//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Into the League // by Seth Typofather //------------------------------// Lucian wrestled out of Braum’s iron grip, who seemed to take some degree of offence. “If we just sit here drinkin’ tea and talkin’ with ponies, we won’t stop him before he takes another innocent soul!” “Who are you two talking about?” Cadence interrupted, standing between them. “If it’s something dangerous that devours souls-“ “Not devour, imprison,” corrected the purifier. “And I doubt you might have the help we need.” Shining Armour took his side by his wife and spoke, “I’m actually captain of the royal guard in Canterlot, Equestria’s capital, Cadence and I could get you there to talk about this and summon the Elements of Harmony. We can’t now, the blizzards at night would be too risky to transport you two. And no offence, big guy, a train would be too small for you.” “None taken!” Braum replied with a grin, his poro bouncing on his shoulder. “A rest is always good before going on adventures.” The strongman scratched the poro’s side, which it responded by making an odd sound and a lolling it’s tongue like a dog. Considering the options, Lucian was left with little choice but to accept, if Thresh was out there he knew that monster would be too clever to just steal souls out in the open or from the safety of other homes if ponies did create such tight communities. The best they could hope for was to prepare a letter to send in advance and send it the next morning before departing. They can only hope the others are doing fine. “I told you, I’m not wearing it!” Tryndamere groaned, avoiding a finely crafted robe like it was the plague from a disgruntled Rarity. “Oh yes you are! Tomorrow we are going before royalty and you are going to wear it and like it!” Ashe bellowed, firing off harmless ice sticks to slow him down. As the barbarian slowed down to a snails pace on all fours, his body frigid, he glared at the fashionista. “Bring that any closer, and I swear I will become a nightmare you will only find solace in-“ His threat was stopped short by a slap from Rarity, much to the surprise of Ashe and Twilight. “Brute or not, I will not have you ruining my shop while your wife here has painstakingly assisted me in crafting this for you! Now put it on!”” “Rarity I-“ Twilight stuttered. “No no, darling, I’ve handled far worse. A lady must know when to use brute force on stubborn customers going this far. I know just what he wants to calm himself down.” “You do?” all three asked in unison. “Yes, and I won’t be able to give it to him if he doesn’t behave and wear this robe.” Rarity dangled it before him. “It comes with a matching crown and sword, for ornamental reasons of course.” she cooed. “And if you don’t stop being such a rude grumpy barbarian, you won’t get them.” “Joke’s on you, I am a barbarian,” Tryndamere grunted, being met with Ashe’s eyes freezing him with her icy glare. On second thought, maybe the crown and sword will be worth it. Taking note of this, Twilight turned to Ashe. “You two don’t seem to get along much, do you?” “A few quarrels here and there, but don’t let his rough demeanour fool you, he is actually quite sweet when he’s not acting like a child with a tantrum.” “That reminds me, where has my assistant gotten to?” Rarity thought aloud, using her magic to levitate a crate from the other room. “She was meant to help me with adding finishing touches to ornamental items.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you got a new assistant, what’ her name?” “Sleet, darling. You know something extraordinary too?” Rarity leaned in to her friend and whispered, “She’s blind.” Scratching her mane with a hoof, the princess of friendship had a hard time believing. A fashion assistant who’s blind? “How?” “Oh, she uses her magic to see with heat.” That made some semblance of sense, unicorns were able to use their magical aura to create a form of third eye for vision. It was however a very advanced art. Tryndamre’s grunts of discomfort drowned out her further thoughts as he tried to wear the robe, getting slightly irritated. “Sorry,” a calm voice came from the doorway. “I’m not used to this town, I got lost.” Sleet’s pale blue coat and navy blue mane contrasted with the setting sun, her faded eyes scanning the room with her horn glowing with a white aura levitating a large bag. “Uhm, who are they?” She pointed to Ashe and Tryndamere with a hoof. “Oh how silly of me, I should have mentioned our current customers aren’t from here!” Rarity scolded herself for being so absentminded with such a detail. “The lovely lady here is Ashe and this…handsome man is Tryndamere.” Sleet bowed her head. “Pleased to meet you, judging from the materials imported and the shape of the clothing outline, you’re royalty?” The archer nodded and replied, “We are, you’re- brr…” Ashe rubbed her shoulders, feeling an unnatural chill all over her body. “S-Sorry, did it get colder in here?” “Oh!” the blind pony stopped her horn from glowing, the bag dropping at her side. “Sorry! My vision magic uses heat, ponies know when I’m in their field of vision with the cold they feel, though they don’t notice it right away because pony fur is quite thick.” Sleet gave a kind smile, turning to Rarity with her horn alight once more to raise the bag. “I have the things you asked for, where are the ornamentals?” Rarity smirked, taking advantage of this moment to show off her latest craftwork. Swinging her head to the left, two shining objects floated out of the crate; a golden crown and a silver sword. Tryndamere marvelled at the sword, it may be a slab of silver, but to a barbarian this was every weapon-based fantasy. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time, Rarity!” gasped Twilight, gawking at the crown. “I know, right?!” she giggled in response. “Miss Rarity,” Sleet began, levitating two bright blue crystals, they seemed to be able to fit perfectly on her front of the crown and on the blade of the sword. “Will these do? I came across these after traversing near the Everfree.” They seemed to glow. “Why were you near that place? From what we’ve seen the place is full of monsters,” Tryndamere grunted. “I’m aware,” the blind pony bluntly replied, saying no more. “These gems will do fabulously, darling!” Rarity exclaimed after inspecting them closely. “Will this be ready by tomorrow?” Sleet nodded, levitating the sword, crown and gems into the next room. “Not very talkative is she?” Twilight finally spoke up. “She prefers to keep to herself.” Rarity shrugged. “Now, will you behave and let me finish the finer details?” “Fine,” groaned Tryndamere. Lugging his true ice club behind him, Trundle grumbled to himself. Nothing to eat or drink in this cave, it was rather homely though. Though what irritated him even more was his current task; carve a stone throne for Lissandra before she returns. It was either be her slave or be frozen to death to be a statue for her amusement, a choice he wasn’t too keen on picking between. On one hand, he could be free but dead, on the other alive but enslaved. “If I had my way, why I oughta…” Swinging his club in a rage, the troll king pulverised the cave wall. Spitting at the floor after his mighty swing, Trundle swung his club upwards to summon an ice pillar. “Strike one,” he grunted while swinging at it, replacing the visage of the pillar with Lissandra’s face and shattering it. Another pillar. “Strike two.” Another swing. Focusing hard, Trundle raised another pillar, this time in the shape of Lissandra’s outline. Trundle grinned. “Strike three, you’re out!”