many of the buildings down. "Twily!" Shining Armor ran as fast as he could toward the library. Dead bodies lie all over the ground. He ran as fast as possible to the library and passed up half a town worth of dead bodies. Once he reached the library, he found it in ruins. Windows shattered, the door broken off, and holes in the walls. Horror was written all over his face as he looked around. Shining then remembered the basement and ran over and opened up the door. He lit his horn with magic for light and as he did, four walker ponies turned their heads and walked toward him. Shining shut the door in a hurry and backed up against it. He ran over to the couch and something caught his eye. He picked up the paper and then used the couch to block the basement door.

"Twilight, what happened?" Shining asked pulling out the paper as banging could be heard on the basement door.
Dear Shining Armor,

The library was overrun, we have to move. I've failed my subjects, my friends, the princesses. We have decided to head to Canterlot to find refuge in the castle there. If you don't see me there, we couldn't stay or I didn't make it, I love you BBBFF. I would go on but there isn't time left, until I see you, hopefully. Oh and if you see Pinkie, kill her, she doesn't need to suffer.

Love your sister,

Ex-Princess Twilight

The door to the basement broke and the couch holding the door tipped just enough for the dead ponies to escape. Shining dropped the paper and made his way out of the library and back to the train station.

Once he arrived, the train had been filled with walker ponies. Shining looked all around him and found himself surrounded. He raised his horn into the air and it began glowing. The undead ponies made it within reach of him and just as they attacked, Shining disappeared.

Pinkie and Rainbow came into Ponyville and saw Shining disappear. Pinkie then saw herself walking over to her with a big bite on her side. "Sorry other me but at least you aren't really real." Pinkie then smashed the other Pinkie's head in.

Rainbow then turned to herself. "Go to Canterlot and find Twilight, we have work to do here." The other Rainbow nodded and flew off. "Let's get started."