A changeling in the beginning.

by inum76

Chapter eight: The years after.

Chapter eight: The years after.

Stella became extra protective of Fluttershy. She quit her job, as Chaser had once suggested she do. She just did not show up for work, and Chaser had to give the news of her leaving, and why. Stella was too grief stricken to leave her other one for even a day, so she was not coming back any time soon.

Chaser also gave the news to Floater and Summer. Both were quite shocked with the news. Summer felt disappointed for her own reasons. It meant her own foal would not have the other two around to play with near every day as planed.

Both Floater and Summer felt for Chaser and Stella's loss. Floater and Summer knew that Triumph was not really theirs, but they also could see how they thought of her. They treated Triumph with care, and did not seem demanding nor forceful With Triumph as some foster parents can be, with one not their own. This was far from the case with Chaser and Stella, as the two could see.

They also felt they too would miss seeing Triumph all together. Her true form was shocking to them, but they did like her personality.

Chaser also gave the news to two others. Patience, and Kicker. Being much alike, they too took the news hard. Patience knew Triumph better than Kicker, but neither one liked hearing such news. And Kicker felt it a loss in not getting a chance to know her better.

News spread that Chaser and Stella's other foal that once was thought gone, now truly is. The news spread to even their own parents, who came to see them.

Little could even Stella's parents say, could console her, and get her to move on. They could see she was not herself. Her fun loving, perky self is missing to them, and only her caring and reserved side seem to remane.

Two years past as each of the three tried to live with the past behind them.

But Stella mostly, could not. Stella coddled Fluttershy far too much as far as Chaser saw it. He felt concerned for both of them.

They also had less bits for a time, due to only one working now.

Stella did feel badly about this, but she only wanted her little Fluttershy with her always, and would not leave her. Chaser took it upon himself to support the family financially on his own. He did not mind it as much as Stella would think. He did suggest shy stay home at first.

Though in time he wished not so much that Stella worked again, so he would not be the only one working. He wanted her to get back to work to help her to have something else on her mind than moping at home so much.  

Stella did everything for Fluttershy that Fluttershy would let her do. There were many times when even Fluttershy wanted her own space, and do things on her own. But she loved her mom dearly. And she saw how sad Stella got when she didn't feel needed.

Part of this Fluttershy loved about her mom. She could feel her mom's own need to be of use to her. She knew her mom loved her, and wished to be able to care for her.

Fluttershy felt sorry for her mom at times. She did not like seeing her mom sad. So the two compromised on some things. One that was of no compromise was to let Stella hold her whenever Stella was feeling the need to. That was something Fluttershy could not bring herself to deny her mom. She knew Stella was still in pain over losing her real Fluttershy, and needed the occasional comfort.

Stella wished too much to feel her Fluttershy is still safe at home, to have, and hold her.

She got possessive and paranoid that something might happen to her little filly. Wither she got sick and died, or that something, or even some pony might come and take her away. Part of her mind did still register who Fluttershy really is, and her other past clan still may one day come for her. Stella cringed at that thought too.

Stella would wake up with this awful feeling at times, that Fluttershy was missing. She would go and check, just to find her still safe in her room, or living room, or just getting something to eat on her own.

This worry was wearing on Stella. She at times would have panic attacks if Fluttershy was out of sight for too long.

They each did what they could to comfort each other, without smothering each other too much. Chaser was mostly there to witness it all. He saw Stella cling to Fluttershy as a fleeting comfort that could not completely dull the pain inside for long.

He knew this was not doing any of them any good. And try as she might, Stella fell into a deeper depression each passing month.

This affected Fluttershy poorly as well. Stella projector her fears onto Fluttershy, that something bad might happen to her little filly, and wished to keep her close and safe always.

At times, even Fluttershy would develop the occasional panic attack, that something might get her. Be it some monster, or even one of her own past clan. She even started to develop a distrust of anyone who came in the home. Fearing they too might be one of her own from her past clan, coming to get her.

This fear of the unknown wormed its way into Fluttershy's mind, and created a paranoia in her of the outside.

Kicker and Misty would show on occasion, but it was far too little to make a big impact. Fluttershy just didn't get enough contact with other different ponies to feel safe around all too many she did not know. But their visits did brighten her day when they did come over.

Kicker saw how sad Fluttershy looked some days, and told jokes and stories to try and cheer her up. Though Kicker was of no real relation to her, he did like to think of himself as her big, goofy, fun-loving uncle.

As he sat in the living room he came up with what he could. "How many unicorns does it take to run a farm?"

Fluttershy would just shake her head.

Kicker leaned over. "None. They always have the earth ponies do it for them."

Fluttershy was not all too amused with this one.

Chaser butted in. "Come on Kicker. You're not even trying."

Kicker waved him off with a hoof. "OK Fluttershy, try this one. What happened when the farmers left it up to the wind to make their wind mill work?"

Fluttershy shook her head again.

Kicker smiled. "The wind blew it!"

Chaser shook his own head in response. "That was as bad as the last one."

Fluttershy started giggling to herself, and repeated Kicker's last statement. "The wind blew it."

Kicker's smile broadened. "See she got it. So, how about this one. What happened when a bunch of weather ponies stopped some bad weather that wanted to stay in town?"

Fluttershy shook her head another time.

Kicker chuckled a bit before answering. "It stormed out!"

Fluttershy giggled again as her mood improved.

Kicker chuckled again himself. "Oh' I got a million of them!"

Chaser responded, "We know."

Talk continued for a time till Kicker waved Chaser to follow him out of the room. Chaser excused himself as he followed Kicker into the master bedroom.

Chaser closed the door and walked over to Kicker who waited for him. "OK Kicker, what is it?"

Kicker whispered, so as not to be heard by any other in the house. "I know what is going on. I had my suspicions, but I am sure now. I would be darn surprised if Patience doesn't know as well. But I will not tell her if she doesn't. Not even if she asks me."

Chaser has no idea what Kicker is speaking of. "So what do you think is going on?"

Kicker leaned in closer and whispered lower. "That is not Fluttershy."

Chaser took a step back quickly "What!"

Kicker took a step forward and continued to whisper. "Don't give me a what. The signs are all there. Sure I act like a goof for fun. Even Misty mostly only sees my comical side. And I don't wish to change that with her. But you know me best bro. Don't kid a kidder."

Chaser sighed in defeat, "OK. So, how did you find out? I mean, if you found out, I need to know how."

Kicker got serious, but did smile a little to reassure Chaser. "Don't worry of others finding out. It was hard for me to tell, but... Part of it has to do with Stella. She has been on the rag for much too long.

"Now, I know she loved that new found foal you found, and still does. However. The two of you only had her for, what? Less than two days before you both lost her the way you did.

"I am not saying that this would not have affected Stella badly. But grieving for two years for losing a foal that was not hers, and only knew for part of two days. It does not add up to me.

"Unless... It was really Fluttershy you both lost, and Triumph is playing stand in, for some reason. I am not going to ask why she is. I think I know."

Chaser felt Kicker is right about that most any they knew well, might figure that much out too. That is, they know what Triumph, now Fluttershy, really is. Chaser also felt Kicker is not done. "So, what else tipped you off? I know there is more."

Kicker look over at the door then back to Chaser. "Fluttershy... Now, again, don't worry. I would not have figured it out if it was not for what I do know, about both Fluttershy and Triumph.

Chaser relaxed a bit. "OK. Shoot. What is it that you knew about them?"

Kicker could see Chaser is taking of him knowing about this, a little better. He continued to whisper. "You told me what Triumph is like. Actually, so did Misty. You said she is real smart. You also told me of what Triumph told you about her clan, and she didn't wish you to find them. That is one foal who can think things through. There is that.

"Misty said she saw Triumph seemed smart for a foal as well, for the short time Misty did see her. Misty also said she seemed observant, listened well, and also got upset easy. So far, that has been Fluttershy now, not as Fluttershy was. That was the other tip off.

"And it is not just because she is older now. I noticed it a while back. Fluttershy was not as engaged in what was going on with more complex issues, not like Triumph was. Not at first.

“Then for Fluttershy suddenly having Triumph's personality, right after losing her, as young of a foal as she was? That does not add up to me either.

“I don't think Fluttershy would have been around her long enough to be able to copy her so well. And wasn't it Triumph the one with the gift for copping at that age?

"Stella has been the big tip off as well, most of all now. So, I know."

Chaser shook his head. "You are right. And with all of that, I too would be surprised if Patience didn't know as well. But I don't intend to ask her if she knows, just incase she indeed doesn't."

Kicker put a hoof on Chaser's shoulders. "I am so sorry about all of this. I can't even imagine what you are feeling about all of this. Losing your own foal, and having another taking her place. As I said, I don't need to know why. Just, I'm sorry.

"These past two years must have been real rough on you. Just know, I am still on your side. Nothing is going to change that."

Chaser put a hoof on Kicker's shoulder in turn. "Thanks. Actually, it is a part relief knowing that you know. This means that I don't have to try and hide it from you, each time you come over. I am glad to know you as a friend."

Kicker just smiled. "Say, you would do this for me. I know you would. And I am kind of back to square one with your foal again. I get to lie to everyone about what I do know, and it is to help a friend in need. What more could I ask for?" He finished with a sheepish grin, that betrayed his more serious side.

Chaser put his hoof down. "If I didn't know you better, I would ask if you could actually ever get serious about anything."

Kicker chuckled to that, as he put his own hoof down. "OK, let's get to the others, before they wonder all the more as to what we are up to, and talking about"

The two left the room to join the others.

After several months later, Fluttershy felt confused as to what she wanted. She knew she wanted more in her life, but over time felt too afraid of a change to her comfort zone, of being safe at home with Stella and Chaser. It was filling her with a frustration, that she did not know what she wanted.

Freedom and the outside was calling to her, all the more she stepped out for a time. But she could not step out on her own to explore, not that Stella let her, not without her around right at Fluttershy's side.

Going out did not happen often. She also had that fear of something bad might happen, that burdened her as well, with the idea of going out on her own.

In time Fluttershy didn't know what else in life she felt she needed, or is missing, only that there is something missing.

Whenever she felt this way, she would seek out her mom. It help for a short time, but did not last, and she would be feeling like something is missing again.  

Patience came to make regular visits, at least once a month. Nither her, or anyone else was informed of the truth about Fluttershy. As far as anyone knew, other than Kicker, Triumph was the one killed on the day that Chaser and Stella lost a foal.

Patience, even with making check ups on Fluttershy did not know for sure if it was really the changeling in disguise. Patience truly felt Triumph the changeling was gone, and only Fluttershy the pony remained of the two unusual sisters. As for her own assumptions, she never brought it up with Chaser or Stella as Kicker did.

Patience talked to Chaser about what she saw going on with Fluttershy and Stella, just the same. "Both of them are healthy enough. But this staying home most of the time is not good for either one. I can't do much for them mentally. This is beyond my teachings. Both of them are broken, but mostly Stella.

"Fluttershy I can see wishing to do more with her life, but Stella refuses to let her go. They both need help, in ways I can't give. I think you need to have a serious talk with Stella about it. For both their sake. Maybe even to go seek help for them. I am very worried about them both, and you should be too."

Chaser continued to worry about them as Patience did. Finally one day he confronted Stella about it. "Stella, You can't keep living like this. It's not healthy, and it is not doing Fluttershy any favors either.

“You keep yourself and her in this house most all the time. She needs to learn to live outside these walls. And you need to do so again as well. This has been going on for far too long."

Stella knew he is right.

She wondered as to what she has been doing all this time. I have not done Fluttershy any favors he tells me. Have I hurt her in some way, by not letting her out enough?

Stella worried more herself about this thought. She wondered if what she has been doing has actually had a bad effect on Fluttershy.

She did not wish to think about such things before. After a while as she did think about it. She came to grips that she did do harm to Fluttershy. He is right, I have. She has not learned how to function out there on her own. It is not always easy. I have only made things harder for her. And all because I couldn't let go.

Chaser continued his argument. "You can't keep pretending she is a pony like us either, or continuing to use her to get over what has happened. It’s not right! And it has not worked anyway. I can see it hasn't. You must let go!

“If not for yourself, do it for her. I don't wish to see you both like this anymore. You need to get back on your hooves and live. And you need to let her do the same.

Stella thought more on his words. Yes, after all this time I still feel miserable about what has happened. I have not learned to let go and move on in my life. And I have been using Flut... Triumph to avoid facing what I actually lost. We both need to move on.

Over the past few weeks Stella learned to let go a little more each day. She got better after a month.

Stella consider the situation she created with Fluttershy going out. It took time, but she was able to reason that Fluttershy has not known what it is like outside these walls for far too long, and Stella knew it was her own fault. Will she be able to handle it out there? She must be aloud to try. She kept telling herself this.

Stella braved the situation on letting Fluttershy outside the home, and alone.

She took it upon herself to go back to work as well. She found at work they held her position for her, and kept her privileges in tact. She did not lose her pay rate or her vacation time. They only had it written that she was on an extended leave without pay. She was able to return as if nothing has changed. Stella felt very grateful for that.

Her fellow workers welcomed her back, and thought best not to mention anything to her as to why she was gone. So Stella's work life slipped back to normal for her, in time.

Fluttershy did leave to see the world again on her own, without Stella around. As she did, she felt insecure about herself. She knew she was not like any of them out there. And part of her is afraid of them.

She was no longer a little foal anymore, but now a filly of near three years of age. She felt self conscious for not knowing if any would accept her, or if she could fool them into believing she is a pegasus like them.

She did not do so well in making any friends, though none could tell of her true identity.

In every attempt she tried to get to know them, she met with failure. She was given the chance to go out. But by all this time, she has grown apprehensive to mingle. Looking about at all the others, all she was is nervous.

On one of her first attempts, Fluttershy walked up to a group of three fillies talking together. As she got closer she could see them eyeing her as they talked, but for the most part ignored her. Fluttershy was fully aware they knew she is there so she decided she might as well introduce herself.

As she got closer she could hear some snickering after one looked to her again. This did not help Fluttershy's nerves any. She got to them slowly and took a deep breath. Come on Fluttershy, you can do this.

The other three knew of her, but didn't really know her, and thought she was silly in her rather clumsy approach.

Fluttershy got right up to them, then raised her head higher to greet them better. "Hello. My name is Fluttershy. Wo... Would any of you like to be my Friend," Fluttershy finished saying with a grin.

The other three laughed and took off into the air together. Fluttershy thought to herself, Well that could have gone better I think.

Fluttershy was not about to let this little disappointment end her day of trying, and she moved off to another pony she saw near by. This was a brown colt who looked like he is doing some stretching. Fluttershy took another deep breath. Come on Fluttershy, you can do it this time. This one is by himself. You might have a better chance with this one.

Fluttershy felt a little more determined and approached with more conviction. When she got to him she spoke right up. "Hello. My name if Fluttershy. Who are you?

This colt didn't like to be interrupted as he prepares himself for a hard flight, and not by some strange filly. He turned to her with visible annoyance. "Look, can't you see I am busy?"

He pointed off in any given direction, he didn't care where. "Beet it! Go bug! someone else."

Fluttershy quickly trotted away. Well, that was rood. He didn't have to be so gruff. I won't bother him again. 

The last thing he said stuck in her mind, Go bug someone else. 

Fluttershy didn't care for the bug reference at all. It was what Stella first called her. I'm not a bug.

This went on as she tried with four others. She got discouraged and spent some time alone, till it was time to go home. She went home feeling this day was a bust. She hoped the next day would be different.

Sprinkle Medley is there out with the others each day. She saw Fluttershy, but kept a distance. She remembered Fluttershy's sister Triumph. They never came back to visit since the first time, and Sprinkle Medley has had a few nightmares of what she saw Triumph turn into for just that one short moment. It was not long, but long enough to make Sprinkle Medley nervous herself of even Fluttershy now, knowing that she once lived with such a thing.

Sprinkle Medley kept silent of what she saw that day. She didn't wish to sound crazy to the others by telling of what she did see.

She did remember that the three of them did have fun together, when they were at her home that one time. But the nightmares haunted her, and she just didn't know what to think about Fluttershy anymore. Not even with Fluttershy's sister gone, the one she thought is gone, is no longer around anymore.

Fluttershy kept having it hard to be out with others again. She headed out for another day and learned the cruelty of others her age. Some teased her for being a homebody and not knowing what being around others is like, or what to say to anyone. They took it upon themselves to show her that ignorance they saw in her.

She wished to fit in but just couldn't. She even tried to fly like she saw the others doing, just to try and fit in. Every time she tried, she choked. Her fear of the past and present hit her every time, and she was unable to concentrate enough to fly. She was teased for this as well.

This went on for three more weeks. Each day her resolve dwindled a little more. She didn't understand what she was doing wrong, in getting any to like her. Each attempt she made got worse.

Some days she would not even bother to try, and just walked around by herself for the day.

A few did feel sorry for her in time, even some that did tease her before. They felt so bad about what they did, they just left her alone from then on. They didn't know what to say to her, and did not wish to pick on her anymore. She was just odd to them as a pegasus, and didn’t really care to know her. They just pitied her instead.

Fluttershy would at times come home crying to her mother. Stella was all too eager to hold her and help make her feel better.

Fluttershy wished the the other ponies could be as kind as her mother and father is to her.

Stella however did not keep this up for long. She insisted that Fluttershy go out and try again. And so Fluttershy did, again, and again. Only due to the insistence of her mother.

Each time she went out though, she felt less like doing so, or talking to anyone when out.

One day Fluttershy got up enough nerve to try and talk to one she had not tried with before. A deep yellow filly with a short scruffy blond mane by the name of Amber. Amber was talking to the same brown colt Fluttershy tried to talk to her first day out. She never got his name, but she knew her name.

As with everyone shy tried to meet, she did not know much about them. She got a name or two, and she got an idea for who hung out with who. She even got to figure out a little of what each seemed to like doing. But none of that helped her in the past few week.

She knew Amber is a strong flyer, and is friends with the colt Fluttershy said to herself she would not bother again. She thought she could ignore the colt and try and talk to Amber anyways. As she got closer to them her nervousness was become noticeable to the two she approached.

Fluttershy got up to them and talked with a weak and hard to hear faint-stuttering voice, almost to the point they could barely tell Fluttershy was speaking at all.

Fluttershy hoped things might go differently this time, and it did.

Amber got more irate with Fluttershy than any other has before, even more than the colt Amber hung out with. And even after everything others had said to Fluttershy in the past, this response by both of them, this time, shocked Fluttershy the most.

Amber spoke first, and with a nasty, harsh, disapproval to her voice. "Listen you flightless, pathetic, stuttering, spazz, why don't you get a clue, that nopony here likes you. Do us all a favor and jump off a cloud or something. Go do that, so none of us has to so much as look at you anymore."

Fluttershy felt so hurt she just stood there stunned, and started to tear up, right then and there.

Amber saw this and felt like pushing a little more. She felt like having fun with this, now that she got Fluttershy worked up. She tilted her head some to mock her. "Ah, did that upset you?"

She stood up taller while still taunting. "Oh' wittle baby gonna cry to her mommy again? You poor insignificant wisp. Go home and cry to mommy then, you lame excuse for a pegasus, it's all you seem to be good at!"

Fluttershy wished to turn and run, but felt unable to move at this moment. She just stood there as she got more upset. Fluttershy's face winced as she choked out a couple of more tears. She tried to hold them in, but was unable to.

The brown colt felt like getting in on this. Seeing that Fluttershy did not up and leave right away, he decided to up the ante. "Yea, why don't you get yourself eaten just like your sister did. Ha!"

At this Fluttershy felt beyond hurt, she was quite mortified. She tensed up as a wave of emotions hit her like a crashing tsunami, threatening to smash any sense of self worth she may have, and wash it away completely.

Fluttershy had not imagined she could feel worse then the time she lost her sister, or that others could be this cruel about it. To actually wish another to be eaten, mostly one as kind as her sister, was unthinkable to Fluttershy.

Amber added her last two bits that broke the dam holding Fluttershy back from breaking apart completely. "Yes, go get yourself eaten. As food for something, is all you would be good for.

“At least by that, you would make something happy, for even a moment while you lasted for it. That is, if it don't choke to death on your scrawny body. Heck, you probably couldn't even do that right, in being good to feed something, you good for nothing."

After, the two laughed while leaning on each other in a giggling fit with each other. Then they took off still laughing.

Fluttershy continued to stand there as she felt her own emotions break her down. She turned to the one comfort she felt she has in this world. Home. And intended never to talk to or bother another again.

Fluttershy rushed into the house. Her mother was gone at this time as usual. She would have to wait till both her parents got back home. And depending on the job they were to be doing, they could be out for much longer than the usual time.

Fluttershy cried to herself as she had many times before. But this time she was broken, and defeated. Nothing Stella or Chaser could say would convince her to approach others again. Or that going out was a good thing for her to do.

Those last two, not only mocked her, but mocked her sister, the real Fluttershy. She wished so much that her sister was still here.

Fluttershy looked at herself. She has change some as she grew up. Her body is overall a little bigger. She lifted a wing to have a good look at it. I am a pegasus, and yet I am not. I don't know what I am. It doesn't matter, I just want my sister. If only she was here. I could be happy. Mom and Dad are great, but I still miss having my sister around.

Fluttershy tucked her head under her wing and cried more. How can I ever be like them. I can't, because I am not.

And only my sister was the only one my age that didn't care I was not like them.

I can tell even Medley won't have anything to do with me. And I thought she liked my sister and me. I guess not. Even while looking like my sister, she won't come near to see me. There is none out there for me now.

Fluttershy thought of the rest of her family. Home was her only comfort now, she felt. Mom come home soon. 

It was an early day for Stella and Chaser. They both felt happy at getting to go home early. This happiness is short lived as they walked through the front door, to find a sobbing Fluttershy lying down in the middle of the room again.

They grew tired of coming home to find Fluttershy feeling hurt. None of this was right to them, and they didn't blame Fluttershy for it. Stella blamed herself, and Chaser blamed the other youths outside.

This time Fluttershy was crying harder than ever before. She seem more than a little upset over a few unkind words, or facing rejection again. This was much worse, and it troubled both her parents.

Stella was the first who rushed to her side, as Chaser closed the door. Chaser questioned to himself, What in Equestria did they say to her this time? I had not seen her like this. Not since... Her sister was taken.

This thought gave Chaser the shivers. He slowly and silently joined Stella who is already holding Fluttershy to her.

Stella tried to console her. "Hush now, it'll be alright. I got you, my sweet little angel."

Fluttershy shook her head and sobbed some more into Stella's chest. "It'll never be alright, I can't ever face them again. Please don't make me do it. I can't take it. They are just so mean. I can't believe some of what the last two said to me, today. I can't do this anymore! I just can't!"

Stella teared up at seeing Fluttershy hurting so much. Chaser was getting angry, but talked to Fluttershy calmly. "What did they say to you sweetie."

Fluttershy wailed as she cried. "They told me no pony likes me, and I be better of dead!"

She choked and gagged as she tried to speak through some heavy breathing. Nearly choking to exhaustion, on the spot, barely able to speak with each hard breath she took. "They told me... I should go... get myself eaten... like my sister was... And then... they laughed... at me about it... It was horrible! They were horrible... And I never... want to see... them again... Never!"

Fluttershy looked to them both while pleading as if her very life depended on it. "Please. Please! Don't send me out there again. I'm not like them, and I never will be. Mom, dad, I don't want to hurt like this anymore." Fluttershy looked to them both with grief stricken worrie. She felt so afraid of having to step out those doors again.

Both Stella and Chaser were beside themselves with disbelief.

Stella heald Fluttershy tighter and gave her a long squeeze as she said, "Oh' honey, I am so sorry you had to go through that. No, we won't make you try and talk to any of them again."

At this point Chaser was well beyond angry, he was seething mad. He was not this mad since the moment he killed the wyvern. He grit his teeth as he tried his best to hold back what he was feeling. "Fluttershy. Tell me. Who told you something like this!"

After a short moment, without thinking clearly, Fluttershy blurted out, "It was Amber, and her brown colt friend. Whoever he is." Fluttershy went back to crying into Stella's chest.

Chaser grit his teeth more, as a mean snear formed on his face. He raised a hoof chest high, and shook it with frustration. He next got up quickly. He made a sudden move for the door.

Stella got worried. She saw the look on his face as he got up. He looked like he was going out to kill some pony. "Star Chaser! What do you intend on doing!?"

Chaser made a quick glance over to Stella, with rage still planted on his face. This Fluttershy did not see, as her face was buried against Stella, but did hear him. "I am going to do something about this. No pony should talk to another like that ever. And no pony should have to be put through what she has," He stated as he pointed to Fluttershy.

He finished before storming out. "I am going to have a few words, with some select parents about the conduct of their young. This was beyond being just insensitive, this was downright cruel!" He turned and was out the door in a hurry.

Stella knew there was no stopping him, and she didn't want too. She just held, and cradled her crying Fluttershy in silence, while feeling terrible herself.

Fluttershy had a moment of concern about her father, and what he might do. She could hear it in his voice just how angry he is. She let it go, and felt it best not to question his actions. Not now, of all times.


Chaser stood outside his door, not sure which direction to go in first. He felt he should find the parents first, then their young.

The colt Hoops's parents live closer, so he headed for them first. With a push off he fought back the urge to become violent with the parents. That is with Rumble. He knew that would not solve the issue, and would only send the wrong message. Though he did feel like taking his anger out on someone, or something. Restraining his need to vent, he felt is going to be as hard as watching his little Fluttershy cry.

He got to the home of Rumble and Clear Water. Chaser landed then walked to the door. Without so much as knocking he just shouted. "Rumble! Come out here! I need to have a word with you, now!"

Shortly after a gray stallion with a brown mane opened the door. "What's this about?" He was not happy with Chaser's tone of voice while calling him.

Clear Water a light blue mare with a light green mane came to Rumble's side, near the door. She did her best to see who is here. "Why Chaser, it's you. I'd not be expecting you. What has got you so worked up?"

Chaser wished not to dally, and is in no mood for idle pleasantries. "Come with me, and you both will find out. But first we must collect a few others that must know as well."

Chaser tuned to take off when Ruble spoke. "Now wait just a darn minute. Who are we getting, and why?"

Chaser stopped just to answer that first question. He did not bother to turn back around to face them. "We are going after Foghorn and Gusty Winds. And your respective young. Now let's get going!"

Chaser took off not even looking to see if he is being followed. He did hear movement of wings behind him that told him they are behind him. So, he picked up his pace to his next destination.

It did not take long at his pace to reach the next home. Work hours are not yet over on many jobs for those in the morning shift. He got lucky, that the first two on his list is home early, like he was. He knew this might not be the case, with the other two. He intended to find out soon.

As he got to the door he bellowed as before. "Foghorn! I need you to come out!"

Rumble landed and walked right up to Chaser, while wanting answers. "So who got your feathers ruffled?"

A moment before Chaser answered, Foghorn opened his door. "Now what is with all this ruckus. It's so a fellow can't even think around here. I was expecting a pleasant day home, but you gone and done disturbed my peace. What's eaten ya?"

Chaser still in a bad mood, answered them both. He first turned to Rumble and pointed a hoof at him. "Your boy!" Then he swung his hoof around to point at Foghorn and faced him while doing so. "And your daughter! Now come with me. We have to find them."

Chaser still did not wait to see if any are following as he took off again.

Gusty Winds a white mare with dark blue main came out after hearing the commotion, and saw Chaser taking off. She had the least idea as to what is going on. But as she saw the others take off after Chaser, she decided to just tag along.

Chaser knew the young ones well enough. He knew both as ambitious flyers. Competitive and willful. Not a bad combination for any pegasus, as far as Chaser is concerned.

But their actions is not the way for any in a community that depends on one another, in his opinion. He would see to it that their attitude in that respect, changed. He also had a good idea of where to find them. Flying the obstacle circuit.

He made his way to it. He took a moment to scout around. Several were buzzing about as they built up their flying skills. One light Blue filly with a prismatic main flew past in a flash. She almost ran right into Chaser.

In an attempt to avoid hitting this red stallion in her way, at her speed she lost control and ran right into a wall, and got stuck in it for a moment, before pulling herself out. 

A familiar voice of one known colt could be heard by Chaser. The one he is looking for. "Smooth landing Rainbow Crash! I see you haven't lost your touch. Still running into everything in sight. At least your not as pathetic as that hopeless Klutzershy. At least you can fly. Sort of. Ha! Ha."

Chaser went right back to fuming after hearing Hoops voice mocking others, including his own Fluttershy again. He flew right up to Hoops.

Amber landed right next to Hoops, but after she recognized Chaser she felt she made a mistake, and tuned to take off.

As Amber reopened her wings in an attempt to take off, she heard the voice of her mother calling her. "Not so fast young lady!"

The other adults landed as Chaser addressed them. "Bring your children. We will talk elsewhere." Chaser took off again.

Rumble is getting more annoyed with all this flying around with no answers. He looked down at Hoops with disappointment. He knew he was behind all of this. "You! Come with us. I intend to find out just what is going on. And I know you are at the heart of it."

Gusty Winds approached Amber. "You two. I know not what is going on, but if Hoops is involved, and by the way you were trying to get away from Chaser. I assume you have something to do with this as well."

The four adults, and two young took off after Chaser. Chaser landed a distance outside of Cloudsdale’s main perimeter. He felt this is far enough.

As the others landed Foghorn started up. "I say you got some explaining to do. Leaden us all the way out her like this. You would think we is staring some kind of secret meeting or something. What I would like-"

Gusty cut him off. "Will you stop yammering and let him talk!? I think we all would like to know what this is all about."

Foghorn started up again. "Well, land sakes! I was just-"

Gusty cut him off one more time "I said shut it!"

Rumble begun his questions. "I know my son is involved, as you said. So, what did he do to warrant all of this? And this better be worth bringing all of us out here."

Chaser looking not any more happy than when he first showed up at his home spoke sharply. "Your little ones have been picking on Fluttershy. More than before. And this time-"

Rumble cut him off. "Is that all! It is just kids being kids. So what's a little teasing. We all been through it. Never hurt me none. She just got to be a bit less sensitive is all. She has got to learn the world is not easy, or is going to bend for her."

Chaser got furious again. He lashed out with his words. "Don't give me that crap! I know just how hard life can be. I am a storm chaser after all. And I just lost a foal. You think losing a foal is easy to take!? You are not feeding me that line of life is hard, and do nothing about this, this time. You are not sweeping this aside like some small snow flurry you can forget ever happened."

Chaser took a step forward, as Rumble took a step back. "I had to kill the beast myself that took my precious foal from me. I don't intend to lose another one."

Rumble stopped, wishing not to be pushed around. But he could feel Chasers anger, and it was not something he wished to mess with at the moment.

He stood his ground just the same. "Calm down. Hoops couldn't have said anything all that bad."

Chaser sneered in his face. "Simple teasing is what you think this is about? If I have too, I will go to the Equestrian council about this.

“I may even get Princess Celestia involved. Do you think she will wish to know this sort of thing is going on unchecked in her kingdom? You very well know she of all ponies will not be happy about it. Not this level of teasing. Not one bit.

“She has much more important things to do, than deal with some domestic disputes. But I am quite sure she will do something with this! situation though, if I bring it to her attention personally."

Rumble is visibly looking nervous. "You would take this to the Princess? Madness! What could they possibly have said? Nothing could have been all that drastic. Not to get her involved."

Chaser grit his teeth. He pointed to the children. "Both of what they said is madness! I will tell you, as a valued Storm Chaser, who many depend on those like me, I can get in to see her.

“You, right now, am making me very tempted to go to her about this matter." He finished saying in a rage, while stomping his hoof down, "Right Now!"

Chaser backed off a bit. He took a few steps and tried to calm himself before he spoke again. "But I rather handle this discreetly if I can. I don't wish to upset Fluttershy or Stella even more by bringing this out in the open, and making a public spectacle, and trial out of it. But I will, if you don't take this seriously.

“I have a feeling Celestia might deal with this herself, without a full trial. Or she might bring it to one, just to make a point. I Don’t know. And that, I don't want to have happen. That is why I am come to you all about this now. Instead of going to her."

Chaser took a deep breath, to calm himself some more. "I know Celestia will listen to me if I do go to her. I am giving you a chance to hear me out first, before I go that far with this. It should not go that far. Not for something like this."

Rumble relented. "OK, OK, what did happen exactly? What did those two say to her that was so bad?"

Chaser feeling anger again over thinking of what was said, he lashed out with his words again, as he pointed at the children once more. "Your brats just told Fluttershy she should go kill herself! What is worse is they dragged her sister into it, by saying that she should get herself eaten like her sister did."

Three of the other adults gasped. Even Rumble felt surprised at this, but was not as moved as the other three.

Chaser could see their reactions as he continued. "I should not have to tell you just how disgustingly vile that is to say to another pony, especially to a little filly who is having a hard time trying to fit in.

“Not only that, but as sensitive as she is, as you pointed out Rumble, she is still dealing with the loss of her sister! Even now. Both Stella and Fluttershy is.

“This is the first time in two years both of them has has the nerve to face the world again. The words of those two brats is not helping."

Rumble looked down. "I see."

Chaser shook his head. "No! I don't think you do see yet! I would have both your families on charges for neglectful parenting, if Fluttershy had killed herself over this. I don't want to lose another in my family because your two brats don't know how to treat others right, and drive her or another to suicide one day. Over what you would say is just a little teasing."

Chaser took a step forward again. "Stella is not taking any of this all too well either. Learn to control your brats, or I will find a way to myself."  

Amber looked up to her Mother, and wished to talk in her own defense. "Mom I was just kidding. I did not mean what I said. That crybaby was being annoying and-"

Gusty now got angry with Amber. "Shut it! Star Chaser it right. What you said to Fluttershy is disgraceful. And you even disgrace your family with such talk."

Gusty took a deep breath and addressed Chaser. "Chaser I will make my daughter give an apology to Fluttershy right now. Your whole family has every right to be angry about what she said to Fluttershy."

Rumble agreed on this action, to at least get this matter over with. "I will have Hoops do the same."

Chaser was not impressed, mostly with Rumble. He held out a hoof. "Save it. Fluttershy doesn't wish to see anyone. Least of all these two again, any time soon. Besides as kind and caring as she is, she was hurt badly by them, I don't think she would wish to just up and forgive them on a simple apology. And I will not make her."

Chaser looked to the ground in thought. After, he addressed them again. "I don't want the four of you to punish them with a time out or something. This is much bigger than that. By the way they are now there would be no point to make them give out empty, insincere apologies they may not understand, or care as to why they are giving it.

"I do want you all to make them understand remorse, and to feel guilt over possibly driving another pony to die, with their cruel words. Get them to value the lives of others around them, not just brush others aside as so much garbage they don't need to have around.

"If you can manage that, I can forgive you for not raising them right the first time. And maybe I can even forgive them in time too."

Chaser gave an angry glare at each of them. "But mark my words. If you can't control them, and can't get them to understand what they did wrong, and why, I will take this matter to a higher authority. We will then see who I may contact makes of all this, then."

The rest of them stood in thought.

Hoops and Amber both blame Fluttershy for opening her mouth. Though looking around at the adults, they know punishment of some sort is coming soon, they just don't know what yet.

Foghorn spoke up. "I tell you, I see your point. Not much use in just apologizing for something like this. Gusty and I will make sure Amber fully understands what she did wrong. You can mark my words on it. She will see the light, even if we have to tan her hide till it glows.

“She will also learn the meaning of teamwork, and that no pony is a nation all on to his or her self. Why I-

Gusty interrupted him. "That is enough. I am sure Chaser gets the idea, without you going on about it."

She then addressed Chaser. "We will make sure Amber knows the gravity of what she did."

Chaser nodded back.

Amber gave a shiver as she heard what at least a part of her punishment will be.

Hoops is still unsure what his parents might have in store for him. He did feel for Amber's situation though. He wonders if his fate would be the same.

His dad did not always go easy on him. Darn it. That good for nothing Fluttershy! She will never be one of us, if she is going to be this touchy. Now we have to pay because she can't handle being like us. Man this sucks. She will pay for this. I will see to it, no matter what my dad does. I will never let this down.

Each of the parents took their young home, to decide on what to do with them.

After they left, Chaser went back home as well.


Gusty and Foghorn got Amber home, while talking over what to do about her on the way. First on the list was the physical punishment. Then they decided to ground her for a week. They almost consider it to be a month, but they didn't want to be too hard on her. Just enough punishment to let her know she did wrong.

As they got into the door they had a short sit down with Amber.

Gusty shook her head. "Well, you did it now young lady. I am almost tempted to not let you see Hoops anymore. I know the two of you get along well. But if this is how you are going to behave while with him, I will put a stop to it myself. Do you understand me?"

Amber noded.

Foghorn addressed her next. "I know you are a good flyer and all, but it does not give you the right to treat others that way, just because they can't fly, or choose not too.

"And I don't care that she is a pegasus like us. She is still a member of the community. She will find her place one day. Even if it is not up here with us flying around doing what we do. She may one day move down below. Many of us live with those that can't fly, and live well with them.

It is not up to you to decide if she is worthless. Do you understand?"

Amber nodded again.

Foghorn got up. "Good. Now come with me to your room. When I am done, you are to stay there till we say you can come out."

Amber got up as told. Her body went flush as she anticipated what is to come next. She knew she was not going to like it.

Gusty stayed. She wanted no part in this. But she did feel it has to be done. So she let Foghorn take care of this matter with Amber alone.

Foghorn lead Amber into her room. Then he closed the door after going in himself. He didn't like what he is about to do, So he sat next to her bed with not so much of a word.

Amber looked pleading as to try and sway his decision. It did not work. He grabbed her and administer her punishment.

He continued to sit as Amber cried. He felt bad and held her. "I know it hurts. But you must know it is wrong to hurt others the way you did today.

“It is not right to put others in such pain, just because you don’t understand them. It don’t feel good to hurt now does it? Don’t do this again."

He got up and left her to herself to think on her own. He joined Gusty in the living room.

Amber regret saying a word to Fluttershy. That little snitch. If I ever see her again, it will be too soon.


Rumble and Clear Water got home with Hoops. Rumble was in a foul mood. After everyone got in he let it out. "I can't believe Chaser!"

He turned to Clear Water. "Did you hear him!? He accused us of neglectful parenting! Him!

“My boy is a great flyer. As a coach of the junior speedsters, I never neglect my boy, or any other kid under my supervision."

He stomped a hoof down as he got more irate. "What about his parenting? What does he have? He let one get eaten, and let the other get so dysfunctional, she can't fly or interact with others correctly! She is a messed up foal! Messed up, just like them."

Clear Water butted in, "Oh' you know Chaser is just letting off some steam. It will pass. I am sure he will reconsider his words, after he has a chance to cool down a bit."

Hoops tried to speak. "Dad I-"

Rumble turned on him. "I don't want a word out of you till I say so. You didn't think, did you!? You went ahead and said something to that little misfit. Now look what happened. I don't want you ever talking to her again. Got it!"

Hoops noded.

Rumble stomped his hoof again. "Good! You are better than to associate with the likes of her. She is beneath you, and will amount to nothing but trouble for you, as it has this time."

Hoops felt unsure as to what his father has in mind for him. He tried to speak to him again. "Dad-"

Rumble snapped at him. "What did I say to you!?"

Rumble glared at hoops, waiting for him to speak again. He didn't.

Clear Water came around beside Rumble. "Look at the bright side, dear. At least Fluttershy now knows her place. She knows not to try and talk with those that don't wish to with her. The situation is not all bad."

She rested a hoof along his back. "Just relax. Nothing will come of this. You will see. So Chaser got a little upset. No need for you to get your feathers ruffled about it, like he did."

Rumble faced her, and spoke more calmly "You did hear him correctly though. He said he will see the Princess about this. Well I say, let him. He has no case. I could tell. Did you hear how he averted the idea."

Rumble got dramatic with his words. "Oh' I am letting you all think about it before I do that."

He next got gruff. "Such rubbish. He is just embarrassed by his little failure of a flyer. That is why he doesn't want to make this public."

He picked up a hoof and shook it. "Threaten me, Will he!? Just let him see if he could do something. He thinks I don't know about community teamwork? I guide lot's of youngsters into excellent flyers for the community every year.

“He lost one, and the other can't function within the community well at all. Who is the failure of a parent? Not us!"

Clear Water smiled at Rumble, and said in a light, but mocking tone. "You know, Chaser said he would forgive us if we got Hoops to leave Fluttershy alone."

Rumble blurted out, "Ha! Him forgive us! Like we need his forgiveness. He is crazy. All of them are."

Clear Water rubbed his back. "I heard Stella went mad after losing her other foal. She fell into a deep depression. She next to never left home after. Even Chaser confirmed it today with us.

"I do in my own way, as a mother myself, feel sorry for her. No mother should have to deal with losing one of their young. And I have had heard good things about Stella before that happened.

"But it not anyone else's fault, she did what she did to her own last foal. And Chaser just let it happen instead of getting some counseling for them all. No other needs pay for that mistake of his, or hers."

Rumble blurted out again, "Ha! As I said, they are all crazy. And they still need professional help. All of them. Even Chaser.

“His outburst over what was said to his Oh' so, precious little filly, proves it. Chaser is indeed just as bad as the other two are now. Look who he hangs out with. That foolish oaf, Cloud Kicker.

"He get's himself into so much trouble himself. Just last month he tried to pull a fast one on Trail Blazer, sort of. She caught on to him. He tried to pass off some rock candy as jems for bits.

"They looked OK enough as I was told, but Blazer could smell the sugar. After Kicker took off, Blazer had him arrested.

"The fool got off though, seeing that he didn't actually take any bits.

"When she was not looking, he swapped the bag of bits she gave him with an empty bag from her cart.

“Once he was brought in for questioning, he had her check her cart. She had no missing bits. Just one missing empty bag. And that bag was the same with the bag of rock candy, and bits.

“Seeing it was the same type of bag he took, he actually didn't take anything of true value.

"He let himself get arrested just to pull a prank on all of them, not just Trail Blazer. He even admitted that he knew he was going to be arrested.

"He not only wasted Trail Blazer’s time, he wasted the time of those in law enforcement. He has no respect for the working class, nor the law.

"And this is the guy Chaser grew up with."

Clear Water dropped her smile. "I also heard Misty is now seeing Kicker. She can do so much better than him. She is very nice. I have talked with her a few times. Not the sort I thought would have anything to do with such a clown. Mark my words, he will only mess up that poor girl's life, if she is not careful, and dumps him first."

She went back to smiling as she gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose playfully. "He is nothing like the strong and dependable Stud you are, my darling. You at least have a good job, and do well in it. He get's himself in trouble at work, far too often, as far as I am concerned.

"As for him, I don't know how he even has a job, with some of the mischief he causes at work. I don't see how Quick Silver tolerates him. And it would seem poor Misty is clueless about what he is like, and that he could lose his job one day."

Rumble gave a snort. "Oh' scuff them all. As for Chaser you are right, this will blow over in time. He may bark, but he has no teeth to bite with."

He brought his attention back on Hoops. "Son. I mean it. You don't go messing with that yellow filly no more. Or next time I will tan your hide good, as I am sure Amber is getting. Now, go to your room. You have practice in the morning.

Hoops started to head to his room. As he did, Rumble added a few more words. "I will call for you when it is time to eat. Then back to your room you go. I will decide what other punishment you should have later, but you are not to be missing out on flying practice. I will not have you miss out on that, as that yellow failure has. Not my boy."


Stella and Chaser didn't make Fluttershy go out again for another week. In time they told her she should at least go out to have some fresh air, and not to bother with anyone for now. They wanted her to do more than lay around in the house all day, but they could fully understand her reasons not to talk to any other while out. They did not even suggest that she should. Only to go out and do something more than be at home all the time. And so she did.  

Fluttershy felt at a loss as to what to do with herself. None of the others seemed to like her, or wish to get to know her. And now she is at the point of giving up all together. Her nerves is shot, and she could no longer take the teasing any more. Most she did the past week out, is keep to herself, as she did before talking to Amber and Hoops.

Fluttershy caught the eyes of one light blue filly with a prismatic main. Rainbow Dash saw the teasing Fluttershy was forced to take by the others from the start, and saw Fluttershy still continued to try to make friends just the same.

Dash did not concern herself with Fluttershy at first, only because Dash did a lot of flying, and did not wish a pony that didn't, to slow her down any. So she just kept flying by, feeling unconcerned about the shy yellow pegasus that didn't fly.

This changed. The words to her by Hoops about Fluttershy helped change that.

Dash admired this determination she saw in Fluttershy at first to try and make friends, but also felt sorry for this lone filly without a friend.

She knew of Fluttershy's distant past, and had lost a sister two years ago. She also heard of the most recent teasing she got for it by Hoops and Amber. This made Dash angry.

She also felt Fluttershy's parents were very cool. Storm Chasers, both of them. Dash felt like she would like to meet them, and making friend with Fluttershy would kill to birds with one stone, so to speak. She could help one pony who needed it feel better about herself, and she would get to meet personally some cool flyers. Flyers that are about as cool to her, as getting to see the wonderbolts.

Dash wondered how two bold Storm Chasers would end up with such a shy and lonely filly. Dash knew, after she thought about it more. No wonder she is so shy all the time. She has never had the chance to make any friends till just these past few weeks. And that didn't work for her at all.

Dash felt the need to change this. Dash took it upon herself to make friends with Fluttershy, and soon.

Dash watched Fluttershy for a time. One day she saw Fluttershy way off on her own, just looking up at the sky. Dash though this would be the perfect Moment to make her move. She swooped in silently behind her and landed softly. Next she walked right next to Fluttershy and sat down.

Without looking over to Fluttershy she spoke. "Yea, the sky is great. Is why I spend as much time as I can up there. It's so open and free. It feels so great to just open your wings and be a part of it."

Dash saw Fluttershy had stood up and walked off while she was talking. "Hay!"

Dash saw Fluttershy cringe at her yelling. Dash though best not to get even that vocal with her. Not yet anyway.

She got herself up and walked over to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy didn't turn around or even so much as look at her. She just stood still looking down.

Dash sighed and slowly walked around her to in front of her. "I know you have had it ruff. And I saw you trying to make friends before.

“There is one thing none has done with you though. Try things your way. That is, ask you what you have been asking.

“I would like to change that. So I am asking it now. Would you like to be my friend?"

Fluttershy felt unsure about her. She didn't know anything about Rainbow Dash other than that she is a good flyer, like Amber and Hoops. This made Fluttershy hesitate.

She is wondering if this filly before her, trying to talk to her, is just teasing her. She felt this is most likely the case. And turned around to walk away.

Dash called out, "Oh' don't be like that. Don't be like them. You are better than that.” 

Fluttershy continued to walk away slowly.

Dash got a little gruff with her words. “Go ahead then, and prove me wrong by walking away. Go ahead and prove to me that you too can be a jerk too, and walk away from someone who is just trying to be your friend. Just like the others have."

Fluttershy stopped. Dash's words hurt her. It stung, but in a way that made her think. Does she really want to be my friend? Have I become so self centered, like some of the others. Would I be so willing to treat her the same as I have been treated?

No, I will not do that to her. I know how that disappointment feels like. And if she is telling the truth, what would I really be doing? What would I be walking away from. And if I did walk away, I would never get to know.

Dash gave her time to think over her words, seeing she did stop to consider them.

Fluttershy turned back around and looked at her. Not exactly happy looking, just staring as if still unsure what to think.

Dash saw this as another chance. She smiled broadly at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy took notice. Her mood changed to one of hopefulness. She walked over to Dash. "You really want to be my friend?"

Dash still smiling. "You bet!"

Fluttershy finally smiled back. "OK' then."

Dash sat, and Fluttershy did the same. Dash asked first, "So what now?"

Fluttershy felt confused. "Well, I don't know. I have not had a friend since..." Fluttershy trailed off as she thought about her sister.

Dash saw this, and though she knew what Fluttershy is thinking. So, she tried to change the subject. "How about we take a walk together. I could meet your folks at home, and see how things go from there."

Fluttershy is surprised at this. "You want to meet my parents?"

Dash stood up. "Yea, sure, why not? They are storm chasers, right? That would be so cool to meet storm chasers. Not all weather ponies are storm chasers.

“Sure most all can handle a few storm clouds. The small ones. But few will take on a tempest, or high wind hurricane, or a massive level 5 tornado, or even a high voltage mega thunderhead! Shooting lightning all over! Only properly trained whether ponies tackle those. But you know all that don't you?"

Fluttershy shook her head.

Dash's jaw dropped. "What do you mean, you don't know? You live with them don't you?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment. "Well, I do know a little about it, I just don't like talking about it with them. Storms scare me, so I don't ask them much about it. I only know that they do handle storms. I just don't know as much about it as you seem to."

Dash thought, Well that is kind of disappointing. Maybe she wouldn't like me talking about it with them. 

Fluttershy Surprised her again. "But seeing that you know so much about it, maybe they would like talking to you about it." She smiled after.

Dash shook her head. Then looked inquisitive. "Really! You wouldn't mind that?"

This time Fluttershy shook her, but slightly. "Well, no. Why would I mind?"

Dash felt confused, "But you just said you didn't like talking about storms."

Fluttershy tilted her head in realization of this. "I did say that, didn't I? Well, I don't mind if it is an interest to you. And maybe I get to learn something more about my own parents. Something I just haven't asked much on till now. So, it would be a good thing, yes?"

Dash thought, Boy she is confusing, but she is no stick in the mud either. Maybe this will work out, getting to know her, and getting to be her friend after all.

Dash took a chance and stepped beside Fluttershy and put a hoof on her shoulder. "You know Fluttershy, you're all right!"

Fluttershy giggled. "You think so? Well, so are you. Come on, let's go and have you meet my parents."

The two walked for a bit as they talked together. Partly to burn time. Stella and Chaser would not be home right away. So, the two has the time to spare, getting to know each other better.

Fluttershy enjoyed opening up to a new friend she felt she could talk to. And Dash seems more than willing to listen.

As the day rolled on the two headed to Fluttershy's home together. Fluttershy Opened the front door. She called, "Mom! Dad! Any of you home!"

She got no answer. So, she lead Dash into the home to wait together. Dash saw the painting of Celestia in the mane room. "Wow! that is a nice painting."

Fluttershy is glad she is liking her say, so far. "Oh' yes. I love seeing it myself. It would be so nice to get to see her in person one day. But only those of importance get to see the Princess."

Dash remarked, "Hey! Don't sell yourself so short. Maybe one day you will become someone as important as I intend to be."

Fluttershy had to ask, "What is it you intend to be?"

Dash sat and smiled with pride. "A wonderbolt! of course. Though being a master weather pony like your parents are would be cool as well. But as a wonderbolt I get to be that, and much more. And get to be admired by all for it. Sorry to say but being a storm chaser, though as important as all that is, it's not near as glamorous. And me, I like a crowd."

Fluttershy shivered at that last statement. "Sorry but I don't. You can keep the crowds, if you want them. Though I would not mind being one cheering you on one day either, as you get to be what you want to be."

Dash continued sitting as she thought. "Speaking of what one wants to be. What do you want?"

Fluttershy couldn't think of much. "Oh' I don't know. I like art, and I like fashion. But none seem to strike me as a life interest."

Dash got up, "So, what do you do around here?"

Fluttershy gestured for Dash to follow. "I will show you my room."

Dash is now very curious about this. So she followed her in. As they entered Dash got quite the sight. A room of stuffed animals and such of all sorts. Bunnies, frogs, ladybugs, butterflies, dragons, dogs, cats, bears, ponies, and much, much more.  

A small painting easel is off on one side of the room, with crayon colorings of animals already on it, and some on the walls. And other finished drawings of mare ponies wearing all manner of fine dresses, all on the walls too. None of them is of high quality, but not bad to Dash either, for something made in crayon.

Dash just took in the sight. "You say fashion is not a life interest? So what is? Animals?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't know. I have not been around animals much. Not for a long time, but these here. Even from those times I did see some in person, I hardly remember them.

“These my sister got me into collecting. I just can't get enough of them. It's like, something about them I must have. Though I think it is because it reminds me of my sister so much. But I am not sure about that either. She loved them, and well, so do I."

Dash felt this too be a little excessive of a collection, but she couldn't complain. It was just so much too look at. "So, you spend much of your time drawing?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes. The animals are not all I have collected though. I got my drawing inspirations from these."

Fluttershy went over to a small file cabinet and opened one door. She pulled out a magazine with ponies showing off dresses. She showed this one to Dash.

Dash looked it over. "Not bad, though I must admit, dresses are not my scene. So what else do you do?"

Fluttershy shook her head, then held it low. "Not much else I am afraid. I do spend time cooking with my mom, and I like to cuddle in my room with her surrounded with my animals. I also get visits by some of my parent's friends and family. Cloud Kicker, Misty, and Patience visits the most.

“When I am outside, you saw one other thing I like to do. Sit in quiet, and look at the sky."

Dash was about to say something as some commotion came from the living room. Fluttershy exclaimed, "Oh' My parents are home!"

As Fluttershy lead Dash out of her room, back into the living room, they could hear Stella calling. "Fluttershy! are you home, sweetie?"

Fluttershy emerged from around the corner. "Yes, I am home, and I have a surprise."

Stella gasped as she saw Rainbow Dash move around the corner after Fluttershy did.

Chaser is pleasantly surprised as well. "Why, Rainbow Dash! I have not expected to see you."

He thought for a moment on the last time he saw her. "Oh' Sorry about getting in your way earlier. I should have been paying more attention."

Dash waved it off wit a hoof. "No prob. A flyers got to learn to deal with the unexpected right? I could have handled you as an obstacle better myself then. But no harm done. Guess we both could do with a bit more paying attention, Yes." Rainbow Dash finished with a cheeky grin.

Chaser liked her moxy. Friendly, but willing to give as good as she gets. How did Fluttershy manage to get her as a friend I wonder?

Stella wondered the same. "So, Rainbow Dash. How did you two meet?"

Dash held out a hoof. "Please, just call me Dash. And I have been watching Fluttershy for some time now. Only she didn't know it, till now. Seeing that she has not made any other friends, I thought I could fill that gap myself."

Dash was surprised by the name Fluttershy used. "Dashy surprised me at first. But I can see she truly wishes to be my friend now. We may not have much in common yet, but that is something I think we can build on in time."

Dash also felt surprise by the rest of what she had to say. Dash felt unsure if she liked being called Dashy, but liked Fluttershy,s view of their future friendship. To Dash it is something that can use some work, but she also felt, anything worthwhile took some care to work on it.

She admired Fluttershy,s conviction to not just recognize their obvious differences, but is willing to see beyond them to something better.

Dash though some more on this. Wow! And to think all the others have no idea just how bold she can be. I like it! Dash smiled to herself for having given Fluttershy a chance, unlike the others.

Fluttershy surprised Dash again as she put a hoof over Dash's back and pulled her closer to her own side. "Dashy here, also wanted very much to meet the both of you in person. She happens to like that you are both storm chasers."

Dash just grinned in response.

Chaser chuckled, and gave Stella a light nudge. "Hear that honey? We are celebrities!"

Stella nudged him back. "Oh' stop. We are not."

She walked over to Dash and Fluttershy, and Fluttershy let go of Dash. Stella looked down to Dash and smiled. "So, you wanted to see storm chasers, did you?"

Dash nodded.

Chaser walked over as well. "Good! You came to the right place then."

Stella had a thought on her hospitality. "Dash. would you like something to drink. We have plenty in the fridge. I also think we have some cookies that Fluttershy and I made as well. Would you like to try them?"

It didn't take Dash long to think on that one. "That would be great! I sure would. What you have to drink?"

Stella thought for a bit. "Well, we have some ice tea. Some Apple juice, orange juice. Some freshly made strawberry and banana smoothies. And-

Dash interrupted. "I will take a smoothy, please!"

Stella nodded. "That will be fine. The two of you go and sit with Chaser, and I will bring out some food."

Time passed as the four of them talked some more. Dash asked questions about their work, as Stella and Chaser was all too pleased to tell her all about it.

Dash got to brag about how good of a flyer she is getting to be, and wished to do great things when she grew up. Being a wonderbolt as top on her list.

Fluttershy talked more about her relationship with her parents. "My dad is just the greatest! He cares so much about me and mom. He does so much for us. He did so much when we..."

Fluttershy trailed off again. Dash wished to change the subject again. "Fluttershy, you don't need to-"

But Fluttershy cut her off. "No. I am okay. It's been a while since I talked about her, And I want to.

Dash felt the need to just sit and listen. "OK, go ahead."

Fluttershy nodded. "When we lost my sister, mom and I didn't take it all too well. Mom mostly. And Dad took care of us both. And I… I did what I could to comfort my mom as best I could.

“We all hurt over losing her though. Dad stayed strong for us through it all, even though I know he misses her just as much."

Fluttershy looked as if she was going to tear up but held herself back from doing do.

Though to Dash, she didn't know either one of the two sisters. And Fluttershy spoke of the one she has been trying to replace, for Stella mostly, instead of talking about the one everyone else thought was taken. "Oh' you should have seen her Dashy. She seemed to smile all the time. She loved to know me as how I really am."

Fluttershy paused, thinking she might have said too much on that subject. She did her best to avert what she might have almost revealed to Dash. "You, know, it is hard to truly be one's self around others. My sister loved me for who I am, not for what others may want me to be, or think I should be. She had so much life to her as well. We all loved her for it."

Fluttershy turned to look at Stella. "And when she was gone, we each did our best to help each other through it."

She looked back to Dash. "Mom and I became so close after. There was times I did wish for time alone, but... I could not stand seeing my mom wanting me at her side, and I felt it was my place to be there for her, as dad has been for both of us.

“I can't tell you how much I appreciate both my parents for all they did for me in return. Both then, and now."

Fluttershy sighed. "I had only wished to be, what they had most need of me to be. My mom and I spent much time quiet with each other, just enjoying the feeling of the other there. We thought it might heal our pain of losing my sister. It was a comfort, yes. But it was not enough. I could not help her like I thought I could, and I so much wish I could."

Fluttershy next turned to her father. "My dad got us to see what we really needed. And that is to move on, and live. And I think My sister would want us to as well. I know she would."  

Fluttershy looked back to Dash. Dash felt in awe of her. Dash could see Fluttershy loves her own parents very much, but what Fluttershy described seemed like Stella and Fluttershy has such a strong bond with each other. Dash actually felt touched to know such a bond could be felt by the two.

Dash looked over at Fluttershy. Could one pony feel so strongly about another? This, here, is the kind of pony others have turned away for just looking awkward to them? How could anypony even so much as dislike someone like this?

She also has a strong connection with her father as well. Like a hero to her.

Dash for a moment felt shaky inside to be sitting next to one who could express such love for another as she did for her parents, and late sister. Dash was beside herself, not knowing how to respond.

Fluttershy could see Dash looking uneasy. "Dashy, it's okay. We have learned to move on. But we also have grown stronger as a family during that time as well.

“Please, don't feel sorry for us or anything. If anything, you have helped me a lot, just by coming here today. And I am glad to be able to share some of my past with you. I haven't been able to do that with anyone else. But somehow, by how you got to me earlier, I felt I can trust sharing what we have been through with you."

Fluttershy surprised Dash again as she moved and gave Dash a big hug. "Thank you for being my friend Dashy."

Dash again didn't know how to respond. What have I gotten myself into?

As the days rolled on the two stayed friends after. Dash split her time between practice and time with Fluttershy. Though even during her practice, Fluttershy was there watching.

Even though Fluttershy did get to see most of what Dash has been improving on, Dash loved sitting at Fluttershy's side bragging about it. Fluttershy enjoyed Dash's enthusiasm. And Dash enjoyed having a fan who liked watching her show off. It also got Dash trying harder, with another around she could try and impress. And get better she did.

All this watching of Dash flying around got Fluttershy wanting to give it a go, again herself.

One fateful day, Dash saw Fluttershy being teased again for trying to fly, and failing once more. Dash was sick of this teasing. I am sure she can fly. No, I know she can fly. She won't fly because she doesn't have enough confidence in herself. I got to do something about this! 

Dash flew down to defend her friend. She set a challenge to the others who were teasing Fluttershy at that moment. It is Hoops and his colt buds. Dash wanted a chance to show them up, to show they are not so great either. And get Hoops back personally for teasing both of them for so long.

Dash didn’t care so much if Hoops teased her. It only made Dash wish to try harder. But to see him teas one of her friends, really vexed her.

The challenge was made. This made news. A formal race is always a welcome site to be seen among the pegasi. Even if such a challenge was made by one of their young. Many gathered to watch the very next day.

The many parents came to watch as well. Stella and Chaser felt great that Rainbow Dash is willing to do this challenge for Fluttershy. They both gave Dash their best wishes for a good race. Chaser personally wished Dash to win.

Seeing Rumble had not done much to Discourage his son from continuing to tees Fluttershy. Chaser has been very close to doing something more himself about it. But he felt if Dash could win, it just might be just the humiliation Hoops deserved, and might put him in his place.

Chaser, as others so much wanted to see Rainbow Dash win.

Rumble on the other hoof, felt confident his son would win. He saw his son as a champ, and better than Rainbow Dash. He smiled to himself as he sat to watch his son show his stuff.

Dash psyched herself up as her friend stood at the ready with the starting flag. Fluttershy is feeling extra excited for once.

She loved the chance to see her new friend Rainbow Dash race like this. She felt her friend could win this.

Everyone is excited. The racers looked ready and Fluttershy waved the flag to send them off.

In the rush, something went wrong. As the racers passed, Fluttershy was caught in the tail wind. She was spun around quickly, and lost her balance. Every one else, even her parents that is watching, is all now too focused on the flyers, to see Fluttershy fall.

Fluttershy fell with none to help her. She fell for a while fearing the worst. She is so scared she did not even consider flying herself, she just fell.

Much to her surprise she is saved. Not just saved but found herself surrounded by such colorful flying little butterflies. Live butterflies. These bugs as she looked around more was not the only thing filled with such color. All around her she saw such wonderment she didn't know existed together like this.

She knew a little from books and stories, it is quite a different experience for her to see it like this in person.

This place was so fantastic to her, she could not help but sing.

As she did, she saw so much more of the place. Little critters of all sorts, as well as birds, and more colorful bugs. It was all enough that she completely forgot all her fears. She floated in the air like a true pegasus for the first time without even trying. She didn't notice that she was flying. She just was.

As she rested herself in one spot she felt she found a home. She got so much attention by these things around her, she felt she would never leave.

In the distance she was startled by a big bang off in the distance. All the critters around her scattered. She looked up to see where the bang came from. It came from Cloudsdale. She saw a rainbow halo emit high above. She knew a rainbow itself was not dangerous.

She looked around the place to see the critters hiding in fear from the bang. She wished to help them to not be afraid. She moved along trying to encourage as many as she could out from hiding. As she settled down with them again, she saw a glow come from her flank. She looked as it formed three butterflies.

She did not know what this fully meant at the time, but she liked them. She knew she got her cutie mark. And it was all due to finding this place.


Sometime after the race had finished, everyone moved on. Fluttershy's parents looked about but could not find Fluttershy. She was no longer standing on the cloud she was on. Both panicked. Stella was in a frenzy. She yelled, "No! Not again. I can't lose another one!"

Chaser suggested, "Perhaps she fell. She can't fly. If she did fall, she might be seriously hurt. She will need our help."

Stella without saying a word felt it best to look below first if she did fall, as Chaser suggested. She took off quickly, and Chaser followed right behind.

They both got to the ground. They saw Fluttershy sitting safely, and not alone.

Both of them approached her. The critters scattered again. Fluttershy leaped into the air looking about as she watched them leave her.

She floated right towards her parents after the noticed them.

Stella and Chaser was shocked. Fluttershy landed before them and smiled. Stella was the first to speak. "Fluttershy! What is going on?"

Fluttershy didn't know what to say at first.

Chaser saw Fluttershy's cutie mark. "Wow! Fluttershy, you got your cutie mark."

Fluttershy turned to look at it, then turned back to them again. "Why, yes I did."

Stella looked at her in disbelief. "But, Fluttershy, you're, you're... I guess this make you a pony like us after all. But what happened to you? You were flying just now."

Fluttershy stood in thought. I don't know. I fell, then I was saved by these colorful butterflies. The same things I got as a cutie mark. I don't know what it is about this place, but I feel free and happy here. I never want to leave.

Stella is happy to find Fluttershy okay, and not hurt any, but she did not like this talk about not leaving. "You can't stay. You have to come back home with us."

Fluttershy was not happy herself at the moment. "Why? They don't like me up there. After weeks of trying, I only made one friend. The rest are mean. I get teased a lot. You want me to go back to that? I like it here. Please don't make me leave."

Stella didn't know what to say. Fluttershy was pleading with her. This was something Stella had a hard time saying no to.

Chaser put a hoof on Stella's back. "Stella, honey, she is not happy up there. She comes home crying on some days.

“She ends up here, and what do we find? We find her smiling and happy. She was surrounded by others that makes her happy. Even if they are not ponies.

“But if you stop to think about it, neither is she. We have been trying to make her fit in as if she is one of us, and she hasn't. And I am not all to sure she ever will."

Stella just stood and thought on this as he talked.

Chaser gestured to Fluttershy's flank. "Look what else we find. We find her with a cutie mark of her own. None of us thought she would ever get one. Last of all, we find her flying. Now think. When was the last time we ever saw her fly? Even a little?"

Stella still just stood there. "But, what about her and Dash? She just made friends with her?"

Chaser leaned in closer to Stella. "Stella, do you really wish to take her from all this, just to put her right back with that teasing again? Do you wish to see her happy, or crying again? Let it go. For her sake.

“Dash will be fine. It's not like they will never be able to see each other again."

Chaser saw Stella's resolve melting so he pushed a little more. "You saw her surrounded by many, right? She fits in here. She might never fit in up there. And seeing that she has found herself happy here, it would be cruel to force her to stay up there any longer."

Stella finally nodded. "OK' You're right."

Stella sat down and opened her front hoofs to Fluttershy. "Come here sweetie."

Fluttershy smiled and went to her mother. The two hugged as Stella spoke. "You can stay. I won't make you leave. We can come down to visit any time, and we will.

“There is also a town near by. Ponyville. You can try and make friends with some of them. They are nice there. You should see them some time. Maybe they can help you when you need it."

Fluttershy felt the love she always liked coming from Stella. It made her feel strong and better. "Thank you mom. When I feel up to it, maybe I will visit this Ponyville. But not right now. I am so glad you are letting me stay."

Stella stroked her back. "Sweetie, I am sorry life didn't work out for you up there with us. We tried to do our best for you.

“We are not just going to leave you though. We will head back and bring some help. We can set you up with a home of your own here. A quiet place you can call your own."

Fluttershy held her tighter. "I know you did mom. And I will always be grateful to you both for it. I love you both. And thank you for offering to help me make a home here. I can't wait to see you both come back, when you do."

Stella let go after a while. She stood up as Fluttershy did. "We will leave you here to get acquainted with you new friends again. We didn't mean to scare them off."

Fluttershy smiled. "Oh' that's okay. I am sure they will understand once I explain it to them."

At this both parents felt confused. Chaser asked, "What do you mean by, explain? You have talked to them?"

Fluttershy continued to smile. "Oh' yes. Well, sort of. They listen to me very well."

Stella asked, "And you understand them?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I think so. Yes, I do."

At this Stella and Chaser was at a loss for words. They assumed it has something to do with he being a changeling, even though she has not taken that form in years. They both still know what she is.

They both moved in to give her one last hug before flying off. Chaser said, "Take care of yourself. We will miss you till we see you again. We will be back soon with some others. We will fix you up with some place nice, and near Ponyville."

They let go and gave Fluttershy one last wave good bye, then took off. Fluttershy watched them go, leaving her behind. 

Despite feeling sorry to see them go, she wanted this. She did not want to go back up there. She thought of the few she did know. Patience she got to know very well. She never forget Kicker and Misty. Then there is Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy thought, I wonder what she is doing right now. 

She floated back into the air as she looked about for her other new little friends. It did not take long before she has another gathering of them. With them sitting in silence with her, she felt happy.


The next day Stella heard a knock at the door. The knock was not all too loud. It couldn't be Patience. She is not due for a few more days. And it couldn't be Kicker. He doesn't knock that lightly. She went to the door to find out who it could be.  

Stella opened the door to find a familiar light blue filly with a prismatic main and tail. "Why hello Rainbow Dash. It's nice to see you again. Come on in." Stella let Dash inside.

Dash looked around but didn't see Fluttershy. So she asked Stella about her. "Is Fluttershy home?"

Stella shook her head. "I’m sorry I didn't tell you yet, she doesn't live here anymore."

Dash is instantly confused. "What do you mean? Where is she? What happened to her? Did she run away? She was with us just the other day. But I had not seen her since."

Stella decided to explain. "She was not happy here Dash. I think you know that. She never felt like she fit in up here. You, so far has been her only friend of her age, in a couple of years.

“You did make her quite happy with doing that. But she found a place nearby she feels comfortable living. A spot near the town of Ponyville. She will not be completely alone, she has those in Ponyville she can go to if she needs to. Chaser and I will also try and visit her often, in her new home we helped make for her."

Dash did not look happy about this. "Well, you are going to have to show me where, because I intend to visit her often as well. I liked her, and she seems like she could use a friend. And I still intend to be that for her. So, you let me know when you both go down to see her. OK?"

Stella noded with a smile. "OK, Rainbow Dash. We will do that. And I like the idea of her having at least one pony friend she can count on to see her.

“I don't like the thought of her cutting herself off from having some pony friends. Mostly any her own age, do to a few bad experiences."

Stella sat as she continued to talk. "She has those in Ponyville, like I said, but she does not know any of them yet. I am not sure when she will.

“I am quite sure she would like to see you again though. And I think she would be pleased to know you won the race. But I will let you tell her all about that yourself, when you get to see her again."