//------------------------------// // The Hall of Judgment // Story: Night: HiE // by Zactrooper //------------------------------// I awoke in a bright room, with more of those animals, but they only had wings, no horn. One of them spoke. “Your audience is requested by the Princesses at once” I stand up and ask, “Where am I?” “You are in the Hall of Judgment,” he replies, “You will be given a second chance, proven they like you, of course.” I am lead to a giant room, with two thrones, one that looks like it was bleached by the sun, completely white, but faded a little, while the other, black as the night, with what look like stars painted onto the back of it. The horse motions for me to stand in the center of the room. “Hello Zac,” says a voice not unlike that of that horse in my living room. The guard, at some unseeable gesture, salutes the throne and marches off. A dark figure steps out from behind the throne with stars on it. “We have been expecting you.” It was the animal from my living room. “H…How?” I asked, “How the hell did I get here? And who the hell are you?” She smiled and said “Please don’t say those horrible words, We do not like hearing them. As for who I am…” She laughed. “My name is Luna, Princess of the Night. I have been watching the Human world, looking for the One who will help me release my sister, Celestia, from her earthbound prison “I’m not that kind of person…I have no special powers, I can’t help you Princess Luna. I'm sorry.” Her smile faded, and she said, “I have seen you at your best, and also at your worst. You have the most power within you that I’ve ever seen. Enough to rival my sister’s protégée, Twilight Sparkle. You are able to…well…that’s for a later date, but you are needed here, away from your past life. You may start over again, but if you want a second chance, you cannot keep this form. Death calls this form to Him as we speak” “Then what form would I take?” I ask. “You would become a Pony” Luna replies. “Uh….what? Did you say…a pony?” “Yes, a pony” Luna confirmed. “Then sign me up!” Luna smiled, and said “This will hurt.” “Wait, wha—“ I stopped when I felt an excruciating pain, felt like my skin was ripped off, cut to ribbons, and then sewn back together with a cactus. I blacked out…again…