//------------------------------// // Interlude: Memo To The Herald // Story: The People's Republic of Twilightlicious // by GeodesicDragon //------------------------------// Herald Geo, While you were dealing with Princess Twilight Sparkle, we conducted a search for the portal which you believe she used to travel from her homeland of Equestria. I regret to inform you, mighty Herald, that our search – while meticulous – was entirely unsuccessful. We could not find anything that remotely resembled a portal nor could we detect any energy readings which would suggest the existence of one. We have two theories as to why this is the case: 1. The portal we are looking for is not located within the borders of Twilightlicious. Either that, or it is well hidden. 2. Princess Twilight arrived in Twilightlicious via another method. However, we believe that the strands of her mane which you obtained earlier might be of help to us, as they will no doubt contain the energy readings we need to open a portal of our own. Although our search for the portal turned out to be a pointless endeavour, our soldiers did learn much about the military power of both Equestria and Twilightlicious. The former has a strong military presence, but their equipment is nothing compared to ours (we're talking positively medieval), while the latter – even with similar weapons to ours – lacks much in the way of numbers. Even so, your plans for the invasion of Equestria have been put into action. Two hundred divisions – three million troops – have been placed on standby, as have several armoured and mechanised divisions and much of the Air Force. The troops have every faith in your ability to lead them to Equestria, Herald — and once we're there, the inhabitants will either kneel before our might... or they will be crushed by it. Having said that, we expect the Equestrians to put up minimal resistance. Your plans for a simultaneous attack on Twilightlicious itself are also awaiting execution, to stop them from sending any reinforcements. As for the rest of the region... we're sure that the threat of nuclear devastation will prevent them interfering. A whole new world awaits us, Herald, and we are proud to accompany you on this journey. We eagerly await your return to Geotopia, so that we can put your grand plan into action. Glory to the Apocalypse. 5-Star General Kevin Dawson Head of the GeodesicDragon Army Marshal Blake Anderson Head of the GeodesicDragon Air Force