Night: HiE

by Zactrooper


Twilight decided to take me on a tour of the town after breakfast. We finished up, and headed out. I looked back and noticed with surprise that the house was literally a giant tree, with the house dug out of the trunk.

Twilight happily proclaims, “This is my house, the towns Library”
I nod, impressed. The interior certainly didn’t show that it was a tree. The builders did a good job. We
walk into town square, where there were stalls with of ponies selling anything you could imagine!

“This is the Marketplace, where my friend Applejack sells her apples.” Twilight said.

I notice an orange mare, strongly built, with three apples on her flank (Her…Cutie mark? Yeah that’s what it’s called), but her most striking feature was a Stetson hat on her head. “Howdy!” she says in a southern drawl, “What brings ya’ll here today?”

Twilight smiles and responds, “Hey Applejack, I'm just showing my friend around town, any ideas about where to go?”

Applejack rubbed her chin. “Well, ah don’t wanna sound like ah'm advertising, but come ta Sweet Apple Acres, best apples ‘round Ponyville. It’s mah home, and mah business too!”

I chuckle and reply with a shake of my head “I might just have to stop by.”

“Well, ya’ll have fun on your tour, and ah heard Fluttershy was looking for some help down by her cottage. I’d try down there next.”

Twilight nodded and said, “We might try that, thanks AJ.”

As we left the marketplace, there was a sound like a very large bird coming towards us.