//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 - A New Nightmare Approaches // Story: Playing The Villain // by Northern Desert //------------------------------// When the four Warriors reappeared, along with Ember Root, they found themselves in a small wooden building, an altar standing proudly before the bleachers and the single door.  On the wall was picture depicting a serpent-like dragon, the ocean around it swirling violently as it coiled its long body.  While a silence had taken the room, yellow beady eyes blinked in the darkened corners of the room as they sense new arrivals.  Off to the side, however, a dim light could be seen leaking out of a closed door, humming along with the moving of items could faintly reach the ears of those who were in the building.        “Well this looks homely.” Rainborg stated, examining their surroundings. “Is Teridax in that room over there?” She pointed to the door.         “Probably,” Ember Root said, looking around the building and in particular the shadowy figures that hid in the corners.  “He chose to move the map here, for safekeeping.  I’d suggest you go and see, I’ll see you four around.” With her answer given, the pink dragoness made her way to the exit and opened the somewhat heavy door which exceeded the height of any of the other four with her.  But before departing the guests, she turned one more time and scanned them hesitantly. “Just do me a favor and prove me wrong and Teridax right...while I hate losing a bet, I think that this may be one I hope to never have victory over,”  With those words said, she have a small wave with the back of her hand and took off.  “Good luck…”   “Wonder what they bet on….” Rainborg muttered. “Probably whether or not we are nothing more than destructive savages.” Khârn shrugged, him having returned to normal. “Well, let's go meet the one behind the curtains.” Ahriman said, finishing the conversation as he walked towards the door and opened it. No one noticed him slip a small card into his left arm’s gauntlet.         Behind the door was a massive mechanical being who shifted about the room, making it more open and roomy for the large crystal table and multiple sheets of parchment with words in an unreadable language written upon it along with familiar pictures of certain ponies the four had met before.                Ahriman coughed loudly.         “Company, and just on time!” The machine proclaimed, using metal spikes to stick the remaining documents onto the wall near him.         Turning around, the group were met with the dark gray and red bionicle himself.  He opened up his arms in a welcoming posture and while his long, somewhat animalistic, mask had no smile, the air about him was one of joy.         “Greetings, my dear friends,” The Makuta clapped, using his magnetism to close the door behind them and somewhat drag the four to a nearby couch.  “It’s a pleasure to meet all four of you in person.  I do apologize for the mess--” he motioned to the somewhat chaotic state of the workplace, “--but I decided to move my wonderful planning room somewhere else, at least until we fix that hole in the wall.”               “It is fine.” Ahriman replied, examining the room. “It's quite the setup you have here.”         “Why thank you, I do try to ensure that I have as much resources to work with as possible,” Teridax said, putting a hand on the crystal table and tapping his metallic claws on the surface.  “Like this wonderful piece of work over here, although I can’t take credit for its creation.”         “Another man’s garbage is another man’s treasure, and those six puffballs were basically treating it like some magic trash can!” A voice deadpanned in Teridax’s mind, earning a mental chuckle from the dark overlord.         “Luckily it will be put to better use, and maybe our dear Twilight will finally decide to explore its potential!” Teridax mentally replied to his mask’s voice, although he acted in person that such a thing didn't exist.  Being used to it and the lack of expressions helped hide his trusted advisor...well, somewhat trusted.               “Am I interrupting?” Another voice slipped in. On the other side of the room, a small grin was plastered on Ahriman’s face.         “Considering what I’ve been digging out of the mind of yours, I would call us even...although, those pesky black flames of yours really hurt…”               “Heh….I see you encountered a few of my mental blocks. Most of the information you've gathered is mostly incoherent thoughts I occasionally have.” Ahriman's eyes switched to the Rinnegan. “Though, I would suggest not delving further. I am one of the greatest Sorcerers of my universe, and my forgiveness only goes so far.”         “Some are incoherent, but I’m afraid to say that Mata Nui’s mental prowess far exceeded your own,”  The voice whispered back, his tone somewhat cloudy as more whispers appeared and then vanished without a second thought.  “I spoke more along the lines of our little encounter in the garden...I do apologize for such a rude meeting, but I decided to take precautions and test your loyalty to your fellow Displaced.  But I shall leave your memories, even if I do find them interesting.”       “I must say, I only half expected a possible mental probing, Teridax. Congratulations for catching me off guard.” Ahriman shrugged, his eyes returning to normal.         “With that said, I would like to show you a former possibility that your future held,” Teridax said, gesturing towards Midnight and Rainborg.  Snapping his metal fingers, the shadows of the four broke free from the wall and floor and leapt into the table.  This in turn caused a great light to appear before it dimmed and became a map of Equus.  “With this table supplied by her majesty Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am able to view the current and past happenings of my world.  History itself is now viewable, something that should be used well.”          “One of my alternate selves…” Midnight murmured. “But what exactly is the point of showing us this?”         “Well you see my dear guest,” The Makuta said, his somewhat cheerful tone immediately turning darker and more serious.  “I’m afraid this world’s chaperone, a draconequus by the name of Eris, has what some may say ‘don goofed’ and has allowed the revival of a powerful force soon to come upon my world.”           The map made a rewinding motion through Equus’ history until it reached a time where a blue alicorn with stars in her mane sat lonely upon an empty balcony.  She gazed upon the stars mournfully, a bitter expression plastered upon her muzzle.  Her wings ever fidgeting as she watched all her subjects ignore what she had created.             “So, this is either the time before the war, or an alternate way she became Nightmare Moon.” Ahriman noted. “Interesting…..”         “I’m afraid my Equus’ history was almost as dark as your own,” Teridax sighed, his eyes switching to a more yellowish color as he gave the alicorn a look of sympathy.  “Some universes have simple, if not uninspired, scripts for our dear Luna...but this one is much more dramatic and worth grieving for.”         The projection started to speed up, with the mare rarely moving as she waited alone for the night to pass and the day to return once again.  But in the background a bluish and black claw-like hand moved to pat the Princess of the Night on her shoulder.  Barely earning any recognition as it seemed to comfort the distressed pony.         “Tell me...Ahriman, do you fear those who exist out of one’s time and space,” Teridax asked, giving an analytic stare as he watched another of these hands move about the princess’s room, searching for some hidden object.  “Someone you can’t touch, you can’t hurt.  Intangible and immortal, but always moving in the shadows and pulling off feats that some may deem impossible, even to the eyes of Discord himself.”                  “I deal with such creatures every second, Teridax. And I can control them with nothing more than my psychic presence alone. I see the Immaterium every day, sitting just under my own fragile reality.” Ahriman replied. “So no, I do not fear such creatures.”         “Fear is more powerful than you know, my friend,” Teridax merely murmured, turning around to stare out the single window in the room as rain began to hit it with one of the island’s the frequent thunderstorms.  “I would know, I feed on it, manipulate it...but most importantly is the fact that know why one fears, and with that comes my own fears.  One’s best looked upon.”         Looking over his shoulder and towards the two equines of the group, The Makuta’s blazing eyes scanned each of them intently as he readied his next question.         “Tell me...do either of you ponies know of the creature who stole Tambelon, the one whom holds a bell that tolls for the death of his enemies?” He questioned, giving them a curious look, but avoiding all together the name of who he spoke of...such things were best unsaid, at least from his words.            “No, we do not. It would appear that this creature you speak of only exists in your universe.” Midnight answered in a bored voice.         “I admire him for his sheer endurance and prowess when it comes to the manipulation of others,” Teridax said calmly, still looking at the group.         However, the fours’ eyes were directed back towards the table, which had finally come to the most important piece of the tragedy.  The alicorn of dreams screamed in both fear and surprise and a nightmarish and draconic creature leapt from the very shadows around her, flames spewing about the room as she was grabbed by it’s demonic hand.         “Some have the gift of waking up from a nightmare,” Teridax continued, paying no heed to the screams of one of his most challenging opponents.         A sickening laughter could be heard echoing from the monster as shadow clouds soon enveloped the pony in his grasp.  As Luna tried desperately to hold onto her sanity, her very personality was being stripped away into nothing.         “Others do not have such leisures---” Another laughter soon howled along with the monster as Teridax spoke, this one somewhat familiar to the ears of the others in the room.  As it soon came from a much more dark and sinister alicorn, one whose rage could swallow many other evils that existed.  “Luna never had a choice between good or evil...none of us really do when it comes down to what is happening around us.  We are made sinister, we are made malevolent.  It is part of the play, the script that drives us to work within its boundaries.  Tzeentch, God, Lucifer, whatever you want to call the thing that pulls the strings, that writes what we do...they make us evil.  Grogar is just one of these beings, someone who due to his own banishment from this realm wields unfathomable power.”          “And what, you want us to try to kill him?” Rainborg asked.         “Oh no, I have a far more interesting task for us to accomplish,” Teridax said jovially, walking back over to the table as the last scenes of Luna’s transformation played out.  “Let’s think of this as a race...you do like races still, right Rainbow?” With that said, he waved his hand over the table to produce four small projections: a blue goat, Celestia, a draconequus, and himself.                 “My name is Rainborg now, and yeah, I still like racing.” The Cyberpegasus replied.         “Of course, I apologize,” The Makuta said, giving a small wave of his hand before causing a projection of Nightmare Moon to appear on the table in some unknown piece of territory.  “Nightmare Moon, believe or not, is the prize of this little race.  You see, as I mentioned before, I think the world and my life as a script or a story.  So do four others.  And all of us need certain pieces for this story...Nightmare Moon being one of them.”   “Continue.” Ahriman said, slightly interested.         “Nightmare Moon has the ability to bring the thoughts of the dreamscape into reality, thus making her a powerful target,” The malevolent bionicle continued, the three other pieces beside his own moving closer to the alicorn’s projection.  “Grogar needs her in order to come back to this plane of existence with his knowledge of the void intact,  Eris needs her in order to stop Grogar from ever coming back, Celestia just wants to make sure no one gets their hands on her, and I...well as I said before, there is a story at work, and would I not fail in playing my role if I ignore this opportunity?”           “None of them have all the pieces needed to actually accomplish their goals,” Teridax said smugly, hovering a familiar blue helmet in front of the group.  “But I, well I have the key.”              “Her helmet? What’s that got to do with anything?” Khârn asked, confused along with Rainborg.         “This world’s villains are somewhat pathetic, but some credit is even due to them once and awhile,” Teridax said, putting the helmet down.  “Nightmare Moon chose to go full Sauron and infuse her darker essence into her armor.  While the chest plate is to be displayed at Halfmoon Island, Grogar thinks Eris has the helmet, Eris thinks Grogar has it...and Celestia thinks both of them have it and are working together.”         “Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are to make an appearance along with the rest of their friends and Princess Luna to give a speech about friendship,” He snorted, thinking the travel expenses to be a waste of money.  “The plan itself will be the two of you--” Teridax pointed at Midnight and Rainborg, “--to impersonate your universal counterparts, with help from my illusion, and switch the false armor with a fake piece I have created.  Ahriman and Khârn will pose as two guards and assist you.  When that is done, we shall meet at the temple north of the exhibit and revive Nightmare Moon...which is when I will absorb her!”                 “Hmm…. Quite the interesting plan.” Ahriman mused, considering the possible flaws and multiple possibilities before coming to a conclusion. “Very well, Teridax. We shall assist you in this plan. Also, after this is done, I would like to propose a trade deal.”         Floating two files over to Midnight and Rainborg on the information regarding their counterparts, Teridax gave Ahriman a somewhat surprised look.         “I’ve been wondering what exactly you may want from this encounter,” The Makuta mused, snapping his finger to stop the current projection being played from the table.  “You spoke of your own personal army, so maybe it’s weapons.  A heroic Displaced issue was also on the table...you must tell me about that one though, it interests me to know that someone was able to give the likes of you any trouble.”              “Perhaps later.” Ahriman shrugged, pulling out his Bolter Pistol and checking it's ammunition. “Also, I should ask, but what should we do if something goes wrong?”         “We have two significant enemies that we will most likely face on this quest,” He mused, recalling the information his spies had reported to him.  “Nightmare Moon is of course one of them, she won’t go down willingly.  And then there’s Eris’s Draconequui, in particular is Diversal.  He manipulates space and time, often using these to his advantage in battle.  If he should give you trouble, kill him.  The other ponies are off limits...they are still useful.”                “If it comes to it, I can cast a Genjutsu to render them unconscious. Though, what should we do if our covers are blown?” Ahriman stated.         “I will be using my powers to change your forms into ponies, temporarily of course, while on this mission,” Teridax stated, looking at Ahriman and Khârn to think on what types of the race would best suit them.  “And then there is the second reason why I chose you over doing this myself.  For as I mentioned before, there is a script to this endeavor, one that I, Grogar, Eris, and Celestia can glimpse at.  We can...figure out certain future events here and there, know what others will do or say...but you four are outside this script, so your existence is completely invisible.”         “I suppose.” Ahriman nodded. “But there is one small problem. Is it possible they can sense magical energy?”         “It’s a possibility, but with the energy coming from the Nightmare artifacts, it will most likely be ignored...with that being said, I’d suggest Midnight and Rainborg read up on their covers,” He said, taking a seat on one of the ridiculously large chairs.  “While this little show starts in three days time, I have a way to move around this.  When you are ready, let me know and I’ll take care of all travel issues.”            “I do not bet my plans under maybes, Teridax. Which is why I have come up with a way to make the fake armor identical in power to its counterpart.” Ahriman sat down as well, pulling out his staff. “You see, in my universe, Nightmare Moon was an ancient Daemon Prince. With my guidance, it took hold of Luna, turning her into the Nightmare. I can seal a Daemon within the armor, allowing the armor to give off the same form of energy as the original.”         “My original plan was to actually take shape of the armor itself, but this way may allow us more maneuverability...summon one of these Daemons and we shall follow with your idea,” Teridax replied, although his eye glowed green as he ready to scan the exact nature of this magic firsthand.  “Just try not to get this place too messy with this creature.” His last words ended with a deep chuckle.              “I will need the armor. Just summoning a Daemon won't work. Plus, there is a possibility of it taking a temporary physical form and running rampant. Considering the type of Daemon I am planning on imprisoning in the armor can cut through the armor of Space Marines as easily as flesh, it would be best not to take that approach.” Ahriman explained.         “Alright then, here you go,” The Makuta replied, conjuring the mask into existence before tossing it over to the marine.  “Although, I must add the protodermis makes some of the most indestructible armor and sharpest weapons you’ll ever see.”              “Most weapons that bind a Daemon to them tend to be able to rip apart the fabric of reality, shoot powerful bolts of psychic energy, grant their wielder extraordinary physical attributes, and perform other unnatural feats.” Ahriman deadpanned, before turning to Rainborg. “Do you still have a prisoner within the Factory?” He asked the mare.               She looked up. “Yeah, I got a few left. Want me to get one?” She answered, pulling out the small cube again.               “Yes, if you can.” Ahriman got out of the chair, before walking to a random spot in the room. Kneeling, he activated the Mangekyo Sharingan, before one of his eyes started to cry blood. Black flames burst into existence, carving strange symbols that hurt to look at. After a few seconds of this, the flames vanished, and from where they had burned, a complete circle of the strange symbols now existed. A star with eight points adorned the center, with many smaller symbols filling up the area around it.                Meanwhile, Rainborg had activated the cube, watching as the door slowly built itself, before stepping inside. A few minutes later, she returned, with a binded and gagged unicorn stallion held by her metal wings. She deposited the stallion in the center of the circle, before deactivating the door and allowing it to return to its previous form. A sacrificial knife appeared in Ahriman's hand. He placed the armor next to the stallion, before beginning  his work. After a few very bloody minutes, the stallion was dead, his blood leaking out, sticking to the path of the symbols until the entire circle was a dark red. Ahriman began muttering in a low voice, the few sounds heard hurt the heads of everyone.                     In a flash, a bright purple portal burst into existence above the circle, and a blood red creature slowly emerged, angry eyes the color of burning coal staring hungrily at each being in the room. Needle-like teeth dotted it's mouth, while a serpentine tongue whipped around the air. Teridax gave the whole ceremony and unfazed stare, watching intently as he jotted down major key factors that it took to use it.  He was even more interested in the creature that sprung from this ritual, although he had hoped that the blood and flames wouldn’t cause any damage to the carpeting. Suddenly, the armor glowed a deep purple, and a chain sprung out, wrapping around the daemon’s neck before dragging it out of the portal. The Daemon screeched angrily, a massive and jagged sword flailing wildly in it's grip. The chain continued to drag it closer to the armor, before the armor defied the laws of physics and a mouth formed, devouring the Daemon quickly. The sword was tossed to a corner, impaling itself in the wall. And suddenly, the armor returned to normal, though everyone could sense a dark energy coming from the piece. The burn marks and blood vanished, while Ahriman pulled the blade out of the wall. “Interesting… normally the Hellblade is taken with the Daemon… oh well, I don't need it. Here.” He tossed the blade to Teridax. “The Hellblade, as sharp as the Blood God’s hatred. Use it how you will, but know that this blade was forged from the Warp within Khorne's forge.”         “Heh, interesting...I’ll add it to my collection,” Teridax said, taking the blade and carrying it over to a plain wooden wall.  Waving his hand over the wall, it cracked and revealed shelves of various items that surely didn’t exist in this universe.  Some were vials of strange liquids, others were weapons of many sizes and shapes.  One in particular was a sith lightsaber, stolen from a fellow ally of Ahriman.             “So, you've met Folteren?” Ahriman asked, pointing to the lightsaber.                  “Stole from him really, he never felt my presence,” The Makuta said offhandedly, placing the sword next to the saber.  “I wanted to see how far I could go into another universe without alerting them, that and I wished to test how effective the lightsaber would be on my armor.  It failed...although I did learn some interesting things about the glowing blade.”             “I see…..” Ahriman shrugged. “As for the armor, it should never be worn by any living thing. The Daemon could possess them, and could probably kill most of Equestria, unless Celestia intervenes.”         “I’ll do well to remember that...although the armor will probably be stored somewhere far from any living soul after this is all over,” Teridax replied, looking back towards the two equines in the room.  “I’d suggest you all get some rest and prepare yourselves for the mission, and then let me know when you are ready.  I shall be in my chambers back in the volcano.”             “Midnight is a Daemon, which requires no sleep, and I am a cyborg that can shut down parts of my brain for a replacement of sleep. I got the idea from the Space Marine’s biology.” Rainborg replied, getting up off the couch. “So yeah, we are ready.”              “Actually, we have a slight problem.” Khârn interrupted. “Y’see, I'm Khorne's favorite mortal warrior, and he kinda gave me a blessing that makes me immune to all forms of magic. As in, this spell of yours won't work on me.” “Oh...well that makes stealth on your part nearly impossible,” Teridax hummed, thinking of a solution to this predicament.  “I’m afraid that if I’m going to solve this I’ll need more to go on then ‘I’m just immune to all magic’.  Is it a certain type of ‘magic’?  What does the immunity consider ‘magic’?” “Well, pretty much all forms of sorcery. Though  I could just stay here….I could train your dragons a bit, or maybe the Rahkshi.” Khârn replied. “Well if that doesn’t bother you,” The Makuta shrugged, but then gave the warrior a skeptical look.  “But are you sure there won’t be any...complications?”  “Oh please, I trained the Dragon Corps of our Legion. I know a thing or two about getting them ready for combat.” Khârn boasted. “And I'm pretty certain I can keep my anger under control. I rarely burst out in anger, anyways!”                  Teridax snapped his claw-like fingers and played a recent recording of Khârn brutally dismembering one of his Rahkshi mere moments upon arrival, his eyes turning green as it signified him raising an eyebrow.  He then proceeded to replay the recording again while adding in the statement  Khârn just made.            “.....Did I do that?” Khârn asked, confused. “Funny, I don't remember it….But even so, that was probably a special case, where the thing in question directly insulted me multiple times!”         “Eh, as long as you can keep yourself under control I have no objections,” The bionicle shrugged, although he was still somewhat skeptical on the exact...stability of Khârn’s mental health.  “But remember, no decapitations”               “Jeez, fine! Though, if there ends up being a broken bone or two, it was probably an accident. Probably.” Khârn agreed. “I mean, I am a superhuman warrior. Sometimes I don't know my strength.”         “That’s fine, you already signed waivers stating that neither party will be responsible for any damage caused!” Teridax shrugged.            “Ahem.” Ahriman interrupted. “I believe we have a mission to complete?”            “Oh yeah, I almost forgot!” Rainborg suddenly exclaimed. “Alright, Firefly, activate the RFBO Program.” As soon as that was said, Rainborg’s body shifted, her cybernetic parts seeming to vanish, replaced by blue fur. In moments, Rainborg’s body seemingly returned to how it was before she became a cyborg. “Looks like I won't be needing a spell to look like the other me.” She stated proudly.         “That is impressive my dear,” Teridax praised, looking at the complete identical  to the daredevil of his world. “With that being said...I guess we’re off!”         He slammed his staff onto the group before the four vanished from the room to their destination. Papers flew about at the sudden burst of energy came from the long-distance teleportation and the shadows in the room seemed to become eased by the departure of their master. Leaving  Khârn to his own devices as they made their way.         The group soon found themselves in a small stone waiting room. A bat-like equine sat at a wooden desk with a blazing fire on the far right of the room. There was another door behind the clerk that was wide open, and showed a small assembly room with various creatures sitting patiently and looking at the ancient and strange objects on the stands near the ends of the assembly room.         Midnight found herself on four soft hooves, purple plush fur keeping her warm from the chill coming from the open door in the front. Two avian wings somewhat opened flapped in surprise and she looked at a mirror nearest to her.             “Impressive…” She muttered, examining her reflection.         “Was there any doubt?” Teridax chuckled with a draconic form, looking at an ponified Ahriman, who shifted in uncomfortable armor. “How you hanging in there, Ahriman?”        “I can adjust to this.” He said, testing out walking on four hooves. In seconds he got the hang of it.         “Excellent!” Teridax said, his voice catching the attention of the clerk who gave the group a raised eyebrow.         “You must be Princess Twilight Sparkle and Lady Rainbow Dash,” The bat pony said cheerfully, although he gave Ahriman and Teridax an odd look. “But who are your two companions?”         “Makuta is a guest of mine,” A voice intervened, and a white alicorn stepped in from behind, giving the four a bright smile. “I believe he and his friend…” she gave Ahriman an interested stare.         “Ah, Princess Celestia,” Teridax purred, giving a small bow to the Solar Princess and turning his voice into a bubbly childish tone. “It is wonderful to see you once again, and I thank you for allowing me to partake in this wonderful event. This is my friend, Ahriman! Ahriman, this is Princess Celestia!”             “Greetings, Princess. It is an honor to meet you.” Ahriman said, while inside he was cursing every word he had said.         “The same to you, Sir Ahriman!” Celestia gave him a soft smile, before looking to see the nearly packed room. “Come join us, my sister will be arriving shortly. As for your armor, well why don’t you come with me to put it away. Such things are not needed on such formal occasions!”            “Very well.” Ahriman nodded.         “I agree!” The Makuta added in, giving Ahriman and Rainborg a small shove to follow the Princess. “While you’re wandering about, why don’t you check out the ‘armor piece’. Hey, let Rainbow go along as well!”             “Sure, I'd love to!” Ahriman replied, giving a deceivingly cheery tone, before following the princess.         They three equines walked down the hallway to the left and continued to cross paths with some of the latest artifacts that the museum would be showing that night. The red carpeting denied any noise to come from the solar princess’s boots as she walked merrily down the hallway, leading the ponies to the changing room. Humming to herself, she looked over to the two ponies before tilting her head in interest.         “How long have you two known Makuta?” She asked inquisitively, her face still happy as she wondered how Rainbow had met the drake before and who this warrior was.             “I only just met him. He seems awesome though!” Rainborg replied. “Though, I'm still even awesomer!”             “Makuta and I have known each other for a small while.” Ahriman answered. “He is a good friend of mine.”         “Well I’m happy for him then,” She said happily, considering the somewhat odd nature of the creature, it was good to see that some ponies could be found interacting with him positively. “He doesn’t get many visitors on that dreary island of his, it only opened up the coasts and the town a few weeks ago. But he is quite the odd fellow, isn’t he?”           “Yes, he certainly is.” Ahriman chuckled.         “He’s easy to excite, often going into rants about this or that when you can get his attention,” She laughed, thinking back to Blueblood’s take on the intelligent being. “He’s also a little bit arrogant if I say so myself, constantly making bold decisions. Like opening his island to Equestria before speaking to the Dragon King, or bringing a fully armored warrior to a museum opening.”           “He definitely is arrogant, but most dragons are. As for the armored warrior thing, he just was a bit paranoid. He is like that sometimes.” Ahriman replied.         “He is many things, but a dragon...hardly,” Celestia snorted, giving Ahriman a skeptical look. “No, he’s far too welcoming to be one of them. I tried for five centuries to get that town to even speak to me, and then he shows up.”            “Perhaps. But there is always a possibility that he somehow grew up as a friendly dragon, ridiculous as that sounds.” Ahriman suggested.         “Most likely Eris’s work,” She shrugged, turning back and looking ahead. “My best bet is that he’s here for the same reason one of her kind will be, and you’re just here to back him up. But it matters little, I’d rather he get the Nightmare than Eris...or Grogar.”         Stopping suddenly, she used her magic to open one of the side doors that went into the deeper parts of the museum.         “Well, I guess this is where we departe...try not to cause too much strife while you’re here,” Celestia sighed, making her way back to the assembly room. “I just hope that Makuta finds what he’s looking for...I’ve seen many lost souls, and his continues to only grow.”             “Of course, though I don't know who this ‘Grogar’ is.” Ahriman lied, trying to keep up the act.             “Princess, who are Eris and Grogar?” Rainborg asked, confused.         “Ugh, you multiversal travelers are always so coy,” Celestia snorted, giving a wave with her wing and disappearing in a flash of light. “Don’t take me for your own Celestia, we are much different from each other.”              “Indeed you are, Celestia. Indeed you are….” Ahriman replied, before activating his Kamui and teleporting him and Rainborg to where Teridax was.         Teridax, in his full robotic glory stood near the armor piece of Nightmare Moon, Midnight next to him. Seeing the distortion in space and time, he looked around one last time to make sure no one else would surprise him.         “Greetings, Ahriman, Rainborg,” Teridax said, giving them a small wave. “You have arrived just in time.”             “I see. I also should warn you,” Ahriman started, “Celestia knows you're here for the armor. She says she would rather you take it than Eris or Grogar. Also, she mentioned that one of Eris’s kind is here for the same reason we are. I suggest we hurry.”         “Agreed...although this part will take time and something I must do alone,” The Makuta sighed before pulling out the helmet and grabbing the armor. “This needs to be done in this place due to the magical energy that comes from the moon...it seems to only truly affect this area. I will be incapacitated, so expect company.”         Teridax’s entire body shook and both the helmet and chestpiece glowed a black aura. The shadows around the room wrapped around the mechanical being and the two armor pieces, soon closing into a small ball of pure darkness. The moon itself seemed to shudder for only a moment, glowing brighter than usual.         “Well isn’t he a dramatic one?” A new voice asked, the sound of feet hitting the floor could be heard and the main door to the room swung open.         A odd being walked into the room, gazing upon the decor. It had the legs of a lizard and camel, arms of a labrador and a goose, along its serpentine body. The head was of a equine mare, and its hair was black as night, so really more of a midnight blue. Its two wings were that of bats, stars seeming to twinkled from them.         “What an odd lot you are,” She said, her head nodding off the one side as she looked at Midnight and Ahriman. “Who are you supposed to be?”             “I am Ahriman.” Ahriman introduced himself. “Rainborg, return to the party and put the copy of the armor in.” The Pegasus nodded, before taking off.         “Hmm, I’ll have to go back for her later then…” The draconequus mused, watching the pegasus make her departure.         “As for you two,” She said cheerfully, turning to look at the two standing before her. Snapping her fingers, the illusions placed on them disappeared and revealed their true forms. “Ah...that Ahriman. I really picked a crappy day to be on collecting duty.”             “So you've heard of me? Interesting…” Ahriman chuckled, his armor crackling crackling to life. Mainly the Lightning Claws.         “Well you’ve made a name for yourself,” The draconequus shrugged, giving a somewhat tired look to those electric claws. “The multiverse grapevine for void dwellers talk an awful lot about some of the more...violent and ambitious Displaced out there. You happen to be one of them, with that little war you have going on.”            “You mean the War of Shadows?” Ahriman asked, wondering what these ‘Void Dwellers’ had been saying about him.         “That’s what they’re calling it?” She snorted, clutching her gut at the name. “Man, you Displaced really know how to pick names. I would understand if it got the name cause of good old Adam over there, but that probably isn’t why.”             “I don't know why either.” Ahriman shrugged. “So, are we actually going to fight, or are we both just going to keep stalling?”         “Buddy…” She said, somewhat shaking due to the magical energy in the room. “I’ve been trying that all night. You’re just really tough, okay?”             “Oh? How so?” Ahriman asked, tilting his head slightly.         “Where do I even start,” The draconequus groaned, giving the Marine a cautious look. “Maybe it’s your magic, or those freaky things you can do with your eyes. As for fighting me...well I decided that I should leave that up to someone else.”         With a snap of her fingers, the room began to become distorted and turn white. Time barely passed for a second before another snap came and both Ahriman and Midnight found themselves falling from the sky at a rapid rate.            “Midnight, defend Teridax. I'll deal with whatever the Draconequus has planned.” Ahriman ordered, and the Daemon Princess nodded, unfurling her wings.         A bolt of lightning from one of the dark storm clouds soon struck out and sent the pony back down into the ground. The area around them was similar to that colorful town called Ponyville, but things had taken a...chaotic turn. Trees grew wild, storm clouds sent random bolts of lightning, and the building floated up in the air. Overall, it was something Discord would be proud of.             “Great. Looks like Teridax is on his own for now…” Ahriman sighed.              “So it seems.” Midnight agreed, making hand signs while her eyes changed into the Tenseigan. “Tenseigan Chakra Mode!” a blue aura cloak completely covered the Daemon, and nine orbs floated around her.         As the chaos continued to unfold in the two, a familiar purple mare, a purple dragon, and four grayed out friends rushed past them without a second's notice and into a tree building. The chaotic state of the four mares and the town could probably be the responsibility of one creature...but as to what time they were in was the real kicker, but all things seemed to suggest the past due to a unicorn Twilight running about.            “Great. More Time Magic.” Ahriman sighed, examining the area with a keen eye. “So, who are we supposed to be fighting?”         Another flash happened and an armored Khârn fell right next to them, confusion and annoyance spread across his face.             “We are fighting Khârn? Or is he just here to aid us?” Ahriman asked.             “What the hell! I was just at that place Teridax was, and now where am I?!” The Khornate Berserker growled, glancing around.         “You are currently in the second year since the Mane Six managed to recover the Elements of Harmony,” A familiar chuckle from the time traveling draconequus. “This is Lady Eris’ favorite time to see this century, such riveting chaos!”            “So why did you bring us here?” Ahriman asked.         “Well, I thought to myself, ‘Diversal, if anyone can outwit these ruffians, it must be the Spirit of Chaos when he was at the height of his power!” the now named ‘Diversal’ replied, feeling proud of her deduction.            “Perhaps. But if we do defeat him, it might break the time-stream. Are you certain you want to risk that?” Ahriman pointed out, having delved a bit into time magic studies in the past.         “I can fix that real easy...but this time matters little,” Diversal said smugly, remembering she brought some popcorn for this event. “This is a separate timeline from the main one you’ve been in. I doubt Teridax will mind if we play here...oh, but here comes the Lord of Chaos now!”         On cue, various parts from the ruined buildings flew into the air and started to make a serpentine shape. Gears soon spun and the debris soon gained flesh...if anyone could call it flesh that is. Dark greenish gray metal soon started to form a regular draconequus body, but the arms themselves were thinner and the hands had razor sharp claws. The tail had some form of a drill on the tip that spun with glee and the feet carried raptor-like traits while the wings were more draconic in nature. However, it was the head that was the real shocker.         The long mask of a familiar Kanohi Kraahkan with two blazing red eyes jutted out of the hunched neck of the creature. Looking around in interest, his narrow eyes soon changed to yellow as he saw Ahriman and his two friends.         "Now what do we have here!?!"The draconequus-like Teridax cried out in excitement.             “Oh Gods….a Makuta Discord…” Ahriman sighed, shaking his head. “The Multiverse never stops coming up with ridiculous creations, it seems…”         “Ridiculous!?!” Teridax snarked, getting up close to the marine and lifting up his arms and examining him. “What about you!?! You look like one of them Spartans from Halo gone wrong.”         He then flapped his metallic wings over the Midnight. “And you!” He cried out with mock drama. “You remind me of an OC I once made when I was a kid. Ridiculous indeed!”          “And you remind me of a pest I recently removed from my universe.” Ahriman replied, raising an eyebrow. “And those Spartans you spoke about dream about being a Space Marine from Warhammer.” “Don’t get so angry...how do you know my name anyway?” The draconequus Teridax asked, giving a surprised look at Ahriman.                       “Because I've met multiple Discords. Though you're the first to be a Makuta.” Ahriman shrugged.         “Well I do pride myself on being unique!” Teridax replied happily, snapping his fingers and holding a glass of purple...liquid? “Though this Discord sounds interesting, I’ve never met him. Say...hold on a minute!”         He then snapped his fingers again and Twilight Sparkle appeared in a tight grip under his left arm. He then patted the mare while looking at Midnight, then back at Twilight, then back at Midnight while humming to himself.         “Teridax, let me go now or else!” Twilight snarled as she tried to shake out of the machine’s grip. “You just wait till we turn you back to stone!”         “Not now Twilight, doesn’t that one look familiar?” He asked the mare, pointing to Midnight.         “It looks like me with wings and that makeup I would put on when I was a teenager,” Twilight growled and teleported out of Teridax’s arm. “Now fix my friends and let Princess Luna go!”         Teridax simply snapped his metal claws and sent her away before giving a shrug. “Any way...who are you lot suppose to be? Did Moon Butt send you instead of Nightmare Flame or whatever she called herself way back?”             “I am Ahriman, and we were sent here by a Draconequus called ‘Diversal’.” The Warmaster stated, observing the Makuta. “We were assisting another Makuta Teridax when she pulled us here.”         “Ah, so I assume that this draconequus wants me to do her dirty work for her then?” Teridax mused, ready to just teleport the group back to their universe so that they would leave him alone, but then Diversal cut in.         “My patron is a powerful being, and she knows what you want. If you eradicate these Displaced, she’ll give you the exact location to your brother and your other friends.” Teridax’s eyes dimmed somewhat at the offer, taking in all that had been brought to the table. He tapped an metallic finger on the very edge of his mask as he thought it over. Being trapped for a thousand years had not helped him on his quest and had made him somewhat...tortured at the thought of not seeing those close to him again. Finally deciding, his eyes resumed their blood red glow and looked back at the group before him. “You must understand that none of this is personal, and would probably take the same opportunity should you be in my place,” Teridax hesitated, looking back up at the sky to whoever had been speaking to him. “However, eradication will not do. Not my style kid...no, I’ll send them back to their universe after incapacitating them though!”             “Oh, I should mention that your Twilight will probably use a memory spell to return her friends to normal. I would make sure she doesn't get the chance.” Midnight told him.         “Ahriman...you know, I’ve only been free for a little while,” Teridax snarled, his eyes shifting to a fiery orange. “But thanks to that tree, I managed to pick up on some events that took place in the multiverse. You are quite the troublemaker...as for Twilight, well I know what comes this day, but Moon Butt won’t give up and try to ‘reform’ me later.”          “What do you mean by ‘troublemaker’?” Ahriman asked, raising an eyebrow.         “A little war with a spartan and his warhammer friend left you in quite the position of power,” Teridax shrugged, a sickly red aura glowing from his hand. “After your sudden metamorphosis...well you got real violent. Hunting down others like you and that jazz. I feel like I might be doing your Teridax a favor.”         The moon behind raised in the air and covered the sun. Beams of darkness decending down to aid the odd being.         “Let’s get this over with…”        Meanwhile…..      Rainborg landed back at the museum, glancing around before hiding in a small niche and becoming organic again. She then trotted back out, before slipping in through a window and into one of the hallways near the assembly room.     “Okay, just need to find the case for this thing….” She muttered, glancing around. “Probably at the assembly room by now. Don't have much time.” She sprinted down the hallway, looking for a way in.         A sudden blast in the wall with a giant astral Timber Wolf crashed through and snarled at the fast pegasus. It stalked forward and readied itself to spring upon her.            “Great.” Rainborg sighed, rolling her eyes as she reverted into her cyborg form, and pulling out her Sound Barrier shotgun.         More explosions could be heard as the Royal Guard found themselves trapped in one part of the building, holding off more astral creatures who had appeared from the night. Two beings in particular flew past Rainborg and clashed with each other. Teridax himself and the alicorn of nightmares clashed, pointed sticks bashing relentlessly against one another.         The Makuta grabbed Nightmare Moon by one of her wings, tossing her into the Slumberworg or whatever one would call the creature. He fired blasts of plasma at the head and a loud boom followed by melting wood filled the room.         “Ah Rainborg!” Teridax said, looking back at the cyborg behind him. “it seems that Nightmare Moon has brought a small portion of the dream world to the physical one...I can assume you will be fine while I take care of her?”            “Yeah, I'll be fine.” She replied, blasting the Astral Timberwolf and flying towards the assembly room. “Just need to put the duplicate in the case!” As she flew, she reverted once again to her organic form.         “That’s great,” Teridax grumbled as the midnight alicorn rammed herself into his body. While she fell on the ground in pain due to the foolish headbutt, it made the machine stumble. “Would you quit it with the horn ramming, it won’t work!”         “Please, I have far more things that shall destroy the likes of you!” Nightmare Moon cackled, causing Teridax to sigh at the evil laugh.         “What, should I work on that some more?” Nightmare asked when she heard the robot’s response at her evil laughter. “Because I haven’t had much practice, so it’s a little on the rough side.”         “No, it was fine I guess...it’s just a little corny now,” He shrugged, giving Nightmare Moon a convincing...well attempted to give her a convincing look. “You could use a few pointers though.”         “Like what, should I amplify my voice?” She asked with worry, not wanting to ‘lose her touch’.         “Yeah, it has to be along the lines of this,” Teridax said, a giant shadowy hand shooting out of his chest quickly and towards the alicorn. “Mwahahahaha!”         “That’s okay I guess---oh crap!” Nightmare Moon shouted and teleported out of the way, barely dodging the attack. “You arrogant--”         Another hand shot towards her followed with red beams of energy, the beams hitting her directly and sending her flying. The hand wrapped around her and pulled her back to Teridax’s ‘open arms’. She screamed in terror as she slammed into his body and was enveloped by his shadows.         Teridax’s eyes went dim and he quickly went to continue his mental battle with Nightmare. Which was easier said than done, considering her slippery nature. By the time he reached her in the Mindscape, she had fired a multitude of magical beams of energy towards him.         “Your attacks are predictable, if not rash,” Teridax commented, earning a growl from the alicorn. “But considering you were the one stuck on the moon for centuries, I’m not surprised that Celestia still outclasses you.”         “That Sun-Loving foal’s time will come after I deal with you, interloper!” Nightmare Moon Snarled, summoning magical spears and launching them in every direction possible. “Then everypony will see the glory of the Night!”         “No, they’ll fear you for a couple of years before overthrowing you,” Teridax chuckled, causing Nightmare to flatten her ears momentarily. “You’re not even part of Luna anymore, so your claim to the throne is completely invalid. Face it, you’re nothing without someone with actual power being your ally.”         “Silence!” Nightmare Moon stuttered, attempting to hit the now intangible Makuta. “You know nothing of this world or who is in control. You are merely a blip on the radar of a larger game at work.”         “I am not only aware of said game, but I am now a player...unlike you or your trapped master,” Teridax laughed mirthlessly, his voice and words echoing in the mind of the alicorn. “However...I can make you something far more than what your master would. Your physical body will eventually die, and then you would be helplessly traveling in the dream world.”         Nightmare Moon stopped at his words, shaking with anger and sadness at the poor lot she had in life. Her mere existence was unwanted from the very person whom she came from. Her plan was a short term happy ending at best, and even then the ponies would still praise her sister.         “Stop hiding in the shadows, Nightmare Moon,” Teridax said softly, his voice barely a whisper as he stood right in front of the emotionally wrecked alicorn. “it’s time you became them! Join me, become part of me...and we will accomplish things you could never imagine.”         “Hah, you have no chance against your foes!” Nightmare shot back, her eyes somewhat watering as she started at the cold metallic hand stretched out for her to take. “They will tear you apart…”         “Little shadow...my plans calculate all risks, all possibilities...even if one scheme were to fail, another will take its place!” He chuckled and cupped the alicorn’s chin, his eyes glowing yellow. “All of those who oppose me can’t see the big picture like I can, and they will fall flat on their faces once I pull that rug of ignorance from under them. You can be apart of that…”         “I...what do I get out of it!?!” She barked, trembling in fear as she felt the machines calculative mind started to assume control over the mindscape. If he continued this...she would lose completely.         “When I am done and have gained all the power I can from this world...I can give you anything. A body, a castle, a planet!” Teridax replied, both desire for these things and the fear of not accepting the deal slowly pushed Nightmare to the inevitable. “What do you say...partner?”         Nightmare Moon stood silent, the shadows slowly closing in around her and she closed her eyes. Time was running out and she had finally made her choice. Meanwhile         The other Teridax was having a somewhat frustrated experience as he fired more blasts of plasma at the three troublesome foes that he was tasked with dealing with. He had first hoped that some lightning bolts would have paralyzed Ahriman and his friends, but they had proven useless to the marines and demonic princess. The one with an anger issue in particular seemed immune to spells, so it would have to be a physical fight with that one.         “You know, giving up would probably be the best thing you could do to save our time right now,” Chaosdax deadpanned as he dodged some gunfire. “You lot have got spunk, but this is honestly getting ridiculous!”             “You attacked us! No way will we back down!” Khârn growled, launching a ball of plasma from his pistol. As it flew, it was suddenly shrouded in black flames that seemed to appear from nowhere.         “Fire, do you honestly think that’s going to--” The eternal flames collided with the ranting mechanical creature, setting him alight with the odd and painful flames. “Agggh! What is this!?!”              “Amaterasu.” Ahriman answered, black liquid leaking from his left eye. “It is a special flame that eternally burns for seven days and seven nights. And burns whatever it touches to ash, even other flames. And can only be put out by me.”         “You. Little. Shit!” Teridax roared, a red glow taking over his body and the flames became erased. “I’m going to disassemble your molecules, rip your magic-immune friends head off, and gut your little mare-friend with your stupid staff!”         “I think not.” Ahriman replied, putting his hands together. A purple figure rose up around him, four arms making similar hand signs. “Tengai Shinsei!”              High above, the clouds parted as a massive meteor slowly descended towards the group.         “That’s just ąd҉or̸ab̕le̡!” The chaos machine growled, firing a beam of red energy at the incoming rock, causing it to become a rain of dust. “Now let’s play a little game of mine called ‘Who Goes first!’! Here, let me show you how to play--”         The enraged machine suddenly stopped his sentence as two dark greenish gray claws of metal stuck through his chest.         “That’s my favorite!” A not so familiar Makuta commented coldly, two scarlet wings flapped effortlessly from his back. His body was somewhat more of a shell, his armor a grayish green with specks of red on it. His mask’s narrow eyes seemed to glow with delight.         “Let me show them though,” Prime Teridax chuckled coldly, ripping his odd half apart and disintegrating the remains. “I do apologize for the delay, Ahriman, I’ve just been having a wonderful time! Both Nightmare Moon’s mental presence and these new...features are exquisite!”          “Oh? What do you mean?” Ahriman asked as Midnight exited her Chakra Mode.         Shadows leaked from out of the tear in reality he had come from, pouring throughout the town. The mechanical being walked over to them with the sense of pure delight on the usually devoid mask. The cursing of a familiar draconequus could be heard as the shadows soon reached to her hiding place.         “Ever since I came to be The Makuta, I have felt nothing,” Teridax hummed as he looked at his razor sharp claws, his wings shuffling with glee. “The voices I heard in my mind were of steel...but now I can feel her desires, her hopes, her determination course through me. There is so much to do now, and so much I have yet to gain...and yet for the first time in a long time, I feel so A̋́̆̀͑̚̕ĺ̷̌͑̚iͧ̓́̇̓vͣͣeͥ̐̅̃ͩ̿͋͢!”         His hand swirled with starlike energy and purple and blue mist filled with the beauty of galaxies formed at his metal palm.         “I can see them, feel them!” Teridax said calmly, images of various universes rolling like a film through the odd projection. “I can navigate the stars, travel to places that were closed to me...even my own Earth is now accessible!”            “I see. Congratulations, Teridax.” Ahriman nodded. “So now what?”         Looking around at the chaotic area with disdain, soured by the sheer pointlessness of such a creation, Teridax shook his head and lifted his hand in the air before swinging it back down. Diversal came plummeting down and onto the ground right before the Makuta, groaning as she struggled to get up from the fall, shadows latched onto her wings and arms.         “Eris’s brood I suspect,” Teridax said gleefully, kneeling down and cupping the chin of the restrained draconequus. He then looked up at his allies. “What do you think we should do with her? Let her go, imprison her, kill her?”           “I'll leave that decision to you. She is from your universe, after all.” Ahriman replied. “Speaking of which, we should probably return to your universe. We don't want this Universe’s Mane Six to try to seal you in stone.”         “Of course. My best bet is that this universe will reset once we’re gone, repairing it back to normal,” Teridax mused, the shadows throwing the bound draconequus into some sort of portal. “We’ll need to pick up Rainborg...Nightmare Moon was somewhat resistant at first, so Celestia is most likely fuming mad. Although I believe she delights in unpredicted events every now and again.”         The world around them suddenly grew darker, lights from various starts lighting their way as a tube-like slide seemed to take them through space. Teridax held onto the three with his large arms, muttering to himself as he debated the best and fastest courses to take back to his universe.         “Still getting a hang of this,” Teridax mumbled, until he stopped and made a right. “Andddd here we are!” He then dropped them back onto the ground of the inner part of the museum. Closing the small rift behind him and looking around intently to see that no one else had been here. His metal wings ruffled and he set himself on the ground. “Oh hey guys. What took you so long?” Rainborg asked, slipping the fake armor in the case. “Well, we fought a Teridax Discord, and….hide.” Ahriman slipped through a wall. Midnight teleported away, Teridax used his chameleon ability to blend in with the background. The curtains rose to reveal a crowd waiting to see the armor. The crowd looked at her with shock, some obviously confused that someone was messing with the thousand year old armor. Others were jealous that she got to see the armor while they waited around the party the noble snobs had before the revealing. Celestia facehooved at the sight, Luna looked at Rainborg with a look of interest. “Lady Dash, why are you playing with the armor of my evil ego?” Luna asked innocently, tilting her head in curiosity.              “Uh...uh…” Rainborg muttered, trying to think of a way out of this. Her panicked state could not find a way, so she mentally sighed. “Guess I've got to make a scene….” She thought to herself and to Firefly.              Lowering her head, she chuckled darkly, shifting through her programs and starting both a song and to return to her cyborg form. “Unfortunately, Miss Luna, I am not your little Miss Dash.” She said in a dark tone. “I am Teridax!” She fully reverted to her cyborg form, revealing metal wings, am a cold, lifeless robot eye. Her body itself had metal bit sticking out, much like scars as she floated up on her wings. “And while my plan is now foiled due to some unfortunate circumstances, I will return! And with my spies in your ranks, I'll know when the time is right!” She flew out a nearby window, breaking it with her hoof. “I warned you of future cyborg invaders dear sister!” Luna cried out, her theory of the griffons creating a future robot army seemingly come true. “We must prepare the guard with the magnet guns, fortify the towns with metal repulsion systems! Come citizens, we must flee back to Canterlot!”         Luna then filed the terrified visitors of the museum  with her guards at her side. Getting them to the chariots and causing a general panic. Shouting could be heard while Celestia stared at the broken window and the curtains with annoyance. The damage alone would cost her hundreds, plus whatever had been damaged.         “You are literally the worst Teridax,” Celestia groaned, flipping off the invisible machine with her wing before taking off. “You so owe me for this, now Luna will never stop telling me about how right she was about evil robots invading!”         As she left the room to help ‘evacuate’ the visitors, Teridax dispelled the camouflage. He carried a smug aura about him as he thought of the inconveniences he had caused the princess. Making her time difficult was one of the many perks to being her villainous adversary, no wonder Discord had such fun with her.         “Hehe, all according to plan!” Teridax chuckled, giving a tug on the curtains for Ahriman and Khârn. “You two can come out, I must say that your little friend put on an amusing act.”             “She has her moments.” Khârn chuckled, dropping from the ceiling. “Plus, now that she used your name, whenever someone hears it, they will think of her, and not you!”         “I was going to use some dog I found and make it look like my pony version, but this was much more fun!” Teridax said, looking around to see that Celestia and Luna had gotten everyone off the island. “Isn’t that Celestia an interesting character? She’ll probably want me to meet her later to discuss how to deal with Grogar and Eris.”            “Or to rant at you for making her sister paranoid.” Khârn chuckled. “Her motives are pretty predictable,” Teridax mused as he thought of what the Sun Princess was probably thinking right now. She probably saw him as the least dangerous of her other opponents, or she just really disliked the goat and the snarky Draconequus. “I think it’s time we went back to my island, I still have a reward that needs to be given to you.”             “Oh yeah, I forgot to  mention, but your dragon warrior guys have a….few broken bones. Nothing serious though. They'll be back up in a week or so.” Khârn chuckled nervously as Ahriman phased back through the wall.         “Ugh, there goes my vacation...all well those scaly lards need to man up!” Teridax sighed, grabbing Khârn and flapping his wings.             “No kidding! I've seen equines with better combat ability than them! Tell you what, I'll send you a few of my dragon soldiers to guard and train your guys.” Khârn agreed.         “That should be good for them,” Teridax agreed, flying back into his spacial pathway before dropping back onto the island with Ahriman, Rainborg, and Midnight. “Their main defense for the past century has been their scary looks.”               “Lazy gits. My guys will make proper guards outta them.” Khârn replied. “So, what's the big reward thing?”         Leading them near the pool of protodermis, Teridax looked at them and tapped his foot as he thought over something. He examined each one of the members, trying to think what would best suit them as a team. Finally, he spoke up.         “How are your parenting skills?” Teridax questioned, smirking as he thought of the perfect reward.             “Ehhhh say what now?” Khârn asked, greatly confused by the question.         “You know, raising a child,” The Makuta replied happily, looking at the somewhat caught off guard expressions on his allies. “Boy, girl. Lazers, poison, I’m asking how good you are at raising someone or something?”             “Ummmm, I guess our parenting skills are Ok? I mean, we do lead an army. That's sorta like parenting, right? Just need to be a bit more….softer, or something?” Khârn replied.         “Precisely my friend!” Teridax agreed, now ready to ask his next of a series of questions. “Now what would you rather have, a daughter or son?”            “Umm, son?” Khârn answered.            “I'll go with a daughter, I guess.”  Rainborg shrugged.              “Hmm, I'd go with…..son.” Midnight replied.           “Daughter.” Ahriman stated.         “And what powers would you want them to have off?” Teridax asked, creating a projection of various powers to choose from for their ‘children’.           “Disintegration.” Rainborg shrugged.          “Uh, Adaptation?” Khârn guessed.          “Shapeshifting.” Midnight replied.         “Hunger.” Ahriman answered.         “Then sit back and watch me work my magic!” Teridax said pridefully, suddenly sticking his hand into his chest much to the surprise of his allies. Red eyes glowed all around them as the room suddenly darkened. Humming rung throughout the room as the nearly unseeable Makuta Ripped out an eel like creature from his chest. A dark glow came from the living creature as more of its kind soon slithered from under the feet of Ahriman and his group.         From the pool the silvery liquid seemed to come to life and a dark mist swirled with glee. Hissing came from the pool before armor shells soon rose from the ground. The eel like creatures made their way up into the armor as they slunk into their rightful place and the lifeless metal shells sprung to life.         The mist soon cleared itself and four confused Rahkshi stumbled as the light of the lava hit their eyes. The looked around the room, giving everything and everyone looks of interest as they saw for the first time.         “I would like you to meet your new children,” Teridax said happily, clapping his hands and the new Rahkshi stood in attention. “Would you like to say hello?”         “Uh...hi?” Khârn  waved. Everyone else did as well.         A black and purple Rahkshi eyed the warrior with interest before taking a step forward. It circled him as it tried to understand what exactly was happening. Realizing that he had forgotten to give them a brief idea on who the four were and what exactly was going on, Teridax quickly sent a packet of information into the minds of the Rahkshi.         “Greeting...father?” The creature asked, tilting its head as it addressed Khârn.             “Hi? Um, how are you?” The Khornate Berserker replied, slightly unsure as to what to do.         “Confused, but fine...are we going home?” It asked, the other Rahkshi soon greeting their new leaders. “Are we going to do something fun?”             “Probably…” Khârn shrugged.         “Well, with that introduction out of the way,” Teridax said, snapping his fingers and teleporting the Rahkshi back to Ahriman’s universe. “Now there’s one last thing...you wanted to talk to me about something else, Ahriman?”               “Ah, yes. I almost forgot. Rainborg, please open up The Factory.” Ahriman turned to the cyan mare, who nodded before pulling out the cube again. Moments later, said cube became a door. “Please, follow me.” Ahriman stepped through the door.         “Alright then!” Teridax shrugged, walking in behind Ahriman.            When he stepped through, he found himself in a massive factory, with assembly lines producing various pieces for weapons and cybernetic parts. Mechanical arms picked at the items, either putting new parts on, or to remove bits that were faulty.            “This Factory is our main source of weapons, ammunition, and armor.” Ahriman explained, walking along one of the assembly lines. “We have templates for special weapons, allowing us to mass produce them. Perhaps we can  trade a few of these templates. It would certainly assist in defences.”         “Interesting,” Teridax mused as he watched the factory at work. “What would you want in return for these templates?”             “Well, for the templates, plus the materials or equipment required to harvest the materials, I would like to experiment with protodermis. Perhaps even create a protosteel weapon.” Ahriman suggested.         “Ah, so you’ve taken an interest in the protodermis?” Teridax asked, although he wasn’t surprised that such a rare metal would gather the interest of others. “I’d be more then happy to work with you in such a trade, although I do warn you that protodermis is extremely dangerous to work with, and the metal is hard to craft.”            “I understand.” Ahriman nodded. “I have dealt with many dangerous materials before, and this might prove to be a good challenge.”         “Then we are at an agreement,” Teridax nodded, though he carried a mournful tone in his voice. “This has been quite the experience for me, you being the first Displaced I’ve ever met. Do call on me should you need assistance!”             “Sure. And don't  be afraid to call upon us should you need our help once again.” Ahriman replied, holding his hand out.         “Well then I guess this goodbye, Ahriman,” Teridax said as they walked out of the factory and then addressing the others. “It was a pleasure to meet all of you, do stay safe in the multiverse. There are many out there that are rather rash when meeting others apparently, although you have already encountered such beings.”            “Unfortunately.” Ahriman  sighed, following the Makuta out.         “The shadows do not judge actions, they only hide those who need aid,” Teridax said, giving them a nod. “Good, Evil, Neutral, all will be protected by my shadows. Our contract is complete, Ahriman, good luck and may whatever you worship give you the strength you need.”             “Thanks.” Ahriman said as  him and his group vanished.         Letting out a sigh, Teridax walked over to his throne and took a seat. Absorbing Nightmare Moon had been strenuous, even with her willingness. He tapped his foot as the gears in his head turned, his magic table and a piano spring up from the ground via his shadows.         As he walked over to play the keys of his musical instrument, his shadows had the table project a violent war taking far off in the multiverse. Humming to himself, he sat down and played the wooden piano as he intently watched the scenes of the battle play out. Nightmare’s know how of the stars had allowed him to have access to a mental map of his universe, and being able to navigate through other universes as well...he was unsure what could have happened should the chaotic version of himself had continued the dangerous spell, but Ahriman and his group were tough. “We’ll meet again, eventually…” Teridax hummed as he played an old song he had learned a while ago from Ember Root, turns out she was skilled with the instrument and wanted him to pick up where he left off when learning on Earth. The room darkened as the shadowy being continued his song, the night continued and the entire island was asleep.