Dreams Really Do Come True!

by Dyno8man

Chapter 3: Show and Tell

12:01 AM

With it being a minute after midnight, the transformation was complete, and I had been turned into a pony. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I mean, I was looking at an orange pony in the mirror, and that pony just happened to be me.

I sat up, and raised my hoof out in front of me, and just stared at it for a while. I then yawn, and start thinking about tomorrow…oh. Oh crap! Oh god, what about tomorrow?! How am I going to explain this to everyone?! Oh crap, I didn’t think of that either!

I yawn again, but longer this time, and I fall back onto my back, careful not to harm my tail, or wings. I stare up at the ceiling for a while, noticing that my fan isn’t on. So, I decide to attempt to get up, walk over to the light switch, and turn on the fan.

I sit up, and try to stand up. Of course, my new equine body would no longer allow me to stand up on my hind legs, so I was forced to go on all fours. I slowly make my way over to the light switch, carefully observing, and memorizing the way I walk, for easy reference later on. I actually got used to it pretty fast, and I actually chose to walk, or in this case trot, around in circles a few times before making my way to the light switch. After a few circles, I started thinking that that was enough for now, and it was time to cool myself down.

I make my way to the light switch, and when I do, I flip it. The exact opposite of what I wanted had happened, though. Instead of the fan turning on, the fan light turned on. In a panic, I quickly turn off the light, blinded momentarily from the light. Welp, I guess I’ll be going the night without the fan.

Although, I had a solution to that problem. Instead of using the blanket to keep me warm, I had fur to do that, so to avoid overheating, I decide to go the night without my blanket either. Unfortunately, no plan is without its flaws. My mom usually wakes me up on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and my dad on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Saturdays because we normally do stuff together on Saturdays. Oh man, this is bad! He’s gonna wake me up at 9:30 AM tomorrow, and he expects to see his human son, not an orange Pegasus pony! He’s not gonna believe I am his son!

I guess the least I can do is at least try. My mom might believe me, but I don’t know about my dad. My dad wasn’t really the one who liked to watch cartoons, especially with his children, so there’s no doubt he hates My Little Pony, considering he hates just about every other cartoon except Bugs Bunny.

I crawl back onto my bed, and pout a bit. My dream, the biggest dream I had ever had, just backfired on me. For now at least. It’s only for today. And every other day once every month for the next decade…

I thought that maybe I should just sleep on it, considering I was already tired enough to do so. I grew lazy eyed, and my eyelids became almost impossible to open, and I drift off into the domain of sleep.

This is gonna be one long decade…

8:34 AM

I wake up and stretch my arms out, or I guess they’re legs now, aren’t they? I try to rub my eyes, but all I get is a hoof to the face, which really hurt! Then I remembered: I am still a pony. So it wasn’t some dream after all.

I start to get up out of bed, and immediately start worrying. I didn’t come up with anything as I slept. No thoughts came to me. Welp, either I come up with something fast, or I’m screwed.

I just start trotting around, trying to think of something, because I was drawing a blank the whole time. Then, I froze in shock as I heard someone knock on my door.

“Reece, you awake? Get dressed, we got stuff to do!” It was my dad.

Crap! He’s too early! I don’t have enough time! It’s only 8:35! *sigh* I guess there is only one thing to do now…


Nah, I wish though. I just gotta tell him, but I’ll have to break it to him slowly, and hope he doesn’t just barge in. I sit down, rubbing my head with my hooves, which doesn’t feel as relaxing as you’d think.

“Hey, Dad, could you come in for a moment and close the door behind you? Don’t come in yet, though!” I say, covering my mouth with a hoof, because my voice didn’t sound like it used to.

“Yeah sure, but why not yet? Are you….are you doing…you know…it?”

“What?! No! N-Not that!” I blush a bit.

“Hey, Reece. You okay? You don’t sound well. You sick?” Dad questions me.

“I guess you could say that. Look, I gotta show you something, and you gotta promise not to freak out, or anything like that, okay?”

“Uh, o-okay. I promise.” My dad says, stuttering.

“Okay, you can come in now, I guess.”

As he slowly opens the door, I brace myself for what’s to come. After 20 seconds after opening the door, my eyes closed, I hear a thud, which was the sound of dad fainting on the spot. Great. Just my luck. I’m pretty sure that woke everyone else up, too.

Sure enough, I was right. I saw my sister, Natalie, open her door, rubbing her eyes, to see what that noise was. That was when she saw Dad laying on the floor, unconscious, and then saw me. She immediately started screaming to the top of her lungs. “OH MY GOOOOSHHH!!”
My mom, shortly afterwards, rushed to where we were. She paid no attention to the man laying down on the floor.

“Natalie?! What’s wrong?!”

She replies, “This!!”

Mom looks over at us, and gasps, putting her hands over her mouth, as she sees Natalie hugging me, down on her knees, with me still sitting. I’ll bet a million thoughts are filling her mind right about now, like where that pony came from, or omg that’s so cute, or if that’s Reece, or something like that.

“It is so cute, it’s almost wrong!!” Natalie squeals.

She just gawks at me, as Natalie continues to hug me, and squeal in excitement. This goes on for about a good 5 minutes before mom speaks up.

“Natalie, where did you get that pony, and when?”

“I found it in here, and it’s just so cute!” Natalie squeals in excitement.

“But, this is Reece’s room, so wouldn’t he be in here if he slept in here, and wouldn’t he know?”

I just couldn’t resist the urge to tell them it was me, but then Mom notices Dad on the floor, fainted.

“Looks like you weren’t the only one surprised by this…”

Natalie giggles, and I accidentally chuckle a little bit myself, which caused some suspicion for my sister, who was still hugging me.

“Did it just laugh?” Natalie asked curiously.

Mom answered. “I don’t know. Did it?”

“I don’t know. It felt like it did.”

I was getting tired of her calling me an “it”, and I release a sigh, which caused some more questions to pop up in her head.

“I think it can understand what we’re saying!” Natalie shouts excitedly.

“Oh, don’t be silly. If it could understand us, it would be able to speak, and I haven’t heard it say anything…”

“Silly mom, ponies can’t talk!”

I can’t take it! I got so peeved that they kept referring to me as an “it”, or “a pony”, which I technically am now, but I have a name! I speak up.

“Well, I’m not just some normal pony, now am I?!”

They both gasp, Natalie’s being an excited gasp, and Mom’s being a shocked gasp. Well either way, they were both shocked, just Mom’s being bad, and Natalie’s being good. I even gasped slightly at myself, too, as I had noticed my voice sounded like that of a girl. I suddenly feel Natalie’s embrace tighten around me.

“Oh my gosh, it really can talk!!” She squealed again.

Mom stutters, trying to find something to say.

“B-But, where d-did it c-come from?!”

I speak up, saying “Mom, I’ve been in here all night.”

They both gasp yet again. Mom just stares at me, mouth gaping open, and eyes wide open.

“Did…did you just call me…M-Mom?!” Mom manages to get through her shaky voice. Shortly after, my sister gasps AGAIN, and looks at me with a somewhat similar face as moms.


I nod, putting my head down, and my sister hugs me tighter. I think she’s starting to feel bad for me. Either that, or she’s really glad I’m okay with her hugging me. Mom walks up to me, pushing Natalie aside, as she picks me up, and hugs me.

“H-How did this h-happen?!” She says. I can hear in her voice that she was gonna start crying.

I didn’t want to tell that that was the wish I had made, because they might look at me weird. I just lie to her, hiding the truth for now.

“I don’t know. I just woke up like this. I just hope it’s only for today.”

Okay, part of that was true, but most of it was a lie. Mom holds me closer.

“But, why would something like this do this to you for only a day? And how?!”

“I don’t know…but you know what sucks, aside from me being a pony now?”

“What?” Both Mom and Natalie say in unison.

“I think I might be a girl now…”

“What? You just got turned into another species, and you’re worried about being a girl? Well, you certainly got the overreacting part down already.” My mom laughs with my sister.

“Oh, be quiet.” I laugh with them, while still being serious.

“As if I’ve got any parts. If anything, I lost a few, so that’s what sucks.” I deadpan, and look at mom.

“Well, yeah I can see that being bad for you, considering you lost your manhood.” Mom says smiling, also looking at me.

“Don’t forget humanity.” I giggle a little bit, as Mom and Natalie join me.

“So, what are we gonna do with Dad? How are we gonna break it to him that his son, turned female, is also a pony?” I ask Mom.

“I don’t know. I just hope he doesn’t overreact, or faint again. Hell, if anything, disown you.” Mom says, putting me down, still hugging me slightly.

“I don’t think any of us want that.” I say looking around the room.

“So, Dad was going to wake me, but I was already up. Do you know what we’re going to do today?” I ask Mom.

“Well, since it feels like a really great day outside, I thought we could go to the playground, but since you’re now a pony, I don’t think we can do that now. We’re just gonna have to stay inside for today.”

“Awww…” Both Natalie and I say at the same time.

“I always liked going there…” I pout, then my sister starts whining.

“But I wanna go to the playground, Mom!” Sometimes she can be annoying as heck. I say heck instead of hell because my parents don’t think I’m “old enough” to be saying them, especially around my sister, even though they say it around her. HELL, even Mom just said it. Well guess what Mom? I can say it all I want in my mind! HELLHELLHELLHELLHELL!

“Well, I guess we could work things out so we can go tomorrow. The forecasts is supposed to be the same.” My mom says to us.
“YAY! Thanks, Mom!” My sister hugs Mom.

Suddenly, I hear a deep rumbling sound coming from both my mom, and my sister. Shortly after, I hear and feel it come from me, and Mom begins.

“So, I don’t think we’ve had breakfast yet. Anyone hungry?” She says sarcastically.

All three of us say “Me!” at the same time.

“Alright then. It’s settled. We are having…”

She holds that thought for about a few minutes, as she makes her way down the stairs into the kitchen, and my sister and I follow her, with me being the last one in because I had struggled slightly getting down the stairs in my new form.

Once she found something in the pantry, she finished her thought with “Pancakes!”

“Ooh, I love the pancakes you make, Mom!” My sister announces.

I also like pancakes, but I’m just a bit worried if my new equine body will allow me to eat pancakes now. Well, considering it doesn’t contain any meat, I should be fine. I mean, the rest of it is, and came from a plant, right?

As Mom starts fixing our pancake breakfast, I decide to go into the living room, and watch TV. I sit on one of the couches, next to the TV remote. I turn it towards the TV with it still lying on the couch since I can’t really pick it up with hooves. I try to press the power button on the remote, which turns on the TV. My 5th attempt, I succeeded. Now, I face an even bigger problem. Changing the channel.

The number buttons were smaller than the power button, going from 1 being at the top left corner, and 9 being at the bottom right, with pound, star, and 0 being at the bottom. Since we had Time Warner Cable, there were 3 kid channels that were in the first few forties. I’m aiming for 43, which is Cartoon Network, because that’s my favorite channel.

The first time I try, I get 16. The second try, I get 52. This is getting ridiculous! Only after my 10th try, nearly giving up, I manage to press the buttons correctly, not pressing any of the other buttons with my hooves, and the TV starts playing Cartoon Network.

It was a rerun of last night’s Cartoon Planet, which is an hour long compilation of episodes from older cartoons, like Chowder, or The Powerpuff Girls. Codename: Kids Next Door, or KND, was my favorite.

A minute after the theme song for Cartoon Planet started, my sister ran in, and jumped onto the couch next to me, moving the remote out of the way. She also loved the show, and I’m guessing she just loved me, too. Or at least me being a pony. After, it moved on to an episode of Kids Next Door. Just my luck!

We had to stop it half way through because Mom had called us into the kitchen for breakfast. I sat at the side of the table, since it was rectangular. She made 10 pancakes all together. 2 for me, and Natalie, 3 for Mom, and 3 for Dad. She poured the syrup on all of the pancakes, and served them up. Since I no longer had hands to cut my pancakes, Mom had to cut them for me, but now I face an even bigger problem than before. How am I supposed to eat my pancakes if I don’t have hands to pick up my fork?

This is going to be a really long day…

Until Chapter 4…