
by DNA Hochburger


Half an hour later the ponies stand in the entrance area of the castle minus Trixie and in case of the former guards without their belongings. Most of them are standing around chatting merrily until the sound of footsteps can be heard from the stairs, which makes them turn in that direction. Descending are the two humans. Both are dressed in a formal wear. The only difference is that FREEZERs is completely white and DNAs is black. There is one other noticeable difference and that is the way they wear their suits. While the bigger one of the two looks quite good in it, the wind tamer is more. It seems as he is made to wear something like this. His whole charm is totally different than the earth tamer.

"I'm sorry we let you guys waiting, but somebody," implies DNA FREEZER without looking at him, "Didn't want to put one his suite."

"Don't worry, we are still on time," reassures him Celestia.

"Then let us get going. Shall we?" And so the group of nineteen starts to wander back towards Ponyville.

They walk for good half an hour with Princess Celestia, DNA, Lieutenant Flash Strike in the front and the rest of them walking behind them.

A couple of meters before they exit the forest the black clad human turns around to address the other of his kind. "Now come on FREEZER, you know what we talked about."

The green haired human sighs before closing his eyes. He takes a deep breath in and as he releases it he opens his eyes with a smile forming on his lips.

Everypony who hasn't met him for the first time this day is shocked. His smile isn't sinister, not meant as a taunt, but looks genuine. All but three ponies are fooled. These three are Princess Celestia, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

"Now let's get to town square so you can hold your speech, Celestia," says DNA pulling everyponies attention away from the other one.

"Yes, of course. We should get there soon," agrees the sun monarch after shaking her head before starting to walk again.

As they approach town square the crowd of ponies gets thicker the further they continue in, but for their group this isn't a concern as ponies make a path for them to walk through out of fear and bowing. The only reason there isn't total chaos like last time is likely because of the presence of their ruler.

The group finally arrives at town hall where they are quickly ushered inside.

Mayor Mare bows when everyone is inside a trickle of sweat running down the side of her head and a smile, albeit a nervous one, on her face. "Hello, Princess Celestia. Is there anything you might need before you give your speech?"

"Rise my little pony. And no I won't be long, so if you would please just start. That would be lovely," replies the princess her voice and smile getting just a bit sweeter.

The mayor goes upright again. "Of course."

When the mare leaves and most of the ponies in the room start conversing with one another, DNA steps up to the white alicorn. "Celestia, might I speak with you for a moment?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Just two quick questions actually. The first is about the creatures in the Everfree. I don't know if you knew, but humans eat meat," begins the white haired biped.

"Oh?" is Celestias simple reply. It isn't that she is shocked. There are races that eat meat, but simply surprised because she hadn't thought of that possibility that humans would too.

"Yes, so I wanted to ask if it'd be able that we go hunting?"

"Sure, as long as you don't do it front of my ponies," answers the princess of the sun.

He waves her off. "Oh please, I wouldn't be that stupid and do it in front of the foals."

She nods in satisfaction. "There was another thing you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Ah yes. Let's say that for some reason, we'd be attacked, what would be the action that we are allowed to take. Of course that is purely hypothetical."

Celestias good mood instantly drops at the question. "If that were to happen you would of course be allowed to defend yourself, but I am confident that you would be able to apprehend them, without injuring them."

He taps his chin. "I assume I am able to not hurt them too bad..." he shakes his head, "Of course only if something like this ever happens."

"Of course. If this ever happens," agrees Celestia with a calm face, but her inner self is not as calm. And again he isn't telling me everything. At least there are guards with him now.

Just as she finishes that thought a pony in golden armor sticks his head through the door from the outside. "Princess, it is time for your speech."

She turns to him. "Thank you. We will come."

With that everyone files out and Celestia puts herself behind the podium with the element bearers on her right side and the human on her left.

"Hello Ponyville," begins Celestia letting her gaze sweep over the crowd before continuing, "Several days ago a new race named humans came to Equestria. There are currently only two members of them here and they are staying near Ponyville," explains the ruler as she points to the two bipeds to her right, "so I ask of you that you are nice to them. Now one of them wants to say something," ends the princess while making place for DNA.

"Thank you princess," starts the human before turning to the crowd. "Hello ponies of Ponyville. My name is DNA and this here is my fellow human FREEZER," says the biped while gesturing to the green haired one of his kind. "I heard that our unannounced arrival here caused some panic and I sincerely apologize for this and beg for your forgiveness," pleads the earth bender while bowing before all the gathered ponies before him.

Some mutters start between the quadruples that last for some uncomfortable seconds before somepony shouts from the back rows, "We forgive you!" One by on the ponies start agreeing with the random pony and soon the crowd is in a loud cheer for the race they have only met today.

DNA puts his head up high before saying, "I thank you. I thank you so much," in a sincere voice.

He steps to the side to make place for Princess Celestia. "You also have my gratitude, ponyvilliains. It was not expected from you to give these two a chance after they scared you, but you still do out of the kindness of your heart. I thank you. And as much as I'd like to stay for a bit, I am afraid I have to leave. Goodbye, Ponyville." And with that she begins to walk to her chariot that is already waiting for her.

"We'll be going too," states DNA before looking down at the four kids. "Are you coming back with us right away, or you rather go crusade for a bit?"

The four of them discuss for a bit before Scootaloo answers, "We're gonna crusade for a bit."

"Alright, but don't come home too late, okay?"

"Sure!" they call back as they already run off.

"Princess!" calls a male voice.

The princess turns around to find Shining Armor running towards her. "Ah Captain, how is your vacation treating you?"

He blushes lightly and clears his throat before answering, "About that princess. Are you sure I should stay here for a whole week? Don't you need me back at the palace?"

She chuckles at that. "Don't be silly, Captain. We are at a time of peace. I am sure the guard can handle one week without their captain. Besides it will do you some good to take some time off with all the overtime you have been doing. Also," Princess Celestia leans in closer, "DNA said something that makes me uncomfortable. It gives me some piece of mind that you are here for now."

He thinks for a second. "So, you want me to spy on him?"

"No, no, of course not," waves Celestia him off. "I see it more as observing him a bit."

Shining Armor knows what she means. "Of course, Princess. I will observe him a bit."

The princess of the sun nods before entering her chariot.

When they are finally in the shadows of the Everfree again FREEZER lets out a heavy sigh and at the same time the smile that he had wearing like a mask falls off. He loosens his tie and unbuttons the top most buttons before taking off his shoes. He waves before running away deeper into the forest.

The ponies are impressed by his speed. It isn't like Gleaming Coats and Pinkie Pies indescribable vanishing, but just really fast running.

"How is he so fast?" inquires Flash.

When they don't get an answer they turn to the human that is still with them and see him drawing with his finger into the air. "Hey, DNA?!"

The human turns his head towards them. "Huh?"

"What are you doing?"

"Oh? You mean that?" while pointing into the air in front of him. The former guards nod in confirmation. "That is our M.E.I.S.G." At the ponies confused looks he starts explaining, but not after rolling his eyes.

"That seems practical," concludes Night Light his gaze in a thoughtful way at the canopy of the trees.

"Oh, it is. Imagine how hard it would be for FREEZER and me to communicate in a place as big as our palace. So yeah, pretty useful if you ask me."

"And why is FREEZER so fast, or is this something to do with your race?" questions Blood Raven.

Suddenly six white objects fly out of the bushes at the side towards the ponies of the group. Three of them hit the mark. The other three are caught, two of them by a brow hoof and the third by a dark, sickly looking green magical aura.

Dark Voice looks at the objects in his hoof that almost hit him and his coltfriend. "Why are we getting attacked with sugarcubes?"

"Uh gimme one," says the pink male exited.

The brow earth pony is about to give him one of the the white cubes, when he gets an idea. "Get it." He puts one of them between his teeth and shows it to Gleam. The pink pony immediately catches on and locks lips with him.

Flash picks up the piece that hit him. "Now the question is why somepony would throw them at us in the first place."

"This was a test!" declares DNA full with excitement while putting a finger into the air.

"A test?" asks Blood while raising an eyebrow.

"YES!" screams the human her the answer in the face, while also pointing at her with the finger that was previously in the air. "And only Shadow Slash and Dark Voice passed. Bonus points for Dark by the way for catching two of them. I'm actually thinking about letting Gleam also pass, because he technically wasn't hit by them."

"But why?"

"Quite simple really. I wanted to see how you react. Simple as that." And with that he turns around and starts walking towards the castle again.

"DNA, what were those lines in the entrance for?" asks Blood Raven.

"If you aren't noticing we are following one of those lines right now," states the human, pointing at the floor next to him. True enough there is a gray line. To be more specific, it's the same gray as the stones underneath it. "And they are for anyone that don't have M.E.I.S.G." He opens a door. Beyond it lies a fairly sized room with six beds on the side of it with a night stand next to each. At the far back wall is a cupboard and their things. The light is provided by a lamp at the top of the room. "This is your room during your stay here. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask me. You can place the beds as you please. For all I care you can make them bunkbeds. Dinner is at six o'clock tonight. Now if you excuse me I have some things to organize for our training." And with that he leaves them to their own business.

"Gleam help me get the beds together," commands Dark Voice from the back of the room, to which the pink pony replies promptly.

"Well might as well get our things sorted out," states Flash with a sigh.

"That was quite good," comments Blood.

"It was alright," states Flash before wiping his muzzle with his napkin.

"Oh yes. Mama boy has something to complain about the food. It's better than anything they serve you in the guard," adds Dark.

"It doesn't matter how you phrase it. All I can hear out of it is that my cooking wasn't bad and you could eat it. That 's good enough for me," concludes DNA their reviews. "Anyway. Trixie, could you bring the kids to their room?" The four foals are about to complain, when he shuts anything they might say down, "No when or buts you are going to your room. I'm going to come by later to put you to bed myself." With one mighty groan they comply and walk out with the light blue unicorn behind them.

"Now, FREEZER could you get everything ready?" The green haired human nods before also leaving.

"What is he preparing?" asks the thestral.

The biped completely ignores her question and just continues, "Shadow Slash, Gleaming Coat and Blood Raven you are responsible to clean the dishes today. Dark Voice and Night Light you two are free to do what you want, except help them do the dishes. And you Flash are coming with me." With that the human stands up and leaves.

The dark blue haired pegasus looks to his friends. "I guess I will just follow him?" It was more a question to ask them if he should go or not. When he gets no answer he just catches up to DNA not knowing what else to do.

"So where are we going?" tries the pegasus to start a conversation, but DNA only ignores. Okay, I guess he doesn't want to talk then.

They walk for a bit before they reach a unassuming door. The human opens it and motions the pony to go inside. Ones he is the black clad creature shuts the door. The room looks like a study and is like every room at the castle bigger than normal. In the middle stands a large desk, the left and the back wall are both hidden behind bookshelves that are filled with rows upon rows of books both new and old.

"Please take a seat," says the earth bender from behind the desk sitting in a bean bag.

Flash shakes his head. "Y-yes, of course."

As soon as he does so DNA begins to talk, "I am sure you are asking yourself why I brought you here. Well to be honest it's to warn you. You can probably still remember what I told you this afternoon, about what happens when the demon takes control of you. I'm sorry to say that you are especially endangered that this happens to you."

Flash gulps. "Why?"

"Demons just love to take control of living beings. The more intelligent and powerful something is the more likely it is to be chosen by one. Now a goal helps to keep them at bay and at the same time lets you endure the training during that time. Now your goal is like a candle in a storm. While let´s say Shadows is like an... How can I describe it accurately? Ok, imagine Canterlot burning down. Everything is set ablaze. And then it's in the middle of an bright and sunny day. You see the point I'm trying to make, right?"

The pegasus nods timidly.

"Good," a toothy smile appears on the human as he leans his head on his arm. "Now let me tell how this is going to go. There are three things that can happen now. One: You won't get trained by me and stay here or go back to Canterlot. There is no shame in choosing it. Second: You go through with the training and will most likely be taken over by the demon. When that happens me and FREEZER will have to stop you and you lose everything including your life. But hey maybe you will actually managed to complete the training that way, who knows. And then there is the third option. You will undergo special and experimental training."

Flash gulps. "What will that training include?"

"Well it would include a whip and... yeah," finishes the human with a chuckle. "Tell ya what. Go to your room, sleep over it and tell me your decision tomorrow. Okay?" The stallion nods slowly. "Good. Now go back to your room, your friends are already worried about you."

The pony stands up and slowly makes his way back. Ones he steps in Blood Raven rushes to him. "Are you alright, Flash? What did he do to you?"

He doesn't answer or even reacts to say it better as he makes his way to his bed, where he just slumps on and closes his eyes. His five look at each other worried. The only mare from the group slowly approaches him before laying herself next to and giving him silent comfort.

Just like the old days, just that the roles are switched now, thinks the theastral as she falls asleep.