My Little Pony Six Word Biographies

by Godslittleprincess

Other Ponyville Residents

Mayor Mare
I keep this town running, somehow.

Teaching: somepony’s got to do it

Friend that’s true, potions she brews.

Snips and Snails
Just Ponyville’s resident pair of clowns

Bulk Biceps
Big impressions make all the difference.

Aloe and Lotus Blossom
Life could use some more pampering.

Lily Valley, Rose, and Daisy
More fragile than their own flowers

Filthy Rich
Just call me Rich, just Rich.

Pipsqueak “Pip"
Small colts can have big expectations.

Born to work in the press

Tender Taps
Dancing my heart into every step

Callie's Notes: In the process of writing Snips and Snails's biography, my ancestor greatly lamented his inability to include Snails's skill in buckball in the six words that he allotted himself.