Mr. Twilight Sparkle.

by AnnonyMouse


Mr. Twilight Sparkle


“Ah, the joys of parenthood.” Celestia deadpanned. “Twilight, please, for the sake of Equestria, never get either of us pregnant again.”

“Get who pregnant?” Princess Cadence stood in front of the open doors, a VERY sheepish looking Shining Armor standing behind her.

She then spotted the pair of foals and her eyes lit up in delight. “Shining dear. I think we just found the answer to your impotence.” She smiled as she turned to face Twilight, a seductive look in her eyes.

“Oh for the love of Celestia…” Twilight backed away.

Shining was blushing furiously. “Cadance, you can't be serious, that's my brother.”

Cadance smiled coyly over her shoulder at her husband. “Oh Shiny, you do remember one of the reasons I married you, don't you? Because of Twilight. I knew she would grow up to be a beautiful mare, but seeing him as he stands now.” She licked her lips as she turned to Twilight, who was now hiding behind Celestia and Luna. “Now Twilight, don't be like that. You sired foals with my aunts, so why not me? Your favorite foalsitter?”

Twilight gulped nervously. “Uh... well, for starters... you are my sister in law. Certainly there's some law against that.”

“There most certainly is a law against such activities.” Celestia frowned. “Cadance dear, I would never approve of it either.”

Shining Armor looked relieved. “Oh thank Celestia...”

“Now now Shiny, I will always love you.” Cadance walked up to her husband and kissed him on the lips. “But I want a foal, and unfortunately you have such powerful protection magic, that it even prevents you from becoming a father.”

Luna blinked, looking a little confused. “Can thou not stop thy own magic?” She asked Shining Armor.

“I've tried, but I can't. No matter what I try...” He hung his head and looked defeated. “If I had known this before, I would never have proposed to you Cadance. I'm a horrible husband.”

“Shh, Shiny. No you are not a horrible husband. You are a wonderful husband, the kind I could never find in another stallion.” She nuzzled him gently, getting him to look up.

Twilight was feeling relieved. He was not about to end up becoming a father to his own niece or nephew.

Celestia sighed as well, glad that the situation had been resolved... hopefully.

Ponyville, a few months later.

Twilight and his wives and all their foals were relaxing in the meadow outside Ponyville. It was a gorgeous sunny day, perfect for them to be enjoying the warmth, even if they were resting in the shade of the large oak tree in the center of it all.
Twilight, as was the norm, had his muzzle buried in a book (this one about being a proper father to multiple foals) when Rarity let out a polite little cough to get his attention.
“Twilight dear?” She batted her eyes at him.
Twilight lowered the book and looked up, blushing a little at his beautiful wife. Well, they were all beautiful in their own ways, but Rarity tended to put the most effort into looking her best. “Uh, yes Rarity?”
“I got a letter yesterday from Princess Cadance.”
'Ah crud...' Twilight thought before nodding for her to go on.
“Well, she was asking me when you might think about going to visit her and your brother up in the Crystal Empire.”
'Aaaan I know exactly what she's wanting.' “I don't know. I can't think of any diplomatic summits or anything like that happening there anytime soon.”
Rarity giggled a little. “Come now. We all know what she wants from you Dear.”
Twilight jumped to his hooves, his wings flared wide. “No! I am not going to do anything like that. I have the five of you... and the two Princesses...” He sighed and relaxed, sitting back down. “Look, Rarity, I love all of you, Princesses included, even if I am not married to either of them. They're also the mothers of my foals.” He lay back down and looked at the book before him before continuing. “She's my sister-in-law. It would be like, I dunno, doing it with Shining Armor.” He shuddered at that idea.
“Well, the girls and I have talked it over, at length, and we are all okay with the idea of you helping out your brother and sister-in-law, considering his shielding magic is so strong that even an anti-magic ring can't block it.”
Twilight's eyes went wide at this. “Bu-wha? Hold on a sec. You expect me to believe that you WANT me to mate with Cadance?”
Rarity nodded. “Of course. Now, it would be done privately and the foal would be Shining Armor's, for all those who don't need to know.”
The strapping young stallion faceplanted into his book. “Even my wives want me to do this...” He feebly looked up at the mare and sighed. “Why are all of you alright with this? I mean, yea, I would be helping Cadance and Shiney save face, but...”
“No buts, well, unless Cadance likes that sort of thing.” Twilight sputtered, but Rarity continued, “And it would all be done in the privacy of the royal chambers. Nopony would ever know the truth, other than us.”
“Listen Twilight, you have made seven mares happier than they have ever imagined with their new foals. It's not fair to see the Prince and Princess being left out.”
“I know, somehow, I am going to regret this... Fine. I will see about setting up some excuse to visit the Crystal Empire...”
Rarity clapped her dainty hooves together and beamed a smile. “Girls, Twilight agreed.”
Applejack grumbled and hooved over a bag of bits to a widely grinning Rainbow Dash.

Three weeks later, Prince Twilight Sparkle exited the Crystal Express and looked toward the crystalline spires of the Crystal Empire. His 'reason' for the visit was to negotiate a trade for crystals, in return for other tradeable goods that the Empire could not produce on its own.
He was greeted by Shining Armor and a small squad of Crystal Pony guards.
“It's great to see you again Prince Twilight.” Shining offered a nod of his head. “I am hoping that we can get these negotiations over with quickly and smoothly.”
Twilight nodded in return. “Indeed. This will benefit both Equestria and the Crystal Empire. It's been a long trip, so I hope you don't mind if I retire to my chambers to get some rest?”
“Not at all. This way Prince.”
With that, Twilight followed his brother to a carriage that took them both to the palace.
Once there, Twilight insisted he go right to his quarters to get his rest, not wanting to interrupt the Princess from her royal duties. Besides, he knew what was going to be happening later that evening...

A soft knock on the doors interrupted Twilight's reading of some scrolls that were related to the trade bargain he was officially here to negotiate. He sighed and got off the cushions and went to open the door.
Standing there, as expected, was Princess Cadance... but also, not expected, was Shining Armor.
“Hiiii there...” Twilight greeted nervously. “So, um, what brings you here of all places?”
“Silly Twilight.” Cadance's giggle was like crystal bells. “Do I 'need' a reason to visit you?”
'It's obvious what she wants, but why is my brother here? Well, if he's here, then none of that stuff is going to be happening.' “Um, no?”
Cadance entered the room and gave Twilight a friendly hug, followed by another hug from his brother.
“It's always good to see you Twily.” Shining chuckled as he released his younger brother.
“So...” Twilight started.
“So...?” Shining added, raising an eye.
Cadance used her magic to close the door, surrounding it with her magic and sealing it good. “Twilight, I am here to discuss part of the trade deal, part that is not written on any of the documents.”
'Here is comes...' Twilight dreaded this, but knew it was going to be happening.
“Shining and I, as you well know, have been trying for an heir to the Empire, and as such, due to his potent protective magicks, we have been unable to do so. Mind you, I do so enjoy his efforts.” She winked at the now blushing Princes.
“Okay...” Twilight sighed. “I understand what you want from me, but why in Celestia's ample flanks is my brother doing here?”
Cadance blushed and mumbled something.
“Come again?” Twilight leaned a little closer.
“We can't make an attempt for an heir without the both of us being present and, you know.”
Twilight.EXE damn near went and shut down, but a gentle hoof from the princess on his chest prevented that. “Hold on... You want to... with both of us... together...? Candance, we're family, brothers and all that. We can't...”
“You're not going to be having sex with each other.” Cadance stood tall, but she was blushing quite prominently. “You are both going to be having sex with me.”
Shining.EXE started having problems, at least till Cadance kissed him on the lips. “Shining, come now. Maybe the presence of your brother and his own powerful magic will be what is needed to break down your protections.”
“Uh... Can I have a moment with my brother? Alone?” Shining dragged Twilight off to the far side of the room, where they whispered something back and forth for a good five minuets. Once done, they looked back and both blushed at the sight of a lingerie wearing Cadance sprawled out sexily on the bed.
“Well? Who wants to go first?” She winked at the two stallions, who were both staring with jaws on the floor.
“I'm her husband, so I should go first.”
“Uh, yea, please do... I'll just be...”
Cadance levitated Twilight onto the bed. “You can help, perhaps?”
“Um, how so?” Twilight was contemplating teleporting away.
“I have heard some stories from Rainbow Dash, and how you've been enjoying doing it anal with her.”
BLUUUUUUUSH!!!! (This is both stallions, just so you're clear)
“And I have often contemplated what it would feel like, you know, being double penetrated.”
Twilight.EXE and Shining.EXE have experienced... *Pinkie Pie smacks the author. “You've used that joke already. Don't do it again or I'll have to borrow a strap on and visit you in your sleep.”*
The duo of stallions found themselves back in the corner quickly discussing war strategies for another full minute. Once done, they both approached the bed.
“Alrighty then.” Shining crawled onto the bed and lay on his back. “You can be on top.”
“Don't you mean in the middle?” Cadance giggled. “Alright, I'll be the Stallion Sandwich filling, waiting to be filled with yummy, warm and gooey cream.”
“Um, Shiney? You never once mentioned how... interesting Cadance could be...”
“Would you have believed me?” He chuckled toward his younger sibling.
“No, most likely not, seeing as I've always known the Princess here to be sweet and kind and...”
“The Princess of Love?” Cadance added, cutting Twilight off. “I know most believe it's the emotion I embody, but it is also more. Auntie Luna and I both cover aspects of the carnal side of love and the night.” She climbed on top of her husband and started to grind her already wet sex against his growing one.
Twilight still was not entirely sure what to do. 'Come on Twilight. She wants, what was it again? To be double penetrated? I didn't even know that was possible... But then, if I do her in the butt, how can I get her pregnant? Also, MY BUCKING BROTHER IS RIGHT THERE!!! How can I even get a boner with him... Nevermind, it's already out and fully hard...'
He watched as Cadance got Shiny's cock good and wet before taking it all into her love hole. Twilight made a mental note that Shining Armor, his own big brother, was not as thick or as long as he was. 'Please don't notice I'm bigger than you are...' But one look at Shining's bulging eyes told him that yes, he had noticed. 'Bugger it all...' He thought a moment before moving in behind Cadance, his magic lifting her tail and too the side so he could get a better look at what was going on.
Twilight had actually never gotten to actually see (for science) what it looked like when a penis penetrated a vagina. Now he was getting a good close look. Every thrust in, every movement of the cock and how the pussy moved to it.
It fascinated the young Prince, and made him very aware of his own arousal. He looked up a little, and visually examined Cadance's anus. It looked tight, tighter than any of his own wives (certainly not Dashie's). He reached out with his magic and 'felt' it. Soft like satin, warm and the scent from the sex was overwhelming.
Twilight's magic examined further, pushing inside, spreading the once puckered opening a little at a time. The inside was clean, and a bright pink. There was no offending smell either, and this made Twilight wonder what it tasted like.
Before he could stop himself, he grabbed onto Cadance's hips and brought his mouth forward, lips wrapping around the exterior as his tongue started exploring everything about the mare's 'ponut'.
It was very unlike licking a pussy, which he actually enjoyed a lot. Thankfully his fear it might taste bad was blown away by the slightly sweet taste of Cadance's own sex juices that had splashed up from the activity just below.
Lapping away, he could hear Cadance's moans and gasps. She was obviously greatly enjoying the attention.
“Oh wow Twilight!” The mare groaned in excetacy. “You're so good with your tongue!”
“He can't be better than me...” Shining worried. “Can he?”
“You have more experience dear.” Cadance kissed her husband deeply, just before she felt Twilight move from behind her to on top of her.
“I can't hold back anymore.” Twilight moaned as he pressed his generous member to his sister-in-law's rear entrance. “I'm not small, so please bare with me.”
He pushed a little, and was a little surprised when he felt little resistance as he entered the tight feeling hole.
Cadance grit her teeth a little, but didn't cry in pain.
Shining on the other hoof nearly cried, as his tongue had nearly been caught between those very same teeth. He still got the very tip nipped slightly, but that didn't stop him from pounding into his wife.
Still, he couldn't believe this was happening. He and his own brother were both going at it with his own wife. 'Hmm, maybe Twily will let me have some time with one or two... or more of his wives one of these days. It's only fair seeing that I'm letting him do this to help us out.'
Cadance cried out in delight as Twilight finally penetrated past the opening and started to pump into her rump.
“Guh... Cadance... You're so tight...” Twilight managed to say between his own groans.
“You're... aah... bigger than... oooh... Shiny...”
'Oh sure, rub it in why don't you...' Shining Armor thought. 'But hell, this is more exciting than anything Cadance and I have done on our own before. Buck it, I don't think I'm going to last much longer though.' “I... I think I'm going to cum.”
“Oh no you don't, not yet.” Cadance grinned and channeled some magic into her stallion. “You're not cumming till I let you cum.”
Twilight leaned his head back, almost like a wolf that was about to howl and kept pushing in as deep as he felt he could before pulling back, then back in. He did what he could to make his thrusts coincide with when Shining was pulling out. Shining out, Twilight in. Twilight out, Shining in. The brothers did their best to keep up this pace for as long as they could.
Cadance's magic was keeping both stallions from blowing their loads till she had her own chance to cum.
And it was going to be a big one. Cadance could feel it coming, and coming fast. It was going to be an enormous orgasm, and she was glad this room had already been reinforced with all sorts of magic.
Finally, it came. She screamed in pure delight and sexual extacy, her horn flaring and releasing a surge of sexual magic all over the bed, Shining Armor's face, and the wall behind the bed. Some even hit Twilight, getting in his mouth.
At the same time her magic that had been keeping both stallions from cumming was released. They both pushed in as deep as they could, filling the mare with more cum than she'd ever had in her at one time.
Her belly extended slightly more from the huge flood of seed, which was already extended from the pair of large dicks filling her.
The trio collapsed onto the bed, all gasping for breath.
“I... I don't think I have anything else left to give...” Shining gasped out.
“Lucky you.” Twilight joked as he pulled out, both feeling and hearing the small flood of cum pour out of Cadance's distended anus and onto Shining's own dick, balls, and everything else down there before pooling onto the bed. “I've done seven mares in one day.”
Cadance's eyes lit up. “Oh goody. Then that means you'll be good to go in a few minutes for round two?”
'Buck my life...'

Ponyville's Library.
Spike slept like a baby, for once not having tagged along with Twilight and accidentally walking in on him doing one of his wives... Which happened at least once a week nowadays. Or in this one case, seeing the brothers banging their Sister-in-law/Wife...


Eleven Months later.
Twilight was once again visiting the Crystal Empire, having been called here for a most wonderful of surprises.
"Twilight." Cadance and Shining both hugged the stallion prince before leading him into one of the royal bedrooms.
There, the young alicorn was greeted by not one, but TWO tiny unicorn foals.
"Say hello to Princess Flurry Heart and Princess Skyla." Cadance sounded so proud.
Twilight looked in on the pair. "Twins? They're so adora..."
Then they spread their wings...
'Tia and Lulu are going to blow a blood vessel or nine when they hear about this...'

The End.