It Wasn't Me!

by Gahoobery_Jigglymuff

1 - Where Is It?

"Agh! I'm up! I'm up!" Kui yelled as he nearly jumped out of bed, almost falling flat on his face. His alarm kept blaring out at him as he quickly got dressed in his usual attire: a simple brown t-shirt accompanied by a bright blue hoodie and a pair of black jeans. He grabbed his headphones, scooped up his backpack and turned his alarm off, racing downstairs.

Breakfast was over with pretty quickly, largely because he didn't have breakfast. Kuiper Glitch said bye to his parents before making it outside his house and setting off for school. He never really complained about school, but it was tricky for him to get up early enough to go, largely due to him staying up way too late on a night. Despite his usual habits, today he got up surprisingly early, which led to him walking to Canterlot High School at a more leisurely pace than usual. It was nice, as it allowed him to take in the local scenery in a lot more detail.

Looking to his right, he mostly saw the estate he lived on, but on his left were a few acres of fields that were very rarely used for anything. Kui kept walking, putting his headphones on once he remembered he had them. A large majority of the walk was fields and stores, until he reached the town. From there, more stores could be seen and the place was definitely more urbanised than near his home, but he kept on walking. A couple of CHS students often said hi and waved at Kui, which he usually reciprocated gladly...if he noticed. As you might guess, his music is often quite loud, and due to this he doesn't notice too much around him.

That iconic statue soon came into view, and Kui took off his headphones, turning right to head down the path to the main doors of Canterlot High School. As he walked towards the doors, he looked around. Wait, where is everyone?, he thought. He quickly checked the time and panicked. He ran towards the doors and inside to his first lesson, unaware of a strange 'thud' kind of noise, followed by a few quickly-paced footsteps.


Rainbow Dash seemingly flew through the portal, and smirked as she came out the other side. That smirk soon vanished, however, as she collided with the floor, creating a small 'thud'. Confused, Rainbow Dash tried to flutter her wings, but nothing happened. Now she was worried. She awkwardly turned around repeatedly trying to touch her wings, similar to the way a dog sometimes chases its own tail. As she finally gave up and submitted to the fact that her wings were now non-existent, Rainbow Dash decided to look around for clues. Her search was quickly cut short, however, as a certain deep red crystal caught her eye. She turned around, and saw a part of her crystal sticking out of some kid's back pocket. Nostrils flared slightly, Rainbow dashed after the kid. But then she stopped. Though she wouldn't admit it, she stopped due to her inability to walk on two legs, let alone run. Though this played a big role in stopping her, the majority of the cause was the sign above the main doors:

"Canterlot High School"

Rainbow grunted and kicked the ground after she had gotten up shakily. She knew she wasn't supposed to visit this place, and that in fact she was supposed to stay as far away from it as possible, but of course the solution to the problem would be in the one place Rainbow Dash was told not to go anywhere near. After an almost surprisingly short time, she decided to venture into the school.

Most corridors appeared empty, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because it meant not many people would see her, but bad because it meant she had no idea where this school kid was. It didn't take long for her to get used to walking on two legs, and so she was acrobatically sneaking around the school in no time. She looked through as many classroom doors as possible, but the kid seemed to be nowhere! As determined as she could ever be, she kept looking, until she bumped into an oddly familiar face.

"Oh, uhm, h-hi, Rainbow Dash..." came an almost inaudible greeting.

Rainbow Dash took a step back, before blurting out, "Fluttershy?! What are you doing here?!"

"Uhm, I go to school here? You know, Canterlot High? Our, uhm, school, where you're, uh, the captain of most sports teams?" replied Fluttershy, trailing off slightly near the end.

"Wait, what are you-" Rainbow suddenly realised the now-presumable reason why Twilight said not to go here.

"What am I what?"

"Uhhh, never mind... hey, you couldn't quickly do something for me, could you, Fluttershy?"

"Well, I probably can, but that would mostly depend on what you want..."

"I'm looking for a specific kid, about *this* tall, brown hair, blue highlights, wearing a blue hoodie and a brown backpack. You seen him?"

"Oh, you must mean Kuiper Glitch... he's fairly new here, so I'd presume he'll be either in, uhm, Principal Celestia's office for a newbie checkup, or in Pinkie Pie's Astronomy class. Probably the, uhm, latter..."

"Okay, thanks, Fluttershy!"

"M-my pleasure!" she squeaked as Rainbow Dash ran off down the corridor towards the science block.

Fluttershy continued walking down the corridor, enjoying her free period, when she turned a corner and saw Rainbow Dash again. She stared quizzically for a moment, before walking up to her and saying hello. Rainbow Dash reciprocated the greeting and asked Fluttershy how she was.

"Oh, I'm's your search going?"

"Search? What search?"

"Uhm, the one you just talked to me about a few minutes ago? About looking for Kuiper Glitch?"

"Yeah, I don't remember that at all..." Rainbow Dash said, confused and concerned.

"Oh... well, uhm, maybe tiredness is finally getting to me, what with looking after Angel most nights..."

"It's okay, Fluttershy, I guess you just need a good night's sleep and you'll be back to your adorably awesome self in no time!"

"That's a very good point, Rainbow Dash... uhm, thankyou..."

"You're welcome, Fluttershy! Anyway, we better get going to class. I know we technically saved the world, but that doesn't stop us getting told off for being late!" she said before grabbing Fluttershy and dashing off to their first lesson.

It didn't take long for the Equestrian Rainbow Dash to reach the science block, and even less time to find the room Pinkie was in. She scanned the room from behind the window, until her hint from Fluttershy had proven useful. She backed away from the door slightly and went to enter the room.


"Okay class, can anyone tell me one characteristic of the Van Allen belts?"

An energetic hand was thrown wildly into the air.

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"Well, the Van Allen belts are shaped like two giant doughnuts, which is useful for when giant alien space monsters know which planet will be the tastiest, because it will be ours because of the two giant doughnuts, which would be undeniably yummy and scrumptious, except they would taste all icky because they're actually made of highly toxic radiation which would be very very very unscrumptious for your stomach!"

"Well, you certainly took the long way round in saying that, Pinkie, but yes! The Van Allen belts are two doughnut-shaped rings of radiation that surround our pl-"

*Knock Knock*

The teacher signalled the visitor inside the room, asking what they required.

"Could I borrow Kuiper Glitch for a second, sir?"