//------------------------------// // Ponification // Story: Night: HiE // by Zactrooper //------------------------------// I awoke to a large purple face staring at me from a foot away. “WHAAA!!!” I screamed, falling out of the bed. The figure blushed, and said “I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I’ve just never seen that color fur before, (except for Her, but…) anyway, welcome! I'm Twilight Sparkle, but you can call me Twilight.” I smile, and begin to say my name when I remember what Luna said, {You may start over again…} “I’m Night, and I don’t remember coming here, or anything” I confessed. “That’s ok, you hit your head pretty hard” she replied. She stood up, and I got a good look at this new pony. She had a lavenderish coat, with a pink, six pointed star on her flank. She was about 4 feet tall at the tip of her horn, and had a purple and pink mane/tail. She walked over to the door, and held it open. “Coming?” She asked with a warm smile “Yeah.” I get up, and follow her towards her kitchen. It was an average sized kitchen with a breakfast bar to the right, and a nice stove with 6 burners, and a huge fridge. The room beside it looked like a living room, with floor to ceiling bookshelves, (Full of books, old and new,) 3 really comfy looking chairs, with a side table on the right of each of them. I sit down at the bar and ask her what I can do to help out. “Well”, she replies, reaching into the fridge, “You can go wake up Spike, he’s down the hall, second door on the left.” I nod and go down the hall she indicated. I open the door and see the most beautiful room I’ve ever seen. There were crystals everywhere, rubies lying on the floor, huge emeralds growing from the ceiling, sapphires growing on the walls, and a bed of sorts made from topaz, diamonds, opals, and countless other types of crystals. The most striking feature, by far, is the dragon, curled up on the bed, asleep. It was giant, ten feet at least, with shimmering blue and purple scales all over his body, and green fins on the top of his head. “Spike?” The beast raises his head and looks at me, blinking the sleep out of its eyes. It yawns, and says in a deep, muscular voice, “Is it morning already?”