
by MuddyHikoku

Chapter 1


Opalescence yawned as the morning sun filtered through the windows, the cat using this time to stretch her limbs and clean her snow-white fur. The ruckus by her cat caused Rarity to wake up as well, letting the sunlight flood her sparkling eyes. As Rarity blinked her grogginess away and began to stretch her hooves out, she remembered the importance of this particular day.

“Oh my goodness Opal, today is the start of Fashion Week!”

Rarity shot up out of her bed, causing Opalescence to fly into the air and crash into the wall.

“Oh sorry darling” Rarity giggled, walking over to peel her cat off the wall. “I’m just excited, this is going to be such a wonderful week! Big name designers often come around and request the most fabulous of dresses from me! Why, last year I made the most beautiful of suits for Fancypants! This will be such a wonderful week!”

Opalescence slid down the wall, pooling at the bottom with a moan. Rarity picked her up and took her to the kitchen for breakfast.

“Ooh, I do hope I can make an impact this week Opal” Rarity confided to her now floppy cat. “This week is my one chance to prove to everypony that I’m a worthy fashion designer and I don’t want to fail. I already have so many orders from some local residents to do though, trying to squeeze in time for a Fashion Week showcase if I’m asked is going to be quite the challenge...Oh, look at me talking such dreary things! I’m sure it’ll be fine”

Once the mare and her cat reached the kitchen, Rarity plopped Opalescense near her food dish. The cat stretched out and sat up, meowing loudly and pointing at her food tray.

“Yes darling, I’m quite hungry too. Let me eat something first darling and I’ll make sure to get you the cat food straight after!” Rarity chirped, opening up her drawers in search of something to cook or eat for her breakfast. Unfortunately for her, all she seemed to find was either dust or tiny scraps of corn. Her pantry was rather lacking since Twilight had been using her house to eat as of late, the lack of a kitchen in Twilight's library meant she often ate with friends during the breakfast hours, and with Rarity stressing out over Fashion Week she had completely forgotten to stock up on groceries.

“Now lets see…” Rarity pondered to herself whilst rifling through her drawers and cupboards. “Don’t have any cherries, out of pancake mix, leftover cake appears to be gone….”

She kept searching, her growling stomach aiding in her impatience to find food. After much scrounging, she ripped open a cupboard to find a bottle of Applejack’s finest cider.

“Oh hello there you!” Rarity remarked. “What are you doing here?”

Rarity had received this bottle of cider as a gift from Applejack, a “thank you” present of sorts after Rarity created her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala. Applejack had mentioned to Rarity that this particular brand of cider contained alcohol in it, stating “It’s the finest cider ol’ Apple Acres has! It’ll help you relax a little!” Rarity was quite grateful that Applejack was willing to give her such a fine drink, but never really intended to drink it. She didn’t drink alcohol, it messed with her ability to create beautiful dresses and she needed all the focus she could get. As a result, she had always saved it as a momento her friendship with Applejack but never touched it.

“I thought you were upstairs in my room, how did you get down here?” Rarity questioned, picking up the bottle with her magic. “Sweetie Belle must have moved it, trying to be helpful I suppose.”

She sighed, taking the bottle back upstairs. “Thank goodness Sweetie Belle is with Applebloom and Scootaloo for some camping thing this week, her “helpfulness” can be so disruptive at times. Oh, but she does try so hard, I should give her more slack…”

Upon placing the bottle back on her dresser, her stomach growled again. It was clear that there was nothing but dust in her pantry no matter how hard she looked.

Rarity sighed. “Right then, I guess I’ll give Pinkie Pie a visit then. She always has the most delicious of cakes. I’ll probably have to go grocery shopping as well to prevent this from happening again...” She grabbed her sewing kit, wanting to do some work during her little food run, and started her trot towards her friend, leaving behind a hungry and annoyed Opalescence at her doorstep.